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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 494 KB, 1546x540, Capture d’écran 2022-06-12 à 19.26.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49579685 No.49579685 [Reply] [Original]

ICP is the endgame, its like buying bitcoin in 2009.

We are extremely early in the true Web 3.0.

Web 2.0 is currently valued at more then 50 T

ICP is at 1B mcap, it's a 50 000X.

When 90% of the supply will be staked in 2035++
icp price will be at around 50 000 USD.

Trust the plan.

Project Mayhem 2033

>> No.49579817
File: 871 KB, 2120x1140, Capture d’écran 2022-06-13 à 12.24.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We are currently in Web 3.0 early days, no one knows about it.

by the year of 2032 more than 1B users will join it.

>> No.49579828

the one coin with actual tech that will be widespread in a couple years

>> No.49579840


>> No.49579856

please. please give me more hopium..
Sitting on 500 jars of frozen piss locked for 8 years.
Average at $28.

>> No.49579857
File: 1.45 MB, 1990x1178, Capture d’écran 2022-06-13 à 12.26.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Web 3.0 benefits for creator & users is 1000 times higher than current web 2.0.

>> No.49579866

>When 90% of the supply will be staked in 2035++

I will be an old man by then. it was always too late for me

>> No.49579887
File: 152 KB, 435x710, HR_Roastie_holding_ICP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC wasn't centralized.

>VCs loaded up and purchased $10 000 worth of ICP at 3 cents a piece ($0.03)
>private investors and other early buyers loaded up HEAVY bags with 6 figs below $1 and $10
>ICP was listed above $2000 on Coinbase and Binance before stabilizing around $600, then $400 for one week
>kept dumping since then, non-stop, thanks to retail, boomers and latecomers happily providing exit liquidity at the top of the crypto bubble thinking they were investing in revolutionary tech
>turns out that it's YET ANOTHER centralized vaporware scam that does NOTHING and doesn't build anything outside of a gambling DeFi platform for holders to lose even more funds in NFT scams (useless in bear markets and intrinsically worthless)
>almost everyone on /biz/ saw through the shills and their attempt by rightfully calling it a scam back in May 2021
>months pass
>eventually some faggot chink shill who probably wanted to cut his losses starts promoting this scam to the /pol/ subset of lurkers who browse this board when ICP was trading at $70
>he succeeds because he was lucky enough and made calls that were decent in the past
>but more importantly the 1488 bait and muh racism were enough to attract the lowest common denominators
>ICP keeps dumping
>Mario 64 on ICP is a nothingburger and gets shut down
>ICP keeps dumping
>ICP keeps dumping
>bear market is confirmed
>ICP keeps dumping even further

ICP is probably the second biggest scam to ever grace crypto, with TERRA/LUNA being in the first place and Bitconnect in the third. Compared to these two however, ICP and the Dfinity foundation are still fooling the drooling retards who were dumb enough to fall for the "tech in crypto" meme. Not even pajeets chasing shitcoins are as retarded and gullible as those people.

If you bought, held and lost money on ICP instead of ignoring it or swinging it for sats/dollars you are worthless human trash. Even a pajeet nigger on BSC is smarter and more sound financially.

>> No.49579899

the ICP shills are out in full force today

A hard week in front of them trying to get anyone, ANYONE to buy these heavy HEAVY ICP bags.

I wonder what's the price is and how far down it's from ATH...let me check...

>> No.49579979

there is a big problem with this copypasta: how do you explain why dozens of the smartest minds in the whole industry are working at dfinity? genius cryptographers and programmers. why are they wasting their time on a scam?

>> No.49580000

My bags aren't heavy
Bought 500 pissies at 6 and if we drop lower I'll buy 1000 pissies
etc etc

>> No.49580003
File: 1008 KB, 1356x1336, Capture d’écran 2022-06-13 à 12.31.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ICP is actually the only project with real world use cases.

Current Web 2.0 is filled with hacks and malware , icp solves this.

>> No.49580080

why do i care if it takes you idiots another 2 years to figure it out
i'll have 2/3 of my stack back from staking and this shit will be pushing into the 100's if not 1k

>> No.49580138
File: 357 KB, 1496x848, Capture d’écran 2022-06-13 à 12.38.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ICP is the only True Web 3.0 blockchain.

No one can compete.

>> No.49580232

the way to tell that icp is a scam is to realize that they are building it only to enrich themselves. no one needs an internet computer, no one asked for it, and yet they try to push it everywhere

>> No.49580270

Obviousl piss holder. Lay off JUST a touch.
You still baited the one guy.
3/10 bait

>> No.49580327

I'm bagholding and will just lose all my money if it comes to it.
However, no one asked for any of this.
That's pretty irrelevant.

>> No.49580397
File: 61 KB, 1280x691, 1653172727-photo-2022-05-22-02-25-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ICP coin is needed to burn cycle.

By the year of 2030, millions of ICP will be burned.

>> No.49580414

>year 2032
Might as well be 2092, you boys go on without me.
>captcha ptsyd

>> No.49580441
File: 119 KB, 1723x1087, icp baggies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine investing into something called the internet computer

>> No.49580455

What is ICP and how does it work? Icp pill me.

>> No.49580472

AWS is literally a scam
even jeff admitted it wasnt for profit

>> No.49580498

>locked for 8 years.

>> No.49580522

It functions EXACTLY like a toilet.
Some have compared it to a rat hole, but that's not exactly correct because it leaves out the "swirling" (called "cycles" in the ICP system) as your money goes away.

Now, some say things that literally burn your money are more efficient, but I've yet to see anyone make money on this, so I'm left to consider it as the best system for going poor that exists.
By 2030 there will be no money left on the planet for anyone.

>> No.49580617

>icp price will be at around 50 000 USD.
and a loaf of bread will be $1000

>> No.49580637

Right now I can JUST BARELY afford the brioche I like for a single ICP.
So this would be great. Thanks for the hopium.

>> No.49581130

So if ICP = 50T mcap how much a BTC flower will be worth? 100M?

>> No.49581238

Web 3.0 is a scam

>> No.49582012

ICP is vc-backed bitconnect 3.0.
Time to move on.

>> No.49582291

Who the fuck needs """""web 3.0"""""?
Explain please

>> No.49582386

>Mario 64 on ICP is a nothingburger and gets shut down
Pretty dishonest retelling of history. Mario64 anon is a bizreli I'm unsure if he's ever replied to this pasta, but he didn't have to take it down. He and others thought it would be best for the ecosystem if they didn't fight the legal system this early. The vote was overwhelmingly no to not take it down though.82D2S

>> No.49582460


>> No.49582506

Laser sword niggas in biz gon have a field day when that date hits.

>> No.49582726
File: 151 KB, 1440x904, 460BF1B1-8426-4F7D-865F-2D65BBA695BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those that aren't up to speed on the tech...

ICP functions EXACTLY like a toilet.
Some have compared it to a rat hole, but that's not exactly correct because it leaves out the "swirling" (called "cycles" in the ICP system) as your money goes away.

Now, some say that literally burning your money is more efficient, but I've yet to see anyone make money on this, so I'm left to consider it as the best system for going poor that exists.
By 2030 there will be no money left on the planet for anyone.
It's that much of a game changer.

>> No.49583050 [DELETED] 
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1080, moonmanicp(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP already mooned though. Presale price was 3c, during all of 2019 and 2020 prices for futures was $5-20
And then it shadily mooned by releasing at $600 or whatever the stupid price was

And the funny thing is (well, scary for you guys) is that early investors are still up almost 1000x (one thousand X)
Even when/if ICP falls to $3, they will be up 100x
Would you market sell something you're up 100x in? I know I would, that's for damn sure

You guys will suffer like no other bagholders in 2023. You will live to see ICP fall below $4 and think there is no way it can go only lower, but it will
I bet most of you retards got in crypto in fucking 2021 and actually bought because of Moonman. I bet half of you suckers havent even fully read the ICP whitepaper. You don't know shit. And you will suffer

>> No.49583179

interesting that in the past 24hrs, ICP has dumped less than almost every other non-stablecoin in the top 100. up against btc in the past 24hrs

>> No.49583299


>> No.49583395

Let them bask in their shit of delusions, anon. The faggots vehemently trying to shill this scam are seething and cannot cope with the reality that they got scammed

>> No.49583670

ICP is the biggest fucking dog out of every shitty shit coin out there. It just keeps going lower and lower everytime I check the price. I have about 30 Internet Computers currently. No point in selling them now, so I hope what you say is actually true.

>> No.49583726

>Facebook - $0.10 a user.

>> No.49583808

The vote to take it down was majority yes until the canister owner took it down voluntarily. Then Dfinity voted no and it ended with majority no.

>> No.49583839

This is one of the saddest charts ever. And its not even current because it would be damn near 0 on that chart today.

>> No.49583992

Good job sirs, check your wallets

>> No.49584011

If you are not buying, you are a certified retard. Fed is going to raise 50-75 bps on ICP in the next FOMC. Buy now or stay poor.

>> No.49584028
File: 415 KB, 1000x1000, 1654864242030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping nigger

>> No.49584436

ICP fits so many narratives its not even funny, and it makes it difficult to explain.
Some of the narratives i enjoy:

* Layer 0 blockchain: it is the most interoperable chain in the world thanks to a cryptographic breakthrough called chain-key cryptography, that the likes of Vitalik have praised in the past.

* Decentralized AWS: most blockchains today may be decentralized at the protocol level but they all run on AWS, making them centralized in practice. ICP is AWS itself, this doesn't come without a small compromise in decentralization given that you need more performing machines, but overall it's a net positive. Today storage on ICP is $5/gb/year, which is very competitive compared to other distributed storage technology in the space. And in a few months when specialized subnets are implemented the cost will go down to $1/gb/year which will make ICP compete with centralized infrastructure as well.

** ICP can serve web-content directly from the blockchain, you can host BOTH your back-end logic and your front-end in the blockchain.

The latest toy in the ICP is a search engine, check it out https://kinic.io

>> No.49584479

Pretty sure BTC is BTC from 2009.

>> No.49584533

>it ended with majority no.
We know, that's what the other guy said. The vote was overwhelming in support of keeping it up.

>> No.49584588

Isn’t the NNS a centralized piece of shit? Also how do subnets maintain any level of decentralization if it’s just a couple data centers with a 2/3 multisig?

>> No.49585140

I can feel youre right, however i cannot fully grasp it right now

>> No.49585379

In web2 you need to put up extremely complex infrastructure up to run a service, you run a database, you need a front-end, and many other disparate elements put together, being so modular it becomes a security risk, and is unnecessarily complex. ICP is the copernican revolution of the IT stack, you don't need a database, orthogonal persistence makes it so that the data is always available in the blockchain, you just have to call it from your code. and many other perks, check this video kid

>> No.49585777

The guy I replied to framed it like the canister owner proactively took it down despite everybody voting to keep it up. This is false. The canister was about to get smoked and then the canister owner took it down himself before the vote was finished. After that Dfinity went and voted against taking it down because it didn't matter anymore. I just wanted to point that out, everybody keeps getting it wrong for some reason

>> No.49586126

I know it's hard to imagine, but ICP will one day have a quadrillion market cap as they move to tokenize all assets on the ICP blockchain.

>> No.49586225


ICP is fully on chain front end & back end.

Think of it, can you hack a bitcoin wallet ?

No right.

It's the same for all icp dapps.

It's unhackable, no need for VPN, firewalls or anything.

It's the new internet

>> No.49586674

no one cares nigger this shit is going to zero along with the rest of the market

>> No.49587537

source on webm?
t. coomer

>> No.49587633
File: 8 KB, 249x249, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its only a scam in the first 3 years. Se you wait it out faggot and dont buy in too early.

>> No.49588083
File: 1.04 MB, 299x216, d8564b8d141717985434843204_700wa_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to see an answer to this from the icp crowd.

>> No.49588384

He's a vulgar man undeserving of engagement. How do you respond to someone saying something is a "piece of shit"? Subnets have an average of 13 machines now, because the network is young. As we grow this number will go higher.

>> No.49588604

It aint fair value until it's sub $1

To think some fucking retard bought this above $400 albiet some vs getting a print rigging the market

>> No.49588761

More data centers will be added.
Also, look up badlands.
Also, we are too early. Like this guy said >>49587633

>> No.49588952

Fuck off Dom

>> No.49589033

What do juggalos have to do with all this shit?

>> No.49589291
File: 406 KB, 498x474, 1590426172705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry theyll just vote for it to become decentralized even though the people who benefit from it being centralized have most of the voting power

>> No.49589648

Whoop whoop

>> No.49590909
File: 799 KB, 1000x1000, 1642810106827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late for that one chief. DCA is 12 dollarinos

>> No.49590937

You have to soak ICP overnight in water. It inserts easier as a suppository that way

>> No.49591061

yep and it will get worse once they reveal the vast majority of ad clicks are bots. The entire business is fraudulent, hence meta rebrand

>> No.49592473

honestly i'm shocked BTC drops by $4k in 24 hours = barely any affect on ICP.
What the actual fuck is going on? Are we going to make it?

>> No.49593060


I wish that were true bro but Bitcoin is a legendary thing that will never ever be matched.

Bitcoin was a the golden ticket to wealth for the few who believed and understood. It was made by a mysterious creator who's name and identity are unknown.

ICP is worthless (and I bought some) since it's centralized and they proved that with Mario64. It's just a tech startup with a californian culture and no real innovation.

>> No.49593589


You will laugh at your buy in price in a few years.

Bitcoin fell from 30 to 12 usd in 2011.

Check the price now.

Trust the plan anon.

>> No.49593696


ICP is actually even more needed than bitcoin.

Like I said it solves all current Web 2.0 issues.

Without ICP, the entire blockchain is worthless.

ICP gives superpower to bitcoin and ethereum.

>> No.49593821


I saw an anon saying that ICP had the biggest order flow ever since release when it dropped to 5 usd.

Some big VCs probably bought.

I think that we bottomed, I bought a heavy bag at 5 usd.

But always DCA until you consider that you have enough ICP

>> No.49593999

10 - 4 , I haven't and won't stop buying.

>> No.49594098
