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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49604889 No.49604889 [Reply] [Original]

So, how much are you out today, /biz/
I just want to feel a bit better about others losing more than me

>> No.49604919

I'm still holding Doge and Dogbat. I took a big hit today.

>> No.49606487

Down £90

>> No.49607807

today, just $400. past few months? around 9-10Gs

>> No.49608044

down 15% on BTC. Thats -$6,000 so far.Just going to hold at this point. Still in profit range since I got it in 2019.

>> No.49608100

For the week I'm down 27%. Thats $12,000 so far.

>> No.49608188

Got in at the beginning of May, down about 15k

>> No.49608256
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0.00 I didnt sell

>> No.49608291
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zero, I buy land

>> No.49608557

Lol. I sold at the top to baggies like you. I'm waiting till it bottoms out before buying again. But in the meantime, I'm looking to explore the world of metaverse and NFTs with the Sports Metaverse.

>> No.49608614

Where are you buying.

>> No.49608665

None. Ive literally never bought a stock or crypto or bonds or yields or any of that kike shit in my entire life, and never will. Propping up the system by trying to beat the system is an excersize in retardation.

I put my money in precious metals (ammo), guns, rice and beans. Currency is your god, and generating it is your religion...further enslaving us all. And your sins are about to find you out. May you all burn in hell with the kikes who created this slave system

>> No.49608843

Nothing :) sold everything few months ago and waiting for the dip

>> No.49608977

Rural areas in the south a few hours from a decent sized city is good. Prices have doubled in the span of a year

>> No.49609023

If you're weren't shorting btc since december you're an idiot

>> No.49609073

Stay out Yankee. Keep your fucking hand rubbing to your god damn self you greedy piece of shit

>> No.49609083
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Very sad

>> No.49609112
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I had to sell several months ago due to financial hardship at the time after leaving one job
Couldn't be happier now, making like twice the money in my new position while the tokens I sold keep going down 300,400,500%
Big slurp soon

>> No.49609172

Down 30%, just in the past 24hrs alone, over the year? 40%, so I think I'm okay, just putting on the wagie hat, brb.

>> No.49609265

just 7% YTD. Still 13% in profit but that will evaporate soon. I'm not worried though, DCA all day, might even throw a few G's in at the bottom.

>> No.49609300

>while the tokens I sold keep going down 300,400,500%
a token cannot go down more than 100% retard.

>> No.49609458

I started crypto in June of 2021. I'm down -60%, at a loss of about $10,000

>> No.49609478
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too late

>> No.49609542

Lmao that's a sweet free market you got there, thank god us yankees are free to push your real estate sky high and fill it with instagram farm yuppies and diversity. Imagine if there was some sort of horrible law requiring you to live a certain portion of the year in any property you owned, then yankees couldn't ruin the peaceful and scenic rural south! Thankfully any regulation on how we spend money would be dirty communism, not tolerated in this lovely land of freedom.

>> No.49609570

Your sins will find you out. Just because your greed is going unchecked now, doesnt mean it always will. You will repayed 10 fold for what you have done. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon.

>> No.49609584

I lost everything guys. I got liquidated. I never thought btc would drop lower than 25k ever again. i have to sell my house. my wife is going to kill me...

>> No.49609638

Lmao we havent had a fucking free market since the Civil War. And we darn sure arent a capitalist society. Fuck yourself. I cant wait to see you all burn in hell

>> No.49609748
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>> No.49609869

It's a good one. I read that ex premier league stars Shawn Wright Philips and Jordan Stewart have already bought a plot each in the Sports Metaverse.

>> No.49610096

Down 10k or so

>> No.49610180

I'm talking about percentages of my original buy in prices, retard

>> No.49611007

5 grand today.

>> No.49611071

i lost about $4k when it first went sub 35k, and i sold everything. was able to make back about $500 betting on the fluctuations between 28k and 31k. overall lost about $3.5k

>> No.49611833




>> No.49611926
File: 15 KB, 244x206, 1652122878695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2k down, small baggie
can someone tell me the bottom is so that i can look and invest into a bunch of decent coins once we've gone full bottom - i want to put my money in some memecoin that's going to shoot up my bags and make me cooooom real fast maybe like qom or vinu or anything else

>> No.49611970
File: 67 KB, 1080x689, FUgqrp1VEAAlFFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost about $1600
>I didn't have much invested in it anyways
>401k is invested in Globohomo take-over-the-world companies like Blackrock & Vanguard.
Either Globohomo wins and I win, or Crypto wins and I win big. Not sure if this is a valid outlook to have but it's the one that I have.

>> No.49612014


lol retard

>> No.49612053

Nothing. I sold months ago. I actually made $4k today swinging.

>> No.49612081


>> No.49612147

Are you from Alabama? If so fucking die in a fire. If not, carry on.

>> No.49612272

Put in about 17k, down to about 6k in unrealized losses. I’m planning to hold until the next cycle.

>> No.49612373

Nice larp. Post proof, you wont.

>> No.49612404

started with 32190... now have 13000

>> No.49613602

it sucks to feel better anon, fucking get used to loosing money or get used to grabbing some more ALBT in your bag.