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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49549601 No.49549601 [Reply] [Original]

how are we feeling bros? still comfy?

>> No.49549625

Bought a bit today and set up buy orders at 10 and 5 bucks

>> No.49549635
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I'm so fucking demoralized and do not feel like a chad at all

>> No.49549646

I am not comfy. I am scared we're going to die and not survive the bear. On the other hand, if this continues, I will be able to complete a validator stack which means I will make it if we DO survive...

>> No.49549651
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Comfy shorting lol, yea

>> No.49549655

Brokefag here, I remember buying like 6-8 AVAX at 90$ each right before a big dump to 60$.
Can't wait to buy 6-8 AVAX again but for 10 dollars, I'm really glad they decided to make AVAX more affordable :)

>> No.49549668

Shouldn't this be Kyle Mcclacalalcalan from the Flintstones live action? Who is this guy

>> No.49549672

A lot comfier after selling it's been a good run but it's done

>> No.49549675

checked. you know its only worth buying if its more valuable in the future though right?

>> No.49549732

Why, do you want to resell it afterwards? I thought you liked AVAX

>> No.49549748

yes i will want to sell it at some point if it increases in value. what is the point of me generating 200 avax a year? to print them off and stick the earned tokens on my fridge? idiot

>> No.49549769

Idk man sounds kinda silly to me. Plus I've never seen cryptos being sold on Ebay or Craigslist. Maybe try Trading Cards? I've seen a bunch of those being sold for a lot of money

>> No.49549776

ya right now everything but BTC looks scary im not gonna lie, but thats how bear markets are, people lose all faith in crypto and pull out

>> No.49549882
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Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to the Turkish embassy tomorrow.

>> No.49549897

low quality and retarded

>> No.49549976

Buy orders set at $3.1 dollarinos

>> No.49549980

can't wait to buy under $10 and $5

>> No.49549998

Will this even survive a bear? Or just another flash in the pan L1 eth killer that is consigned to history.

>> No.49550116

There is always 1 or 2 coins which survive.
ETH was the survivor of 2017, Ada kind of.
AVAX will survive bear certainly

>> No.49550217
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There is always 1 or 2 coins which survive but AVAX WILL NOT SURVIVE. IT'S OVER AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.49550707


>> No.49551207

You're right. I'll never buying crypto unless I can go to a walmart and get some

>> No.49552533

now the real buying begins. it's been a depressing 4 months but not folding quite yet.. buying avax and xava once again

>> No.49552593

I tried to warn people about AVAX, but got called a faggot or poorfag. So happy to see the token price collapse now.

>> No.49552641

have started buying this AM. we’ll see how it goes

>> No.49552656


>> No.49553320
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I remember £100 so vividly bros. Hovered over that sell button thinking it might have been the top, but I truly believed we could 10x again from there.

I'm never selling honestly but I NEED these devs to stop acting like retards on twitter.

>> No.49553340
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Bend the knee, faggots

>> No.49553359

But why would you warn anyone? Its literally the only useful tech in crypto along with Link.

>> No.49553696

Shitty distribution + high inflation is enough to avoid this project for good. Tech literally means nothing at this point, there will be better projects launched over the next five years.

>> No.49554772

Just just wish Plebbit moves from this shitchain.

>> No.49555201

seething novaxcel, avax will be in the top 5

>> No.49555414

I use AVAX as proof for market entropy:
>Severe undervaluation=Peak clown market on rallies and peak bear market panic selling on downtrend
>Rally against the market=Market senses are correcting themselves
>Crab=Never happens against the market, Avax is always either in downtrend or uptrend against the market, Probably the most volatile coin in the top 25 and i believe it's by design from the whales.

>Shitty distribution

Literally best distribution among all L1s post 2019 (Option A in pic related)

>High inflation
A lie and a meme, Token emission is lower than major L1s. Most of the inflation you're seeing on the psyop charts are just token unlocks from the foundation, grants and team, All of which been released already at higher pace since 2020.

>> No.49555431
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>> No.49555435

AVAXchads, we failed. AVAX is literally trading 1:1 like Söylana, just with a lower mcap

>> No.49555563
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>still comfy
very much so
mostly because I didn't touch your turk scam
also because am balls deep in API3
seethe and sneed faggots

>> No.49555621

AVAX whales will pump it out of this atrocious market dominance eventually (Next run probably to the top 3-5) but i'll never forgive them for swing it so fucking hard that it sometimes put to shame low cap uniswap shitcoins

AVAX is so mispriced that its existence alone make the TVL/Mcap ratio argument irrelevant. Even fucking Tron, Which's centralised china hustle, get most of its TVL from algorithmic stablecoin ponzi (thus the speculation+risk should be priced in the TVL/Mcap ratio, meaning it should have much lower Marketcap relative to its TVL) while AVAX with its robust network effect (Validator pool+distribution alone is worth being a top 10 coin), innovative tech and future proofness, Is valued lower.

It's beyond absurd at this point.

>> No.49555646
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>> No.49555709

The token distribution is completely anathema to crypto principles, I don't give a fuck if it was launched in 2012 or 2022.
TVL was always a trash metric used by VC to hype their shitty bags. You can literally have one entity providing 90% of the TVL last year and retards would believe it was a good thing.

>> No.49555857
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You're confusing AVAX with Fantom/One/Matic etc, Avalanche always had organic TVL growth

AVAX actually lost the least TVL from ATH among all L1s not named ETH, And it's putting ATHs in AVAX terms

>> No.49555910

>TVL was always a trash metric used by VC to hype their shitty bags

AVAX is top 3 and most undervalued relative to merit in literally every other comparative value measurement you can find. This is the most insane undervaluation of any coin in the history of crypto and people are going to miss out on it because of..? I'm not even sure what's the current popular meme fud

>> No.49555954

This cycles did. Cycle is almost over too…

>> No.49555957

Avalanche hasn't added a single cent worth of value to the global economy. It's a glorified science project which got bootstrapped and pumped by retards like Novogratz... You know... the same guy who once shilled EOS and Luna as the future

>> No.49555995

>Mentions eth
>holds avax

>> No.49556055

>i believe it's by design from the whales.
bro I love avax for the tech but this and "best distribution" don't really go hand in hand

>> No.49556059

I hope you actually realize that most of what you just wrote is no innovation at all right
No utility, no value creation. Only useful for DeFi scams and as a gambling playground.

I hope you quickly realize your mistakes instead of blaming the whales boogeyman and see that AVAX like most L1s doesn't have any inherent utility.

>> No.49556091
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I believe in Emin.

>> No.49556704

Why are you in Avalanche thread if you don't see the value of DeFi and decentralised smart contracts as a whole?