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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4958400 No.4958400 [Reply] [Original]

100k+ people only

What are your plans of reaching 1 million dollars worth of crypto?

>> No.4958432

My 100k is in Bitcoin but I'm scared to trade it for alts.

>> No.4958458

holding REQ until next year

>> No.4958464

Approx $100k BTC, $20k ETH, $10k bcrash, and $10k shitcoins.

>> No.4958511
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I dont even know what to do with the money.

>> No.4958527

Only 90k, but after I reach a million I’m cashing out 80% and retiring. I only need about 700k after taxes in my country.

About 500k I will invest into gold and shit when it’s low and keep the rest in my bank. I’ll have the 200k in crypto most likely in ethereum staking it for 7%.

>> No.4958562 [DELETED] 

Give me me some

>> No.4958579

$800k here. A simple hodl should suffice

>> No.4958599

At 900k

just holding btc iota req

>> No.4958615

I don't really know.
At this point I'm able to day-trade for 0.5-1% per day. It's a slow and steady process for me. But I'm too nervous to put significant money on smaller cap coins when it's easy enough to day-trade large cap coins like ETH, BTC, LTC.

>> No.4958633

I'm 19 with around 110k. 7 figures seems incredible to me since I only started with ~3k. So grateful to have been in this space and along for the ride with yall that I haven't even bothered to think about what I buy with the money. It's almost like a game at this point.

>> No.4958668

800k left after cashing out some. Main long holds are BCH, XMR, XBY. Dozen'ish smaller holds.

>> No.4958867
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Hit the 1million mark....cash out 50%.

500k in the crypto world this early is still a lot. Better to pay off debts and diversify into real estate and stocks with CASH than maybe lose it all in a crypto bug or hack down the road.

>> No.4958884


Do it now faggot

>> No.4958911
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eh, not sure yet. I want to not worry about retirement is really all I am looking for.

>> No.4958930

Link, iota

>> No.4958942

Same here anon. I’m just 18 and I have more money than I can know what to do with. And that’s in a country where stuff is a lot cheaper than in the US due to the average wage being $600.

>> No.4958944

Who $1,500 or less here?
I shouldn't have done so much cocaine and invested earlier

>> No.4958985

it is a game, and it's all play money. hope you cash out before everyone else

>> No.4959026

700 D:

>> No.4959065

Finding booming coins like req, mana and swingtradibg them with 10% of my portfolio value.
Leaving my heavy bags of ark once it reaches 40+k sats and investing them in predictive market coins like rep and gno.

Keeping a healthy portfolio with btc/vtc/xmr/eth. Buy low sell high only with xmr and vtc because they get a lot of PnD.

>> No.4959155

I'm 47. 'Hid' a nominal amount of $7k in BTC over 3 years ago. Was going through a nasty divorce and wanted to make some money disappear as my exwife was fleecing me.
That investment is has gone crazy in the last few weeks. If the price hits $22,000 I'll be a millionaire. Would be a great Christmas present.
No idea what I'll do with the money. Still terrified her lawyer may find it and get his hands on in. But also equally scared it's gonna disappear in a bug or get hacked.
Whoda thunk being a millionaire would cause so many problems? I know there's so many guys out there who would want to be in my position. But no one knows I have this money, not even my friends.
Probably gonna withdraw half a million and buy some land. Then just continue living a basic trailer park lifestyle. Just to keep the dogs off my scent. Shit I'm driving a beat up 1996 Dodge and carrying $8k in credit card debt ffs.
I've never been good with money. I just want to make sure this investment stays in my hands and gives my son a good future.

>> No.4959369

Withdraw the money in another country, then wire the money back home when needed. Or say you only bought one bitcoin and sell it now. give her gay fag ass 3500K. The initial investment split in half.

Also, the lawyer will only know if you change your public lifestyle. If the bitch hears about it and wants it, she will try to go for it.

>> No.4959394

>get hacked
I really hope you have it on hardware

>> No.4959559

you fuckin poorfags are thinking too small. a million and then retire? fuck that

I want 100M at least before I stop actively trying, and by then it will be impossible for me to not keep making money. That's my current goal, then we'll talk about $1B

>> No.4959591

funds for tech business, but would need more than 1M

>> No.4959601

Good advice.
I have wondered about fessing up and saying I had about $20k in BTC. She would either be happy with a $10k one off payment or smell a rat and think I'm hiding more.
There's no chance I would get showy. I'd be happy to keep living a down home lifestyle. Enough for a comfortable home I own outright, a vehicle that I don't have to worry about breaking down, some cash so I can go fishing and hunting whenever I liked. I'd be happy with that. But yeah, good advise, appreciate it.
Damn. You have no idea how stupid I've been the last few years. Was only until about 3 months ago when price started to rise did I look into it and realize just how easy it is for someone to take it from under my nose. I'm feeling like I've taken the steps to make it safe, but shit still keeps me awake at night.

>> No.4959627
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135k here. I don't have all the details worked out, but I do know that 1 million is enough for me to retire on (with a decent safety margin), so I guess I'd cash out 1/2 to 3/4ths of my crypto and redistribute to stocks

And most importantly, I'd finally stop fucking wagecucking. I've spent my whole life trying to become an engineer, but sitting in a cubicle for 40 hours a week has become unbearable. I can't believe that all these amazing technologies are are growing while I sit in front of a spreadsheet like some kind of dinosaur. I feel infected by the corporate dullness of sharply-dressed know-nothings.

Once I retire, I think I'd like to brush up on my programming and write free software. Engineering toolboxes and the like, maybe keep in touch with my professor to see if there's anything he'd find useful. Also finally fix up the house, get my life in order for once.

It's really taking everything I have to stop myself from calling my boss and saying that he won't be seeing me again.

>old people post on /biz/

>> No.4959735
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I know that feel techbro.

I have enough to pursue what I am really passionate about in engineering now. i could rent a house near uni, form teams of bright engineers, build things that matter.

But still, I hesitate to leave my good job and betray my boss. I want the perfect plan before I pull the trigger

>> No.4959755

What the fuck do you even do with that much money? Unless you’re a total retard there’s no way you could even spend $10 million in your life and that could be with a yacht, multiple houses, lambo and shit.

>> No.4959780

Get some more ETH before metropolis you weak handed bitch

>> No.4959795
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My negro

>> No.4959811

transfer it to monero before cashing out

>> No.4959836

Does anyone else look down on wealthy people who show it off?

Like I give a fuck about your lambo, you literally wasted money on a status symbol how pathetic. You care that much about what people think when they look at your car

You could have done something really, really helpful to the world like help someone get back on their feet, or help a kid pay through college, or donate to some altruistic organization but no you bought a status symbol

The fuck

>> No.4959863


>> No.4959923


Never tell anyone about it bro. If you ever get the urge, slap yourself

>> No.4959949

How'd you make it? What country?

>> No.4959980
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My man, we're all gonna make it

>> No.4960043

Cuddly omega

>> No.4960156

I don't want to sound like an idiot, but why? Is it untraceable? Or I think that's what I heard?
Dont worry man. That ain't ever gonna happen. I'm a man of few words and telling people I made good on Bitcoin aint one of them.

>> No.4960248

Bitcointalk airdrops that made me like $10k and then buying good coins low and selling high while also holding a lot of BTC that went up.

Czech republic.

>> No.4960274

Good job pyčo!

>> No.4960298

>Bitcointalk airdrops
Can you elaborate?

>> No.4960325

There are airdrops on bitcointalk where you get coins for free. Now they’re riddled with shitcoins but couple months back there were good ones like minereum and deeponion that could have made you like couple thousand dollars for free.

>> No.4960346

So basically you just hodl'd a lot of them and sold if they went up? Honestly sounds like a good idea. I'll try this

>> No.4960347

Yes monero can't be tracked. Just make sure you spend it on an exchange that doesn't make you use your identity and only do it I chunks so if they lock it down you don't lose it all

>> No.4960371

Ty. Think this is the way I'll go when I cash out. Wish I had have found this place earlier. Biz has taught me lots.

>> No.4960396

Muzem pokecat na discordu?

>> No.4960425

>>4958400140 k right now I'm in XLM and Btc, (just left Req), looking at hopefully being over 200 when Xlm finishes next week, then trying to jump into ICON and WAN to hold till late febuary probably. Also trying to get in for an early pool for hashgraph if they relase public ledger. If i get ~~70 percent discount like my friend from pantera expects to get after they finish talking, i'll throw everything i got in that and just hold for 9 months.

>> No.4960441

140k right now I'm in XLM and Btc, (just left Req), looking at hopefully being over 200 when Xlm finishes next week, then trying to jump into ICON and WAN to hold till late febuary probably. Also trying to get in for an early pool for hashgraph if they relase public ledger. If i get ~~70 percent discount like my friend from pantera expects to get after they finish talking, i'll throw everything i got in that and just hold for 9 months.
what are your plans? Anyone interested in a group? though only for people who started with less than 10 not people who threw a ton of money in late.

>> No.4960445
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Hold BTC - which will be +80K by 2018 close
Hold LTC - might lose sats but it might not and become 0.25 LTC/BYC
trade the LTC/BTC ratio a little for great effect in losing sat
Use shitcoins as tinder to burn $1000 fiat in fire.

>> No.4960483

Why in the bank? Inflation will eat it away. Put it in normie stocks.

>> No.4960486

Teďka nemůžu ale savenu si ten thread na později.

>> No.4960526

btc will reach 250k next year, i have insider info on wall street

im holding until 20k+ by eoy this year and then selling to rebuy below 12k

>> No.4960555

how will you guys actually cash out?

>> No.4960567

smartest thing you've ever done is not tell anyone about it. Tread VERY carefully, maybe get advise from a lawyer and continue to not tell a soul (besides a lawyer if ur asking them).
I hope you've got it in a secure paper wallet and not on a hard drive.

>> No.4960683

>Get some more ETH before metropolis you weak handed bitch

What's the release date Anon ?

>> No.4960721

Get the fuck out of whatever country you're in.

Cut all contact with anyone connected to that bitch.

Start a new life with your son.

Teach him how to be a man.

Your ex is a cunt, she's not even worth the air she breathes.

Your son will be better off without that whore in his life.

>> No.4960765

I'm happy for you anon. I'm not familiar with us law, can't give any advice. Hope it turns out well for you and your son

>> No.4960770

oukej, dik, taky moc ne, budu se tesit

cya later then

>> No.4960851

I feel you.. I can see my 150k in crypto being 1M next year easily. but I will keep my 100k engineering job, why the fuck not. I mostly just watch crypto charts working from home anyway.

100M is my target to 'retire'.

>> No.4960862

If i had 100k

50k in btc/eth/monero. Solid gains.

50k in ark/link/req/fun/powr. One of this will certanly moon like crazy. Ark gives you a ridiculous amount of passive income.

>> No.4960926

I'm pretty sure this is trolling but lambos are fun as fuck to drive around. Wah wah, rich people have nicer stuff than me and spend their money wrong!!!

Go earn your own fucking money and then you can pay for some kid's college

>> No.4960948

Made my post expecting maybe one or two replies. Didn't count on all these (you)s. Thanks guys, appreciate the advice and feedback. You've all made me seriously consider my options and stop fucking around. Taking the kid out of school and moving us. Wyoming or even Alberta seems like a viable option now.

Strange to think 30 years ago I learnt working hard is how a man got ahead in life. It's great for you younger guys to have this opportunity of literally getting richer than your folks on the back of something most people in their 40s have no idea about.
The only reason I got into BTC was all the shilling for it on /b/, heck even now I doubt most people I know have even heard of it. If I even told someone I made good on crypto they would think I'm just bullshitting them.
Anyway, been great connecting with you all. Good luck in getting to that 7 figure mark. If BTC hits $22k, remember me, I'll be having a quiet jack Daniels that night happy that something has finally gone my way.

Am gonna tap out now, but will check in later.

>> No.4961144

what was your initial investment, or investments over time, and how did you snowball to to 100k?

I'm just trading BTC vs USD, seems to be the quickest way to increase my portfolio, although it's the highest profit/loss risk.

>> No.4961166

500 :'(

>> No.4961236

fuck lambos, Ill get this once I become filthy rich

the view gives me a physical boner

>> No.4961272

I'm 18 with 156k on a good day. I don't know where to go from here desu.

>> No.4961529
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Conservatively, over time, I'd say I've invested about 20k in crypto, at 140k total now. There are people on here who have a much better ROI, but I'm happy with my ROI and the associated risk.

I divided my investment to coins I considered 'developed' or 'developing'. Developed coins are like BTC and LTC; there's no secret or confusion regarding how they work, and hold relatively few surprises (emphasis on relatively). Developing coins are like ETH around the time they were put on Coinbase; clearly rising stars but the details are still up in the air.

I only put about 10% in 'undeveloped' coins, brand-spanking new stuff, sometimes without even a whitepaper.

Slow and steady

>> No.4961576
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Good to see young guys getting in on the action.

Don't bother with college, maybe go to a trade school or something part-time to keep the nornies off your track. Then, when you're ready, redistribute funds to stocks and 'start your own business' aka retire and jack off to anime every day

>tfw made a month's salary in between posts
Never gets old

>> No.4961640

How do you even cash out crypto into real money?

>> No.4961722

Buy Ledger Nano S you fool.

>> No.4961743

That's the real kicker. You literally can't do that.

>> No.4961767

So I can't pay off my student loans with crypto investments? Darn...

>> No.4961839

You can't actually do anything with crypto other than buy more and accumulate.

>> No.4961894

good luck man

>> No.4962001

what shithole country do you live in where you can't cash out? In AU it's super easy.

>> No.4962070

It's easy everywhere. It's just a new meme.

>> No.4962080

can you link the thread on the forum? Also well done.

>> No.4962455
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I'm only half way there but I hope I can still get some advice: how do you manage your portfolio?

Do you change things up with the small percentage holds?
My main holds are
>40% BTC
>XMR, LTC, ETH together another 40%
>The rest (20%) is all kinds of shitcoins:

Some of them are less than 1%. And it feels like horse betting. Some of them might never do anything interesting.
Should I kick them? I feel overdiversified and they need to x100 to be worth more than some pocket change in the end.

>> No.4962490
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This is me, except with 200k. How to get over the fear, /biz/?

>> No.4962646
File: 198 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171211-133404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do the same shit I've been doing, just hodl and enjoy the ride

and not hold any shitcoins (except 0x, but that's a real sleeper and once it gets going I expect 10x at least) and only invested ~5k in it so whatever.

>> No.4962737

> 0x
Their coindesk interview piqued my curiosity. A 100% free and decentralized ethereum token exchange? Where do they make their money?

>> No.4962789

Exchange fees. Imagine buying the BNB of every decentralized exchange.

Yeah, that's 0x. Ethfinex will hopefully be a big success. But like I said, this is a sleeper and a longterm bet that could go to nothing and never see the light of day.

>> No.4962808

This is me, except with 400k LOL just fucking hold and enjoy guys

>> No.4962834

what broker, gdax, bitstamp etc, are you using? Have you ever had any problems with fund withdrawal to your bank account and monetising your cryptowealth in general.
I'm a slav from europe, so this is relevant to me.

>> No.4962859

123k$ here.

What do we do past this point? Keep it all in btc?
I've cashed out around 40k$ to invest in real estate.
My goal is 1m$ though and I'm being extremely careful and patient because past this point is new terriroty for me and i'm sure alot of bizfam.

What's our endgame? How do we get to 1m$?

>> No.4962911

use discord.gg/dwBNmtD at your discretion but you will get there

>> No.4962921

>What's our endgame? How do we get to 1m$?
It's simple. We put it all in LINK, my fellow hundred thousandaire.

>> No.4962982


why aren't the pajeet begging for money

>> No.4962999

>$175K here but $120K in grandpa stocks

I'm playing on holding BTC forever. No shitcoins.

>> No.4963053

>trying this hard to lvl up

>> No.4963126
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What do you guys recommend for someone who can put 100 bucks every 2 weeks on here

>> No.4963166

OMG believer?

>> No.4963182


>> No.4963233


>> No.4963253

How did you guys reach 100k+? Is it from hodling or day trading or a little of both with a large initial investment?

>> No.4963255

LINK, the eternal pink wojack coin

>> No.4963267

They didn’t, most of biz is full of shit

>> No.4963268

Which exchanges don't ask for identity info? I assume they don't deal in fiat currency, so he would sell his monero for btc, and would have to sell his btc to cash out.

>> No.4963271

>why aren't the pajeet begging for money
Too much text for small brains

>> No.4963301

Similar siuation here. Got 200k in BTC (+ its derivates, BCH and BTG), another 200k in bluechip stocks and plan to hold BTC forever.

I bought 15 BTC for a few thousand bucks a few years ago and held. Lost 3.5 of them with daytrading and not touching the rest.

>> No.4963349

Look into Horizon State (voting on the blockchain), I'm not going to shill too hard but it's a great project and team that already have clients around the world, some of which are government organizations and political figures. Low market cap, low supply, relatively cheap and seriously flying under the radar at the moment. Do your research before buying anything though. Good luck

>> No.4963365


Good luck brother.

Poorfag here.


Used to get beat a lot as a kid growing up. Lost my mother and my childhood home. Father tried to kill me and kicked me to the curb. I was homeless for three months over a year and a half ago.

Got an apartment, saved up like $4k, had great credit, then it all went down hill when I got laid off from my wagecuck job. Got int a car accident, car needed repairs totaling $2,000.

Lost my apartment, lost my entire savings, racked up 4k of credit card debt and my score tanked. My dreams of owning my first home by this year went down the tubes.

I heard about bitcoin for the first time about six and a half months ago. I wanted to buy in before the summer but I've been struggling to survive ever since I lost my full-time job last year.

I've been putting in whatever I can muster over the past month hand a half into BTC, and soon some promising alts

The point of my post is this; I know what it's like to struggle man. Keep doing what you're doing. Don't tell anybody. DO NOT SAY ONE WORD.

Buy some land, give your son the life you think he and yourself deserve, and stay away from the ex-wife.

There some sick fucking people in this world man who wanna do nothing but watch you suffer because they feel nothing themselves. I'm talking your average psychopath or sociopath, my father is one and one of my former friends is one as well. Avoid this fucked up people.

Avoid these fucking leeches who will do nothing to help you or don't make you feel complete or like you're worth nothing because they don't own enough of themselves to love others.

I'm glad a lot of you /biz/ bros are making it. Let the normies and morons squabble over wagecuck jobs. Take your gains and lead the lives you want to live.

That's all I have to say. Good luck with everything. Listen to the posters who replied to you. Your earnings from crypto are your way out.

>> No.4963375
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Ill come back next week

>> No.4963391


Sorry about the reddit-tier posting style. fuck its making me cringe

>> No.4963411

>1 million dollars
>worth of crypto?
its fucking nothing.

>> No.4963425

>You could have done something really, really helpful to the world like help someone get back on their feet, or help a kid pay through college, or donate to some altruistic organization but no you bought a status symbol

Who do you think builds lambos?

>> No.4963496

I believe in fundamentals which gives me mental strength to hodl. Seen too many people get really rich on paper by chasing pumps, or by trading on excessive leverage, only to lose nearly everything on one really bad trade. Good luck too all those playing that game, that's not me.

95% ETH 5% in OMG. $2000/ETH is entirely within the realm of possibility, that's 70% of the current BTC cap.

>> No.4963891

>crippling autism

>> No.4964042
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What's up niggers

>> No.4964074

I'm close to 200k but want to hold a little bit longer. I want at least 150k after taxes and then I plan on jumping straight back into crypto once I get all that shit figured out. Will probably invest in longer term stuff like Monero, and maybe back into ETH/NEO.

>> No.4964095

$130. Get on ma level nigga

>> No.4964117

Neo is best choice for long term 2-3 years

>> No.4964135

put 50% in alts then

>> No.4964229


I scooped up a ton back when it was $2-3. The problem is I'm going to have to cash out some for the taxjew this year. I'm just hoping it at least +$60 before I do that.

>> No.4964288

Ztyrone gon beat yo ass and jack those cryptos nigga

>> No.4964309

The z is silent

>> No.4964340

Closing in on 300k here. You should hold alot longer. 200k isnt enough to do anything. Jumping in and out just to pay tax is stupid. aim for 10M.

>> No.4964358

Lost everything on alts chasing p n d arrrghh had .64 btc a few months ago now .04 fuck you BTC

>> No.4964367


Well I don't know what to do about the tax issue. I can't just evade them. Then I won't have anything.

>> No.4964403

I'm from Europe and never had issues. I mostly just use Bitcoin ATMs without verification to withdraw and I can avoid taxes as well which is a nice bonus.

>> No.4964420

I have 1/6 of what you have and I made more than you today.

>> No.4964424
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>> No.4964439

hire a god damn hitman you dumbass... it will cost 100/200k but than you can take all of what remains. she is a bitch, so what's the problem?

>> No.4964458
File: 306 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171211-085256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting me to 250-300k next month. I'll go all in into <100m cap coin in Feb and have a mil by May

>> No.4964637


Nice NEO stack. I'm considering selling off my OMG to add to mine.

>> No.4965301

Yeah, I've actually been putting some more into OMG (up to 5k now), just buying a couple hundred everytime it dips under 8.

>> No.4965722


also 5 miners

>> No.4965818
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Reporting in

>> No.4965913


>buying half a million in land

Yea that won’t draw any attention at all

>> No.4966028

What are you going to do with the USD? Ive had some sitting on an exchange for 2 weeks now not sure where to put it.

>> No.4966155

You wait for a crash and go shopping. Or if you have no USDS outside you put it in a normie ETF

>> No.4966183
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I’m 45 went all in in October, up nearly 90k

Going for 1MM or bust so I can buy a beach apartment in Santa Monica

>> No.4966197


I was at $200 last month but I found a good alt trading opportunity and now I'm at $4k. I'm not stupid but when it comes to crypto and trading I am definitely stupid, so there's hope for you idiots too

>> No.4966253

Hello I’m a poor fag with a great work ethic. Consistency is my key quality where you’ll never see me slack off. At 21 years old I’ve remained at the same job since I graduated high school and helped my parents pay many of their bills. I’m looking for a big break and right now I’d love to talk to some of you richtards and learn from your experiences and maybe benefit of the knowledge you give. If you’d like for me to give your contact info, please, call the person below my post a faggot and I’ll reply to you with my email! Thanks a million!

>> No.4966393


>> No.4966465

Just broke 2M , started with 40K back in 2016.
Starting to cash out little by little

>> No.4966822

LINK, good to see a fellow member of the anointed.

>> No.4966828

Alberta is pretty sweet, especially if you like the outdoors. If you have questions about it, ask away.

>> No.4966838

Newsflash, you have already been evading tax. But in all seriousness, tax is an issue, but its an issue for >5m. You are selling yourself short by selling out now to deal with taxes. You deal with it later.

>> No.4966842

no thanks pajeet

>> No.4966864

>great work ethic
>posts on /biz/
Makin me think real hard here

>> No.4966878

Newfag here, what are valuable lessons u learned.

1)Hodling vs Trading
2)Diversification ?
3)What to filter out of /biz/

>> No.4966943

Trade but train yourself not to sell early. This is what holders are confused about.

Don't overdiversify but don't go all in on anything.

Filter out coins from the lowest exchanges, pump and dump groups, pumps without news to back them up, and the belief that a good company backing a coin means its value should go up. A great product and company doesn't necessarily equal demand for a coin.

>> No.4966991


1) Holding
2) 30% BTC 70% alts if you have little to begin with (when I mean alts I dont mean top 20 marketcap coins, find 2-3 sub 20M marketcap and invest)
3)Use biz only for fun, never trust a word said here, just look at blockfolio threads, you are listening to teenagers with 0.4 bitcoin arguing which will moon first between digibyte and link

>> No.4967068


Thanks guys, Indeed am learning from blockfolio threads.

I'm all in for longterm, thinking ahead. I'm in litecoin since yesterday and now CND. But I feel that there is a future for REQ in long term, thinking to put a great sum in there. And after a while take little bit off and invest in other potential coins.

What do u guys think ?

>> No.4967087

Honestly, keep it secret. Keep it safe.

>> No.4967342


buy high sell low

>> No.4967871

You seem pretty smart anon, I think I'll follow your advice, one issue though, my portfolio barely touches $200, but oh well, with this level of growth if I keep it up I'll still see some nice profit

>> No.4968395

Don't give up senpai, still plenty of growth out there. Doesn't take too many 2x to start talking serious money

>> No.4968438

Are you just buying/selling based on daily up trends? Thought about doing this

>> No.4968603

100k in shitcoins, how do you sleep at night

>> No.4968714


So what happens if I cash out 5M 5 years from now and then they say hey what about 2017 and then I get hit with a bunch of fees/penalties or they seize my 5M?

>> No.4968742

This should be a general thread. Beats, brags, real advice and strategy, all without the peasants/linkies/nocoiners, etc

>> No.4968758

my ass they will. just cash out in 5 years, pay the 15%, and that's it. you ain't gonna get audited as long as you pay up in good faith

>> No.4968792


Are they really that lenient? Is it just Reddit paranoia?

>> No.4968844

I have 60k in Salt NEO DRGN and Loopring, what is the best way to hit 100k from here?

>> No.4968874

can any richfags tell me how much they started with?

>> No.4968904

Easy multimillionaire next year

>> No.4968946

I actually Fail to see what either have in common

>> No.4968953

I'm pretty sure you only have to pay capital gains tax the year you cash it out? You don't have to pay taxes on it while it's in crypto and not USD

>> No.4968984

Anyone with more then 300k should cash out. You work a bit and save on that nut and you are set for life. This crypto shit isn't going to last forever, you don't need that much money.

>> No.4969011

Sad to see this is hijacked by pajeets with under 100k.

I'm holding $120.000. I've got every penny in syscoin. I will be a millionaire next year.

>> No.4969060

Tax accountant here, track your fucking basis and wait a year before you cash anything out to pay the preferred cap gains rate. TRACK YOUR BASIS IN A SPREAD SHEET ALWAYS. You may be audited if you cash out a rediculous amount but if you keep all your ducks in a row you won't have any problems. Just pay the capital gains tax of 15% and move on with your life.

>> No.4969065

If you believe there will be the need to "cash out" in 5 years time, you do not deserve to make it.
You will be able to buy whatever the fuck you want directly with crypto by then.

>> No.4969205

>You will be able to buy whatever the fuck you want directly with crypto by then.

I doubt that.


My initial comment was about how I need to pull some out now to pay taxes because crypto to crypto counts as a taxable event.

>> No.4969373

Yeah, then you fail to realize how fast things are moving, look at where btc was 5 years ago.

>> No.4969471

reached cryptomillionaire this month.
I'll keep buying dips for a year

>> No.4969500


Yeah and you can't buy shit with it. Crypto has a long way to go. Meanwhile, I'll take the $$$.

>> No.4969645

Nooo man, give her nothing are you retard? she will be suspicious and come sniveling for more. And then finds your 500k real estate and land...what do you think happens then
Now, she maybe even forgot about you and you are going to remind yourself, when you got rich? cmon man

>> No.4969661

I'd be careful cashing 100% out of BTC to reach a retirement target. if hyperbitcoinization occurs in the future and you no longer hold BTC, your traditional investments may be decimated and your retirement won't be secure.

>> No.4969672

The practical issues are already being sorted, once its truly effortless to use, the adoption will happen at lightning speed.

>> No.4969681


This is a good fear to have. BTC's track record is much better than alts. Maybe put 30% in solid alts like LTC and XMR.

>> No.4969689

Pyčo more ja chcu davky gadžo. Makej vykešovat

>> No.4969780


We'll see. I'm not doubting crypto. But I also enjoy having large quantities of fiat. End goal is comfy stacks of both before I'm 35.

>> No.4969790
File: 80 KB, 862x855, Buttcoin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

83K here, all in BTC (oh yea I have like $1600 more in stupid Dash that I forgot to trade in).

BTC only has to go up 4 g's before I can be in your 100K club.

My strategy is just to Hold until I make a million. Hope we all make it.

>> No.4969799

This post and your followups unironically made my night. Good people deserve good things. Well done anon, good luck to you and your son.

>> No.4969828
File: 19 KB, 250x197, IMG_4644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw could be over 50k at this point but had to cash everything out to make rent a year ago

Being a poorfag sucks, glad to see all of you guys making it though.