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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4955986 No.4955986 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight /biz/. Do I FOMO in tonight when it's up almost 70% up in 24 hours, or do I be patient and wait for a better entry point?

>> No.4956076

REQ is going to the moon, but you can probably wait for a lower entry point. 0.13-0.16 usd maybe

>> No.4956102

Whale here. About to buy 2m as soon as these transfers are confirmed. Buy all the REQ you can and don't sell until it's at least 1$ each

>> No.4956140

when do you think it'll reach that point?

I have 4k and looking to get over 10k

>> No.4956227
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Buying in at any value under $1 is still a solid value play. In less than 5 days, the stakes will be raised significantly.

>> No.4956302

This sounds like link schilling

>> No.4956315

Except REQ is actually moving.

>> No.4956331

Dont buy now dude are you fucking insane? Wait so you can FOMO in even higher

>> No.4956339

Now this is how you meme. Nice one, anon.

>> No.4956340


If you really are a whale why are you buying now?

>> No.4956344

except REQ actually has a working product and a team that communicates with the community

>> No.4956347

I honestly have no clue OP.

I have 50k USD in REQ right now.

I also have 15k worth of ETH I've had sidelined waiting for a dip since yesterday.

If it doesn't dip tomorrow I'm going to FOMO in. With each passing day the chances of a dip become less and less, because there is greater probability of test net going live.

>> No.4956348

I gained a lot of faith in this when it survived btc cucking every other alt. Since then it's been gaining every single day... I'm so close to having over 10k please wait for me guys I wanna be in the big boy club :(

>> No.4956350
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Cheapest and fastest way to get BTC from Bitgrail to binance to acquire REQ?

>> No.4956351

this raise is next week req update, likely testnet live, if not price will tank.

>> No.4956360
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I know REQ is all over the board right now, so I would think this is a shill too. That being said, I think it's true that this will go to at least 1 USD in short order, I'm just salty that I was ready to pull the trigger at 0.11 and I didn't do it.

>> No.4956374

Only have 25K REQ. Will I make it?

>> No.4956376

Buy high, sell low

>> No.4956397


price won't take before it's released because no one knows when it will be released. Sometime within next 11 days.

>> No.4956410

Unfortunately, no, but you'll make a killing

>> No.4956480

Sorry to ask but what is making a killing to you? $25K, $50K?

>> No.4956522
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LINK shilling has no basis.

REQ has just delivered 150% gains in the last week alone.

t. owner of both.

>> No.4956537

imagine if REQ becomes the next Ethereum that acts like paypal though..

>> No.4956566
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>the next Ethereum

>> No.4956567

If it ever hits 10$ I'll be shitting my pants

>> No.4956596

>thinks it will go to $1
>coin is currently $0.20


>> No.4956608

So I'll hop on board fuck it. Only in BTC so far and Cant afford to move it. So is ETH or LTC cheaper to move?

>> No.4956627

Moving my LINK to REQ. yolo. I can always move it back I guess. REQ moon mission just seems more immenent.

>> No.4956641

BTC>ETH (gas is nice and low atm network not congested) ETH>REQ

>> No.4956675

Come again

>> No.4956797

just buy ETH with your BTC and move that to the exchange you're buying REQ on

>> No.4956986

REQ has potential yet it is overhyped right now, the price right now is much higher than the actual valuation of the coin. Bought in at 0.00025 eth and sold at 1200 sat. I will be waiting for it to dip under 1000 sat (under 900 sat is possible too) to rebuy.

>> No.4957018


pink wojacks imcoming. cu@1usd

>> No.4957020

Buy in at sub $1 and you'll be in lamboland soon

>> No.4957024

Hodler here looking for $10 a token after testnet. Glad to see REQ launching and starting the token burn to increase token holder value. Well done to all of you who know a good thing when you see it. Better than OMG with no product!

>> No.4957030

I love all of you.

>> No.4957114

If you wait too long for the dip, you might never see it. Just do DCA instead and you’re set for a nice moon mission.
See you at $1 in q3 2018

>> No.4957126
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update. sold LINK over market price and bought REQ under, so now my portfolio got an instant value jump. But I am FOMOing LINK so hard. Please remind me that it is a scam and will die down. Or better yet will stay at 0.25 cents until REQ moons and THEN start its moon mission

>> No.4957136

jesus fcuking christ the normies are really here arent they

>> No.4957150

lmao. i said the same thing during omg, zrx, antshares, kyber and powr. 3k to 90k desdu. just happened to go all in on request in the ico

>> No.4957153

wait for another dip to 1000 then jump up on that rocket that will get pumped to fuckin mars in the next 2 weeks for their colossus launch

>> No.4957174

REQ and Monaco discussion here folks:


>> No.4957176

>self reply
right now it's real turbulent with obvious PnD shit

>> No.4957205

I'd like to but i've been burned b4

>> No.4957210

Waiting on some funds to get transferred. I want to believe I'll still be able to buy at around 1k sats but if not, I'm still positive about the investment.

>> No.4957230

There are people watching these candles hoping that this is near the top for colossus and that it will dip after testnet.

>> No.4957266
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This might have started as a pump n dump but I think the combination of it holding it's price when everything else dipped, moving to the top 100 of CMC, its solid fundamentals and people FOMOing in after all the shilling makes this a breakout.

Buy while you still can.

>> No.4957347

couldn't it possibly dip again after the initial testnet hype wears off? because of dumping

>> No.4957381

more like correction but yeah
on the other side that dip would still probably be higher than now

>> No.4957386

doesn't a coordinated pnd usually last for a couple of days?

>> No.4957410

This is not a pump and dump. This is new money discovering alts and a undiscovered diamond being plastered everywhere... similar to OMISEGO and Antshares

>> No.4957415

fomo? fear of missing out? so is this just /biz/ talk for putting your money where your mouth is? or are you actually considering investing just because of fear of missing out? just found /biz/ so legit asking

>> No.4957455

lurk moar.

>> No.4957480

why in the fuck would you buy something that is already up 70%
dumbest shit i ever heard

>> No.4957494

Cya at $1

>> No.4957579

kys yourself
>go to atlantian water bending forum
>told to lurk by some cryptofag who has never made any money

>> No.4957584

bought 100k just yesterday. lul

>> No.4957592

REQ is going parabolic.Hop on now or forever miss your gains. The whales are kind here and dump softly.

>> No.4957605
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>> No.4957617

Let's see how that wall at 1250 sats handles itself.

>> No.4957634

>newfag never learned to lurk before he posts

>> No.4957635

i fucking sold request at 4 cents for modum

kill me now

>> No.4957642

Should be a piece of cake, REQ have eaten a 500 ETH wall 24h before

>> No.4957666

50K damn ball of steel man

>> No.4957679


Do you know how many walls that size and larger have been bought up in the last 24 hours? What makes that one any different? That's what happens when there's demand.

>> No.4957698

jesus u r dumb, these post make me feel good

>> No.4957703

Next Paypal 2.0!!! Remember Y Comb are behind this. The same firm that delivered CoinBase... When noone believed CoinBase, they backed them up with 700k and now coinbase is worth 1.6 billion. Fair value for REQ is around 400m imo.

>> No.4957745

Sergey OD'd on big macs bro grats on the portfolio bump

>> No.4957771

Sell now and buy back in. We're going down.

>> No.4957777

This, coinbase was literally coding on the streets outside of a starbucks leeching wifi (couldnt even afford the coffee) and the funded them into what they are now, patented AGGRESSIVE backing.

>> No.4957791
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You don't really believe this is the next paypal right? You're only in it for the quick profits right?

>> No.4957793
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TFW when you sold 28,500 REQ for XMR because all it did was drop and now it's mooned. Fuck me.

>> No.4957794

really hope ETH doesnt JUST

>> No.4957813
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Pic related..

>> No.4957815


I'd wait until the middle/end of this week. Q4 announcement is on 12/29. Make sure you buy before that man, I hate to sound like a shill but the price is going to go bananas after they release the project they've been working on all year.

>> No.4957898

I just put about $600 in. Switched IOTA for REQ. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.4957903

tried to swing trade lost 100 req. I deserve this. don't make my mistake kids. HODL

>> No.4957909


>> No.4957914

>Missed the REQ moon but on Monaco moon instead
>if it reaches €20 I'll have made th exact amount I would have made if I'd stayed on REQ anyway

hue, lightning really does strike twice. Monaco will probably peak when REQ dips too to give a good transfer opportunity.

>> No.4957920


Anything before 2018 will be gucci, in the grand scheme of things request will be worth a lot more than whatever tiny volatility it has now. Buy this shit and hold for a year, then buy your lambos.

>> No.4957942

Are you me? I literally just did that, same number too

>> No.4957964

The Colossus is before next biweekly.
MCO might 2x, REQ will 20x

>> No.4957969

can binance change your asking price?

>> No.4958112 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 720x480, baby-entrepreneur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i currently have btc on binance, is it ever worth getting btc > eth > req? im new here...

>> No.4958142

Wait for a correction below 0.0004 REQ/ETH and buy in.

>> No.4958148 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 720x480, baby-entrepreneur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i currently have btc on binance, is it ever worth turning btc in eth then eth into req? im new here...

>> No.4958158

Deluded. 2 bill market cap. Kek .

>> No.4958236

New to Binance, and set a sell offer at my buy-in price when it was tanking. Went to sleep and forget I even had that in place.

Came to check winnings only to find out I had sold all my REQ.

Feels bad, man.

>> No.4958301

Why not btc -> req?

I did that with ltc, set sell order at $103 or so (when it was slowly going up). Go to sleep, wake up, and see it's at $180+, fml.

>> No.4958326
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>> No.4958327

Eh wrong person.

>Why not btc -> req?

>> No.4958356

I fucking love how retarded /biz/ is. For weeks you have ignored this coin, called it reqt etc now you are FOMOing in.

Some anon said the only reason /biz/ hated this coin was because its not mooned yet and he was right. The buy high sell low meme is real

>> No.4958359

It's okay anon. We will recover.

>> No.4958417

I'm in XLM hoping to get some returns with the alleged news on the 12th. Stay in XLM til then or sell now to get in on REQ?

>> No.4958650

Researching about REQ atm, looks pretty sweet. Thinking about investing, do you think it will start to moon soon, or after Q1, won't be investing for a while.

>> No.4958682

it's mooning right now you fucking pleb
pull the trigger or stay poor

>> No.4958779

Get in now before you wake up to see #50 spot on CMC with a 120% increase.

>> No.4958836

Ugh, I sold at 36000 after seeing pull back once the great wall was actually down. Wake up and see this...

>> No.4959355
File: 3.25 MB, 2800x1869, req-lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I find shopping shopping online at places like Amazon and sending money to family and friends so much easier when using Request. Not only is it available anywhere payments are accepted, it eliminates many of the inconveniences using traditional methods of transferring money, like needing to use the same Bank, App, or even Currency, and I know my funds are safe and secure due to Blockchain."

>> No.4959652

Honestly, there was "news" on the 7th as well. had bought just before that. got like a nice 20% increase but then went down ever since that. Im assuming on the 14th it will do the same

>> No.4959843

>Switched IOTA for REQ
>I just put about $600 in. Am I gonna make it?
You're going to have to wait much longer, but yes you'll make it.

>> No.4959931

Why does the symbol have to be so pathetic.

>> No.4959938

This is not going to dip very much, 0.0004 ish /ETH should be good support.

>> No.4960013

Na, there's no support, just artificial walls slow bleeding people right now.

>> No.4960039

If this gets anywhere near 16 cents I'm throwing another 100 eth at it. I'm sure lots of people will be doing the same.

>> No.4960093

Please dip some more so I can scoop some cheap REQ.

>> No.4960116

looks like it's dumping now NOOOOO

>> No.4960167

why does /biz/ have so much faith in this coin in particular?

>> No.4960182

Why not? You have the doubts, so tell us why? There are 100 of reddit thread, blog posts and /biz/ threads where you can read about REQ and see the potential, so to shorten this discussion, what are your doubts?

>> No.4960236

Well for one, paypal is only usable for online payments. What if you wanted to use your money IRL? It's not like restaurants/retailers take Venmo payments today so why would they take something like REQ? Better to invest in coins that you'll be able to use in both online and IRL like ARK/Monero.

>> No.4960286

brick and mortar retail is dead.

What year you living in buddy??????

>> No.4960315

You don't go out to arcades/bars/restaurants/targets etc. etc.? They don't take Venmo. Now if REQ was somehow able to type into NFC tech like Samsung Pay which ARK is going to do then I'd believe in REQ. As of now it's just mentioned as "the paypal of crypto".

>> No.4960331

In all the shill threads today I've not actually seen any people arguing for why it's so great. Just that it is.

Obviously I should probably DMOR but the fact that no one is willing to effortpost for it like Ark or Monero has to mean something.

>> No.4960391

You walk into target and see dying boomers. Restaurants for the most part are the same with exception to families. Arcades don't really exist anymore either. This is a new generation here buddy.

REQ will have a mobile platform and millenials are now using ipads and such in their businesses to make transactions with platforms like Square. What's to stop them from adopting a cheaper platform like REQ? No cards, no swiping just a recurve and send request with confirmation through the blockchain

>> No.4960422

I want to stop your gay future though.

>> No.4960449

>Asks for a mature and informative response
>Acts like a phaggot when given on

>> No.4960468

That is not the market of REQ, but it doesn't reduce its greatness even one bit. REQ is a financial platform catering around payment requests, its Paypal, and more. It has a niche and it will be fucking perfect for that niche.

Leave p2p transfers to the BTCs and Moneros.

>> No.4960476

I don't know why they would or wouldn't use REQ (other than nothing ever gets adoption, EVER). I'm just saying your future is gay.

>> No.4960509

You are supposed to DYOR and not rely on arguments made by street peddlers on an Egyptian papyrus harvesting conference

>> No.4960524

Yeah but if the best offered here is low effort shilling I'm just saying people can't be very enthusiastic.

>> No.4960546

First of all REQ is way more than "paypal", it is a whole payment network and you will see with the release of colossus, how many different API's will be developed.

You are clearly misinterpreting the REQ project. Online payments is just one single use case for REQ. And just a counter question, why is paypal so popular? If you can answer this question, then why should a competitor
1)who has a friction of the fees, thanks to the blockchain
2) will be faster in the transaction, because there wont be any barriers, thanks to blockchain
3) and without the whole hustle with the scam - freezing money - shitty paypal service for the vendors?

Are you fucking kidding me? Who is going into arcades nowadays? All the gamble addicted degenerated people are using online betting sites and in the near future VR gambling.

This is clearly no industry the blockchain will disrupt besides payment cards like TenX.

And all we discussed now is online payments. What about: audit? escrow services? tax modules? crowdfunding plattform? automatic legal services?

This will be a fucking payment network and not just a better paypal copy. You should do more reasearch, srly. Peace out.

>> No.4960563

When something is shilled heavily on biz for multiple posts it usually means you missed the boat for safe gains. REQ is a great buy, even at this price, 2018 will be huge if they deliver their roadmap on time.

>> No.4960577


>> No.4960582

Gay or not. This the reality. You should learn a bit more into how young twenty something millenials hipster gays do business

>> No.4960588

>that pump
It's official boys. We mooning. No looking back now.

>> No.4960764

I have £7k sitting in a savings account doing nothing. Should I put a chunk of it in ETH?

>> No.4960833

I would, too bad you didn't do it last month though, you'd be a lot safer.

>> No.4960894


>falling for pajeets pump and dump wealth distribution schemes.

when will you dumbasses ever learn.

>> No.4960984

Do you need your savings for the next 4months? If not buy some and let it sit.

>> No.4961014
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I have 73k of this meme coin, i regret not buying more now for 50% below ico. I was just so dissappointed the price wouldnt go higher than ico for months. Lets hope this hits 100€

>> No.4961054

>Lets hope this hits 100€

I wish you all the luck, anon.

>> No.4961184

37k req am i gonna make it?

>> No.4961281

I have 480k and not even i will make it, so no.

>> No.4961290

bitgrail rip lol

>> No.4961301

Yeah it's a little annoying but what can you do. Do you think ETH is in an unsafe place right now?

>> No.4961311


> Be new to crypto
> Was quite pleased when my 1k req grew so much
> See these posts

All optimism is gone

>> No.4961318

Yeah, sell it while it's dropping, guaranteed money

>> No.4961345

You will make it though

>> No.4961465

No, it's pretty solid. It could tank to $350 again maybe but if you have the ability to go long then I'm 99% certain you'll be better off than were you to just do nothing at all with the money.

>> No.4961508

No, even though the network is maxed out at the moment it still has the highest tx count by far. Just hold until further scaling solutions are released and you are good

>> No.4961577

Alright, thanks. If I were to invest thousands into ETH would I need a ledger? Or is storing it in MEW with the private key kept safe good enough?

>> No.4961589

>tfw just put all my 250USD into req
how much EOY?

>> No.4961608

I actually don't hold any ETH long atm so can't tell you. When I hold it I just keep it on Bittrex.

Hardware wallets are theoretically great but practically overrated and unnecessary imo. Unless you're a boomer retard. A strong software wallet is almost certainly fine, if you feel unsafe about even that then you always have the option of using a cold wallet yes.

>> No.4961611

Unironically buy Ripple RIGHT THE FUCK NOW

>> No.4961671


>> No.4962092
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reminder that req shills do not defend this

also reminder that req advertises ARAGON of all coins in their whitepaper

>> No.4962404

Defend what exactly?

>> No.4962767

just buy req you fucking retards

i dont want to see you whining in a few months because you didnt get onboard

>> No.4962802

No there's 650MM REQ in circulation

>> No.4962883

7.3k here, will I make it? Tired of being poor.

>> No.4962986

Should I wait buying now? Seems like bullrun is over and it's correcting

>> No.4963023

buy into the next dip, it will go up again.

>> No.4963045

People Said that yeaterday too. Volume ist still sick and no stop in sign.

>> No.4963098

Do you think this is it or shall we wait another 12h.

>> No.4963192


>> No.4963269

800 sat ICO - at 1k sats now. wow.

>> No.4963325

Is this the dip?

>> No.4963356

REQ is here to stay. Just wait for the Collosus update and you'll see the surge of it.

>> No.4963368
File: 78 KB, 1224x692, img2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get REQ't

>> No.4963395

Asking because I haven't bought yet fucker, want to know if now is a good time to buy or if the meme is over already

>> No.4963406

Worst FUD. 0/10. How long did it take you? Salty nocoiner

>> No.4963409

Thanks anon.

>> No.4963416


>> No.4963422

Anyone have reddit salt they can post. All those "how do I buy REQ" posts must have tons of angry normies.

>> No.4963447

It won't. REQ is adding another 'layer' to Etherium for more diverse financial utility.

>> No.4963636

Give it to me straight, /biz/ how retarded does this sound?
I have 10K in debt and have been considering a consolidation loan. I want to use half to pay off my biggest obligations (2K car loan, 3K credit card) and put the other half into REQ. Am I FOMOing too hard?

>> No.4963698

That's fucking retarded, don't do that. Pay debt.

>> No.4963755

Let me guess, greek?

>> No.4963773


REQ does even need Ethereum, if it gets mired in cats and comes to a grinding halt, they can just piggy back on any other Network.

>> No.4963779

Thanks anon

>> No.4963782


>> No.4963977

Yeah that's FOMO, if you have to do that, try doing it with a coin that didn't moon shot massively in a short amount of time...

>> No.4964909

im buying more now

>> No.4965037

Kek i bought your bags
Thanks a lot ilu bby

>> No.4965168

Give it to me straight, /biz/ how retarded does this sound?
I have 10K in savings from my student loan and about 5k in scholarship grants. I've been considering dropping out of my degree and putting all of my student money into REQ. Am I FOMOing too hard?

>> No.4965179


>> No.4965214

You are an idiot. Nothing to add.

>> No.4965229


'that sounds like a terrible idea.

>> No.4965241

Are we at the stage where I can just pretend it never went sub ICO?

>> No.4965272

do it no balls

>> No.4965275


Put in at least 5K, so you can double in in less than a week when Coloussus launches. 15K is better than 10K is how I see it.

>> No.4965299

Put some and see how the market reacts to testnet, put some more if positive and see how it reacts to Colossous, if positive then it's safe to invest a bit more.

>> No.4965312
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I'd start looking for a sturdy rope if I were you.

>> No.4965397
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>> No.4965551


>> No.4965593
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>> No.4965604

>cutting off the important information

>> No.4965621

Thank god.

I want to accumulate more.

>> No.4965655


>Implying there's any other important information other than there's a fucking massive BTC buywall just ready to anally thust into the market.

>> No.4965691

Look at the 2 hour chart. It peaked somewhere above 20cents, now it's going back down. Pump is over, we'll be at 11 cents in a day or two again.

>> No.4965692

i suggest buy now look at the volume increase, i'm doubling my coins atm

>> No.4965696

Where it is is pretty important.

>> No.4965755

Yeah this seems like an accurate analysis. Backed by an expert with years of trading knowledge.

Kys, you have srly no clue what are talking about. Go into the casino and play some roulette. "Yeah, we had the number 11, two times, that means number 8 will come and afterwards the number 35 is the next obvious one.

Fcking brainlet

>> No.4965878

Anyone know how I can try out the testnet when it releases? I wanna play around with it while every retard dumps.

>> No.4965926

We going back up or just bouncing off old buy orders?

>> No.4966070
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volume says this thing will be assraped

>> No.4966090


>> No.4966096
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me too

>> No.4966312

Hm, I should have bought at 36000 like I felt I should.

>> No.4966350

Is holding 500 REQ pointless? Will any potential gains be minimal?

>> No.4966389

Only if you think investing however much money that is is always going to be pointless. Why would REQ be any different to anything else?

>> No.4966395


That's just a minor mid-day slump you moron. The volume is nearly 20 million in 24 hours.

Honestly, most of you retards here have no idea what you're doing.

I want to see post IDs which are tied to one's BTC balance, so that we know which people are retards (people with less than 10 BTC of holdings) vs smart money.

>> No.4966440

W-what about % of BTC balance since initial investment. I got in too late to hold any full coins as a NEET but I've been doing pretty well all round. Up 60% of the BTC I started with.

>> No.4966459

I thought since there's 640mil REQ out there surely 500 isn't ever gonna be worth much.

>> No.4966488

It doesn't mean that.

>> No.4966527

Okay cool. Can you tell I'm new to this.

>> No.4966678

Glad I bought at 37500 even it I should have bought in an hour ago.

>> No.4966779

Daytrading this is too easy

>> No.4967193

These walls are fucking GAY.

>> No.4967260
File: 229 KB, 953x953, 1502245989651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that btc buy wall

>> No.4967320

It's smaller than the 36000 one so hopefully it gets eaten. My gains are feeling shakey though.

>> No.4967341

it's gonna go back down to around .00034 soon right?

>> No.4967371

doubt it

>> No.4967469

A new generation of robots looking at there phone for a new dopamine fix, while eating unhealthyier food, doing what they are told by facebook algorithms in an echo chamber, at least in 4chan we choose this echo chamber, the future sucks anon

>> No.4967537
File: 86 KB, 773x591, j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at 4150

>> No.4967561

don't worry you're fine

>> No.4967585
File: 2.88 MB, 2478x1354, reqiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 85K REQ after i saw this (pic related)

asking whether .20 cents is too high is like asking if $1 was too high for OMG.

$2 REQ by spring 2018, screencap this

>> No.4967607

I bought at .00034 yesterday and now I don't want to buy higher. If only I'd invested more at the time.

>> No.4967665
File: 163 KB, 2000x1083, req1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4967681

I'm in 500 too, probably drop 200 dollars more on this if things go well.

>> No.4967781

That wall test failed miserably, I ended up selling off for the time being, it might dip again.

>> No.4968103

>Bought at 4k
We both fucked up, but not badly. The bagholding should only be for a day or two.

>> No.4968245

>kys yourself
>kill yourself yourself

>> No.4968290


>> No.4968338
File: 25 KB, 596x320, Screenshot from 2017-12-11 10-22-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4968563

isn't the ATH 44?

>> No.4968585

Don't worry, there'll be a new ATH real soon.

>> No.4968602

you're ok don't panic HODL 20x gains 2018

>> No.4968612

REQ will be using LINK. This REQ pump is a good sign for LINK.

>> No.4968645

>REQ will be using LINK.
Sold immediately. Thanks.

>> No.4968671


>> No.4968680

Really? I thought it was for all cryptos

>> No.4968695

>MFW sold 120k req when it was only 20% up.
Should I hang myself?

>> No.4968715

It's not too late, just get back on the rocket.

>> No.4968963


>> No.4969216


>> No.4969269

Hm, another dip to sub .00037 or we mooning?

>> No.4969553

I think it's going to be steady for a bit.

>> No.4969566

I'm tired as fuck, not sure if I should just buy or set an order lower and hope it dips.

>> No.4969581

Buy half, set the other half as a lower buy order.

>> No.4969599

I havent seen this much promise since OMG which is basically the same thing. REQ will be $2-3 one month from now. Bought OMG at 0.8USD, bought REQ at 0,25ETH.

>> No.4969674

Ugh, bots are trying to manipulate me into buying at market, I fucking hate that. Tempted to not buy half at all.

>> No.4969863
File: 153 KB, 1490x679, 1498291625749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9btc buy sell wall
holy fuking shit, what did the whales mean by this?

>> No.4970261


>> No.4970437
File: 353 KB, 1275x1650, iwrequest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in anon

>> No.4970542

Adding the Volume just seems gay.