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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 640x640, 1654130112575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49603148 No.49603148 [Reply] [Original]

Why did you spend all your money on internet coins?

>> No.49603169

they're easy to store

>> No.49603168

>Why yes, I am boosted.

>> No.49603180

I would

>> No.49603233
File: 149 KB, 698x920, 1653237310143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't, but I'm finna slurp this shit while the slurpins' good

>> No.49603245 [DELETED] 

imagine the nakadashi

>> No.49603358

is that monkey-pox or cigarette burns?

>> No.49603380

well a couple of beers, a blue one and then take the rear!

>> No.49603554

Kelly Ronahan

>> No.49603625

because fuck fiat
the market needs my support

>> No.49603635
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, 1652299501936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for your own mental hygiene i recommend that you do not look her up

>> No.49603677

It's ogre.

>> No.49603692

Do NOT look for the imgur with her pics.

>> No.49603698

da fuq

>> No.49603741

i did bro...i should have listend fuck me this bitch is a horror

>> No.49603854
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psht newfags

>> No.49603856

She is very upbeat and happy in all her photos

>> No.49604129
File: 65 KB, 400x400, 1317445788357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I think I should stop complaining on the anime website about my life now

>> No.49604208

So what was her condition? Was she diagnosed with something?

>> No.49604230

mental illness

>> No.49604316
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>> No.49604440

So In a few years from now, I'll be able to afford what I want including a gf. That's why I'm stacking good gems like EGLD and RIDE this dip. Since it is way cheap now.

>> No.49604466

genetic disorder where your immune system decides to attack your veins and shit

>> No.49604475

What the fuck? Why the fuck would someone do that?

>> No.49604529

I bought physical silver by selling Ethereum at 4k and got laughed at

>> No.49604625

I would still fuck her and I would glance at her scars when I'm about to come so I could last longer.

>> No.49604656
File: 545 KB, 966x900, 1643986659864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck why didn't I listen I thought you were just being a sally until I found the bad pics

>> No.49604776

well done bro
got in earlier but we wgmi!

>> No.49604844

damn bros, sometimes the human body can be fucking retarded

>> No.49604964

t-too late
Ugh I can handle some gore. I've spend years and years on this shithole. But this. WTF.
That bitch injected feces into her legs?
She's clearly demonically possessed.

>> No.49605043

>Kelly Ronahan
she did that? even better fap material. i love it!

>> No.49605087
File: 16 KB, 400x400, gBUVNH89_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a talking hat told me to do so

>> No.49605129

possible bee stings

>> No.49605172

I slurped into (credit card) debt since bitcoin was $60k kek.

>> No.49605255
File: 228 KB, 1678x2061, 1641177466914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women were a mistake

>> No.49605337
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I think I now support mental health expansion

>> No.49606126

Because I have made more money from the internet than most trannies out there. I'm sure my gains alone on RFOX will shut you up for good.

>> No.49606308

>That bitch injected feces into her legs?
what the fuck. why?

>> No.49606364

We used to have mental institutions to lock up these self harming crazies…thanks boomers for closing them all

>> No.49606607

>injecting shit into your legs
of course its a fucking american

>> No.49607026

Combination of
>severe mental illness
>attention seeking behavior
>American “health care”
>probably abused

>> No.49607180

Nah that was a myth created on the web
You get that shit with an auto-immune disease where your body decides the easiest way to fight inflammation is septis
You can see it more in 3rd world countries if you look around
She didn't help recovery by not leaving the skin grafts alone, but I guess your body rotting kinda makes u go insane, imagine experiencing the cabin fever movie irl

>> No.49607227

Lads, I'm seriously considering looking it up. But everyone is saying don't. Are people being pussies or is it really that bad?

>> No.49607304

It's gross but nothing any normie couldn't handle looking at.
>her scratching the fuck out of her half rotted leg
>why wound won't heal?!?

Bitch was literally fucking retarded and cross-eyed.

>> No.49607598

thats not nice how do you know she was larping and didnt have a real condition? no person could possibly do that on purpose, she guaranteed had a terrible auto immune condition from all the vaxs etc that are given at childbirth etc

>> No.49607801

she literally put shit in her wounds in order for it not to heal and once she got skin grafts she healed fast, not something autoimmune disease would allow

>> No.49608087

listen to this anon >>49603635

>> No.49608220
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>> No.49608273

this is what happens when you inject 50+ vaccines into a baby before they turn 5

>> No.49608312
File: 21 KB, 325x270, puking_can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49608356

Someone link the imgur gallery.

>> No.49608513

just do it. fap material of the ages and your mind needs to see this.

>> No.49608602

she made it all up, the doctors themselves said that they found her purposefully harming herself and then purposefully sabotaging their efforts to help her. she liked the outpouring of internet attention and decided to make herself as fucked up as humanly possible to generate endless sympathy. pure unbridled mental illness

>> No.49608718

It didn't really bother me that much, honestly.

>> No.49608894

Say no more senpai no cap

>> No.49608920

Ain't slurping anything for now. My priority is buying a plot in the sports metaverse in their upcoming sales. Maybe after that, I'll be open to slurping again.

>> No.49608931

Somewhere at the end of that imgur dump she pulls a fucking nerve out of her leg. That's not normal behavior.

>> No.49609627

Good fucking god i wish I had listened to these anons.
That was one of the most fucked galleries ive ever scrolled through.

>> No.49609775

Is this the bitch that was infecting herself for brownie points? So fucking crazy that she was activistly removing pieces of her legs? Weren't they amputated at one point?

>> No.49609906

A girl in my high school had a similar (but thankfully way way less severe) issue that she used to blame on an "auto immune" condition.
She always had open wounds on her legs, it was disgusting.
My friend dated her for awhile, and he found out it was all because she would scratch her own legs until they bled, and then pick the scabs off repeatedly and reopen the wounds.
Bitch was fucking insane.

>> No.49610156
File: 17 KB, 306x306, what the fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pic with the nerve

>> No.49610211

Because I thought line would go up

>> No.49610220

I'm ready

>> No.49610347

Kek she injected herself with poop.
Also what's with all the sissies?

>> No.49610737

Looks like DIC. She will lose her legs :c

>> No.49610939

Bruh she was clearly self harming and photoshopping pics to make stuff look worse. She WANTS to be physically ill because she’s mentally ill. People who want their own limbs gone commonly inject feces into them and it has the same effect. Go make a pubmed account and look it up. Explain how her mysterious “auto-immune disorder” was cured by chopping off her legs? Is it the same mechanism for which trannies are cured by chopping off their cock?

>> No.49611166

its not even bad, have you guys never been on /b/ or something

>> No.49611912

this. i havent looked at gore willingly in over 10 years, but i was expecting worse. there are some descriptions of gore videos that make my stomach churn or make my heart race. she just digs some holes into her skin

>> No.49612331

cartel videos changed everything, the worst part of this was her hairy scabs.

they did

>> No.49612727
File: 406 KB, 498x474, lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you deserve to be poor

>> No.49612996
File: 672 KB, 832x868, 1655162177418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because some poojeet told me to do the needful and buy. and now i can't redeem because KEKSIUS FREEZAGA'D MY SHIT! MOTHER GOD DAMN FUCKER

>> No.49613041

this man speaks words of wisdom. cartel videos fucked me up for good

>> No.49613152

Simply store of value. /biz should know. sad

>> No.49613156
File: 308 KB, 348x546, 1638733397885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just zoomers but normalfag zoomers that now plague this site.
The kind who get depressed if they're not being a wagie or not living a normie life.

>> No.49613252


>> No.49613318
File: 789 KB, 1136x852, 1655140750297(1) (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't unsee carving a mans heart out while flops around like a fish. that'll stick with you.
that'd be a red flag for me too
she's a bloodletting world champ, check out the scars in picrel. also she faked seizures, I really wish there was video of that

>> No.49613386

Duh. She is double vaxxed and boosted. All those toxic chemicals are trying to work their way out of her skin.

>> No.49613590

i was big horror fan and gore fan before cartel videos. not anymore. ruined it all. like you said, it really sticks with you

>> No.49613655

I have browsed /b/ in the past.. Nothing special.
Mostly larps.
Oh wow getting killed by some enemy during a war after they caught you.
Has happened to men for thousands of years. Just don't let them catch you alive.
But having black mold things growing out of your wounds because of you injecting feces that's scary.

>> No.49613673

So we need more gore posting? These kids are too soft.

>> No.49613736

it's summer vacation, and lots of suburban zoomies with nothing to do are here

>> No.49613807

Bitch just look at this shit growing out of her.
These were just the beginning stage

>> No.49613843

I'm still interested in medical gore but that level of disregard for life is pretty fucked up and I don't go searching for it. as an american that owns guns and has killed/butchered animals for consumption;

I yeild, central americans are the true americans and I cannot compete with how hardcore that shit is. ima stay cozy in my corn syrup lane up by canada.

>> No.49613848
File: 38 KB, 640x640, P4XEqPg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49614008

im sad now

>> No.49614026

Looks like mushroom and pepperoni on a pizza.
Go back you zoomie pussy faggot.

>> No.49614070

that means it's working

>> No.49614084

you gonna finish that breh?
>finger lickin good

>> No.49614160

Took a lil nibble from the mushy, it was a bit crispy but dw I don't have herpes or anything gross.

>> No.49614299

Whatever nigger.

>> No.49614310
File: 94 KB, 412x250, Screenshot 2022-06-13 143621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin kek

>> No.49614367

Imagine the smell.

>> No.49614387

C u r s e d

>> No.49614530

wtf is a “munchie” I’m not a faggot ass loser kiwinigger

>> No.49614686

1) who are you crying at?

2) that word only shows up once on this page so not only are you a "faggot ass loser" you're also retarded.

>> No.49614861

>Load 219 more images
Wish I didn't.

>> No.49614903

just answer the question faggot

>> No.49614942

Jokes on you, I'm already broken.

>> No.49615140


>> No.49615463

How the fuck have l not heard about this person until now????

>> No.49615509

I refuse

also I don't know, I think you saw mushie which is short for mushroom

>> No.49616700


>> No.49616968
File: 29 KB, 422x301, ok-ninisharp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only bought 20 bucks of Bitcoin back in 2014, lost them when btc-e got seized by the feds.

>> No.49617672

Pretty sure Munchasens syndrome. It’s used by people of r/illnessfakers

>> No.49618647

Look up Kelly Ronahan.

>> No.49618653
File: 356 KB, 636x520, 1622409581705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cartel videos don't bother me but seeing open holes and decaying flesh on live humans makes me so ill

>> No.49618724

She rotted her legs off by injecting shit into them you fucking simp. She literally smells like gangrene.

>> No.49618753

>be mentally insane roastie
>Pick sores at your legs due to some trauma about being a ballerina
>continue to do this until your legs become necrotic
>doctors save you by giving you the best skin grafts the world has ever seen
>ruin them after a few weeks
>doctors amputate your legs because they can't be salvaged
Women are such a meme.

>> No.49619008

She never injected poop in her legs you retard.

she would self harm then constantly pick at the wounds so they never heal.

>> No.49619354

Wrong, the initial infection was from the shit and she wanted the amputation there and asked for it. When they saved her legs she kept re-infecting the wounds by picking at them and getting filth into them.

>> No.49619769
File: 50 KB, 655x509, x4lxdq22izb61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did i look
why did i look at all of it

>> No.49619848
File: 26 KB, 657x527, 1602792735205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't look at any pictures and i am going to exit this thread before i ruin my night, bye biz anons

>> No.49620261

that wasn't even bad at all holly redditors infesting this board like how the necrosis is infesting her legs

>> No.49620365

smart move anon. i wish i did the same

>> No.49620451

seriously. bunch of retards thinking that shit is bad. go watch some cartel beheading videos with sound. those screams and gargling sounds still keep me up at night

>> No.49620579

Basically she did it to herself for attention

>> No.49620598

The monkey threads are worse....

>> No.49620622

retard that can't handle being wrong

>> No.49620655

double retard

>> No.49620662

which picture is the nerve pulling one. I scrolled through it and didnt see it

>> No.49620685

triple retard

>> No.49620725

quadruple retard

>> No.49620774

Wow hr really did a number to her