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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49594732 No.49594732 [Reply] [Original]

Planned obsolescence.

>> No.49594794

The particle board doesn't deteriorate when it's covered by lining and vinyl siding, you retard.

>> No.49594816
File: 115 KB, 600x344, livia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the Lord would take me now

>> No.49594838

there are no 100 year old particle board homes still standing

>> No.49594907

Everything eventuallly depreciates to land value. Why bother slowing it down? Better to scam new money with mcmansions.

>> No.49594925

its OSB not particle board get it right

>> No.49594959

they didn't have osb 100 years ago

>> No.49595019

It's no secret that mutts think they are hot shit when they live in clownish cardboard McMansions.

>> No.49595032


There are 600% more houses from 100 years ago falling apart right now than those built in the past 30 years.

t. has old houses, sees old houses

>> No.49595061

That is OSB and you know nothing

>> No.49595097


>> No.49595164

holy shit, the absolute state of mutt cope

>it's not particle board I swear!

>> No.49595175

Can we put an end to this. Stick construction plus OSB/plywood when left dry will last 100 years. Masonry in freeze thaw fucking destroyed unless also kept dry. The issue comes when builders leave the whole building to get soaked in rain for 4 months and nobody does shit all about it. The other issue is offgassing of glues and chemicals. My personal opinion is ICF plus timber where needed is the best possible affordable construction for northern climates or tornade prone regions.

>> No.49595204

Or...because there are no more fucking trees imbecile
trees take too long to mature to be a sustainable building material
hempwood is the superior product
OP confirmed faggot

>> No.49595278

>OSB is shit, not like plywood now that's a material for the ages.

>> No.49595323

That's Oriented Strand Board, not particle board. But yeah, it sucks. If it ever get's wet, it get's totally fucked.

>> No.49595333
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>> No.49595498

At least call it "chip board" - it's made of bigger chips, not particles.

>> No.49595533

I wish he did in the first season. What an annoying cunt she was.

>> No.49595669
File: 521 KB, 1197x605, Screenshot 2022-06-12 at 21-50-39 OSB vs Plywood - Pros Cons Comparisons and Costs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the point of these threads?

>> No.49595977

Ah the way the muts build there houses in tornado areas. kekw

>> No.49596028
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>> No.49596041
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mutts still building houses with sticks. my sides.

>> No.49596162

The tree that made the bottom piece probably got wiped out by a disease.

>> No.49597098

my house was built in 57.....still holding strong......i hope kek

>> No.49597393

Is this only in america? Houses here are only brick, rock or concrete.

>> No.49597590
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>glued wood garbage

>> No.49597713
File: 1.98 MB, 2364x3550, mjostarnet-norway-voll-worlds-tallest-timber-tower-col_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think Euros have a leg to stand on now that they are building big wooden buildings.

>> No.49597974

There are parts such as California which have frequent earthquakes. If you live there your whole life it is almost guaranteed that you will experience a major earthquake and quite possibly one that ranks up there in the largest on earth.

>> No.49597976

>liberal architecture wank project
Nice cherry picking. Pretty much everything here is made of brick and concrete.

>> No.49598527

The envy is palpable.

>> No.49598573

build houses with bricks

>> No.49598864


what does it mean ? trees now grow faster than in 1918 ?

>> No.49598888

The fuck? Use bricks you fucking weirdos.

>> No.49598908
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I will accept nothing less than solid concrete with steel rebar and steel security shutter windows designed to withstand massive hurricanes every 3-5 years.

>> No.49598932

Why do you burgers build this cardboard shit? Like 90% of homes in the US are made of what is basically cardboard. I have not seen this anywhere else in the world.

>> No.49598955

Especially for any price over a quarter mil.

>> No.49599002

1 vanity project vs literally everybody's house.

>> No.49599118

Old growth tree VS farm grown tree. Humans planted the 2018 one. Less dense, less strong.

>> No.49599152

because the people there are literally serfs being swindled by their masters while they are set to fight amongst themselves over gun ownership

>> No.49599155

The old growth 2x4 has 60 rings and the new growth only has 16. The old wood is more dense, stronger, burns slower and is more insect resistant. The new wood was grown for the sole purpose of being used for timber and the old growth was taken from natural forests which we have very few natural forests left.

>> No.49599158

Yes particle board first, then a moisture barrier (plastic sheet) then you exterior wood or vinyl siding. Some even nail a fence to the particle board and then stucco it. OP, you must never been in the trades before. Fuck, as a teenager, we all work construction/laborer during the summer time. I guess you were the stay at home/indoors, white as a bed sheet kid during the summer time. Am i right?

>> No.49599212

(please note that Renko Fund does not have exposure to architecture that makes extensive use of particle board)

>> No.49600438

Someone give me a book or something to read about building a house, preferrably concrete block/brick house. Thanks.

>> No.49600772
File: 140 KB, 1920x1164, housing-bubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've heard about something cool called the housing bubble, which i assume is a portable force field technology. you simply activate your force field wherever you are and it modulates temperature and provides security and can be made opaque for privacy. just pack an inflatable mattress in your backpack and you can sleep anywhere. we won't even need homes when he have housing bubbles.

>> No.49601195

why not use bricks?

>> No.49601333

>There is a reason all new homes are being built out of particle board
yes because OSB is a structurally stronger, cheaper material to produce that lasts longer than plywood you braindead nigger

>> No.49601402

glue literally doesn't last end of debate. you're buying buildings with an expiry date like they are a milk carton

>> No.49601419

with the housing bubble you can sleep anywhere, in a public park, at the side of the road, even in a ditch. the housing bubble is a state of the art personal force field that erects an opaque and secure temperature regulated bubble at least large enough to sleep in.

>> No.49601435

>take proteins
>tangle them in a matrix
>they somehow magically become untangled over time for no reason

>> No.49601441
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>Mass reply

>> No.49601585
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They're turning the wood gay

>> No.49601688

>build home with cheap garbage grade construction material that off gassed carcinogenic fumes

Great idea

>> No.49601706

Let's be real.
We should not accept anything less than gilded age buildings. These were built to last.

>> No.49601812

Lmao you cover shit with plastic, no wonder you're so into castrating your sons and calling them girls you sick perverts. Lipstick on a pig doesn't make it a woman.

>> No.49601831

Of course it’s the Jew nig cycle.
>white flight
>build new houses outside of nig zone
>build stores, restaurants, etc
>move nogs in

>> No.49601899

There is a theory that trees on Earth don't have more than 500 years, and were replanted using a suppressed technology.

>> No.49601922
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drop a cup of water in there and you're done for.

>> No.49601926


>> No.49602005

lol you Americans are so pathetic
anything to avoid admitting how poor and shitty your country is
my "third world shithole" has higher quality houses made of brick jej

>> No.49602008
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>Masonry is... le BAD!

>> No.49602077

if it's 50% plastic I can see why it lasts

>> No.49602086

As long as the wood is cured and dried properly ring growth shouldn't make a huge difference. Problem is home Depot does not sell kiln dried wood, that shit comes so soaked that you could juice it.

>> No.49602129

not a single person has said this you insecure euro. houses made out of FSB are a fraction of the price of houses made purely out of stone.

>> No.49602247

I'm a burger retard. I just know good architecture when I see it.

>> No.49602298

>cant appreciate the engineering genius behind lightweight construction
>i know good architecture!

>> No.49602361


Well, it's just way faster to put up boards then cements in a brick wall

>> No.49602419

It won't be standing in a thousand years.

>> No.49603121

it doesn't need to.

>> No.49603295
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>Admits it

>> No.49603308

Where will your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandchildren live?

>> No.49603414

In a new house far away from niggers

>> No.49603596

Well fuck, ain't that the truth.
Whatever north America is in a thousand years, I'd imagine they'd be spread out pretty uniformly by then. No escaping those coons.

>> No.49603749

>engineering genius
>Cardboard huts
Are STEMcels really like this?

>> No.49604768

Good, let the earth reclaim it. Europe was full of ugly houses that kept the same facade from 100s of years ago while being dark and dingy on the inside. Why would you want a bunch of outdated unusable ruins with shitty sewage covering every square inch of liveable space?