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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49610544 No.49610544 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49610558

How long until his citizens behead him? He bankrupted his entire country...

>> No.49610579

well, time for civil war part 2

>> No.49610580

will his bitcoin island ever get finished

>> No.49610584

When he's confirmed dead by an angry mob is when I start buying.

>> No.49610591
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It’s over

>> No.49610594

Inb4 Slavadorean civil war started by CIA and we get refugees out the ass

>> No.49610600

El Slurpinator

>> No.49610605

He gambled his entire country and lost.

>> No.49610607

>tried to save his country by using volcanos to solve math problems

what a fucking idiot. never trust a leb.

>> No.49610672

all the latest illegal migrants are from central america

>> No.49610693

Will kek if bitcoin recovers and this guy manages to buy even more before that. All noggers on this board will seethe like fucking anglos they are.

>> No.49610720

>vote for a Socialist
>he bankrupts your country in the dumbest possible way

>> No.49610735

He'll just move to Miami

>> No.49610762

Why you don't elect populists

>> No.49610772

The migrant caravan just got 3000 yards longer

>> No.49610815

we got that the war would slow it down at this point

>> No.49610886

lol this

>> No.49610976

do you realize only a few % of their reserve is in btc?
i know biz is full of retards but this is another level
btw i'm a bear, don't miscolor me to seem less retard
captcha: KYSFG

>> No.49610975
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>Nayib Bukele

>> No.49611164

I know, but you can't deny the fact that he is running out of money to invest in BTC.

>> No.49611210


>> No.49611234

This guy ran as a free market entrepreneur.

>> No.49611255

he will hang together with Saylor. they will make a fine duo , their dead bodies swining in the wind from a tree in a synchonric fashion. A true spectacle to behold. let this be a lesson /biz/ this is what happens to crypto retards

>> No.49611294
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12 POINT 4

>> No.49611297

>Loses 10%+ of reserves in banana republic
Its fine surely they will just sell... ehhh uhhh bananas?

>> No.49611318

Saving more dry powder for lower levels. He is el presidente del slurpino

>> No.49611417

fucking retard
he lost 50% of a few %, ie literally nothing

>> No.49611487

/biz/ thinks everyone bag holds like them. You are supposed to take profits. Also why would you want use up all of you money in 1 buy at this time? no one can catch the falling knife, so DCA is your best bet here, which is what he's doing. It's easier to invest more in a bullrun than in a bearmarket

>> No.49611526
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>> No.49611702

The problem isn't just the direct financial losses. It shows that El Salvador is not interested in the financial health of their own country.
Why do you think their country's bonds pay soo much interest? Because no one is dumb enough to invest in a country where the political elite gambles money in a casino

>> No.49611708

The call that saved el slurpador

>> No.49611763

This nigga is so dead lol

>> No.49611801

>It shows that El Salvador is not interested in the financial health of their own country
well no it doesn't
the country is fucked anyway and the guy thinks his country (so him too) can become rich buying that
worse case scenario he's a retarded nigger but that doesn't show what you said

>> No.49611823

They weren't buying thousands. They were buying a hundred here and a hundred there. Highest I saw was 200 something coins. Liar.

>> No.49611849

It certainly sounds like he's desperate enough to make a last purchase in hopes that it pulls a Final Fantasy before the default deadline comes around.

>> No.49611882


>> No.49611942
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>mfw El Salvador was my exit liquidity

>> No.49611957

US economists have been speculating since the beginning of the year that, unless BTC pulls a phenomenal reversal before the end of the year, El Salvador is certainly gonna miss on the deadline and officially declare default.

>> No.49611961

What if it happens? What if Bitcoin goes the doge way and goes from your hypothetical 11.000 mark to 60.000 again, like in one month?
What would happen then?

>> No.49612006

He's probably gonna dump his bags and get the fuck out to a remote island because who the fuck would invest in a South American country.

>> No.49612062

>Ameritard education

>> No.49612075

I require an admin to pull the log on this post to confirm the captcha.

>> No.49612181

1% of the government budget.

>> No.49613070

>current leaders of a country use a small portion of its budget to buy meme internet coins
>mutts lose their minds
The absolute state of this board, i can understand if you are doing it only as a joke because you can't be this retarded.

>> No.49613729

(((US economists )))

>> No.49613920

he's gonna buy the mega dip and el salvador will be the next china by 2030, you will worship this king

>> No.49613967

BTC bonds
Basically he's going to print money out of thin air due to the state owned mining

>> No.49614005

You're defending a country which cucked its citizens from financial sovereignty forever and still keeps buying bonds to finance itself.

>> No.49614023

Look! He's smiling!!

>> No.49614138
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El Salvador will own nothing and be happy

>> No.49614251

what a dunce

>> No.49614399

I can't wait to see this annoying cunt get lynched by a horde of straving spics.

>> No.49614509

their flag is so based

>> No.49614602

>unironically posting twitter screenshots
>unironically posting twitter screenshots from a retard that bought the 2017 top and sold the bottom

>> No.49614674

kek, pupusas do chapulin

>> No.49615061
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He'd fit right in

>> No.49615377


>> No.49616216
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/biz/'s financial advisors:
>third worlder
>chinks who lock their exchanges

>> No.49616766

Native Americans were more pissed off than you when eruopean refugees came to America.

>> No.49616992
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>> No.49617308

They don't behead there, they will set him on fire and livestream it.