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File: 1.71 MB, 1848x1039, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4961249 No.4961249 [Reply] [Original]

There are people out there will tens of thousands or even 100k bitcoins. If bitcoin ever gets to a million were talking about people with a net worth of over a trillion dollars. This is 10x the net worth of Bizos the richest man in the world. Do we really see this as a possibility? Seems highly unlikely that the top 500 richest people in the world are going to get BTFO'd by some bitcoin hodlers....

>> No.4961267

It won't even hit 20k

>> No.4961283
File: 13 KB, 200x233, 1512704370693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will hit 21k today.
screencap this

>> No.4961287
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They will be, anon

>> No.4961296

Even if bitcoin maintains value the its inevitable thanks to inflation.

Trillionaires will be a reality one day for the same reason.

>> No.4961309

No, it can not.
People that are entering the market now will cash out in 3-4 months, tops, and they will have to sell their BTC because they can't purchase things with them.
Ultimately, that is what will bring prices to a crash.

>> No.4961342

100,000BTC x 1million = 100 billion if I'm not mistaken?

>> No.4961357

It can but not anytime soon.

Don't forget about inflation. The dollar loses value every year.

Here you can look at historic inflation rates https://inflationdata.com/Inflation/Inflation/DecadeInflation.asp

That means that in 20 years the dollar could be worth just 50% of what it is now. There will be non-bitcoin trillionaires by then because rich people have ways to get richer. So even if Bezos or Gates isn't a trillionaire by then, someone else will be.

On the way to 1 million dollar it's extremely likely that anyone with over 100k bitcoins will either SELL some of it, die or somehow have lost the privatekey.

There might be one or two individuals who still have 100k or more, but these will be unable to sell for 1 million each, the moment they move it and don't burn at least 25% of their coins they will crash the price.

Maybe they're better off making money by shorting and moving their money.

>> No.4961366


>> No.4961393

You should realise that Bezos is actually really far from the wealth people had in history.
People like Stalin owned literally 10% of the world's net worth.

The wealthiest man in history is Mansa Musa, and he made his fortune by owning a large share of a highly demanded currency, gold.
He basically was worth many trillions.
Julius Caesar was worth what you can estimate at 4.6 trillions of current dollars.

But I don't think btc will go to 1M, 100-200k why not.
And they will cash out a part or donate, like all rich people do nowadays.
I guess they'll give their coins directly though.

>> No.4961403

Satoshi is estimated to have 1million coins. Also there is a BCH wallet with 350k coins. Basically if you held a lot of BTC and then you sold your BTC for BCH at 1:10 or 1:15 ratio and then a flippening does actually happen you will have more money than god.

Bitcoin hitting a million goes so far beyond some NEETs making a few million dollars. Were talking about a change in the entire power structure of the world. It is hard to imagine something like that actually happening.

>> No.4961460
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Is it even possible to cash out that much BTC?
If I had 1BTC and it reached $1M, would I even be able to convert that into USD without getting fucked in some way?

>> No.4961493

A few people being worth 100 billions won't change shit.
Bezos is that rich because Amazon changed the world, it's not his wealth who changed the way people buy things and made thousands of shops have to close.

>> No.4961505

That's all hypothetical, but granted Satoshi's estimated 1 million coins would do it.

I'd stop worrying about what may or may not happen and just strap in for the ride. Whether you can imagine it or not is irrelevant.

>> No.4961528

>If I had 1BTC and it reached $1M, would I even be able to convert that into USD without getting fucked in some way?
By the time you cash it, you'll have shit on the price of it midway through. (given the limits and transaction time)
Bitcoin community is way too small and volatile for it to be feasible.
And nobody will let you take it all out at once.

There could be some way to do it. But I obviously wouldn't say it, that would be dumb.
It'd be very hacky and require fairly precise timing to pull off properly.
It would almost certainly fail even then. Would probably lose around 60+% of the value you had.

>> No.4961542

Bezos is rich because he jews off his workers inability to stand up against his shitty practices.
People with no backbone are the reason the global economy is so scummy.
Fuck him and Amazon.

>> No.4961549

That's gay. Wouldn't you be able to take out $1000 a day or would that still not work?

>> No.4961555

They were rulers of an empire, with their wealth tied up in that empire. You might as well say Trump or whoever rules China is the richest person alive.

>> No.4961570

This. I'd wager 35k today and 60k after CME

>> No.4961582
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There are billionaires/millionaires, who got their money
>Using illegal ways
>Luck/skill on stock markets
Why not cryptocurrency?

>> No.4961615

what the fuck man you don't know shit

even now 1M is only 66btc, just on bitfinex it's the volume of around 70 seconds.
There are spikes of 2000+ btc in a 5 minute timeframe.

Or you can do that on gdax, which volume is 900 millions $ a day just for btc, then cash out 10k a day via coinbase. It'll take you 100 days.

If btc was 1M then of course the markets would be so huge that it would be even easier.

>> No.4961635


Do bear this in mind - it's only plebs who get listed as the world's richest people - the trillionaires hide how much money they have.

>> No.4961642

Exactly. I honestly can't tell if people are trolling or retarded.

>> No.4961646

read this post >>4961615

1 million is nothing for coinbase, you could sell for 10 millions of bitcoin on bitfinex and coinbase without dropping the price at all if you take a few hours, then when you're in usdt/euros you can get this money quickly if you cash out with different places.

>> No.4961808


>> No.4961843
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>> No.4961865

>ken bitzcoin relally hit 1 bazillion?
this green creature says yes

>> No.4961875

By the time we have BTC trillionaires, crypto is replacing world currency. They wouldn't cash that out.

>> No.4961902

Satoshi will never sell those coins even if he is alive, it would crash the bitcoin price the moment it moves.

>> No.4961910

Good point.

Good it feels good to argue about the impact of futures all weekend just to be vindicated

>> No.4961914

How would someone cash out 1 trillion? I don't think any exchange has that much money.

>> No.4963018

Bitcoin could easily become worth 1 million on paper, but mostly as a weird function of demand and ACTUAL coins available for circulation and not tied up in lost wallets. That and withdrawal limits and bitcoin millionaires lack of desire to put that money in to other assets means this stuff could go up for a long time. Potentially forever if this stuff makes its way in to retirement vehicles and people just automatically buy it as part of their retirement planning.

Kind of depends on if Bitcoin ever just falls out of style. I mean if the gains slow down and people stop buying, then we could get a feedback loop that does the opposite of what it does now. I mean if bitcoin were to slowly lose half its value over the year, and continued for year after year because no one wants to buy something that will lose them money, it could collapse as easily as it shot up.

I don't know that BTC will go up forever, but crypto will probably stick around forever in some form or other, just because it actually is a very nice way to represent ownership in something. I mean it's way easier to use than all the bullshit that goes in to owning stocks, and the various features that can be implemented like anonymity with Monero means it will always have room to do something new.

>> No.4963767


they won't be 'cashing out'

>> No.4963997

Because that are just single or separate instances mostly.

>> No.4964254

You will end up owning $60000000 worth of BitCoin, but will be unable to get even half of that in actual usable real life money.

>> No.4964259

yeah there would be plenty of ways to buy all sorts of shit for BTC if it was really 1 million. even at 100k there will be tons more people accepting BTC as payment.

>> No.4964324
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I think with normies and companies rushing in it will skyrocket in 2018 and possibly hit above 100k.
With Lightning network in developlment I'm sure it's going to be faster.
I tried it and it works but needs more work.

If bitcoin becomes fast with new layers like Lightning, why would anyone use shitcoins for transaction in first place ?

>> No.4964344
File: 41 KB, 400x416, 1512054378137[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is now a good time to buy BitCoin or should I want for a crash? I've got nothing.

>> No.4964356

It barely happens, but with us, you can make a profits to some degree.

D.VA Pump & Signal
We are telling you with numbers.
[Profit table]
XMR +25%
BCH 1st +10%, 2nd +10%, 3rd +15%
KYC +8%
ARK +15%
NEO -8%
OMG +20%
DASH +166%
ZEC +12%
Wavers +45%
EMC2 +30% (12.01)
TIX +48% (12.02)
REP +35%(12.03)
OMG +10%(12.05)
IOTA +60%(12.06)
QTUM +55%(12.07)
BCH +30%(12.08)

>> No.4964368
File: 3.37 MB, 320x226, 1512863517973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna hit 58 and then pull back to 32 then go back up to 79 by the end of the year. Screencap this i'm a retard.

>> No.4964389

>cash out 10k a day via coinbase

That's illegal dummy. Google Structuring

>> No.4964432
File: 531 KB, 665x598, 1512995331721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think there will be a dip after 25k mark but imo, this is going up and you'll make a profit either way. Buy some now and add on later.

>> No.4964436

The ultimate "get fucked" tool used to break the system, just for the keks.

>> No.4964474

wait for it to dip to 15-16k then buy

>> No.4964499

What's the best exchange currently to even cash this out? And coinbase with all its lag and volume wouldn't be good for this. You'll get stuck without being able to make a transaction

>> No.4964533

THEY DONT YOU FUCKING MORON, you dont see bill gate cashing out his stocks. Ask me how i know your poor

>> No.4964544

I dont see much of bill gates anymore tbqfh senpai

>> No.4964547

>he wants to cash out to fiat, that looses value every second
>not paying for your ice cream 8k$ tx fee

>> No.4964611

"Its a bubble"
>hits one million
"Good luck with your bubble suckers!"
This will actually happen.

Pretty sure its going to be viewed as the new gold. A way to park wealth. If it starts getting used for trading oil then it's definitely going to moon hard and find some ridiculously high new normal.

>> No.4964638

>a way to park wealth
>price goes up and down by hundreds of percentages

>> No.4964689

>Pretty sure its going to be viewed as the new gold. A way to park wealth.

I can park my wealth in other coins that can do shit too. This is the nature of the bubble here people.

Most dumbasses are still arguing against the bubble stuff like its a bunch of nocoiners FUD and FOMOing over crypto in general.

Problem is, this bubble argument is that Bitcoin is a shitcoin and the bubble deflates when motherfuckers start realizing you can buy shit with it when they want to be buying shit with it.

Clocks ticking fuckers.

>> No.4964713

theyre not going to realise this until well into next year

>> No.4964715

not 100K

kys. buttcoin fagg. ETH is the future!

>> No.4964716

uh huh. have fun parking your wealth in DGB dude.

>> No.4964722
File: 11 KB, 285x210, Doubletop[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture is an economics schoolbook example for double top.

>> No.4964727

so short it with 100x leverage, and post screen shot

>> No.4964759

1 million bitcoin does seem pretty outlandish. 100k bitcoin is the real question

>> No.4964761

I could convert it all to gold coins, with free delivery, right now.
This argument about being able to spend it is like arguing about being able to spend stocks. Just go fucking cry in the corner and let the adults have a conversation.

>> No.4964789
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>> No.4964832

>crypto currency
>can't be used as currency
>the only reason its worth anything is because people think it will be the currency of the future

When they realize its dropping. Tulip mania.

>> No.4964848
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>what is currency

>> No.4964852
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> hurrr bubble
> drops from 1.3k to 200$
> heh bubble exploded, stay mad bois
> it goes back up
> hurrr its a bubble you cucks

What will actually happen

> hits millions
> bubbles
> goes back to half value of all time high
> stabilizes

>> No.4964853

I bet people still talk about tulips when Bitcoin tops $1B around 2040

>> No.4964854

On a sidenote, who else is loving the BTC stability? It's fantastic finally the market gets spread out more.

>> No.4964871

More like $600

>> No.4964934

how's your short coming along? waiting on that screen shot, mr. double top.

>> No.4964954


Nobody knows what a Bitcoin dominated world after the flippening will look like.
Who knows when the richest will cash out.

I would accept my grandleaders multitrillionaires Winkelvoss Twins though.
I want them to buy Facebook and just shut it down out of spite.

>> No.4964987

The problem with BTC is that its value is entirely a function of how much people want it. With gold, even if everyone suddenly decided it was worthless and a complete shitmineral, it would still exist. It would still have useful physical properties, even if it were just used for cheap Chinese goods, you could still use it for something, it will always be worth something. Not so with bitcoin. If everybody decided bitcoin was worthless, it would be worthless. You can't use it for anything, it's not even convenient to transfer.

>> No.4965002

Using this logic, invest in sand. Sand will always be used for construction. It won't go bad. There is only so much of it around. No need to refrigerate it. Nobody will steal your sand.

>> No.4965085


Cost Average m8.
Buy volatile assets you expect to go up in the long run regularly in small amounts.
That way you buy dips if it goes down, but you don't miss the gains. That way you don't need to worry about the perfect time to get in.
You can't catch up to the profits of someone who went all in at 1000, but you'll still make decent money

>> No.4965089

They don't

>> No.4965106

>round. No need to refrigerate it. Nobody will steal your sand.
A sand Quarry would be valuable though

>> No.4965165

Construction sand is actually a practical way of storing wealth, as long as you have space for it. You can't simply use any kind of sand, though.

>> No.4965177

Sand is too common. Using that logic I'm better of investing in Ripple

>> No.4965264

Who cares how common it is, when:
1. Its a limited amount.
2. We are using it up, so the total amount is reduced.
3. We are using more of it, not less.

>> No.4965363

With this Futures shit can we say goodbye to 20% overnight increases in price? I don't understand anything

>> No.4965473


It actually might drive up the price even more as Future holders are forced to buy at any price at a certain date.

>> No.4965618

It's only illegal if you do it to avoid scrutiny.

>> No.4965763

Satoshi will donate all his coins to Daily Stormer this Christmas
(screencap this)

>> No.4965891
File: 71 KB, 250x252, 1512877849085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satoshi is new emperor of earth. we will all be crushed like grape.

>> No.4965974

Only way if Bitcoin hits one million is if everyone starts paying taxes on it. The world powers will definitely want all the tax evading millionaires' and billionaires' heads on a platter. I'm talking violent raids. You have to be really naive to think people with current power will do nothing and watch Bitcoin hit a million.

>> No.4966026
File: 15 KB, 225x225, CHAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satoshi cashes out all btc into non japanese currency
>Satoshi is the japanese government
>japanese government uses their new reserves of foreign currency to invest into japan, pay of debts and start the second japanese economic miracle

>> No.4966221


Satoshi is the Cthulu of Bitcoin. We must all hope that he doesn't exist and doesn't move or it's all over