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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 200x200, neo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4961685 No.4961685 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUCK is its problem?

Is it ever going to recover, EVER?

>> No.4961700
File: 25 KB, 342x359, 1354024529216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the bags getting heavy yet?

>> No.4961797


This coin and Omisego can suck my fucking dick. Only other coins to burn me worse were Litecoin that was stagnant for months and Stellar Lumens that dumped for no fucking reason after the IBM announcement.

>> No.4961822

Stellar is unreasonably low now. It's coming up.

>> No.4961883


I'm not jumping back on now that it's worth nearly double the price I paid for it originally. It lost me over 40% just like LTC did when it went from $90 to $50. Why can't any of these fucking coins just keep pumping like BTC.

>> No.4961916

Reminder that NEO was called Antshares and it had and ANT for a logo, like Bitbean has a bean.

>> No.4961973

Because alts can be a rough market, it's wild west. My strategy is invest in the alts I believe in and hold. There's surprisingly few alts that are promising, and stellar is one of them in my opinion. I bought it at around 0.13 $, so pretty high, and I still have a lot of faith in it. The majority of alts are scams and hype that won't last. Neo and OMG kinda showed signs of that - Neo is centralized and OMG is just another ERC20 token that had only a marginal shot of succeeding, still it was priced high as fuck.

>> No.4961996

Its called consolidation faggots. You bought at the wrong time, keep holding Q1 / Q2 will see big rises for these coins.

>Close work with Chinese gov & ontology

>Plasma scaling, own blockchain

>> No.4962051


I've been holding NEO and OMG for months. I could have made more jumping into Powerledger and REQ and Vertcoin and everything else instead of sitting here with my thumb up my ass while OMG and NEO make shitty announcements and announcements of announcements.

>> No.4962067

I know, you bought at the wrong time, you ignorant, stupid, illiterate fuck. Read what I wrote.

>> No.4962096

>Neo is centralized
It's not the point of NEO not to be, you donkey

>> No.4962108


I've been holding for nearly half a year you inbred faggot. Half a year is an eternity in cryptoland. Keep defending these garbage coins though you braindead cunt.

>> No.4962406

Jesus Christ the stupidity in this thread is unbelievable. Bunch of ADD retards who buy after a huge rise and expect to constantly be rewarded with 10% increases each day. Just look at the companies and apps working with NEO now, take 1 fucking look at the subreddit or the shit on twitter. Anyone with half a brain cell would then realize how fucking valuable this asset is.

The problem with most people on biz is that you all chase quick pumps, and a ton of you get burnt trying to day trade. Just buy the shit the has the best tech, ecosystem, partnerships, etc (NEO, and some others) and hold it.

>> No.4962412

But if your crypto is centralized, what's the point of using it over one regular database?

>> No.4962571

Can you blame them when other coins rise 10% every day?

>> No.4962716
File: 24 KB, 326x236, 14969181969693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you even use crypto then. Have we come full circle?

>> No.4962757

It will get there with time, it's just not yet

>> No.4962792
File: 52 KB, 796x413, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half a year is an eternity in crypto

See, this is where all you retarded, impatient, instant gratification-seeking children are always wrong. Most of the people who have "made it" in crypto held onto a promising project for several YEARS while it would go up and down 10-20x, but they never sold until they were up 100x or more. You know you could have picked almost any of the top 20 coins at the beginning of 2016, put $1000 in, and you'd be a millionaire now if you just held for 2 full years.

For example, if you put $1000 into NXS in Jan 2016, then sold at its most recent peak, you'd have about 540 bitcoins. Keep chasing pumps and hating yourself for selling too early or buying too late though.

>> No.4962828

This. Fucking idiots in this space

>> No.4962836


>then sold at its most recent peak

Yeah if only we all knew exactly when a coin has peaked you fucking imbecile. Neck yourself you moron.