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49623626 No.49623626 [Reply] [Original]

Can make $90k working in IT if I move (back) to california from florida where I make $75k. It's a step up even after taxes, I prefer the climate (it's in the mountains), and I have a lot of family close to the area. The problem is the fucking rents are almost double what I'm currently paying. This shit is insane. Is it even worth it? It's not a bad career move either since I'll lead a team of engineers as opposed to having to jerk off my lead.

If nothing else post Nat.

>> No.49623661

Are you conservative or a stupid fucking liberal?

>> No.49623698
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Go back

>> No.49623754

I unironically want no federal government and everything legalized. Voting is gay anyways
You guys invited me years ago. Besidds it's pride month :^)

>> No.49623866

You already know your answer, is being around friends and family worth the extra living cost?

Also you can get a place with multiple bedrooms and have roomates, if you know people in the area.

Also sounds like the other company you will have a better job. Your choice.

>> No.49623877

>Henry the Homo
It *is* pride month after all
>I want to come back to California
why would you come back to a state that is undergoing some serious market declines and could end up with massive real estate lags where if you were to get a place now, it'll end up being a rip off and you'll have to find yet another place after another.
>Is there an upside?
There is and it's simply that there's more money circulating within the states economy. It's a matter of looking at it like this: which state has a bigger economy? What state has more opportunities that don't require having to compete more than what is necessary because of aforementioned. It's a trade off you see?
>The weather is nice
Yeah it's why I'm willing to stick it out here and have every other Ameri-faggot to just whine and bitch their way out of the state San Francisco can be a lot of things to a lot of people so it just boils down to how you make of it

>> No.49623982

Will you have more money left over at the end of each month even after higher cost of living? If no, is it worth it anyway (you'll be happier, future career prospects are better, etc)?

Those are the two questions you should answer.

>> No.49623997

if you have good career trajectory from being a lead, and there's family there, i don't see why you're too stuck on this. and that's not something i generally say about california.
part of this is that florida is pretty fucked right now too from real estate being a complete bubble. no, sorry, florida salaries don't support normal houses being a million dollars. at least in california the fundamentals sort of support it in some places.
your higher salary should at least cover the difference in rent for now.

>> No.49624002

hohol lies
mommy would never say that

>> No.49624066

I only live in CA because I live rent free with my parent while making 90k in IT.

>> No.49624084

Are you me 4 years ago?

>> No.49624118

>It's a step up even after taxes,
no it actually isn't
but yes please move back to California

>> No.49624150

kill yourself

>> No.49624287

>no it actually isn't
How so? I've heard enough out of state people say that and never go over the math except "Because it's higher taxes" as sole principal argument when in fact there are tons of loopholes that will allow you get away with not paying a whole lot even when making $30K north of the $56K federal line for graduating to the middle class. Who can say that it's harder would be sole-proprietary business owners. But in OP's case, he works for someone else all the time so he's good to make something decent after taxes.

>> No.49624466

No, Florida girls are hotter and easier and your actions should be guided by pussy

>> No.49624861

She is so cute omg

>> No.49624887

No. You'd spend more to live in commiefornia.

I went from FL to west coast for 150k, left 65k, this was 2015. I'm sorry you're late to the party anon.

oh yeah, bought two houses too - they're both worth a million each, im litereally stuck.