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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 199 KB, 662x341, coinmetro xcm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49605648 No.49605648 [Reply] [Original]

There’s little doubt the funk in the markets has spurred a “run-on-the-bank” scenario, said Kevin Murcko, the CEO and founder of Coinmetro, an exchange based in Estonia.

“I would like to believe that Celsius is merely facing a liquidity squeeze and will return to normal business operations in the near future,” Murcko told The Defiant. “However, if the issue is not resolved quickly, we might see another blow of confidence similar to the one that followed Terra ecosystem’s collapse.”


>> No.49606865

a lot of talk for someone that created a security token with no utility

>> No.49606937

prove it even exists... like on the blockchain., you cant take it off the exhange. not your keys...

>> No.49606966
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You didn't buy under 0.60, right? You missed out

>> No.49606973

bros i read this post >>49606937 and tried to sell but it won't go. not even market sell. wtf is going on

>> No.49606993
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No refunds

>> No.49607025

>you cant take it off the exhange

What do you mean you cant sell? The price is 0.60, that means the exchange buys it for 0.60.

>> No.49607065

you can take it out of the exchange

>> No.49607122

bros i bought coinmetro under 0.60 i can sell right??

>> No.49607137

I'm sorry you had to find out this way :(

>> No.49607251

i just messaged kev he said "lol bro i'm not buying that shit for 0.60 enjoy the bag fag"

>> No.49607333

when i log into coinmetro it just says diamond hands mode has been activated

>> No.49607499
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>hurr durr I can't sell

>> No.49607560

last time you linked the dollar

>> No.49607931


>> No.49607974
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>> No.49608089
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>laugh at Celsius hodl mode meme
>it's based when Coinmetro does the same thing

Stop trying to get baggies to sell below the floor.

>> No.49608477

she looks so happy

>> No.49608515

once the first 1-year staking plans end, there will be so many millions of XCM piling up in sell orders at 60 cents that it'll be absolutely impossible to sell for years unless Kevin resets the floor to something reasonable 20 cents or something. Better get out now while there's still a little bit liquidity left

>> No.49608706

B-b-but muh free money and risk free XCM long...

>> No.49609610
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USD real one RUGGING

>> No.49609623

CM didn't institute the price floor to give you risk-free longs, they did it because they had just purchased several million XCM @ 60 cents that had been instantly devalued by the dump to 20 cents. The price floor was a desperate measure to try and squeeze a bit more cash out of all that XCM before they're forced to file for bankruptcy.

>> No.49609655
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/cm/ is doing well financially

>> No.49609707

b-bros i am getting scared is this true? Please respond

>> No.49609725

yes, I'm sure people who draw >>>/cm/ porn are doing really well

>> No.49609755

Yes it's true, it's illegal for people who staked once to stake again

>> No.49609831

I forgot about this
why don't people just sell their xcm for eth where there's no price floor instead of crying that they can't sell?

>> No.49609843
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s-stakes can be withdrawn rn with only a smol fee so its not relevant
if kevin removes the 0.6 price floor it will signal investors that not only those are meaningless, but even 0.2 etc can be removed. i-it would be financial suicide

>> No.49609986

>can't afford to pay out FLUX rewards because the staking programs aren't profitable
>volumes going down week by week
>have to do fundraise after fundraise to try and prolong the time until the exchange's inevitable doom
>somehow doing well financially

>> No.49610074
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>>can't afford to pay out FLUX rewards
Flux just isn't printing money anymore and cm operates at net 0 I guess whatever It's called
>>volumes going down week by week
Volumes used to be less than your net worth and cm still survived
>>have to do fundraise after fundraise
They get funding after funding even in a bear market, dare I say bullish.
>>somehow doing well financially

>> No.49610583

norvegian poster where are you

>> No.49610670
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what is it like living somewhere, where it doesn't get dark in the summer, I would kill myself I think

>> No.49610780

mate they used to live month to month in 2019 but they pulled through. now they have funds for like 18 months, and theyre still fundraising and getting more and more money

youre just jealous you didnt get buy cheap equity when u had the chance

>> No.49610786

I'm gonna to watch midsommar now

>> No.49610999

holy shit what a start

>> No.49611030

I would kill to have always daytime i fucking hate darkness and the night

>> No.49611073

Even warm comfy nights? I fully agree if you're talking about cold dogshit nights

>> No.49611188

Warm nights are comfy, but where i live most of the nights are cold and windy, even in summer. Some years we get lucky and we have a few weeks of warm nights. But the daytime at midnight in the arctic circle is kind of an twilight, really creepy i looked it up. No wonder swedes all turn out to be trannies in that unlivable shithole.

>> No.49611392
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That does suck, I thought you hated the nighttime for other reasons, good thing it's a normal reason. For me it should be cold at night but global warming is making it so it's warm in the summer which is nice. But all other times sucks, it's not crazy cold just annoyingly cold.
I want to live in a comfy beach town that would be sick, meet a cute tomboy, fall in love

anyway I just realized I'm watching a fucking horror movie on my own just because I had a quick autistic thought about day/night-times in sweden/norwegen.. well at least you guys are here to hold me haha

>> No.49611746

Can I buy for 60 cents or is nobody selling?

>> No.49611906

Global warming is a VC scam.

>> No.49611960
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VCs are scamming comfy summer nights into existence? Why would they do such a thing

>> No.49612023

Är du galen?
Of course nobody is selling the literal bottom.

>> No.49612048

To get grants for windmills and solar panels that cost more energy to make than they produce before breaking down and to pump their EV stocks.

>> No.49612243

I'm gonna short TSLA now (in my mind)

>> No.49612288

I trust Celsius with my money.

>> No.49612305

dude do you want to buy a bridge?? I have a really fucking nice bridge you need to see it

>> No.49612320
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Forgot my research picture.

>> No.49612345

Why anon? You don't think it makes perfect sense for Tesla stock to be worth more than every other car company combined when they don't even have a monopoly on electric vehicles. You think you have realized something millions of incestors haven't?

>> No.49612508
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>You think you have realized something millions of incestors haven't?
Don't make fun of me I am the bestest investor in the world

>> No.49612607 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 1014x1024, 1504378197527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I will never ever be an incestor

>> No.49612682

holy shit they jumped off a fuckign cliff aaaaaaaa

>> No.49612913
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>> No.49612960

I am watching the movie now too. It's so weird when i was younger i could watch all the gore and horror stuff now stuff like that freaks me out fugg :D

>> No.49613001
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yay we are like movie bros now

>> No.49613447
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I'm gonna put on Midsommar too

>> No.49613595

just to be clear, I'm just fudding for fun. XCM will be well above 1 Euro EOY.

>> No.49613630
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I dunno if anyone here thought otherwise. Are there really people who didn't buy in at 0.02 - 0.04?

>> No.49613844

man FUCK sweden

>> No.49613861
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>> No.49614442

What if the real pricefloor was the friends we made along the way?

>> No.49614488

please keep quiet in the movie theater

>> No.49614538

*quietly masturbates

>> No.49615276
File: 454 KB, 498x403, menhera-eating-popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy your presence. Why not watch the movie with us?

>> No.49615517
File: 86 KB, 1920x1080, Byw8mR8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i am utterly terrified by anything horror related

>> No.49616202

when i came to the incest and pedo parts of the movie i googled who made it

every. single. time.

>> No.49616333
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>> No.49616510

cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

>> No.49616517

Picked up.

>> No.49616775
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21 BTC = 708,846 XCM