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49598483 No.49598483 [Reply] [Original]

>graduated 5 years ago with a meme degree (engineering)
>couldnt get a job because the 2014 commodity-bust ruined job prospects in engineering
>finally lucked out and got a job a year later
>finally able to start saving and investing
>right at the top of a supermassive century topping bubble
>going to lose my job when the economy craters
>financially bruined
>going to have hardly anything to show for my 20s
>COVID ruined the last years of my 20s
>way behind where my boomer parents were when they were my age

its over for me

>> No.49598653

>He fell for the STEM meme
Many such cases.

>> No.49598707
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my entire life up until this point has been one massive mistake.

>> No.49598812
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>tfw /fit/ engineer with my own apartment, earning 300k year at 25

>> No.49598865

you aren't alone, like a massive retard I lost most of my savings in coins, now I unironically have less than 6 figures of net wealth and I am turning 30 in 5 months

>> No.49598919

You must have really fucked up your college to not be able to get any kind of decent job anywhere with an engineering degree.

>> No.49598920

im a much poorer engineer but much /fit/
3/5/5.5 at 85 kg

>> No.49599021

Engineering isn’t a meme degree, unless you did something stupid like civil or chemical engineering. Most engineers I know have really good paying jobs, some of them left engineering to become consultants and make even more money. You are just stupid and/or lazy, most people think once they land a job they can just sit back and relax and waste their 20s. You should be hustling, develop yourself, start a business, become an expert within your field. Once you achieve this you will no longer stress about your job as you will be valuable, companies will come to you instead of you applying for jobs.

>> No.49599064
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>no driving license despite being worth 6 figs

>> No.49599188

get on my level:

>graduated 2008 2 months before the crash
>found engineering job with shit pay
>wagie like a mule, ruined my 20s
>found start up
>wagie again like a mule, ruined my 30s but feel like gonna make it
>2020, covid kill the market
>manage to survive, company debt piling up
>economy crashes again
>2022, company has 2 mil euro in debt

>> No.49599249

which company is your dad a VP at?

>> No.49599260

Jesus fucking christ, man.

>> No.49599317
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tfw worked from home as a brogrammer for years making six figure income

>> No.49599372

>unless you did something stupid like civil or chemical engineering.
Bro, your mortage is what pays my 150k salary and I just design residential areas.
Civil is one of the best careers if you know how to fucking read the residential codes and do basic math, of course the first years are shit but it takes off inmensely once you know shit.

>> No.49599463
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>> No.49599479

I did civil IN CANADA.

Probably the worst country to be a civil. Natives, environmentalists and liberals put up roadblocks to every resource project that could generate jobs and wealth for my field.

In my defense, when I was 18, things were different, the oil industry was exploding in canada and civil engineering was actually a good degree. I was just too young and dumb to see how the political landscape was changing in this country. No joke to do anything we need to get the blessing of our native overlords. to cut down a single tree we need to do a 5000 dollar bird survey

>> No.49599597
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> something stupid like civil
Civil Engineering in US is like the only field in Engineering that is still growing in terms of jobs.

>> No.49599609
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>> No.49599663
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>No joke to do anything we need to get the blessing of our native overlords. to cut down a single tree we need to do a 5000 dollar bird survey

You're goddamn right.

>> No.49599677


>> No.49599688
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civil engineering is full of mouth breathers who can't pass basic differential equations

>> No.49599828

I used to work at a Civil Engineering company before I switched over to software engineering. My starting salary for Salary was the same as Civil, Mech, and Electrical engineers make after 10 years at the company. Civil Engineering is so low paid it is embarrassing. The real money on AEC side is management but even then tech management still gets paid more. The worst part is I have a person on my team who makes more than anyone who wasn't senior management at my old company despite being a high school drop out but they are autistic about coding so they never needed the degree. Civil Engineers make less than him Despite getting a P.E. and having four years of University and two years more work experience than him.

>> No.49599829
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based wfh brogrammer master race

>> No.49599992

Software is going to implode now that the tech bubble is popping just like it did in 2000

>> No.49600610


> market bubble bursts
> companies need to turn around horrible losses
> Invest into software like crazy to automate shit

software chads literally can't lose

>> No.49600804

>>He fell for the STEM meme
what should we be studying instead?

>> No.49601051

>Software is going to implode now that the tech bubble is popping just like it did in 2000
you're retarded if you think FAGMAN is like pets.com

Is tech gay af? yes, but not as worthless as you fantasize

>> No.49601076

good, stop cutting down trees so that
fat fucking retarded canadian faggots
can dwell in them, also ur fucking right
ur gonna figure out what birds you
are gonna displace and accomidate them,
imagine if i went to your neighborhood and chopped down all ur houses for materials
and then just laughed in your face? Fuck your

>> No.49601199

I fell for it.
t. medical practitioner. I'd rather die than go back to working in a hospital.

>> No.49601775

The original purpose of Universities was to be places of knowledge and education to better understand whatever field of science, law, or philosophy you have interest in. It is not supposed to be a certificate mill for wage-slave jobs. And yes, engineering is a wage-slave tier job.

If you wanted to make money and be set for life you would make connections with the most influential Jews on campus.

>> No.49602272

gender studies

>> No.49602333

Is it as bad as I feel like it is? I'm the only retard left without a car and driving license in my friends group

>> No.49602363

Nothing, sell your work, have your business

>> No.49602369

>dropped out of engineering years ago
>now work in liquor and make decent money
>job will be secure forever as long as there isn't a prohibition on alcohol
Could do with more money but the security is at least worth its weight in gold.

>> No.49602391

mining engeneering is literally THE money making career in my country

>> No.49602434
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>have regular mental breakdowns and have to be comforted by my parents
>only work 16 hours a week
>no desire to go to college

>> No.49602443

yes its bad. are you retarded?

>> No.49602454

Post body

>> No.49602480

you are such a pathetic loser but im still not that far ahead of you.

im done trying in life

>> No.49602485
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No I guess just lazy

>> No.49602532

>fell for the "just do what you love" and "any degree will get you a good job" meme pushed by boomers
>start college during the height of the recession
>parents lose jobs, get divorced, and won't help pay for college anymore
>forced to drop out
>work minimum wage gig economy jobs for years
>finally get an entry level office job at 23
>work my way up the ranks and get promoted a couple times
>finally on my feet after years of struggling and earn enough to save for retirement and a down payment on a house
>houses are no longer affordable

>> No.49602621
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mom and dad said no matter what i do they'll support me, i'm not depressed anymore but i feel like it'd be better to just kill myself so the inheritance goes to the actual productive members of my family

>> No.49602727

Turn to engineering based crimes.

>> No.49602878

>tfw variable rate mortgage
It's really fucking over isn't it?

>> No.49602931

What are the futures looking like on crystal meth? Should I go long?

>> No.49602943

yeah its fucking over for us.

2020s are going to be a shit decade. last year to make it was 2020 after the covid dump and pump.

its fucking over

>> No.49603369

It's over

>> No.49603598
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>start getting money
>5% swings on nasdaq is normal, market is about to collapse its 30 year bull run, housing is fucked, food and gas prices is fucked, will get laid off work, compete on apps with men across the globe for sub-average women, have to get government mandated DNA altering jabs to leave my country

>> No.49603703

>making six figures at home is literally slave tier

>> No.49603864

>I'm not a slave if my master pays me a lot relative to other slaves!

>> No.49603939

>49603864 (You)
some of us have autonomy in how and where we do our work, i'm sorry that your only experience with it apparently sucked.
go work for yourself and be a slave to the government with those self-employment taxes and the retard customers instead.
t. on the clock presently

>> No.49604102

When you turn 50 and have nothing remember this post and that you had a loser attitude.

>> No.49604337

Then keep alive for them. How do you think they would feel in that case? Be thankful about what you take for granted, think that there are people out there that have no such a family. That means that the comfy moments of being next to someone and with your brain turned off because you feel secure are not a thing for them. Imagine if everybody around you made you regret every single good action you did to them. Having at least one or two exceptions to that is so fucking key and doesnt depend on having 1 dollar or 1 million dollar, its either you have it or not. Keep it up and dont surrender, though times are coming up but we will come out with blood and victory in our hands

>> No.49604422
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>high school diploma
>live at home

>> No.49604671

>a meme degree (engineering)
literally not a meme, they have hired 3 new engineers at my company in the last year.

>> No.49604852

I've given up all hope for the future at this point. I don't even care if I lose my job. None of it matters if I can't live a base line middle class life.

>> No.49605093

God, "w"fh programmers are such Chads. Feels good hearing all these faggots complain while i literally did 0 hours of work today to shill for Russia on 4chan (unpaid) and do 1 interview for another company. I already have another job offer where i will work less hours, less office days, and a 20% increase in pay, and tomorrow i will have another offer which will be 100% wfh and the pay will probably be even higher than the job offer i'm currently considering.
All this only after 6 months on my current job, where i doubled my pay when compared to my previous job.

>> No.49605131

Too much information to bother my soul with. Use your savings and buy good alts that can allow you to earn passively. Gems like RFOX, QRDO, and VRA are good right now. Just my two cents.

>> No.49605263

It's already making headlines with the introduction of web3 and lots of developers are already making good use of the technologies available on Subsquid to develop powerful apps on blockchain.

>> No.49605313
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>> No.49605421

Same but 5 figure net worth and 23

>> No.49605487

>be wfh programmer
>usually have no work to do and play vidya all day
>have morning meeting
>actually assigned work
>smash up my room in a fit of rage
>it was only really about 2 hours of work
>shit post the rest of the day

>> No.49605592

>In my defense, when I was 18, things were different
Why can't 18 year olds predict the future 10-20 year ahead when they make career choices? Shameful.

>> No.49605620

Why do people blame everything but themselves lol

>> No.49605649
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Have I got the perfect job for you!

>> No.49605817
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>for nearly 70k a year
>not even 30k of debt


>> No.49606130

I'm 28 too, electronic engineering. About same graduation year with difficulty getting a job.
I just have to say, mate, I know what you're feeling right now. We really do live life on hard mode compared to our parents. Hope you'll do alright

>> No.49606195

Welcome to Mellinyal life, anon. We got fucked in 08, its your turn now. Only the boomers will stay at the top.