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File: 120 KB, 650x803, amDOGE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
492890 No.492890 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread on auto sage.

General Pandacoin(PND) Thread amDOGE Edition



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNBn5jPuyEA [Embed]

amDOGE 1st female* cryptocoin developer

Current price 6 satoshi

China PND site is now live

>> No.492897

Data on mining profitability?

>> No.492909
File: 74 KB, 299x225, 14090441037720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Current price 6 satoshi
its 5 at mintpal

>> No.492916
File: 302 KB, 900x1200, dogexD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry typo.

>> No.492931

>buying using paypal
.023565 mUSD
>buying using mintpal
.022055 mUSD
So 6.8% extra to buy using paypal

>> No.492939
File: 568 KB, 800x1915, cunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female is a bad thing

>> No.492973

Reminder that amDOGE holds the majority of PND and is taking all of you for a ride. Have fun bagholding.

>> No.492978

So much this.
Still some money to be made though

>> No.492990

Not seeing the selling point on female Dev that's only a draw to women and that's a very small percentage of the crypto community. A better selling point would be first trap dev

>> No.492992

What do you think female* means? Dat asterisk.

>> No.492993

Any way to have the script of the miner in the browser from the PND website. i want to put it on my own

>> No.492997

Missed that

>> No.493005

amDoge doesn't even own 10%. In fact she might even not own 5%. Let alone a "majority".

And it didn't come from a premine either, she just mined during the entire 100 or so days of POW with all of her mining power, so she got a decent amount.

>> No.493068

cant blame someone from mining during 3 months lol, if you did it too you could have that much or even more

>> No.493087


There was no premine and she holds sub 5% by all accounts

>> No.493099

amDOGE mined all her coins fairly.

She only has 600M anyways.

She donated over 100M in the early days of PND.

>> No.493160


This guy is a troll just to clarify

>> No.493172

Any way to buy PND with Paysafecard or some other non-bank account-required method?

I got some cash I'd like to put into it, but can't touch my bank account because reasons.

>> No.493183

you could try to buy btc with paysafe and then trade it for PND on an exchange

>> No.493203

Sounds like a good idea. I'm going to read a little more on that.


>> No.493228

BuyPND.com is paypal which is non-bank account, but otherwise, you;d have to go through BTC first.

>> No.493232

But Paypal is linked to my bank account.

>> No.493243

I only buy DOGE

PND is far too meta, and already past its heyday

>> No.493246

every graph would disagree with you
but sure, stick with your dead coin :) its your own money your throwing out of the window

>> No.493270

Ah. Mine isn't so I didn't realize.


>> No.493300

You can use Paypal without linking it to the bank account? How?

>> No.493327


You have to money in it form somewhere but once its in it doesnt need to be connected from anywhere

If you sold something and the money went into your paypal you could spend that money without it ever being connected to a bank

If you really dont want to use a bank you could go on the irc and try to set something up

Freenode: #pandacoinPND

>> No.493344

>RL PND IRC meetup
>trade cash for tip

>> No.493399

how to exchange some PND for real money?

>> No.493404



This site uses paypal

>> No.493408

I meant the other direction

>> No.493414

not possible directly and is also very very stupid at this point. you can sell for bitcoin on exchange

>> No.493417

PND -> BTC -> money
Just use mintpal both ways really, it's cheaper.

>> No.493446 [DELETED] 

these are money making games. Thank me later

>> No.493447

Nice one :^)

>> No.493454

Has what to do with PND?

>> No.493503

going up up up!

>> No.493507

Still shows 5 satoshi to me

>> No.493519

check LTC market, and more to come next few days

>> No.493522

is that amDOGE?

>> No.493541

How long until that translates into movement in BTC market?

>> No.493546

Actually now that I bother to look at it, it's less than 1 satoshi difference. Hopefully it'll build momentum and not just stop since it's caught up.

>> No.493630
File: 134 KB, 1251x1751, teatrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amDOGE hasn't confirmed nor denied that is her.

>> No.493635

amDOGE confirmed qt3.14

>> No.493639


That picture is a few years old. I found it through tineye on imgur in an album from 3 years ago.

>> No.493646
File: 66 KB, 720x960, amDOGE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah those are not amDOGE but this is. It was circulating in the IRC a couple of months back. I'll take it down if amDOGE wants me to.

>> No.493648
File: 68 KB, 453x604, amDOGE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.493649
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>> No.493949

1dash faucet?

>> No.493956

Doesn't work. Bamboohouse and pandacoin.altfaucet do.

>> No.494019

cool eyes

>> No.494051


The anon who leaked amEGOD's pics- don't upset based amEGOD

She's going to be pissed about her pics circulating around

>> No.494066

Faggots like you who leak shit especially after amdoge asked for privacy is why she stopping frequenting these threads.

Fuck off already

>> No.494107
File: 9 KB, 143x131, 1411017032896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.494121

6 satoshi, we moon now.

>> No.494139

No moon. Not yet. Soon, though.

So where does everyone plan to cash out at?

>> No.494141


pandacoin doesn't seem to appeal to those early adopters, but those outside of it.

can see it hitting litecoin size if devs continue to do what they are doing.

that's when you sell stakes and retire

>> No.494145


I honestly think its impossible to see the potential now so I dont have a price in mind

The next big update is coming up and the IRC is very excited so that could easily change peoples predictions aswell

>> No.494147

I had a good fap to those pics fuck off.

>> No.494149

>swindling neckbeards out of their autism bux

This is really low guys.

Guys seriously.

>> No.494172

Fuck off ya cunt. I want my qt3.14 back here talking to us

>> No.494176

>The next big update is coming up
I haven't heard anything. What have people been saying?

>> No.494177


they gave hints here - http://pandacoinpnd.org/worlds-first-cryptocurrency-designed-for-the-mainstream-mass-market/

but similar to the first update, not going to know until devs are finished and ready

>> No.494187


>> No.494199

please take it down, have a little respect for people who like their privacy

>> No.494225

It is not a POW coin, so you can't mine it directly. It WAS a scrypt coin when it was in POW phase, and is still technically scrypt, but since it cannot be directly mined from the blockchain, it literally makes no difference.

>> No.494235

i just woke up, its happening right ?

>> No.494244

Mons Huygens here we come

>> No.494245

Is the symbol for Panda coin really PND... what a ruse
PND (Pump 'N' Dump)

>> No.494248

>up 22 liteshi

tfw i have 154 000 000 pnd

>> No.494250

tfw 30 million pnd and felt like a rich panda before getting shitted on

>> No.494251

still not bad man. i had a little farm back then

>started mining 2 weeks after release, fml

>> No.494256

Is there enough liquidity to turn them to BTC or will you crash the market if you try to cash out?

>> No.494258

depends, i could crash the market, but right now its at 1031 LTC so i cant

>> No.494260

Holding for long time bra.

But to answer your question, there's already enough liquidity to absorb 500 million at 5 sats


you can't crash it with 150 million no more. a month back maybe, but PND getting buy support now

>> No.494261

thats what im saying, it had like 40 LTC in buy support 2 weeks ago

>> No.494262


shorting pnd now is dangerous to do also, you need more than 1 billion to short pnd at its current state. but it'll most likely just bounce back rather fast.

remember that whale that dumped 1.2 billion to 1 litoshi? kek

>> No.494263

yeah pnd is getting stronk. im going to hold for a while

>> No.494264

why would you cash out anyway? wait a while and just sell your stakes in small amounts.

>> No.494272


student loans are a bitch man, and everyone has their own entry and exit points.

leaving now is just a ridiculous thing to do. not touching mine until we replace litecoin marketcap at least and will only continue to accumulate as much as I can

>> No.494275

if you exit, dont be an idiot and dump everything do it slow so you dont actually hurt the coin

>> No.494285

Pretty sure my 30 million will just be a drop in the ocean if PND hits my exit point (around 150 million market cap or 1000 sat).

But yes that goes without saying

>> No.494313 [DELETED] 

In general there is a theme - now the stock goes to 50% of the cost of purchased power https://hashprofit.com/en/?hp=17333 invests at 10-30% per month (depending on purchased power, by the way there are many payment systems) and receive interest during the then 2 years !. The money goes in the form of bitcoin (sotoshi), Bitcoin wallet can register here https://blockchain.info/en/wallet .On Bitcoin exchanges can be easily exchanged for money wmr, wmz, visa - in general all popular payment systems. Reviews can be found on the Internet - I have a $ 1,000 per day would be about $ 10.

>> No.494388

if prices go up 30 million would still be huge at 150 mill marketcap ;) that's 0.1% so 150k that's a lot to handle on 1 day

>> No.494440

lol pnd will never reach 1000 sat

>> No.494448

>implying PND won't rise to 4th highest market cap
anon pls

>> No.494453

a panda can dream

>> No.494455

I have 150 million PND still

what's that worth these days in amerilard dollars?

>> No.494461


Oh I can math I guess, so like 3k. Neat.

>> No.494526


>> No.494535

I think $1/PND isn't out of the question.

>> No.494540

That would give it a market cap of over $32 billion. Completely reasonable.

>> No.494544

I detect sarcasm.

>> No.494545

So how does market cap work? BTC has a cap of $5.5 billion, and it's over $200/unit.

>> No.494547

Explanation is in terms of a company, but it's the same idea.

>> No.494553

Thank you.

So where do you think PND is most likely to top out, and are you holding?

>> No.494556

>are you holding
Yes, but not nearly as much as a lot of people. Mainly here for the ride.
>where do you think PND is most likely to top out
Who knows? I certainly don't think it can overtake BTC though.

>> No.494560

Overtake, no. I'm holding 3.9 mil, myself. I really don't think $1 in the long term is out of the question, even though that's an exponential increase in market cap. I don't think $10 mil cap is that unlikely, especially with an active dev team.

>> No.494565

Well a $10 million market cap would be $0.0003 / PND, not accounting for inflation.

>> No.494566

Only big concern is the amount of PND out there, and the ease of cash-to-coin transactions. Seems that it might devalue the coin to the point of worthlessness. As long as the devs do their job, maybe it'll be enough to counteract it.

I start a new job soon. Probably going to throw $150/mo at promising cryptos.

>> No.494571

Well if the devs can account for a large number of coins and "destroy" them, they could cause deflation.

>> No.494574

I need it to get higher. I have plans. Amazing plans.

As for market cap, hell, look at Doge; if a handfull (relatively speaking) of people can get a memecoin that high, imagine what mass acceptance could do.

Hell. Maybe if we went pyramid scheme it might help; give all our friends 1000 PND each with the condition they take the crash course and stake the coins, and tell other people...

>> No.494579

Reverse stock split, maybe? Keep market cap, halve the "shares?"

>> No.494580

How would you implement that in a cryptocurrency?

>> No.494586

I really don't know. Announce a halving of the price in sn X time frame, offer at-cost buys via the devs, erase what gets sold off, allow market correction to run its course.

Only thing is that bagholders gonna baghold, so it could backfire... Never mind the fact that it would shake faith in the devs, probably backfiring spectacularly.

>> No.494593

that 220M sell wall @ 600 lit.

>> No.494595

i remember the days when i was harvesting 15M PND a day with my 2x290's ... too bad I wasn't a believer and mined mostly MONA instead...

>> No.494598

Don't feel bad. I missed PoW entirely. I have to buy it direct.

>> No.494605

what are the other coins you're into? i stopped mining and haven't followed the scene much of late...

>> No.494607

I guess you could fork the coin and set up a "generator" that receives PND and sends PNDv2 at the desired ratio and cease support of PND after some period. You wouldn't get all of them, but what are you gonna do?

It seems like something you would only do as a last ditch measure anyway if the price threatened to drop so low that it gets delisted from exchanges (like with stocks)

>> No.494608

I was mining XMR, but I was hemmorhaging money. I think I have 15 in my wallet; need to trade it in for something else. I was thinking BBR, but in all honesty, I don't have the mining power to make it worthwhile. I have just been bagholding since finding unbiased sources for crypto information is all but impossible.

Were I you, I'd join a multipool and/or save for the eventual ASIC boards for the newer algos.

>> No.494617

Could work, but again, it would shake the faith in the devs I think.

Part of the problem, I think, is there's no upper limit for coins.

>> No.494622

>no upper limit
That's desirable if you want an actual currency. Imo the problem with every coin I've seen is that the rate is predetermined in some way instead of controlled.

>> No.494629

Same problem with fiats, though: no upper means the value can crash at any time. Matter of fact, doesn't that mean the more people adopt PND, the lower the value?

>> No.494636

>no upper means the value can crash at any time
>Doesn't that mean the more people adopt PND, the lower the value?
Only if more PND needs to be created to keep up with increased velocity.

>> No.494638

But can't PND be created more or less at will now?

>> No.494641

How? It's a PoS coin.

>> No.494649

Then how does BuyPND function? So far as I can tell, there's no cap on what you can buy. Besides, PoS means exactly that: Staking coins means no upper limit, since interest is accumulated out of nothing.

>> No.494654

I didn't make the thing, but I'd imagine you're actually buying already made coins and there is an actual limit at any given time (you'll notice BuyPND tends to cost more than buying PND on an exchange).
>staking means no upper limit
Yes, but it's not being created "at will". It's being created at a predictable rate.

>> No.494656


>> No.494670

>download the PND wallet app
>buy, use the Pandacoin address I'm given in the app
>half an hour after, still no coins in the wallet

Did I fuck up somewhere, or do they take some time to arrive?

>> No.494672

should be quicker normally, unless there is some kind of manual validation or something. a PND transaction shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes.

>> No.494674

I've never used buyPND, but every PND transaction I've made has shown up in under a minute (with verification taking a bit longer).

Is your wallet synced? If it's new then the transaction won't show up until it's done syncing.

>> No.494675

It's all manual. It'll show, just give it time.

>> No.494718


I dont know if its like this now but at a time every transaction had to be manually approved

So if all the guys who are doing that are busy/asleep due to time zones then the transaction wont go through until they wake up/come back to the computer

Ive never gone to bed and woken up again without the transactions having been completed in the meantime

The coin will arrive soon

>> No.494764

PND is hitting 50+ satoshi by the end of the year.

Get ready guys.

>> No.494766

I'll hold till 1000+.

>> No.494770

The PND train has no brakes.

>> No.494780

Probably untrue, but it'll go better than 50.

>> No.494781
File: 20 KB, 183x232, 1387468638174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 PND = 1 BTC WHEN?!

>> No.494788

>BTC has crashed below $10 / coin
>PND has risen over 1000 times current value
You heard it here first.

>> No.494789

Does anyone know any well-known Twitter Crypto pumpers?

I know Users like @WhalePanda is pretty helpful.

What are some other reknown Twitter Crypto pumpers?

>> No.494843

I've double and triple checked and I didn't fuck up the wallet code, so I guess it's just that.

Thanks for the info. It's my first time buying cryptocurrency and am not completely sure how it goes

>> No.494867

I bought 1BTC worth of PND at 5 satoshi like six months ago, and right after I bought it crashed to below 1.

Convince me not to sell right now.

>> No.494877

No go ahead. You're a weak hand and we're better off the earlier you sell.

Or if you're not a weak hand, just look at the buy pressure and don't be such a fool ;)

>> No.494885

Support this, for someone that doesn't keep up to date or know the potential for this coin might as well dump now

We don't need you holding PND. Just dump.

>> No.494895

Do it and get out.

>> No.494939

Do it and in a few months you'll be kicking your own balls in.

>> No.494955
File: 40 KB, 300x450, 1411592783431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes to PND thread
>says he's gonna dump
>convince me not to dump
obvious troll is obvious

>> No.494970

How to change the Android wallet to another currency? I'm trying to switch the homescreen to Euros, but all I get is the list of equivalencies

>> No.494971

Click on Euros.

>> No.494974

Oh damn, I was clicking the tick instead of the pin icon.

Done, thanks

>> No.494975
File: 179 KB, 1095x730, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gois gois
it's happening (7 sat)
photo credit to barryzand

>> No.494983

That's not moon. That's barely moved.

>> No.495010

What's the best way to buy bitcoins? scrub at cryptos here

>> No.495011


There are a couple of articles about that I think.

>> No.495018

If you're in the U.S.: https://coinbase.com/

>> No.495034

Since we're asking questions, does anyone have info on recent PND/MH/day from the multipool?

>> No.495035

nvm, I see it now.

>> No.495060
File: 7 KB, 284x177, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was being traded at 2 sats like two weeks ago
nigga that's already 300+% profits

>> No.495073
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>> No.495081

Take you at your word, man.

>> No.495178

Does anyone remember PND was at sub 5 litoshi? You guys that bought in then are the luckiest sons of bitches ever.

If you sold and got it that cheap, then wow.

>> No.495182
File: 32 KB, 505x451, 1411613147784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

450% nigga

>> No.495193

Fantastic! Gotta admit though: Going to have to hit at least 500-1000 sat before I get really excited.

>> No.495232

Touched 9 satoshi

>> No.495267


>> No.495287
File: 265 KB, 600x485, 1351562432862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 9

>> No.495289


I bought some and have gotten it, so if you havnt got yours by now something has gone wrong

>> No.495290

We are in a head and shoulders.


>> No.495291

>please fill my buy order

>> No.495292

I came so close to putting 100 dollars in yesterday

God damn it

>> No.495298

congrats you know nothing about crypto trading

>> No.495325

>tfw doge is unkill

>> No.495335

Which one of you faggots just dumped 180 Mil?

>> No.495336

>reading the bitshares wiki
holy shit these guys are grade a delusional.

>> No.495359

what triggered this shit, guys? what HAPPENED?

>> No.495364

people stopped being idiots and realized the potential
also if you think how long it takes to buy bitcoin, the news articles might have triggered it

>> No.495391

>2 million PND
>1 million DOGE
feels ok

>> No.495398

daily reminder that these threads are filled with this sort of people

>> No.495400

I think the whales who cashed out big in the last crypto bubble are coming back into the market. BTC is relatively cheap and they are manipulating smaller markets which even little amounts of BTC can have an impact. Using these smaller markets for their pump and dumps will allow them to stock up more BTC before the next bubble.

>> No.495401

or, pandacoin is just approach fair value due to increased traffic from the new articles that's been out lately, and it triggered off something akin to a domino effect?

combination of both?

devs are known to be tightasses regarding future developments, whcih is fair after seeing what they came up with last time, so doubt it's insider trading happening.

>> No.495402

Will PND be on cryptsy?

>> No.495413

>blew 100 € on it yesterday when it was at 5 satoshi
>PND still now in my wallet
>I didn't fuck up writting my wallet code

Devs please end my pain already

>> No.495416
File: 846 KB, 310x210, 1411501816722.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone regretting their every breath
10sat nigguhs

there's hasn't been any new developments and no one knows for certain , but since it happened around 11-2 am PDT it's probably not us based

it would be foolish at this point for cryptsy not to take PND

>> No.495419

support this main altcoin forum thread to give pnd exposure


>> No.495420

are the PND whales on btctalk legit?!

>> No.495421

is your wallet synced? or when you open pandabank do you see a bar in the bottom?

>> No.495422

How do I check if my wallet is synced? I don't find any button for it.

Haven't used Pandabank yet because I'm abroad on a very shitty netbook and it was taking ages to download. Finally got it working, I'm looking around it now.

>> No.495424

OK, I think I fucked up...
Let's see. As I couldn't get the Pandabank running yet, I got the Android app, then used the wallet number it gives on buyPND.com

How do I sync that with my Pandabank?

>> No.495425

wait, so where did you send the coins to?

a synced wallet will have a tiny green checkmark at the bottom right corner
if you hover over it it should say "up to date"

>> No.495426

transfer it from your android wallet to your pandabank address.

if you need help, hop on irc and the people there should help you out, they are a friendly bunch - http://webchat.freenode.net/?nick=panda.&channels=%23PandacoinPND&uio=Mj10cnVlJjQ9dHJ1ZSY5PXRydWUmMTE9MTg1JjEyPXRydWU60

>> No.495427

oh, it's a different wallet, you'll send it as a new transaction to your computer wallet when you get that one

>> No.495431

Computer's Pandabank is syncing now. I send the coins to the wallet code in the app.

Noted. I'm too busy now, but I'll check it later if still have problems. Thanks

Greatly relieved. Now the thing is, how the hell do I sync my Android app wallet so it shows the money? I don't see any option for that.

I'll get on the irc later

>> No.495440

you got me there
the irc will help you out more than I could
best of luck

>> No.495443


I dont think you can display USD in the pandabank if thats what you mean

>> No.495447

it syncs by itself, just keep it open
you can see more if you click on the options menu top right, select network monitor and then select blocks

>> No.495460


No, it's just that is says I've got 0 PND = 0 EUR, when I've bought a few millions.

Thing is, if I click the wallet address, then again, then the menu on the top right and hit Browse, I get a screen that recognizes the coins I've got.

However, it doesn't appear in the front screen. But hey, at least I got it. Big relief.

They just say "Block not found"

I'll hop on the IRC later. Too busy now to handle a chat

>> No.495469

Yeah it worked instantly for me so im not sure

The irc community are a clever bunch theyll help you out

>> No.495470

10 satoshi

>> No.495471

Back at our all time high iirc
Bought in at around this price and I've been holding ever since ;_;

>> No.495473

>that feel when i cursed at amDoge for buying PND at 8 satoshi months ago and it dropped to 1 satoshi shortly after
i am sorry amDoge ;_; i will never question you again

>> No.495477


Was that at launch?

It`ll pay off eventually bro, just not as much as for other people

How much do you have?

>> No.495523

im not >>495471 but i did about the same. i think i bought at 8 satoshi months ago. i have 2 million pnd

>> No.495525

you just lost your chance to dump at 8sat

>> No.495530

i will hold and sell most for DOGE at some point

>> No.495533

Is it crashing ?

>> No.495535

well someone dumped the 12 btc 8sat wall... a new 11 btc wall was set up and dumped again. Now at 7 sat. Can't be said for sure yet. Seems like the bigger wallets are playing on the field

>> No.495542

where can i trade my PND for BTC? not doing it yet, but don't want to miss something by spending time struggling to find a place to sell it.

>> No.495548

mintpal is the place you are looking for newfriend

>> No.495551


>> No.495562

shit im wondering if i dump 2 btc and buy when it goes lower or i just wait it out.

>> No.495576

Agh, skip a day and miss an additional $300. What a world.

>> No.495581

really cant go much lower than this, idiots took profit and will kill themselves next week for doing that

>> No.495602

>DOGE or PND will never be >10 cents per coin
God damnit ;_;

>> No.495611


We can only dream

>> No.495635

>bought doge at 60 satoshis
>bought pnd at 4 satohis
>only bought $5 of each

>> No.495642


>got 1.5m dogecoin for free
>spent $200 on a fake ass that I threw away
>spent the rest on drugs

All in all good experience

>> No.495721

No it's still growing.

>> No.495728

No, I sold 5 million at 12 on like the 2nd day after launch or something

Also the shilling here is cringeworthy

Stay pleb guys

>> No.495738

The highest buy or sell there every was is 10 satos. So you didn't sell at 12.

No one is shilling. We believe in this coin because the devs are delivering on everything they promised and are working every day to deliver more.

That and the community is fantastic, and the coin is technically one of the strongest you can find, if not THE strongest.

If we didn't think this, we wouldn't be here.

>> No.495779


I have been accused of shilling multiple times simply for telling people to do their own research on PND and decide if they want to buy in without listening to people online (AKA the exact polar opposite of shilling)

Are all these people just trying to lower the price to buy in or are there actually people who think PND is a scam?

>> No.495791

yes, its just fudding, some doges also spreading lies now

>> No.495792

In all likelihood they are just FUDers for the sake of FUDing, or they want to get in low.

Either way, ignoring them is our best bet.

The FUDers anyway. If someone has an actual thing to say or a worry or somethin', that's totally fine.

>> No.495797

>mfw the PND pool also pays in DOGE
why can't pandas and doges get along?

>> No.495803

Ask them. We'd love to have a more harmonious relationship with them. But not only do they have a featureless coin, they bite.

>> No.495814

what does FUD stand for, anyway?

>> No.495816

fear uncertainty doubt

>> No.495821

lol umad?

>> No.495835

Shibes are Japanese. Pandas are Chinese.

There can be no peace.

>> No.495840

Rumour on IRC is that PND is getting added to cryptsy next week.

>> No.495842

Should up the price a bit. Maybe set a new floor.

>> No.495843


>> No.495844


>Scrawny dudes: PND and DOGE
>Musclebound lasses: BTC and LTC
>girl losing spaghetti: MFW this is the perfect analogy of PND and DOGE right now.

>> No.495867


The DOGE people see PND as another memecoin

They dont see tht whereas DOGE was essentially a copypaste-job with a funny face PND is actually a viable real world coin and is so much better that competition doesnt actually exist

The competition between DOGE and PND is like the competition between a actual bear and an actual shibe dog

>> No.495873

How much cheaper is it to buy on mintpal instead of buypnd? Can somebody teach me how?

>> No.495877


>> No.495882


should I wait for price to drop a little bit or buy now?

>> No.495884

Depends on how much you're planning to throw in. If it's like ten bucks it won't matter.

>> No.495954

Did that fag !amDOGE die, or just stopped caring like any sane person would do?

Also, last few days doge has paid me a brand new GTX 970. Forgetting about it and suddenly looking at bitcoinwisdom and seeing it was going up was great.

>> No.495958
File: 56 KB, 500x750, 1411690523578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amDOGE lurks this thread from time to time but mainly she is just enjoying her life of luxury due to DOGE/PND/LITECOIN profits.

>> No.495961

he/she probably lurks everyday but has the trip off

>> No.495964

>he thinks people who lurk, make posts


>> No.495966

She's a she btw.

>> No.495967

Yeah, no.

Thanks newfriend.

>> No.495973

Is it possible for PND to reach 0.1$ (or at least 0.01$)? If yes, than how long would it take?

>> No.495978

>how long
Very long. You'd need hundreds of millions of dollars going into PND.

>> No.495987

My thoughts on PND's potential:
Personally I am holding out for $.01/PND. That would give PND a $320 million market cap which I believe is completely within the realm of possibility. It's a mere ~6% of Bitcoin's market cap (as of btc's price a few days ago, haven't redone the math lately).
I do not believe $1=1 PND to be realistic at this point. That would give PND a larger market cap than something like McDonalds... with ZERO tangible assets. It's just not likely under current conditions.
HOWEVER, if the devs plan comes through and PND is "adopted by the masses", or any significant number of people.... the sky is the limit on its value.
IE - If 1 million Chinese folks decide they want a piece of PND, there's only 32,000 per person to go around if you average it out. 1 million is only .001% of China's population and those fuckers LOVE pandas. At that point I would believe PND to have the ability to hit $1.

TL;DR - Get the Chinese onto Pandacoin, and we'll all be rich.

>> No.496008

should you back up wallet.dat once or does it change?

>> No.496019


>> No.496080

>Get the Chinese onto Pandacoin
But that won't happen because of the chinese gov, no?

>> No.496104


China trades the largest volume of Cryptos by far. Look here: http://www.cryptocoincharts.info/markets/info

#'s 1 and 3 are chinese exchanges. Over 40,000 BTC trading volume in that past 24 hours (that's over $15,000,000).

>> No.496214

Can someone explain to me the benefit of the merged doge mining in the PND multipool?

Wouldn't it be better if it were just straight up PND?

>> No.496217

If you want PND it's probably better to mine PND, not DOGE.

>> No.496220


I know but the only way to mine PND is through the multipool but it's merged mining with doge.

I'm having a hard time understanding what the point of that is though.

>> No.496222

Well you aren't actually mining PND, so it doesn't really matter. Your portion just gets exchanged for PND.

>> No.496225

Less variance over splitting the hashrate.

>> No.496240


Yeah I just wanted to make sure that I'm not getting any less PND because of the merged mining. So what you're saying is that it has no effect on the amount of PND I'm receiving, yeah?


Care to elaborate further on what that actually means? Also how do they calculate how to split the hashrate? Or how do they figure out how much doge and how much PND to buy? It seems like a merged-mining multipool would be a huge pain in the ass.

>> No.496248

I didn't make the pool, but you put in either a PND or DOGE wallet address, which would then be associated with your hashing power. The pool could check the ratio of PND to total and exchange for that amount of PND to distribute.
As for less variance, more hashing power makes it more likely to be winning blocks. A larger pool is better than a smaller pool for the same reason a pool is better than a solo miner (spreads rewards out more evenly over time instead of irregular rewards)

>> No.496259


hazah! now it all makes sense. Thanks for the info man.

>> No.496438

>2m PND

>> No.496514

Did mintpal get attacked or something? Has the value gone down?

>> No.496519

It was DDoSed, yeah

>> No.496520

I can't wait for another "exchange hit by superhackers millions of bitcoin stolen" story

>> No.496521

Was it /b/ or something? Has the value dropped?

>> No.496522

The fuck are you on?

>> No.496527

I heard b was saying something about it coz pnd apparently has strong ties to moot. Is the value falling though? Has pandabank been hit?

>> No.496529

>I heard b was saying something about it
No you didn't.

>> No.496530

Price is at 7 satoshi.
>has pandabank been hit
Err... no.

>> No.496532

I heard it second hand through a friend, I don't go on b

>> No.496533

Where do you check that? Do you guys use a program or is it a webpage?

>> No.496537

You can either check the exchange yourself or there's a bot in the IRC that'll tell you.

>> No.496538

(there are also all sorts of programs out there if you want)

>> No.496591
File: 11 KB, 100x47, peka4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol whats with that OP pic
also poor mintpal, good thing that PND is resting after dump kek

>> No.496598
File: 83 KB, 409x351, 1360437600199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you didn't dump PND and DOGE to buy back later
>once again
>and again
>since Dec'13

>> No.496607

what if PND wont go below 6 sat?
what if DOGE will hit 200 soon?
do you even have bitcoin or litecoin wallet?

>> No.496783

It's in honor of our dear leader.

>> No.496951

Is it too late to board the panda train?

>> No.496970



>> No.496985

We are in a small bear trap. Get in while you can.

>> No.496988
File: 1008 KB, 500x252, pnd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll never be too late
welcome fellow panda

>> No.496990
File: 1.88 MB, 256x192, okguys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have time... you can wait for some big holder to be near death, after he gives his son all his pnd, little brat dumps to 1 sat where your wall will be
or just try to catch the next dip
or go in now with half of your "btc for PND fund" just to be safe if there is a dip

>> No.497216
File: 12 KB, 300x169, 1411522870680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is mintpal kill?

>> No.497222

Kinda, sorta, it works-ish if you refresh enough.

>> No.497267 [DELETED] 

Mintpal banned my account once for "market manipulation" and kept the 10BTC I had in it.

I now do all my trades on swisskeks or other trustworthy sites.

>> No.497351

I havent used my PND wallet since february, is there anything special i have to do before i open the new standalone? I cant even remember if i sold all my pnd or not

>> No.497353

nope, just download latest pandabank and open it

>> No.497360

Its stuck at "importing blockchain from PoW"

>> No.497361
File: 195 KB, 1075x532, 2014-09-28 12_21_46-Program Manager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant remember any of this stuff. How do I get my wallets to work again? Theyre just stuck like this

>> No.497365

start by downloading the latest wallet:

>> No.497366

go to the place where your wallet.dat is located, delete everything there except for your wallet.dat and then reopen the program.

>> No.497529

m-monashill? you were right 6 months ago mona spiked like a mofo

>> No.497530

Yeah, PND isn't PoW anymore. Just download the new PandaBank and keep wallet.dat

>> No.497778

8 satoshi is the new floor.

>> No.497793

7 sato you mean.

>> No.497797

Neither have much support. There's a nice wall at 6 though.

>> No.498152
File: 1.92 MB, 340x191, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last week there was 100% growth
what will this week bring?

>> No.498289


The moon

>> No.498305

nothing but keep bagholding

people like you are destructive to cryptocurrency longevity

>> No.498310

Can I have some of what you're smoking?

>> No.498502
File: 559 KB, 200x200, dealwith.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PND people are legit and always deliver
why not hold it?

>> No.498944


Plenty of people trade on usePND

>> No.498984

Lol, i was shilling mona pretty hard back then and I sold like 9k mona and kept 1182. fuck me. I still believe in mona though, its the best of the japanese ones and can get much higher because of xenophobic nips

>> No.498987

Do I get interest by having the wallet open now?

>> No.498990

With the bank, yeah. Keep it open and unlocked so your PND can stake.

>> No.499255

So i haven't loaded my PND wallet since 1.6
I downloaded pandabank, kept my old wallet.dat, and placed it in appdata roaming pandacoin.
It now asks me for a pandabank password

I'm pretty sure my PND walllet wasnt encrypted before

Or Do i need to make a pandabank account or something?

>> No.499270

nvm figured out.

wow this new wallet is really slick. came a long way from when we first started out.
GG amdoge

>> No.499283

nice huh
and still people think this is just a pump and dump
people speaking out of their asses
more PND for me

>> No.499285


agreed. love the following features:

-the ability to see each address balance
how much is available/pending/earning interest
-managing my accounts by sending pnds to each other
-quick transfer had been useful already so far
-modern design that reflects how banking systems work.

amDOGE went super sayian on us with her team instead of dumping on us.

>> No.499288

what does conflicted mean for transactions though?

my balance just keeps shrinking as it syncs. did we fork?

my balance should be like 10mil according to this http://pnd.showed.us/address/PHHxhKady27Ryh3Piyqp1kbFjUuriNWz9i

>> No.499289


not sure on the conflicted anon.

but the shrinking/increasing balance is normal as your pandabank syncs. just be patient and once it fully syncs, your balance will be normal.

>> No.499309

I miss the be/g/inning when it was a fun coin and everyone shared and Amdoge was my friend

>> No.499315

blame OP for being a fag and keeps posting her rl pics here and pissed her off

>> No.499326

it's still fun if you're holding

>> No.499343

this thread auto sgageing


