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File: 152 KB, 762x1171, Hedera Scam Artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49564426 No.49564426 [Reply] [Original]

>2021 claimed "Year of scale"
>Transactions have actually declined
>Still 0 enterprise usecases live
>No defi
>Hedera still ruthlessly dumping millions of HBARs every week

What happened?

>> No.49565363

>oh no it’s down with the whole market

>> No.49565376

jesus the cope is palatable. You missed the entire bullrun hbaggie

>> No.49565696

Uh no I didn’t. I have massive hbar bag that I’ll never sell and a massive bag of stables. I’m going to buy the shit out of this.

>> No.49565742

>uhhh I held through the bull run while my shitcoin did nothing I didn't miss the bullrun
yeah you literally did you massive faggot holy shit are you guys redditors that you can't even figure this out this is like /gme/ tier retarded fuck off

>> No.49565836
File: 713 KB, 1311x1472, 1654866336431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It's all fucked. Now sell me your bags, don't worry, I'll take this burden.

>> No.49565912

Seethe harder faggot I have more money in Hbar at this price then you ever had in your life. I’ve got 10x that in stables. Dilate tranny.

>> No.49565954

What part of never selling my Hbar bag don’t you understand?

>> No.49566047

ooh the double reply and the "i'm not selling!" bagholder cope. That's okay we all learn the lesson of getting way too attached to our bags. Hope you made a lot of money on your other investments in 2021!

>> No.49566139

Dude I retired at 34, I’m a multimillionaire at 35. Seethe even harder. I have millions of Hbar that I will never ever sell. How does this make you feel?

>> No.49566165

sure champ, I too tell lies on a japanese imageboard

>> No.49566172

And guess what? I’m going to buy the fuck out of this Hbar price and accumulate even more. It’s my dream to buy at .01 or less.

>> No.49566232

Haha look who’s coping now. Top kek

>> No.49566252
File: 389 KB, 960x647, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49566292

I fell for this meme last year.
>Bought 100k at .30 in May 2021.
>Got stopped out and sold 100k at .20 in June 2021.
I want my fucking money back Leemon!

>> No.49566371

Where’s the one that says I’ll never sell my Hbar? The only coin I’ll never sell. Seethe harder poorfag. Hbar is the future.

>> No.49566409

you're the onle who has unleashed miles of cope to justify missing the entire bullrun last year kek, I have nothing at all to be mad about. Keep buying the dip though, friend I'm sure HBAR is going to the MOON this time for real!!!

>> No.49566428

Oh and I ONLY buy spot too. What do you think of that? How does that make you feel? I actually just went to buy more but changenow closed its trading pairs. What do you think of that and how does it make you feel?

>> No.49566463

It is. No question. There’s a funny quote by Mance Harmon, “even if Bitcoin and crypto didn’t exist, Hedera would”. You have no idea poorfag.

>> No.49566632

Also you should know that I’m chilling playing elden ring on my 83” Sony a90j tv. The thought of selling has never / will never occur to me. Couldn’t be happier. It’s my dream to own over 100m Hbar. What do you think of that?

>> No.49567026
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Secure in my financial future. Schizo bagholders like you always show to stay the fuck away from a project kek I learned my lesson from link. When there is this many anyways What abysmal performance too given the cap. Shame shame!
>11 posts by this ID to tell me about how I'm a retard and you're rich and you're never selling your bags

>> No.49567117

I love HBAR

>> No.49567168
File: 1.44 MB, 1125x1180, 2D79EEE3-8905-481B-9433-D74D18E570C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you’re not. You’ve got all the trappings of a poorfag seething that I have so much fucking money and never selling my Hbar. It makes me happy knowing you’re not buying, you probably hold ftm or something top kek. Sleep tight wagie, you’ve got work tomorrow! I’ll be looking to buy more Hbar. Also can you believe the quality on my tv - best on the market. Insane.

>> No.49567250

calm down 'graph we know its u its ok fren it will be ok .......eventually

>> No.49567348


>> No.49567361 [DELETED] 

>sold at hbar pico top
>compounded gains into some metaverse koin
>all while discord trannies seethed at me all the way down

>> No.49567402

ok jo u aussie bstard rub it in a bit more why dont ya

>> No.49567411
File: 678 KB, 1336x695, file_(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You caught me. I bought fantom at 1 cent and sold 70 percent of it above 3 bucks. So I guess I am mad I held the other 30 percent down but whatever. But I don't have to go on a Japanese image board and larp about my holdings. You niggers spammed every thread with this shit and as mentioned, missed the whole bull run. Enjoy your just desserts. Maybe you and the linkies can get together with ICP fags. Bon apple tea!

>> No.49567564

Haha no you didn’t poorfag, you’re larping right now. Maybe you bought $100 worth. I haven’t larped once; your disbelief is pure cope. Just know, there’s someone living a great life with tons of money and Hbar, and my wife just made me dinner. So fucking good. I’ll probably get head tonight while you cry yourself to sleep. Oh and I’m never selling my Hbar and I’ll be buying more as soon as I find another pool.

>> No.49567693
File: 165 KB, 622x1005, 6C1D75F5-BDDA-4C60-B6DA-CB5FB487A160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh

>> No.49567724
File: 738 KB, 1125x1552, 27FB546D-85D1-421F-9817-72480189B430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t let me forget: while I’m playing elden ring tomorrow and buying Hbar like it’s Saturday, it’s always Saturday, I have to get my pup groomed. $200 a pop. Don’t let me forget! Oh and never selling my Hbar.

>> No.49569116
File: 492 KB, 730x411, Hedera-Hashgraph-HBAR-Records-New-ATH-Price-Surge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of the rest of you believe in Hedera at all there is a DEX tangent.bar
flagship token launched still <100 holders