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File: 2.12 MB, 686x1080, abby.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49599233 No.49599233 [Reply] [Original]

Predict the end of week btc price

>> No.49599266

no, i don't think i will

>> No.49599405
File: 94 KB, 731x800, 1654788400364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to 30k

>> No.49599445


>> No.49599449

Whats she doing with her legs? Is she dying for a piss or something and trying to hold it in?

>> No.49599454

She has such an ugly face

>> No.49599504

I predict my penis will become erect (it already is)

>> No.49599506
File: 143 KB, 977x1157, just_hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49599514

How tall is Abi?

>> No.49599638
File: 359 KB, 1333x2000, 1641051891478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such an ugly face

>> No.49599672

Will reach 20k, maybe even less. The market is fucked. Everything is fucked. Can't even buy a rope in this fucked economy.

>> No.49599731
File: 1.91 MB, 368x400, 1648933137888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont insult the queen

>> No.49599761

Can't see her feet.

>> No.49599830

a) why do they always have rodent faces (mouse, rat, chipmunk, etc)
b) why does it turn me on

>> No.49599863

wick to 16k but close 20k

>> No.49599875

i would go downtown on that abby, if you know what i mean...

>> No.49599876

Thats too much tit for me gents, much happier with smaller perkier tit.

>> No.49599904

she looks like she exclusively fucks men of african descent.

>> No.49599911
File: 541 KB, 1080x749, 1643237526064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49599947

My dick

>> No.49599969

Who is she???

>> No.49600007

abby shapiro

>> No.49600012

Around 19k

>> No.49600035

this image is anti-semitic

>> No.49600050


>> No.49600065

I'm on day 5 of NoFap and these goblins are looking a bit more delicious brahs....

>> No.49600079

Benny's sister

>> No.49600116
File: 13 KB, 360x222, game-over-man-game-over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49600117


>> No.49600118

>turns body sideways
>careful to keep face forward
Still would but also LMFAO

>> No.49600143

sideprofile reveals her horrible nose moreso

>> No.49600167


>> No.49600269
File: 87 KB, 768x432, 0c430d3e65b44dcd9caad93071b3c720.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC will pump to $24k
ETH will stay the same
BNB will have a 3% (lame)
DOGE will maybe have a 5%
Other dogcoins will got benefited by this, such as SHIB and VINU (considering this one hasn't transaction fees)
So yeah, this is the brightest thing I can say about this bear market

>> No.49600276

back to 30

>> No.49600411

how did ben and his sister end up leading such different lives

>> No.49600450

newfag detected

>> No.49600489

That's a man?!

>> No.49600516
File: 261 KB, 1114x1239, 1525803815049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18,400 usd

>> No.49600518
File: 286 KB, 657x1239, jewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Germans hate this again?

>> No.49600534
File: 43 KB, 480x360, 1654533769538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49600631
File: 513 KB, 1333x2000, 1643568319963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this image is anti-semitic

Oh sorry, fixed it.

>> No.49600662 [DELETED] 

Made for BBC

>> No.49600686


>> No.49600821

kek. this is a fucking photoshop right? i mean yeah jokes and all, but this HAS to be? i ain't joking here. please tell me truth anons.

>> No.49600830

What is that even supposed to mean? Literally wtf

>> No.49601121

Because they are parasitic vermin who are sucking blood (anything of value, that you can put a price tag on it) out of host nation until nothing remains but debt, poverty and misery.

Also anons (not the guy i replied to, he's obviously a jew), i' just like to let you know that you should not allow yourself to be mesmerized by jewish milkers. It's a trick, last line of defense against being genocided, not even kidding. Men have for millennia had urge to kill and eliminate every single jew, but no matter how close they came to it, there was always few jewesses with huge fucking milkers who would put their huge fucking tits on display and were like "goy my dear, you wouldn't kill THIS, now would you?" And men, being weak coomers since dawn of time, wouldn't eliminate huge titted jewesses but hatefuck them violently which would result in half jews who are full fledged jews by jewish law. Jewishness is also, conveniently, passed through mother's side. I believe it's obvious why.

TL;DR eliminate the jewesses, dont fuck them

>> No.49601180


>> No.49601388

>rodent faces
jews have been compared to rats since forever, and i believe it's not without coincidence. If someone calls you rats and considers you one for milennia, you will start to resemble one.

no it's not, it's result of thousand years of inbreeding. It's estimated that all ashkenazi jews descend from cca 300 men and you gotta keep in in the family, you know. Go figure what are implications of aforementioned.

>> No.49601438

About tree fiddy

>> No.49601445


>> No.49601567


>> No.49601605

Show the side profile

>> No.49601636


Two weeks from now we hit the bedrock of 11.5.

>> No.49601822

I hate Jews so much, but I would protect Abby and make the sweetest love to her.

>> No.49602021


>> No.49602880

i have been living in some sort of dream. holy fuck if this is the jew i hate them now

>> No.49602979

A man of class, I see.

>> No.49603072

i mean it's like damon wayans and gilbert gottfried but even uglier trans versions? wtf man, i am honestly having nightmares about this pic. come on, this has to be photoshop?

>> No.49603113


>> No.49603119


Bitch looks like the speech therapist in King's Speech.

>> No.49603130

Anyone got the one of her with GIGANTIC PREGNANT MILKERS

>> No.49603164

NOoooOOOOOOooooOOO I fucked up

>> No.49603187


>> No.49603216

She's trying to show her ass to the camera, but without giving you a view of her face from the side (so you can't see her hooknose)

>> No.49603260


>> No.49603301

Red ID: last digit in 1.000
Green ID: last three digits " "
Any other color: last two digits " "
Dubs: nothing happens, crab market for dubs number of days
Trips: Zero

>> No.49603396

because they spawn more little jews

>> No.49603436

To zero

>> No.49603475


>> No.49603748

I keep forgetting that there are so many little kids here now

>> No.49603904

The alt255 didn't worked out, is it even possible anymore?

>> No.49603993


>> No.49604079
File: 33 KB, 461x541, angry jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, good, let the hatred flow through you. They hate you for mere exisiting, they hate and despise every single non-jew and consider us to be lower type of life than them. They don't believe we have a soul (that's reserved for jews only) and call us "goyim", which colloquially means cattle. They think we are no better than dumb farm animals.

No it's not, look at their male counterparts. Do they look like healthy people to you? They don't, because they are not. They are genetic trash that has convinced themselves and dumb people all around the world that they are "chosen people" who are better than everyone else. But they are not, they are genetically defected piles of trash

>> No.49604095


>> No.49604341

have i been here too long? what is happening to me? this is normal? the hate really flows through me. i can feel the anger. holy fuck...i love it!

>> No.49604359

>Predict the end of week btc price

>> No.49604598

what the heck happen to her being "conservative"?

>> No.49604698


>> No.49604741

6,666 next Monday.

>> No.49604797


>> No.49605919

LMAO these are hilarious... I wonder how many of them are legit translations

>> No.49606117

I thought Ben Shapiro's sister was supposed to be a non-degenerate tradwife?

>> No.49606165
File: 370 KB, 732x511, ABBYTIPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is

>> No.49606303

>no demonstration
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

>> No.49606316

Vibe check. Getting major incel vibes from your post bro.

>> No.49606360

>major incel vibes
I'm actually volcel

>> No.49608046

How does this kike slut have the gall to show off that anklet and just tease her feet at the bottom FUCK

>> No.49608609

Will stabilize at $5k
My repeating digits will verify my authenticity.

>> No.49608639

built for bbc

>> No.49608648

I want to make beautiful white children with her

>> No.49608773

Ben Shapiro in drag
that's a man