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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 256x256, Shiba_Inu_coin_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49571971 No.49571971 [Reply] [Original]

your SHIBags are going to zero, SHIBagholders.

>> No.49571991

SHIBagholders. it's over. your SHIBags are down 90%. your SHIBags will add another zero within the week. JPOW is rekting your SHIBags LMAOOOOO

>> No.49572172

i only put 200 dollars who cares haha

>> No.49572254

Just bought more, thanks

>> No.49572264

And you're still a virgin

>> No.49572314

AND THEY (see >>49572264) HATED OP


>> No.49572390


kek, enjoy SHIBagholding to zero.

and you're still SHIBagholding

and i've been telling them since fucking NOVEMBER lmao. i think SHIB's down about 80% since i started making this daily thread.

>all you had to do was listen, SHIBaggies. now your SHIBags are being HODL'd to zero by your SHIBBY PAWS LMAO

>> No.49572452

0.00000840, that's like 90% down from the ATH. Why do you think people keep SHIbbagging? All SHIB does is dump,and yet some people keep DCAing all the way down to zero. Imagine buying 100 usd worth at ATH, now you can buy that same amount with 10 USD or less. How do people even cope?

>> No.49572455

Yeah. If OP at least had a girlfriend and friends he would waste his time posting this shit every single day

He must be a little depressed fucker

>> No.49572475


>> No.49572881

i don't know, but i do know that they're SHIBagholding SHIBags to zero. very sad.

>> No.49572997

I wonder how long mods will keep allowing this

>> No.49573238

shib is actually holding up better than most. sad

>> No.49573427

You didn’t even tell them to stop shibagholdibg this time. Pretty based

>> No.49573586

Stop replying to this guy otherwise he will never stop
Attention whore redditor

>> No.49573768

how long they'll allow one thread per day mocking SHITCOIN bagholders? i imagine forever since by this point they realize i've been correct about SHIB the entire time. i will endeavor to follow all /biz/ rules.

it's down 90% and going to zero like every other dog scam meme ponzi rugpull.

i mean, at this point, they're SHIBagholding to zero, let's just enjoy their journey.

SHIBagholder. you are SHIBagholding.

>> No.49573801

I'm starting to think that you're a bot because nobody can be this retarded

>> No.49573813

Shibaggies genuinely think their " community" which requires them to dump on each other to profit means anything.

>> No.49573856

its still above summer lows, how many others are?

>> No.49574188

your SHIB has dropped from $0.00008 to $0.000008 since i started making these threads. how am i retarded lol? YOU ARE HOLDING A FUCKING SCAM TO ZERO, SMOOTHBRAIN.

kek the SHIBagholder Army

SHIBagholder. the run is over. the pump is over. there is only dump now. you're holding a scam dog meme. you're SHIBagholding. Stop. Just stop.

>> No.49574494

Buying dip. Thanks anons. Temporary loss now, it might be back up soon enough. Don't care. It doesn't have my life savings or anything.

>> No.49574538

Oh no my initial stack of 15$!

>> No.49574880

it's a rugpull scam, anon. there is no recovery for rugpull scams. SHIB is going to zero.

you're down 90%, SHIBagholder. the opportunity cost of not selling is 10x the current worth of your SHIBags. your SHIBags are going to ZERO.

>> No.49574933
File: 29 KB, 399x385, 1471025501328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shibagholders oust yourselves so easily. Fucking go back to r*ddit already and don't return.

>> No.49575037


>> No.49575118

He's right you know

>> No.49575211
File: 564 KB, 800x430, 1574289332758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.49575258

You're an idiot. The more it dumps the bigger the pump once this bear market ends
Just keep buying and you're gonna be rewarded in a few months

>> No.49575405


>> No.49575537

look how fucking mad the SHIBagholders are getting now lmao. i think they're starting to realize their SHIBags are a scam and going to zero bahahhaha.

yep the SHIBaggies are seething now that they've added that zero lmao.


most SHIBaggies bought the top and are down 90% now. they hate this thread because it reminds them of their endlessly dumping SHIBags rofl

it's a rugpull dog meme scam shitcoin, anon, not an investment.

>just keep buying

yes, anon, keep buying the ponzi lmao.

look at all that SHIBagholder SEETHING lmaooooo

>> No.49575656

You think you're some kind of memer because you create these threads every day?
>hehehehhehe i am baseeeeeeed for calling people bagholder
>i'm sooooo funny, anonymous virgins love me

You're fucking retarded and nothing more

>> No.49575689

haha, SHIBagholder. you're just fucking MAD AS FUCK that i've been telling you SINCE FUCKING NOVEMBER to SELL THIS SHITCOIN and it's down 90% since then and you're FUCKING SEETHING that you didnt listen to me LMAOOOO.

>buy the dip
>just a correction
>accumulation period


>> No.49575701

You are SHIBagholding the entirety of your SHIBags and nothing less. Your SHIBags price on sale will be zero dollars and nothing more.

>> No.49575774

I'm not mad, i'm just trying to show you the reality. Nobody cares about you

But you're caring so much about SHIB holders that you had to reply me with your two VPNs

>> No.49575781


Because it's a fun meme, I don't know why you're all so salty about a shitcoin lmao

>> No.49575796

I hope the shibaggies threads stick around all bear market, they're one of the best recurring threads. The curry mechants still are mad every time.

>> No.49575860

you're in here seething and hoping this thread goes away so some idiot will buy your SHIBags. no one is buying your SHIBags. your SHIBags are going to zero, SHIBagholder.

it's fun mocking the SHIBaggies as they SHIBaghold SHIBags to zero.

it's going to be great when they add another zero at the next rate hike kek.

>> No.49576034

He is, I personally find these threads extremely amusing, it's even better when you faggot r*dditors oust yourselves so easily. Most of the people who made money with SHIB already sold, this shitcoin will literally NEVER go to 1 cent, EVER.

>> No.49576288

>muh reddit reddit reddit
Rent free

>> No.49576296

Go back immediately.

>> No.49576341

the SHIBagholders are convinced that 1 cent is 'FUD' and that a dollar is feasible lmao.

t. seething SHIBagholder SHIBagholding SHIBags to zero

they probably got banned from r3ddit for stepping mildly out of line politically and are now shitting up 4chan lmao.

>> No.49576364

I haven't posted on reddit for weeks, retard. There are trolls like you there too

>> No.49576567

actually your SHIBarmy subreddit is just a hug box of people 'buying the dip' and 'diamond hands' as your SHIBags drop to zero. you come here because a part of you craves reality. you know it's the end for your SHIBags. you know your SHIBags are going to zero.

>inb4 akkkkkkkktually
