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49592164 No.49592164 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any single reason why BTC won't drop more? Hasn't every last support been breached already? The fuck is keeping it over 20k?

>> No.49592245

What's the reason she's talking about?

>> No.49592248

The 200W SMA, literally the bottom indicator for every single cycle
Have fun getting priced out greedy bobo cuck

>> No.49592259
File: 202 KB, 600x400, pepe-own3dtv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a single reason you'll ever take that dick out of your mouth, OP?

>> No.49592262

So why do girls hug guys over the shoulders?

>> No.49592285
File: 295 KB, 600x583, D5977C7C-EC66-43B6-882A-41EF6863611A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incel bro’s have we figured out why they hug Chad like this yet?

>> No.49592329

Literally clear fucking virgin fags.

>> No.49592328

Bros.... I just have to know

>> No.49592334

Too feel the dick.
t. trans anon

>> No.49592351

clit stimulation

>> No.49592357

I too would like to know this.

>> No.49592393

it's so you can feel her tits, and she can feel your cock. Also, so she can feel your neck muscles.

>> No.49592406

>Asks question and while posting one of the ultimate derail pics
New levels of spastication are being reached

>> No.49592471

Isn't that just a natural position for a smaller person to be in a hug?

>> No.49592551

but unless I'm naked or have an erection how will she feel it through my pants?

>> No.49592682

Ye y? Hug?

>> No.49592718

I think this girl is just stupid

>> No.49592780

>I think this girl is just stupid
>water is wet

>> No.49592781
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Little girls do that?
>for minecraft science

>> No.49592796

Even if you are a grower she should be able to feel some sort of bump

>> No.49592808

Women only care about how big you are soft. ie they want a shower not a grower

>> No.49592866

No, women just like to pretend like they are mysterious creatures with deep thoughts and feelings... but literally all they think about is getting dicked down because it feels good.

It's like a monkey who keeps touching his balls. There's nothing deep or mysterious about it, it just feels good and it wastes time.

>> No.49592937 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 230x250, 1642723271274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hugged by a girl once in school and it was beautiful.

>> No.49592948

You really should try to be hard at all times

>> No.49592960

Correction: women still don't understand how flaccid dicks work and many don't know it even exists.

That Seinfeld episode was not just random comedy, it was born because barely any women they asked knew that dicks change size according to situations.

>> No.49592998

now im curious. ive never been hugged before. why do they do it?

>> No.49593013

If she's hot I'll have a nice 8" semi anyway.
t. grower

>> No.49593139

Wow, women are fucking retarded. I'm 2 inches soft 6.2 inches hard

>> No.49593160

Why do zoomer girls look like they're on drugs all the time?

>> No.49593206

Same thing can happen if they hug below the shoulders

>> No.49593229

there is not a single biological girl out there that cares about this

>> No.49593236

There isn't a simple "this is why" answer. Depends on context.

>> No.49593239
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>> No.49593242

They are all on SSRIs

>> No.49593279

isn’t that how you normally hug?

>> No.49593281
File: 2.87 MB, 350x622, greatest video ever made.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-17.4% in 24h, give it time sub 10 by july.
so you can smell them while their breast are pressed against you, universal move to get something from you. Friends, gfs daughters, wife, etc, when they hug you like that they want something from you, generally money. Mystery solved.

>> No.49593303

What does hugging over the shoulders mean? Their arms wrap around my neck?

>> No.49593336

easier to smooch ya

>> No.49593351

I just asked my gf and she had no idea what I was talking about

>> No.49593411

It must be really hard being a young man growing up with this shit in your face. I came of age in the 2000s when it all began, but you didn't have mousey Allison getting on ThotTok to talk about her standards.

>> No.49593546
File: 1.67 MB, 1052x729, apollokramer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't want you to know when she
glues herself to Tyrone

>> No.49593661

t. has never made a woman cum

>> No.49593692

i wish i could dance like him jeez

>> No.49593708 [DELETED] 

if I'm around women I'm hard all the time
high t problems

>> No.49593810
File: 1.94 MB, 230x175, 1383215333417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl never hugged me in any way
It's not the crypto is why I am going to kill myself.

>> No.49593922

you will never be a woman though

>> No.49593956

I always awkwardly hunch forward when I hug girls because I'm overly conscious about seeming like a pervert.

>> No.49594066

They weed out manlets lying about their height by knowing how high the dude's shoulders should be relative to their arms when hugging them.

Pretty clever really.

>> No.49594128

so do girls want him?

>> No.49594155
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>> No.49594165

So she can press her dick against yours and see whose is bigger. Some girls want you to fuck them, and some want to fuck you, so you never really know which one she's hoping for. But if she hugs you and you can feel her getting a boner, it means you're what she wants, so you can start taking off your pants and so on.
t. girl expert

>> No.49594169

i'm not sure how to interpret this. i still dont understand. i would like to get hugged so she can rub her tits on my dick accidently.

>> No.49594201

this time is different
> but unironically

>> No.49594400

I do this the same, but unconsciously

>> No.49594407

No shit Sherlock

>> No.49594463

I always thought my gf was trying to dominate me when she did this.

>> No.49594537 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 599x436, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, charts look like such fucking shit lately. Absolute cancer.

>> No.49594607

thank u anon, v helpful

>> No.49594624
File: 59 KB, 512x351, 1655002747511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you will again. Just keep doing what you're supposed to in your station of life.

>> No.49594666

im not trying to be mean but what about basic human anatomy do u not understand

>> No.49594677

Who is girl?

>> No.49594880

i dont know thats what the anons in the thread are saying that she presses her tits agains your semi erect penis? i think i would like that.

>> No.49595219

it's a man, he thinks by being "hard to get" perverts will be attracted to him. he will rope within 10 years.

>> No.49595259

hopium and sunken cost fallacy

>> No.49596345

maybe im retarded, but if it's a first time hug then maybe it's a height check, could be wrong but.
t. virgin

>> No.49596391


girls cannot tell muscles apart. they just know

weak, strong, too big.

>> No.49596412

Whenever the rare occurrence of a girl attempting to hug me me happens I feel extremely uncomfortable and I do that half-hug where I put my arms around her but I barely even touch her anywhere with any part of my body, always making sure to never get even close to her breasts with my chest as I'm doing that half-hug.

So essentially I just hunch over them as if I'm barely hugging some filthy hobo leper

>> No.49596424

Is it the trap muscles?

>> No.49596485

The actual answer is because it invites the guy to hug around the hips which girls like for flirting.

>> No.49596503


>> No.49596533

The 200 week moving average

>> No.49596652

it means she has daddy issues. hopefully when you guys get older like me and experience the beauty and joy of slaying younger pussy that worships the ground you walk on, you'll find out

>> No.49596687

Sorry Anon, were actually wondering why *women* hug over the shoulders

>> No.49596725

what if you’re a 6’4 manlet like me and the grill has trouble reaching?

>> No.49596780
File: 8 KB, 256x256, download (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon - this your gf?

>> No.49596779


>> No.49596793

what a chad

>> No.49597000

oof terrible news for you fren.... someone tell him

>> No.49597004
File: 65 KB, 865x1024, 1636120903153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have to live with this everyday

>> No.49597113

All answers here about dick/boobs/whatever do not explain why it is not possible with hug-under-the-shoulders. I will still feel her boobs, she will still feel my dick if I would hug her over her shouldrw and she would hug me under my shoulders.

>> No.49597171

I asked too and she doesn't know.

>> No.49597187

And they say that white people can't dance... what a chad

>> No.49597233

to discern if hes a manlet or not

>> No.49597312

Oh shit a homicide.

Which is better than what happens to 41% of trains (they derail themselves).

>> No.49597440
File: 217 KB, 1691x1363, monster pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon why are you stealing energy drinks?

>> No.49597543

good way to die of heart failure

>> No.49597565

RIP OP good job being retarded that you needed to discuss your image here instead of /b/

>> No.49597761

So, can someone answer it?

>> No.49599570

Tbh this is probably just 1 girl doing some weird shit that she thinks is normal for everyone

>> No.49600466

she wants you to grab her butt
and then she will love or sue you