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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 700x415, 9-11-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49575607 No.49575607 [Reply] [Original]

And you still believe they care about you or your future? Do you really think they care if you will ever own a home or will ever have a family?

Welcome to hell, currently occupying the earth. Thank you for playing

>> No.49575624

>Believing in this conspiracy nonsense

hi /pol/ !

>> No.49575657

Go back. You are a total ignorant normie that hasn't read a damn thing. You are like a child.

>> No.49575700

>you're not allowed to believe in conspiracy theories except the ones about russian bots
Go back to twitter.

>> No.49575702

It's over

>> No.49575732
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Let me guess you also believed the WMD of Saddam Hussein and the fact that they found the passports of the hijackers?

>> No.49575751

>that hasn't read a damn thing

lol conspiracy theories arent actually good information

>> No.49575752

US is finished.
What comes after is a lot worse.

>> No.49575766

official government documents aren't either

>> No.49575786

Yes yes anon I believe you. And these official government documents, are they in the room with us right now?

>> No.49575798
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>> No.49575808

Who's they

>> No.49575837
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>> No.49575846
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Red pilled

>> No.49575871

Well of course you see they did that so they could re-enter middle east with global approval and bomb sand niggers to hell and steal their oil so that the white races (me!) supremecy over this world is maintained. And they'll do it again.

>> No.49575873

There was enough info going around from intelligence agencies accross the world that a attack on the twin towers was imminent. Still, certain fractions of the USSA gov allowed the attack to happen to fullfill other goals.

I don't want to sound like a schizo and I am not saying this is what certainly happened, but it is highly probable based on the events that occured post 9/11.

>> No.49575882

I already own a home and have a family

>> No.49575887
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>eight billion people
>two percent opinion makers

>> No.49575893

>Believing a symmetrical building can fall through the path of most resistance at free fall speed from asymmetric damage

>> No.49575916

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.49575919
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>> No.49575954

>we did it to shoot sandniggers and for the benefit of the white race
Huh, I guess I need to do a LOT of re-reading.

Captcha is HRT44, Solve et coagula etc etc

>> No.49575987
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>Yes yes anon I believe you. And these official government documents, are they in the room with us right now?
Christ be doublefucked, I have made sure of it. They are in this very thread EXHIBIT A: >>49575798

Also pic-related EXHIBIT B.

An inside-job attack can only work if you're the guy in charge of all these drills, and arrange them in a way that produces such an attack when they all come together. Each drill has to look innocuous to the participants, but there is no conspiracy required if you're clever enough.

>> No.49575996

Gas all kikes

>> No.49576007

Ah yes looks legit, thats why its on every single news website and news channel right now!

retard /pol/tard

>> No.49576008
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>> No.49576043

You think we're going to sit back and let these people start their own currency or trade in non white people money?

>> No.49576067


>> No.49576076

Nothing schizo here, around the world that's the theory that slowly has become what people think it actually happened. The CIA and the FBI are constantly infighting when if comes to terrorism either foreign or domestical.

>> No.49576093

>Why yes, if you aren't an edgy /pol/tard like me spamming 4chan memes about 9/11 you must be reddit

this is getting kinda stale

anyway, waiting for the proof. You should send it to CNN if you find out "what really happened"!


>> No.49576126

If your only argument is incredulity there's not much to talk about with faggots like you.

>> No.49576129
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>average people are certainly intelligent
>germany 1933
>it can never happen here
>FEMA coffins

>> No.49576211

Wtf faggot I was nice to you. I asked kindly. You don't belong here and you stick out. I'm trying to help everyone including you.

>> No.49576231
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>Ah yes looks legit, thats why its on every single news website and news channel right now!
What looks legit? The document in EXHIBIT A is an official commission report document available here: https://www.scribd.com/document/16411947/NORAD-Exercises-Hijack-Summary

It's also in the .gov NARA datasets if you look

Miles Kara (9/11 commission) wrote the document, he's probably talked about it on his blog somewhere too.

EXHIBIT B is a USA today article: https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/washington/2004-04-18-norad_x.htm

There were other MSM articles of a similar nature I guess: https://www.cnn.com/2004/US/04/19/norad.exercise/

There were others in the New york times, etc.

Journalists don't realize how the drills come together to stage the attack so that a conspiracy can be avoided in principle, as I explained. They are usually very lazy stupid people.

>> No.49576311
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i dont care im about to drive a few planes into premarket if you catch my drift

>> No.49576334
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-schmidt -berg, -baum, -stein
every. single. fucking. time.

>> No.49576415
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>> No.49576493
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>Who's they
What do you mean "who's they?" I just explained to you who they is: whoever arranges and controls the drills/exercises in the way I described is capable of staging such an attack without any co-conspirators.

As you can see in EXHIBIT A: >>49575798 and >>49576231 the exercises are CINCNORAD exercises, therefore "they" are CINCNORAD at least, because CINCNORAD is the top guy in charge of those.

So we lookup who CINCNORAD was on 9/11: CINCNORAD is a guy named Ralph Eberhart. Ralph Eberhart is they.

Any more questions?

>> No.49576530

Do not listen to these Alex Jones/loose change shills and autistic cunts

Israel did 9/11 (not the illuminati nwo lizard people)

Stupid American cucks

>> No.49576562

Retard, I'm 45 years old, and I'm a Structural Engineer.
The first conspiracy theory that came out from your kind in 2001-2002 was a purely antisemitic one which practically said "we've seen Jews celebrating on a roof!". It was most probably psyops from Iran or Al Qaida themselves. Who knows.
Then when your retarded kind (in league with islamist retards) knew that simplistic shit wouldn't fly to people with brains, they started with all this pseudoscientifc nonsense that only passed to literal children and other brainlets like you. Steel never has to melt; it only has to weaken; and it's not too hard to weaken that way.

>> No.49576673

>we've seen Jews celebrating on a roof!
Well they did


>> No.49576705

have sex, incel

>> No.49576768

It doesn't matter what 5 people did or didn't do. If you were an adult in 2001 you'd know that literally the entire planet was watching the news that morning. All the haters of America were either having a laugh or outright celebrating (but most didn't give a fuck).

I was working at my family's hotel at the time. We received an American women the flew from the Middle East in transit to America. She was scared shitless that everyone hated them and wanted to kill them.

The most important thing that 9/11 did was to make Americans scared shitless. They started 2 wars for a decade because of that. Leftists were ready to accept war.

>> No.49576810

hi s4s!

>> No.49576817
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>The most important thing that 9/11 did was to make Americans scared shitless. They started 2 wars for a decade because of that. Leftists were ready to accept war.
Almost like some kind of new Pearl Harbor, huh

>> No.49576854

And a kid may fart on your face on the street, it doesn't mean "the jews" did it. Most of you that believe this shit have a hard time realizing the world is more boring than that; everyone is a selfish fuck that just looks for themselves; we'd be LUCKY if it were that simple "ze jews did it!").

>> No.49576867
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>> No.49576886

I was into that conspiracy shit myself. It gave me comfort to "know" the world is that simplistic. Then I grew up and realized the world is way more terrible than that; everyone is a selfish fuck; everyone will fuck you.

>> No.49576889
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>> No.49576920

Look up no planes theory

>> No.49577082
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>Do not listen to these Alex Jones/loose change shills and autistic cunts
I won't. They are wrong and I am right, you puss-brain. For fucks sake, Ralph Eberhart (CINCNORAD) is directly implicated on theoretical grounds alone, the argument I gave is correct and he should be arrested for treason or whatever.

>have sex, incel
I'm as stiff as a mule. Holy name of God, I'm coming!

>> No.49577171

That's at meme levels. Dozens of people in the surrounding buildings were uploading videos of the planes.

I thought at first you meant the "explosives" theory; but even that's not needed; those buildings had a very concentrated core of steel so it could quickly weaken that way with heating (most buildings avoid that kind of design).

Bin Laden just got lucky too; sometimes the reality is just that boring; he also admitted it himself in the (censored in the US) speeches of him: "I didn't expect it to go that well" (they probably didn't even know the core of the buildings was of concentrated steel and they thought they'd just a kill a few people on a couple of floors).

>> No.49577226


>> No.49577262

building 7 was the only meme that lingered after the first conspiracy theories were debunked. In reality it never had anything. The only indication was the "we decided to PULL it!" video but that was just a reference to leave the area because the building would fall on them.

>> No.49577292

how did you even find this website?

>> No.49577312

>Believing in jewish fairy tales.
reddit !

>> No.49577325

/g/ is a way smarter way to spend time here, than with the retards at /pol/.

most /pol/acks are not even serious; they're trolling you to believe them; most of them were leftists that turned chaotic.

>> No.49577338

Jews, freemasons and those without a conscience who follow them in the hopes that they will get a carrot.

>> No.49577382

Watch the video you larper. I wouldn't walk into a building you worked on

>> No.49577399

First i thought the no-plane theories were well-poisoning, but now i know that they are 100% fact. An aluminium airliner does not have the penetrate steel girders like that and create a pyrotechnics show on the other side. The entire thing was theatrical.

>> No.49577427

*have the power to

>> No.49577598
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>> No.49577648

>Retard, I'm 45 years old, and I'm a Structural Engineer.
I'm an expert on jewish conspiracies and their quest for world domination.

>> No.49577758
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>> No.49577845
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This is an obvious glow thread.

>> No.49577853

God I wish I had a nice female booty to grind up against right now...fuck man..

>> No.49577923

>just a coincidence silverstein took an insurance against terrorism a month before
>just a coincidence neither he or his children went to work that day
>just a coincidence he looks like a harry potter goblin
>just a coincidence the day before 911 rumsfeld announced they lost track of 2.3 trillion $
>just a coincidence both wars in iraq and afghanistan were projected to cost 2.3 trillion $
>just a coincidence tower 7 were announced to be destroyed before it was on the BBC
>just a coincidence 4 planes were hijacked but only 3 hit their targets so tower 7 (who was supposed to be hit) fell anyways
>just a coincidence goyim

>> No.49578273

Also just a cohencidence that the jews were the ones benefitting the most by increased security for the jewish state.

>> No.49578864

Israel did it

>> No.49578907

>Bin Laden
Netenyahu, Sharon, and Barak


>Israel did it and their media covered up

>> No.49579522

حَدَّثَنَا قُتَيْبَةُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا يَعْقُوبُ، - يَعْنِي ابْنَ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ - عَنْ سُهَيْلٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ " لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى يُقَاتِلَ الْمُسْلِمُونَ الْيَهُودَ فَيَقْتُلُهُمُ الْمُسْلِمُونَ حَتَّى يَخْتَبِئَ الْيَهُودِيُّ مِنْ وَرَاءِ الْحَجَرِ وَالشَّجَرِ فَيَقُولُ الْحَجَرُ أَوِ الشَّجَرُ يَا مُسْلِمُ يَا عَبْدَ اللَّهِ هَذَا يَهُودِيٌّ خَلْفِي فَتَعَالَ فَاقْتُلْهُ . إِلاَّ الْغَرْقَدَ فَإِنَّهُ مِنْ شَجَرِ الْيَهُودِ " .

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

Sahih Muslim 2922

>> No.49579681

>was a purely antisemitic one which practically said "we've seen Jews celebrating on a roof!
Well they did
>It doesn't matter

Holy fuck you glow. hang yourself nigger