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4955943 No.4955943 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin was first, then etherium, now litecoin. What is the next coin that is going to get added to coinbases roster?

>> No.4955948


>> No.4955953

not Monero cuz money laundry

>> No.4955966

bcash on jan 1

>> No.4955969

Whatever it is I'm buying a metric shitload the second it goes on. Nothing on normiebase has failed yet.

>> No.4955971

I want to invest in it while its small obviously. And hope it goes 10000%

>> No.4955981


>> No.4955985

RChain most likely

>> No.4955984


>> No.4955987

They won't. But IOTA probably would be on Coinbase 2.0

>> No.4955989
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>> No.4955997


>> No.4956015

probably this

>> No.4956019
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something that actually has a legitimate purpose and product

>> No.4956032


>> No.4956053

This is the only real answer because they literally said it on their blog.

>> No.4956066

and this
and this

>> No.4956071

I though NXT because it had a high volume or bitcoincash because it had high value. Have they announced any to be added?

>> No.4956117


>> No.4956155

Bitcoin Futures

>> No.4956172

bcash or xmr

>> No.4956188

realistically Bitcoin Cash
unrealistically REQ

>> No.4956203

too confusing for normies. its gonna be independent

>> No.4956246

bitcoin cash is getting added to coinbase in January. Its the true chain bitcoin legacy chain will die and shrivel off. You didn't hear it from me tho they call me pussy slaya

>> No.4956388

Bitcoin Futures is going to tank.

>> No.4956421

probably zilliqa, but I know I'm not supposed to post that here..

>> No.4956432

Ok pussy slaya

>> No.4956470

Xmr isn't ready for mass adoption until they implement multisig, definitely not coming to coinbase in January

>> No.4956496

>a coin that works with yc
>a coin with a working product coming out soon
i wonder what that coin is

>> No.4956535

I can't buy these on bitfinex!!! QQ

>> No.4956547


Without a doubt. 100%

>> No.4956587



>> No.4956637

anyone who holds THE COIN THAT IS GOING TO BE added to coinbase is gonna be fugging rich , cause now NORMIES are all over coinbase , so they gonna see this new coin and buy it as well ... good luck to all of you faggots

>> No.4956658

what ever happened to dogecoin?

>> No.4956798

Is there a release date?

>> No.4956818

like what?

>> No.4956840


>> No.4956852

HMQ because this niggercoin is going to be the new african gold.

>> No.4956870

There will only be an option to withdraw bcash

100,000s of thousands of normies will then head to the nearest exchange and dump that garbage for more bitcoin and probably a bunch of shitocins so be ready

Coinbase will not ever be retailing more coins you deluded cucks

>> No.4956876
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no, but we can dream buddy, we can dream

>> No.4956888

Getting onto a fiat exchange that bends over backwards for uncle sam is literally the only way they could try hope to monitor monero.

>> No.4956902

Bitcoin Cash

>> No.4956941

Screencap this

>> No.4956997
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As everybody is sayin these days: MUSICOIN

>> No.4957001


Waves will be on there by 2020.

>> No.4957023


MFW Someone is stupid enough to think that a website that uses every trick it can to verify who you are is going to support anon coin.

Anon coin is a meme that will die once crypto is the standard.

>> No.4957025


Havent got pumps in so long so they are due

>> No.4957040

XMR is a total piece of shit. Plus it’s money laundering central

Zero chance you stupid XMR shill fucks

>> No.4957053

They will never add Monero... Don't be deluded.
Realistically, it will be ripple. They'll follow after the other major exchanges that added it.
I can see cardano as well but not until smart contracts are released on it.
I think there's potential for Blocknet as well.

>> No.4957070


Oh look, someone on this board with a brain in their head and a clean shaved neck.

>> No.4957098

XMR is the only legitimate currency. Can't have fungibility without total anonymity

>> No.4957134


>> No.4957137

Who would buy it there anyway? Personally if I wanted monero I would move my btc/eth from coinbase to binance and buy it there.
I wouldn't want the U.S. government to know that I bought Monero.

>> No.4957143

People are gonna call me crazy, but I'm fairly certain we are going to see LTC go to a 20-30b market cap over the next couple of weeks.

>> No.4957155


>> No.4957167

Yeah for absolute fucking sure it won't be listed on coinbase, just saying the coin's legit and as far as I know is one of a kind as of now

>> No.4957179

You guys obviously haven't even researched the CEO's thoughts, he loves distributed computation and storage coins like Golem, Sia and Filecoin. He goes on about others he likes, and it would be worth looking into, even for a small position.

>> No.4957180

To be honest, I think its gonna be Vertcoin.

>> No.4957218

they only said they would support bcash if it became the new core, which it hasn't and won't

>> No.4957227

Why would coinbase add vertcoin when there's already LTC. They're basically the same coin but LTC is already known by the normies. There's no way VTC can catch up to LTC.

>> No.4957239

I'd say ADA (Cardano), Monaco (visa crypto card), and vert coin.

BTC & cryptocurrency discussion here:


>> No.4957245


It’s gutter trash. Don’t be a lowlife scumbag piece of shit.

>> No.4957250

wtf is the point of wanting monero available on coinbase, the one guaranteed exchange to be giving 100% of your account info the feds????

>> No.4957279

I used to use coinbase with a credit union and it worked for a while. Then I was notified that my account was closed and I had to transfer my bitcoins out (this was 2016 I found out) and any attempt to open a new coinbase account was automatically closed as soon as I liked my new bank account.

I googled around at the time and couldn't find out why.

Are you all able to use coinbase? How are you buying?

>> No.4957296

Either ADA or BAT

>> No.4957304

Why not? They're looking to ad coins and it meets their criteria.

>but normies

Yeah, cuz a business really makes a killing by not appealing to the masses, right? Normies will love VTC. I think the people entering right now are first wave normies, like filthy casual gamers. They will like a coin they can mine.

>> No.4957315

>he still stores value on mtgoxfinex

>> No.4957318

Name a better privacy coin

>> No.4957343

If they end up adding dozens of coins sure, why not. Just saying if they are going to remain careful in their selection and only add a handful of coins, I'm not sure why they would choose VTC when it is basically just a LTC copy.

>> No.4957377

It'll either be XRP, BCC, or VTC

>> No.4957398

I don't think CB really cares about adding a bunch of coins with unique use cases. I mean, if they did, why would LTC be up there? 66.666..% of coins are basically BTC right now, so really if anything this a good argument to add vtc.

>> No.4957411

IOTA is consistently at the top volume on Binance and #3 or #4 in market cap. wouldn’t surprise me if it was added soon.

>> No.4957439

CB CEO is too redpilled to do such a thing.

>> No.4957461

It would be the only coin that has a roadmap they can keep to and a real use case. This coin will need to have a large market already with major publishers on board and a realistic goal, it will also need a reason that people would buy in large quantities.


>> No.4957479

I'm just fucking around, Monero has a special place in my heart and I think 2018 will be an amazing year for the one true coin that actually accomplishes what Satoshi meant to do when he created btc. But...

It'll never ever be on Normiebase.

>> No.4957536

>CB CEO is redpilled

raiblocks confirmed

>> No.4957673
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Insider Tip: XRP, ARK and BCC will be added at the same time on or before Jan. 1

>> No.4957726


>> No.4958667

Monero will get added to GDAX before it gets added to Coinbase just like Litecoin.

>> No.4958794

It will probably be XRP, BAT devs have said it's not them... too soon. Coin is still in its early stages. Coinbase wants something with a little history and higher volume. I say this while owning thousands of BAT, I would love for this to get listed but it's just too soon.

>> No.4959076


dude is obviously trying to load the boat and you faggots have to keep telling everyone about it. do not even mention it, better for all.

>> No.4959087

The people who funded coinbase are funding REQ, right?

I could see it making there eventually.

>> No.4959094


>> No.4959110

They are both Ycombinator portfolio companies

>> No.4959129

NEO will explode

also where can i get BAT?

>> No.4959136

That makes it seem like it would be beneficial for them to be listed eventually. Not now, but once REQ has established themselves more.

>> No.4959143


>> No.4959189

where do I buy?

I have acc only on Bitfinex and coinbase

>> No.4959204

WTF are you talking about?

>> No.4959869


im allin in XMR op

>> No.4959929


>> No.4959960

People who think XMR will be on Coinbase must actually have Down Syndrome.

It's 100% XRP.

>> No.4960503

Ark is still largely incomplete

>> No.4960517


>> No.4960530

lumens too, probably. satoshipay integration would made it worth to list it on coinbase so normies can buy easy. would made the coin explode.

>> No.4960536

BITcoincash be supported by Jan 18
I would hope afterwards they would add Rippple

>> No.4961048

IOTA ofcourse...

>> No.4961373

how high is it going to get tho? There is huge supply

>> No.4961411

Aeternity once mainet comes out and it’s no longer a erc20. It’s literally a better eth. Accumulate before q2 2018

>> No.4961458

Request. It's part of YC, just as coinbase is. It's that simple.

>> No.4961581
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