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49581961 No.49581961 [Reply] [Original]

Oldfags who’ve been through recessions before, what should us zoomers and millennials be doing right now knowing what’s coming?

>> No.49581981

short 100x leverage

your welcome

>> No.49582024

Invest in kneepads.

>> No.49582038

Hope you don't lose your job and save your cash try not to spend it on stupid shit

>> No.49582063

>doing right now
That’s where you fucked up. You should’ve seen this coming down the pike for years and prepared accordingly

>> No.49582097

Hope youre investing in something like food, water, medical, gunz/ammo cause anyone telling you to invest in anything else wants you to die.

>> No.49582155

Know that 99% of the posts ITT won't come from oldfags.

I am saying that as a non oldfag.

>> No.49582167

Invest in porn companies

>> No.49582191

is my estrogen and t blockers tax deductible if i only take them for my prostitution job?

>> No.49582203

Stay relevant at work. I'm usually a huge "do your 40 hours and leave" kind of guy, but they will trim the fat during hard times, so if there's any projects, deadliness outcomes, metrics, etc that you've been skirting around, now is the time to get it done.
Save as much as you can right now, and invest if you can. Right now if you're able to save 10% of your income, try to do a little bit more. You're essentially buying things in fire sale right now.
Do not be afraid to lean on others for help. Friends, family, etc. No shame in living with parents if need be. It'd be much better save the money and invest it in cheap housing or stocks.
Keep learning relevant skills. When things start to recover, you'll be able to leverage that education to find a better job/move up the ladder when companies resume spending and hiring.

>> No.49582223

start stretching your boipucci

>> No.49582241

Forget living a lavish lifestyle on borrowed money while pretending to be rich

>> No.49582250

Make peace with your family. You'll need meals food a place to stay help with bills etc. Except if you're my kids. Fuck you I got mine

>> No.49582278
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Read this. Or rather you should have read this before.

>> No.49582303

just maintain your job thats the biggest thing you need
the only thing you dont want in a recession is to lose your stream of income

thne wait until shit cools down which will probably take 6 months to 1 year to unfold and reinvest

>> No.49582321

This is going to be a recession with high inflation not seen since the late 70s. The US was a different economy then - we still had factories, and the govt only had a small fraction of debt. The Fed is going to push interest rates up until shit starts breaking to the point where Wall Street money panics, then they'll stop. When that happens markets will go up again. Timing when that happens is difficult, but I think it will be by Fall. In the meantime, buying the dip is akin to catching a falling knife. Can you grab the handle or blade?

>> No.49582368

Find shit that is going to make it no matter what and buy the fuck out of it when its cheap

>> No.49582389

Buy. If you're able to buy when everybody is afraid that's how you'll make money.

>> No.49582438

You can make money more easily from poor people - flipping used stuff as a side gig will give you good returns.

>> No.49582447

This. This isnt gonna be your normal recession we bounce out of again. The U.S Government is bankrupt and cant print anymore....i mean they can, its tooblate anyways so why not...but it wont help put off the collapse for long anymore. Theyve really really fucked us. Theyre just keep it afloat until the elites are in the lifeboats and then theyll pull the plug. Then we'll all be so desperate just to eat that we'll (not me) accept a CBDC. Same as people in the 30s accepeted the New Deal because of the Depression. Thanks kikes

>> No.49582479
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Memes aside, just sit back and ride it out. You made a lot of money the last 2 years. Now you have to give some back. It's part of the process. This is what separates the men from the boys.

>> No.49582494

Brazilian here. In the 90's we got 2000% inflation in a single year. I tough we where rich, because we literally fill the car with food in the paycheck day, because prices changed 3 times a day.

If you are not going to lose your job anytime soon, try to buy land. Inflation will eat debt away like it was nothing, it's ridiculous to watch.

>> No.49582554

Lubing your asshole.

>> No.49582567

Loan money, inflation pay back less

Also unironically buy gold

Start dcaing back in to btc in a few months and try your luck on alt coins that will run.

>> No.49582587

>You made a lot of money the last 2 years

>> No.49582603

If your parents are like mine, get ready for the stress of it to make them divorce

>> No.49582608

You should be planning a low cost diet and holding as much cash as possible to buy Google or Amazon stock when wall street bankers start killing themselve.s

>> No.49582627

I know absolutely nothing about butthole-wax-land. What caused the hyperinflation?

>> No.49582656

Buy small cap value stocks.

>> No.49582671

Most important thing is to try to make sure you don’t get laid off from your job. After 2008 there were a ton of people with masters, phds and years of professional experience who were forced to become minimum wagies. The same will happen again

>> No.49582695

Oh yeah, this too. Expect to see huge changes in your relationships. Even platonic friends. Going to be hard to not be a little salty and maybe even angry when your buddy George still has his engineering degrees and spends Fridays on his boat relaxing while you're working 16 hour days of grub hub deliveries to make up for the job you got laid off from.

>> No.49582702

just bought 10 shares of amzn @104.5 here in the pre.

>> No.49582744
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Jobless oldfag here. This crash wont last. Once normans realize inflation cant be tamed by the fed hikes people will dive back into equities and yes, crypto. What's happening now is based on extreme fear and cascading selling based on that.

>> No.49582783

>Inflation will eat debt away like it was nothing, it's ridiculous to watch.
I have a big tax bill coming in a year and a half. Will it be enough for inflation to do its magic?

>> No.49582834

Also, if you find out that you have a high likelihood of losing your job, don’t be afraid to ask for a paycut instead. It sucks but it beats working a minimum wage job

>> No.49582852

It’s a nothingburger. People react in hysteria. If everyone just calmed the fuck down and go back to normalcy. The sky isn’t falling.

>> No.49582878

Oldfag here. pretty much invest in something with a ton of utility like matic and ride it out. Only the necessary will survive. sell your shitcoins and dumbass memes. time to grow up and get real.

>> No.49582905

>holding as much cash
>to buy Google or Amazon stock

Dude, Google and Amazon don't offer any inflation prof business model.
Google literally only makes money with ads, and the last thing companies will do is trying to advertise products and service online.
Amazon has a huge infrastructure that cost billions to keep running, the smallest drop is sales will cause amazon to go down. And AWS, well, again, during crises, companies will cut expenses, and as a sysadmin, I can guarantee you that IT is the first to get knifed.

You plan is flawed and you will end up living under a bridge.

>> No.49582909

Youre jobless and based on your post it’s probably because you’re an idiot.

>> No.49582918

all of this apart from the work shit
make yourself good enough to not burden further responsibility, but not too good that you're doing extra shit for free.. you want them to have to really think about getting rid of you but dont be an agreeable slave.. the mindset it puts you in means you wont make it. as far as the rest, yes.

>> No.49582932

Save money and purchase things with real world value. Things you actually need. Things people will actually need coming out of this and you can sell it to them.

>> No.49582952

Well if you've been saving your money and have built up a nice fat cushion then cut your expenses and you should be able to see out the recession even if you lose your job. If however you've "invested" it in crypto then you're fucked, so the best thing to do is KYS.

>> No.49582964
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buy guns and ammo (no, seriously)

>> No.49583002

hit the streets and start sucking

>> No.49583054

this, I’m living with my parents rn, helping them with money and chores. I’m stacking cash and dcaing a few coins. Done shorting the stock market, too many catalysts for a face ripping rally. If spy gets close to 440 I might go back into shorts.
My best tip, don’t short when everyone is hyped. Also watch druckenmiller interviews, the man is one of the few big pm’s I trust, very humble, talks about his losses, likes bitcoin and was Soros’ best trader.
His advice is to know when you’re hot and cold, when hot keep pushing, when cold back off. If you love the game don’t burn yourself out.


>> No.49583110

For 20 years the military ruled the country. They build 90% of our roads, pretty much all hydro power plants, the largest iron ore company in the world, one of the largest petrol company in the world. Then people decided that they wanted to be more like the US, and elected a bunch of liberals in the power.
First thing it did was erase all our laws that protect our economy against cheap imports. In a matter of 3 months, 20% of the people lose their jobs because china at the time, produce anything for a fraction of the value. Then the president decided to sell the largest iron ore company in the world to fucking Soros (not even joking) for 1/3 of the value. First thing he did was drop production until the government agree to reduce taxes in iron ore export to a symbolic value. So the government was forced to raise taxes to make up for loss.
Never trust a liberal...

We had a GDP bigger than China...

>> No.49583120


>> No.49583153

Yes. Vote republican you pussy zoomers with your feelings and participation trophies and everyone is special. I hope all you democrat voters are proud of yourselves.

>> No.49583169

>by fall
Feels likely, people keep saying september but I think they might push longer. They need to look fearsome and relentless to establish credibility. Post election rallies are common, some say psychological, others like cem karsan say it’s the unwinding of hedges for a vol event. Either way, inflation is the boogeyman, if republicans sweep, psychologically it will be a fresh start. Even if they don’t unwinding of hedges might kick off some green, then the santa rally meme chatter could become real.

>> No.49583178
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>Things people will actually need coming out of this and you can sell it to them.
I live in Europe and I am unironically contemplating on accumulating a fuckload of electric room heaters throughout this summer to then resell them during the winter when likely a lot of Europeans will struggle with gas/heating, Usually there are not a lot of such electric room heaters on the shelves in stores so I can imagine a supply shock happening when news start scaring everyone about no heating. And it's not like you'll be able to order one from China in a heartbeat, especially if it ends up being a cold winter.

Am I retarded or a genius? Time will tell.

>> No.49583185

Technically I would have to say yes. Congrats

>> No.49583192
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this and also buy pic related just in case.

>> No.49583262

Get a weapon

>> No.49583271

You pieces of shit. Always trying to blame the boomers. Boomers didn't vote for this half dead old puppet fuck with his no name token black vp that nobody ever heard of before. You're all so stupid and easy to con so now you get what you deserve you low IQ fragile snowflake pussies.

>> No.49583334

Get some lube, keep it on you

>> No.49583352

disagree, but only partially. this is a head-fake and the fed will react as dovish as possible before the end of the week. this fall isn't a normal fall. it's midterm elections.
this is a manufactured dip being softballed to the street so that they can catch it.

>> No.49583361

Asshole gaping. Blowjob lessons. Skill development.

Seriously, learn to suck dick. It never gets automated.

>> No.49583362

A bit.

If you ever did business with Brazilians, you will notice something. Everyone always pay in the last util day.
One thing I always look to when buying stuff, is trying to get a discount by paying in full. If not, I try the longest possible way to pay without fees, something like 12x without fees. This way I am literally gaining 5% discount (inflation is 10% @ year right now). Meanwhile keep my money in the bank (yeah, I know it's not the best idea) generates 13% after taxes.

>> No.49583430

Keep your job no matter what, remaining employed is your number one priority.

With the job you still have build up savings, if people start getting foreclosed on the bank do not want to be holding onto a bunch of houses and will sell them very soon after taking possesion of them. You can buy land and property for less than it is worth if you hold out for things to improve.

>> No.49583462
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It's a lucrative deal but I'm resolved to invest in Lox network because it is the first global IMEI blockchain combatting the problem of mobile theft parading the space.

>> No.49583511

>what should us zoomers and millennials be doing right now
fucking buy

>> No.49583543

Dont millenials dont experice from 2008?

>> No.49583588

noone will be able to afford electricity anon.

>> No.49583666

cash flow is the most important thing
have a job or learn new skills
pay down debts because interest rates will rise
if you have money just keep the powder dry for the time when interesting companies become cheap

good luck

>> No.49583735

move in with your parents. use whatever money you have left to buy tools or things you can use to make money.

>> No.49583804

inflation is about 20% a month when you count things people need to survive like food and fuel. cpi is bullshit

>> No.49583834

Not bad anon-kun. Keeping our money in the bank generates 0.03% before taxes right now. USA jews have no value.

>> No.49583837 [DELETED] 

You’re not an oldfag
t. newfag of 5 years

>> No.49583860

I am from Germany, every other house here has solar PV, and central heating is the norm in most cases. In any case gas should be a much bigger problem

>> No.49583951
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>short 100x leverage
This. 100%. The game is rigged, don't play fair.

>> No.49584096

All good advice. Global recessions are also a good time to expatriate IF you have savings and a steady remote/local income. Your money will go a lot farther.

Uh... Avoid debt, we don't know how long the recovery will take. Don't turn down decently paying side gigs. The thing about a recession is that money becomes more scarce and valuable, so any dignified opportunity to earn it is worth it.

>> No.49584170

Jobless because I'm early retired, wagie.

>> No.49584366

Don't do this. It seems okay at first, but what you'll be doing is devaluing your skills industry-wide while still not being able to make ends meet, while also eating the opportunity cost of working a job where you're being loaded up with your laid-off coworkers' duties.

Social media exists now, we should know better than to succumb to this divide and conquer BS. Get together with your coworkers and call their bluff.

>> No.49584383
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>You made a lot of money the last 2 years. Now you have to give some back.
I litterally have the same amount of money I had two years ago except everything is way more expensive now

>> No.49584405


>> No.49584445

Many millenials were barely 18 or younger at the time.

>> No.49584462

Sounds like a classic liberalist corruption issue, not a leftist issue.

>> No.49584529

>Boomers didn't vote for this half dead old puppet fuck with his no name token black vp that nobody ever heard of before.
They actually did, Millennials and Zoomers wanted Bernie.

>> No.49584780

>if republicans sweep
Probable an even worse thing to happen than democrats getting 100% control of the gov. Adding in more dipshit rhinos is only going to produce two years of straight tenseful gridlock at a time when the gov needs to fix that which it has created.
At least all dems would mean the collapse continues faster. Slowing down this train is actually the worst thing that can happen, and is also the most likely. The perfect storm continues.

>> No.49584955

Getting a gf who will agree to living frugally

>> No.49584969

>the entire economy is a manufactured dip
Manufactured? Yes. Just a dip? Lololololol my sweet summer child

>> No.49585074

You can't do this in America because even your best friend would sell you down the river for $10.

>> No.49585205

If that's the case then we're fucked anyway. The conceit of the crab barrel mentality is that nobody makes it out.

>> No.49585236
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>tfw literally impossible to get fired because of the labor laws in my country
Anyone else /comfy/ here?

>> No.49585497
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German Jews were confy too, favela macaco.

>> No.49585675

Niggers and spics wanted Bernie, White millenials want Hitler.

>> No.49585836

If you didn't make money the last 2 years you are impossibly retarded and should get out of the markets and never come back. A rhesus monkey could have gotten rich in this bubble.

>> No.49586975
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then why didnt you get rich in this bubble?

>> No.49586996

> Start dcaing back in to btc in a few months and try your luck on alt coins that will run.
Crypto is over. No one will ever trust it again after normies lose as much money as they have on a stupid ponzi scheme.

>> No.49587125

>White millenials want Hitler.
Brain damaged incels want Hitler. Normal people wanted their student loans forgiven and universal healthcare.

>> No.49587160

Oldfag here: This time it feels different. I expect something bigger than the usual recession.

Nah he has still time because 99.9% of people are still sleeping

Buy Gold when the stock market is down 50% of its ATH

>> No.49587213

universal healthcare means I'll get raped on taxes to pay for dindus and their horrible lifestyles. Fuck that.

>> No.49587547 [DELETED] 

what's unfair about puts? it's not the same as shortselling (which is also not unfair).