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49590485 No.49590485 [Reply] [Original]

So what’s plan B for you guys? I know many of you are accumulating bitcoin while it’s cheap to sell 4+ years down the line but are you buying anything else? For me it’s eth and waves

>> No.49590535

When you buy btc or eth, do you not Cringe at the $30 withdrawl fee off exchanges? How to cope?

>> No.49590539
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>> No.49590571

>eth and waves

>> No.49590590

sounds chicle but "never invest what you are not willing to lose" so crypto was my plan b

>> No.49590607

Plan B? Better plan A. Oh hell yeah that shit is going to be awesome

>> No.49590620
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Bitcoin is my Plan B.

>> No.49590624


>> No.49590628

VRA is mine

>> No.49590645

>plan B
Not getting pregnant? that's what the pill is for right? I fucking died the last time i took that shit

>> No.49590677


>> No.49590679
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My plan B is to watch where the banker kikes go and then follow them with approximately six-thousand rounds of armor-piercing ammunition in the hit video game (and not real life) Toki Tori

>> No.49590691

So what's your plan A?

>> No.49590714


>> No.49590720

This is actually so deep and true

>> No.49590724

>For me it’s eth and waves
I agree ETH but why tf waves? stablecoin?

>> No.49590730

real job i guess

>> No.49590729

But this is the plan A all along

>> No.49590757

When funeral? Can't wait to read out what a fucktard u were

>> No.49590760

Get DOT, SOL, MATIC, AVAX, BTC, get all that shit and hodl

>> No.49590763

waves stable coin? nope

>> No.49590779

Exactly SOL is going to do the run
I get some waves as well, but more bullish SOL

>> No.49590799


>> No.49590802

so u mean sitting and working a 9-9 job and get nothing but minimum wage? how is that fun

>> No.49590822

OMG OP sameeeee

>> No.49590834

My plan B is to open a fiverr account and become a graphic designer... in that order

>> No.49590840

health benefits ser

>> No.49590849
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For me, it's Plan S

>> No.49590854

saffer than crypto

>> No.49590898

USDN is pretty interesting at 90%APY for staking

>> No.49590907

Stealth waves shill thread

>> No.49590939

what is time s? You just had pretty good sex?

>> No.49590945

What slurpers don’t understand is that this time around there won’t be a bull cycle, we have switched from a macro bull trend to a macro bear trend. No longer will there be higher highs and higher lows each cycle, now we get lower highs and lower lows. Btc will never reach an ATH again for at least 10 years and at the end of the macro bear trend will be trading in the low thousands and will be irrelevant as other coins overtake Btc

>> No.49591026
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first off I'm gonna DCA down everything I'm bagholding and then I'm gonna see from there.

>> No.49591075

Somehow I have super high limits when I signed up for Strike, my friends can only put in like 200$ a week or some shit and I am just slamming the buy button and also have my dca set up through it so yeah, lightning network, no fees near instantly deposited into my coldcard whenever I hit a million satoshis

>> No.49591172
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Plan B ser?
My plan B is pushing that MF panic button and buy a bunch of $QOM to fucking survive this fucking mess

>> No.49591192
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>> No.49591240

I'm buying the dip at 5k

>> No.49591270

Plan A was to buy and hold Bitcoin SV. It’s like Amazon during the dotcom bust. Did no one tell you?

>> No.49591300

CWI (CryptoWrestlingInu) at less than 200k market cap!

- BRoots support (wrestling match BRoots vs. Bull James) coming end of 2022.

- Twitter Spaces with WWE legends
- Endorsed by Kurt Angle, Paige VanZant

- First ever PPV streaming platform released recently, with hundreds of sports & entertainment PPV channels (DAZN, Sky, UFC, FiteTV, Hardc0re P0rn channels...), requirement: 1 mil CWI for lifetime access ($150 currently)

Where to buy CWI: Uniswap

>> No.49591333

You'd get fucked real hard.

>> No.49591381

Jokes on you my plan b was to put 80/20 of my net worth into stocksand crypto. Even in the off chance that 20 in crypto makes me a millionaire id still put more into stocks.

>> No.49591465

That mentality is the responsible for the world we have today pussy

>> No.49591765

Ftm and link

Both have runway to last another god awful bear market.