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File: 697 KB, 835x987, yurope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49553338 No.49553338 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Europe so damn poor compared to America? Imagine having to ride a toy to your job lol.

>> No.49553381

imagine being a wagecuck in the first place
>oh me so blessed me use car to go slave for my jewish master

>> No.49553396

US and EU have always been poor/rich in different ways, the thing now is that Americans are becoming as poor as Europeans up front without getting any of the benefits of 1st world European society

>> No.49553405

>without getting any of the benefits of 1st world European society
Your healthcare isn't really that great, and it's not free

>> No.49553407
File: 174 KB, 384x390, 1511174781254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's our cucked PM, he gets chauffeured everywhere and takes a bike twice a year, purely for photo-op reasons so he can be just like the hecking regular people

>> No.49553409

The lard is oozing out of that post

>> No.49553416

The post and the pic are sarcastic, right?

>> No.49553418

>bro you should spend 30-40k euro on a plastic shitbox because...WELL YOU JUST SHOULD, OKAY?

>> No.49553422

In Holland some electrician that does 100 hours of work per month can live a better life than mutt electrician that does 240 hours per month.
>inb4 but he doesnt drive a dodge ram 2 hours and across 200Km every day in highway traffic
Oh no whatever will I do without that cancer.

>> No.49553448

I'm not sure the reply is

>> No.49553453

This man is free from the shitshow that's about to occur with oil prices.
Do you still think he's poorer than Americans?

>> No.49553464

our reliance on the automotive jew is retarded if you think about it. our country never should have been built the way it is.

>> No.49553481

We’re not all over weight and our cities are small. It’s easy to cycle 10 mins to work

>> No.49553494

people in america get bankrupt by healthcare or they just don't get treatment and die. some people commit crimes to get free healthcare in jail/prison. does this sound like a society that a white person created? or does it sound like jewish torture?

>> No.49553520

Yeah, that’s a solid no for me dog

>> No.49553529

i wish i could bike my way to work

t. fat american

>> No.49553538
File: 228 KB, 956x1115, bas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49553580

>some people commit crimes to get free healthcare in jail/prison
This is retarded, do you think they offer good care in jail/prison? They're better off pretending to be an illegal immigrant.

Now let's compare that to the UK with their national healthcare. With that came the death panels. If it's not profitable to keep you alive you won't be

>> No.49553596
File: 45 KB, 500x509, 1597949295899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget regular maintenance, inflating gas prices and please pay your CO2 tax goyim

>> No.49553598

you should really stop reading tabloids, its melting your brain

>> No.49553599
File: 855 KB, 2500x1667, rainy_bong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try that shit every day here faggot.
JUST try it.

>> No.49553603

>bulky car you can only go on wide streets with
>chad bike that can go literally anywhere

>> No.49553627

You do realise we can actually also buy private healthcare, and many people are privately ensured, either through their own funds or by their employers? The national health service is only there for people who genuinely can't afford private treatment. Anyone who can afford to go private does so.

>> No.49553653

I fucking love biking in the rain. But not on the roads, though.

>> No.49553657
File: 336 KB, 1044x1634, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49553702

>They're better off pretending to be an illegal immigrant.
your suggestion is to commit felony fraud, which will also land you in state or federal prison?

>> No.49553709
File: 61 KB, 1024x1024, 1619356348117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Burgers honestly think that they're somehow better off for designing their cities and living spaces around cars and not, you know, people?

>> No.49553712

I'm sure it's a cultural thing. Everything in Amsterdam seems to be geared towards bikes.

>> No.49553719

Cities are cancer and population density dramatically decreases social cohesion and turns people into utter loons
I’d rather drive over being some fag euro

>> No.49553729

London may be full of browns, but it's simply kino.

>> No.49553735

>You do realise we can actually also buy private healthcare, and many people are privately ensured, either through their own funds or by their employers?
Sounds just like the USA. Why do you think I would be excited about paying for my own insurance and every nog in the country?
>which will also land you in state or federal prison?
Strange that being an illegal immigrant doesn't do that anymore, no?

>> No.49553747

Anyone defending "public" anything is economically illiterate

>> No.49553750

yes, we're retarded. our way of life is centered around paying car insurance, car registration, car inspections, gasoline, fuel/road taxes, car maintenance, oil changes, and sitting in traffic for hours a week.

>> No.49553752

I would rather pay to have the freedom of a car then schedule my life around a bus

>> No.49553786

What's the epiphany? I'm from Europe so it's probably something I take for granted.

>> No.49553788

>biden takes over, actively sabotages domestic oil production, hyperinflation inbound, sanctions related to russo-ukrainian war make things worse

>> No.49553806

if biden wants communities to be designed from now on so that people have the option of being able to walk or ride a bike then i'm riding with biden on that one.

>> No.49553828

keep defending your juden masters, lolbertarian

>> No.49553857

you will take the auto loan wagie!

>> No.49553859

Dude he has a car you retards. I'm danish and I bike because it keeps me fit. You must be trolling

>> No.49553862

yes but hes incapable of travelling more than 12 miles in an hour.

>> No.49553877

Where do you need to go that merits you getting outside the city?

>> No.49553897

wherever the fuck i want you communist piece of filth
cancer to all communists

>> No.49553928
File: 139 KB, 1186x636, Californian 40% income in taxes and deductions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans pay the same taxes and deductions as the Germans and get nothing.

>> No.49553945

>defends the regulatory capture of big pharma via the state but i'm the goyim
ok retard don't forget to remain in house for months and to triple jab because daddy government just said so
unbelievable retardation

>> No.49553948

pick one

>> No.49553959

>>without getting any of the benefits of 1st world European society
>Your healthcare isn't really that great, and it's not free
It's not about healthcare. European cities are much older and most haven't been wrecked by being made car friendly. You can actually walk in the city (this applies to medium sized cities. For Metropolis like Berlin or Paris one need public transportation) also shops are more spread out. American cities have most often been planned with a car in mind and travelling without it is a bigger hassle. Also planning cities as car friendly leads to very specialized zones (like downtown business district or suburbia) that can only be linked by car. In German cities it's not unusual to have an engineering bureau or an account interspaced between homes and a bakery or small farm (if one lives on the edge of a city) in between.

>> No.49553975

Flyover states can't compare. Better off being in Europe than a flyover.
You don't get 150k starting in flyover

>> No.49553999

In fact taking a bike is a status thing for rich people in euy, check out mamil

>> No.49554021

>im riding a bike for superior reasons
>t. poor person with delusions

>> No.49554024

true, pretty sure he takes the bike out of the trunk just before the destination to seem so hecking "gewoon gebleven"

>> No.49554026

Us spend 4x the tax money in health care and get nothing

>> No.49554055

>old cities designed around old/no technology
>new cities designed around new technology
I've been to Germany. They pretend 1 lane roads are 2 lanes because they have no space. It's not like there are zero cars in Germany as well, the whole place was packed harder with parked cars than new york.

I'll still own a car, I have no reason not to own a car. If I want to take my car and park it in the city to use the public transportation I can, but odds are I'll still use the car because it is more convenient. Another thing Euros have a hard time understanding but they're learning to, is the presence of certain demographics on that public transportation that makes it a particularly unpleasant experience.
I'd take the pay cut to not be a Californian. Bad enough that cancer is here in Washington

>> No.49554068

How do you get home drunk from a bar with a car? You need a subway

>> No.49554084

Install Power Thesaurus extension, it's pretty cool.

>> No.49554085

do you have any suspicion of how this globohomo fixer's food gets brought to him in the middle of his concrete gorilla habitat?

>> No.49554088

Lord knows more americans could use the exercise.

>> No.49554094

I see some very based and orange pilled posters here, always great to see

>> No.49554135

except we're saying keep the cars and maybe just alter the zoning laws to allow walkable communities to be built again. maybe so people have the option of walking or riding a bike short distances and you don't have to give up your car. but no, it's "all cars or all legs" with absolutely no nuance or middle ground, typical american. also has to make it a red team vs blue team issue where the good guys fight for cars and vote republicuck while the bad guys want to replace all cars with bikes and vote blue team. lol what the fuck ever

>> No.49554162

You’re terminally retarded, cockroach level scum. Enjoy neo-feudalism nigger

>> No.49554204
File: 440 KB, 1080x1549, All hail king Willy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch anon here.

The country is the almost twice the size of New Jersey and it is as flat as countries come. Public transport is decent and everywhere there are bicycle paths. You can work in a city in the centre of the country and travel back home to your Provence by train. I know people who bike the whole country during their days off.

Any other country I have biked so far, I have feared for my life in multiple occasions. Guess the Netherlands is one of the few civilized countries left, where there is a functional infrastructure.

>Cannot imagine the smell across the Dutch border

>> No.49554225

Guess you've never been to the Hague, I've seen him bike around multiple times

>> No.49554258

Remember americans hate anything related to cardio, half of them will snap most bikes frames because of their full sized weight.

>> No.49554284

I'm an American who lives in Boston. I really don't understand your argument. We have a robust network of trains, buses and subways, and have had it for longer than I have been alive. It extends all the way down to Washington, D.C. Regarding bikes, even these are unnecessary; the train is close enough to anywhere you want to be, and it is more efficient to walk from the train. Who, specifically, are you saying needs more bikes and public transportation? The cows out in Kansas? Do you realize how big this country is?

>> No.49554309

> while the bad guys want to replace all cars
the bad guys are the uniparty government that made combustion engines illegal after a certain date.

>> No.49554311

Netherlands is probably the shittiest country on earth for /out/, but you clearly have the most advanced, human-friendly urban design in the world. It sounds like a perfect place to fuck off and be quiet for a bit.

>> No.49554322

>muh neo-feudalism
feudalism would be much more preferable than what we have now, nigger.

>> No.49554347

I’d take really-not-great healthycare over the fucking nightmare system that America uses

>> No.49554348
File: 34 KB, 454x463, 1651651984651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a student i used to drive around my race bike in Belgium to go to the campus
it was incredibly pleasurable, fucking fast and flexible

now going to the city to work, it fucking stinks, it's horrid, I feel fat and lazy doing it
the city is a mess due to the cars, there's no parking spaces, always got to watch out everywhere, the city smells bad
the architecture of the city also became much worse, with nice places making room for parking lots

a car is a coping mechanism for faggots and only useful for a specific set of traveling destinations, maybe 10% of all destinations you're going to

>> No.49554364

>Do you realize how big this country is?

In urban areas, where the majority of the country’s population lives you mouth breathing shit eating amerifat. Nobody’s saying to get rid of cars in rural areas, but the depressing suburbia and car centric city life is retarded

>> No.49554366

I know what the word means dick head

>> No.49554376

>The chad bike.
>The fat beta car driver.
>The incel truck driver.

>> No.49554379

it's true, europeans are so poor compared to americans
there are europoors coping in this thread but the economic realities are undeniable
wages are worse, often half of what americans get; taxes are worse, often double what americans pay; food is more expensive and, contrary to memes, isn't actually any better; consumer goods are more expensive across the board; energy is more expensive; healthcare isn't actually any cheaper if you have a real job because """free""" healthcare just subsidizes worthless people and the quality of service is worse; housing is just as hopelessly unaffordable in any country that has any employment opportunities at all and houses are tiny compared to american homes
i hate most american cities and i hate driving but, as a young person, i desperately want to move to america because i would be earning at least 40% more, paying less tax, and living better
europe is a place to retire and holiday to not a place to make money but america is memed about too much and isn't actually nearly as bad or unliveable as the internet will have you believe
i was actually shocked to learn the first time i went that you can actually buy real good quality food in america because i unironically expected everything to be McFood Product no#666

>> No.49554421

God I miss my BMX with low rider handle bars.
I fucking hate my car.

>> No.49554455

It's another reason I want to get rich, just bike or ride a horse everywhere.

>> No.49554460

grass is greener at the other side i guess
you would only know if you lived there for long enough, not simply by going on a fucking trip
just going by numbers, belgians on average are richer than americans
purely capital-wise
yet they get loads of stuff for free, ranging from college to health care. quality of service is fine
and you can earn just as much as in america if you set up your own business and working through that company rather than as a 'wageslave'
the thing that is horrid in Europe is the mass migration and shitty bourgeois leaders
for the former we can thank that fatmericans
for the latter, that's even worse in America, but here it's a recent thing that's gotten from bad to worse

>> No.49554481

>europeans are so poor compared to americans
You guys live paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.49554495

>Europe is the mass migration
They've been curbing it more lately, not 100 percent but hey.

>> No.49554514
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, CF0664E1-AF3C-41F8-BC0F-DC62F3B7F547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans in some states literally can’t go to the fucking grocery store without a car

No wonder you’re all so fat lmao

>> No.49554539

I used to bike every day to class in college, fucking hated it. Now I set aside time to exercise every day and am fitter.

>> No.49554628

good twitter account in relation to OP's claims

sure hope so
at least the recent wave was a bunch of eastern europeans, i get along better with them than my own in-group

nigs have zero effect on our economy due to the fact that they're heavily selected
it's the brownies that leach from health care & welfare (not so much from pensions since they die early)
maybe if they were a bunch of decent dudes standing for traditional Islam without imposing it on anyone, but really it's just degeneracy, they leach, they're kind of stupid, they breed like rabbits

>> No.49554640

I see the incursion from /n/ last week is still producing seethe and cope.

>> No.49554643
File: 336 KB, 1080x1232, my empire oh noooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if it wasn't for the fucking Brits, those Yankees (named after a fusion of the two most common Dutch names Jan and Kees) would have been biking, speaking Dutch and sleep in windmills. Perhaps we would have had a bit less fat burgers, shooting nignogs and a working healthcare system in burgerland.

>Drinks another jenever, which is basically the original Gin.

>> No.49554738
File: 8 KB, 350x134, chartsandgraphs_dec2018gpr_countryspot_belgium_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys being who? i'm not american and people live paycheck to paycheck all over the world even when they earn six figures it's just the normie ngmi mentality of money in the bank = money to spend
belgium is not representative of most of europe but even in belgium wages are much lower
>stuff for free
>for free
i honestly stopped reading there

>> No.49554832

This is what delusional people don't understand; only a few cities in the entire world are capable of biking. The vast majority cannot do it either because of infrastructure, climate, lack of bike lanes, aggressive drivers etc.

>> No.49554940

Seething carcuck.
Keep paying those insurance taxes! Don't forget to fill up your car at 10 bucks in six months or else you're a bad goyim and problematic.

>> No.49554978

you're a retarded burger who doesn't realize how much he's getting fucked over

>> No.49555004

parking and driving a car around in berlin is not going to be convenient, you stupid burger.

>> No.49555031

cope and lies
not even gonna read it all

>> No.49555033

I love when euros get mad

>> No.49555071

i love it when americucks pretend to be a european who desperately wants to move to america
top kek

>> No.49555104


>> No.49555136

it's because in belgium if you just present yourself as an employee working for an employer, the government taxes both you and the employer like crazy
but if you're using a different set-up, those taxes needn't apply
and instead you use your money to buy whatever you want
you'll get less pension, health care, rights to welfare in return
it's not difficult to grasp

EU countries have a somewhat socialist set-up which guarantees people who aren't batshit crazy have an easy life and people who get sudden, dangerous diseases like cancer or heart disease won't get 100k bills out of nowhere
none of this would be a big deal whatsoever if there weren't loads of migrants leeching from that system while contributing close to nothing

>> No.49555149

>muh gommunism
people walked on foot or road horses in "free market" societies for thousands of years. cope and seethe, morbidly obese carnigger retard.

>> No.49555161

The vast majority of american cities and infrastructure are literally built for cars and cars only.

They simply can't just walk or ride a bike to the store, they have to use a car. You can ride a bike across all of Europe, in America you'd just die in an empty desert if you attempted such a thing. I can go grab some milk in 2 minutes just by walking, a standard american has to drive at least 10-15 minutes just to get his groceries. They drive to work in the same timespan it takes you to bike to work. You underestimate just how much empty space there is in America when compared to Europe.

If they would try to ride a bike to work it would take them like 1 hour minimum and they would be close to death like 10 times per day since not a single road anywhere is built with bikes in mind. Not to mention that your bike would be stolen in seconds in front of some grocery store.

>> No.49555202
File: 40 KB, 787x907, income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the numbers speak for themselves
scandinavia and switzerland are the only european regions that even really compare
the netherlands sits on top of mainland europe but even that is 70% of america
and all of this is before tax which, while it varies a lot in america because of state taxes, is ridiculous in europe
can you really not believe that someone living in the uk, france, poland, or any other european country that isnt literally at the top of this list would rather live somewhere where they would earn massively more money? i earn like 60% of what an american would earn for my job so fuck yes i would rather live there

>> No.49555213

If you go to the right hospital. It is lol.
Theres a shitton of the world best hospitals and doctors in EU.

>> No.49555223

the way we've designed our economy, our supply lines, and our way of living is completely retarded and there's no way around it but to destroy it all and start over again.

>food and goods shipped from the other side of the world and trucked thousands of miles to stores
>stores miles away from homes in commercially zoned strip malls with no sidewalks and massive parking lots
>specialized jobs in industrial or commercial zones miles from homes

>> No.49555240

im not belgian i have no idea how the system works there and i wont pretend otherwise but you are just coping
economically america absolutely sits on top of the pile and if you break it down by state then there are states that beat switzerland it simply cannot be argued
>muh healthcare blah blah
is just nonsense - health insurance is not that expensive and people who get hammered with outrageous fees suffer that because they didnt take proper health insurance and get hit with massive premiums
education is better in europe and much more affordable that is the only thing that is significantly worse in america

>> No.49555246


>> No.49555261

i know this is hard for you to grasp, but europeans actually get tangible goods/services from their government, unlike americucks who have to pay taxes for nothing in return. you have to factor that into their salaries.

>> No.49555304

you're an american so how about you stop lying you stupid faggot
only a burger would be arguing the way you do

>> No.49555322

londonstan is full of cyclists

>> No.49555329

your massive welfare class isn't really great and it's not free

>> No.49555331

I have both car and a bike and I enjoy biking way more than driving.

>> No.49555333

Seething pretty hard at that picture..
Not gonna greentext my experience as a bike-commuter, but essentially i live in Denmark, used to live in a large city where biking made a lot of sense, so i didn't get a driver license and a car since i didn't saw a purpose to it.

Now i have moved out on the country side, i have 27 km to work (EACH WAY). I spend 3-4 hours commuting to and from work, it's such a brutal waste of time. The wind makes it extremely unpleasant to ride the bike, primarily the noise is what makes it so uncomfortable, for those that haven't tried biking when it is windy, it's akin to having your windows rolled all the way down when you are driving on the freeway.

I have tried to get a driving license but because of a covid-bottleneck, i have been stuck for almost 6 months riding my fudging bike.

It's hell on earth, a 9 hour shift turn into 13 hour, i show up to work with a headache because my ears have been blasted for two hours straight. I'm always famished, i spend so much energy everyday i have to constant eat, which i find tiresome and boring, so i often end up doing less eating than what my body need.

>> No.49555350

let me know when americans pay 0% in taxes
cuz that would be the only way you come out ahead of europeans

>> No.49555372

Hey, if something can vanish between your asscheeks it can be considered a toy

>> No.49555381

Don’t waste your time. Americans are stupid niggers and they can’t even see the decline right in front of their eyes.

>> No.49555401

no we dont we get absolutely fuck all yes americans somehow get even less but i do not recieve anything close to 40% of salary in services from the state and that isnt even counting taxes other than income tax
only poorfags who do not have real jobs think otherwise because they contribute nothing to the system anyway

>> No.49555413

Dude first you have to low taxes if you wanna use that argument. Instead Californians pay 40% maybe other states pay 30 or 25% which is still pretty high for absolutely nothing in return

>> No.49555420

>Now i have moved out on the country side, i have 27 km to work (EACH WAY). I spend 3-4 hours commuting to and from work, it's such a brutal waste of time.
is it a job that can be done from home?

the other side of this is dumb nigger automobile boomers who insist that people DRIIIIIIIIVE hours to the WAGE CAGE, wasting time and money and causing pollution, to do jobs that can be done entirely from home. sickening.

>> No.49555421

this entire post must be some larp, 2 hours to work? in Europe? what?

do you live in some cave in the mountains or what? literally 99% of EU is covered with public transport and in the worst case it takes you like 45 minutes in the most remote places, you must literally live in some dead zero infrastructure middle of nowhere Denmark mudhut village with a population of 13 if you aren't larping

>> No.49555427

>no we dont
you're not european, lying faggot
didn't read the rest

>> No.49555439

>believing politicians
>believing media
He only does that when the press is there. Literally everything he does is calculated to manipulate peoples perception of him. Everything.

>> No.49555462

I hate amerigolems so much it's unreal.

>> No.49555466

just vacation alone is a massive difference. how many free days you get in EU and how many in the US.

>> No.49555476

lmao ok then
i suppose its impossible to comprehend why someone might not enjoy having half of their income stolen from them to pay for fat niggers and worthless bums when youre a neet who lives off that welfare or a poorfag whos entire paycheck is only €18000 anyway

>> No.49555496

Biking 27km each way sounds like a lot. About the headaches due to wind? Did it ever occur to you to use earpro, sealing earbuds, or even noise canceling earbuds. Your story sounds made up because it's so retarded.

>> No.49555498
File: 79 KB, 485x431, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fact: we have less legally mandated vacation days than niggers in africa. truly the most godforsaken jewslave nation to have ever disgraced this earth.

>> No.49555532

You're healthy at least

>> No.49555577

I live way out in the country side, i would have to change bus three times in order to get there, the commute would last 1.5 hours.
I don't like that i can't hear when cars come up from behind, but yeah i do use a hat to block out the worst of it.

>> No.49555587

Who cares? In 20-30 years both of these first world "societies" will resemble downtown port au prince and mogadishu anyway. All of such stuff is for photo op.

>> No.49555613

> I, Eurogolem hate amerigolems so much it's unreal
shut up

>> No.49555615

Tell him I said hi.

>> No.49555651

if nothing changes, true. we're on the same trajectory
i'm just tired of americans with their completely unjustified sense of superiority because they maybe pay slightly less in taxes (but get absolutely nothing in return)

>> No.49555732

you are not obliged to pay taxes if you use a different setup, that was my point

US has much lower median net worth per adult, and that's without taking into account cost of living, which i think is typically a bit higher if you include everything
rent in new york for example is almost half the average wage, in brussels it's 1/3rd
maybe repeat the word 'cope' a few more times then maybe that'll show me wrong

>> No.49555770

Americans are so fat they can't even ride bikes lmao

>> No.49555776

he's probably gonna tell you new york doesn't count as america even though places like that are where you must be to get the high salaries he keeps bringing up. kek

>> No.49555796

yeah or talk about silicon valley wages as if they represent the average US wage

>> No.49555810

I can't go from Chicago to Miami in a single day on a bicycle.

>> No.49555818
File: 40 KB, 797x807, ohnonono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out the chart for median net worth - if you dare. (Not sure why it doesn't show up on this chart, but Americans come in at $121,760 per person, just above Italy, kek, and right below Japan.)


>> No.49555905

cars are the modern day equivalent of the horses you mentioned in your example, not realizing you just invalidated yourself
>haha why would you use a horse bro? are you obese? just walk or use a bike!
as expected from a communist piece of kike filth

>> No.49555941

It’s only the tip of the iceberg, infrastructures (urbanism, roads, public transportation, internet), safety (murder rates, homelessness rates), food quality, labor laws, real estate prices, etc... All are much better in Europe.
The US used to be better because you could make more money and had more upward mobility but this meme has been dying for a while now.
The US are still better if you’re a doctor or a programmer but the opulence of the american middle class opulence has been slowly eroding since the 70s to the point there is nothing to envy.

>> No.49555968

I wish I lived in a place where biking was easy.

>> No.49556018

>muh gommunism
i make more money than you, guaranteed. keep coping with your 1997 dodge ram in your rural trailer park, cletus.

>> No.49556047

>It’s only the tip of the iceberg, infrastructures (urbanism, roads, public transportation, internet), safety (murder rates, homelessness rates), food quality, labor laws, real estate prices, etc... All are much better in Europe.
We'll agree to disagree. Keep in mind not everywhere is a major US city and most of the negatives you can point to are centered around them. At the same time you're probably vaxxed so I don't care what you think

>> No.49556134

Buy an e-bike, I do an average 20kph on one. If the wind is annoying just buy some bandana to cover your ears.

>> No.49556177

>disagreeing with objective facts
ok, burger

>> No.49556190

>objective facts
There are people that still think 2020 US election was legitimate. They too believe it is an objective fact. But I agree to disagree

>> No.49556236

Hagenees =o?

>> No.49556237

>i make more money than you
you will spend it all on doctors when the time comes

>> No.49556250
File: 7 KB, 247x250, kkkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking this
I'd rather be an early Precog Finance investor with shitloads of money on a bike than a wagecuck in a tank

>> No.49556254

white europeans are natural born cucks
american blacks and hispanics will not tolerate this lifestyle because they are GIGACHADS that only accept the very best

>> No.49556287

Rural infrastructure in the US is even greater dogshit than city one and the planning is even worse because half of these cities only exist to feed truckers.
I lived in Oklahoma for 5 years (Tulsa) and people basically live in their cars to a point it’s almost dystopian. Even poor as shit villages in southern italy feel more livable than this endless succession of parking lots for fast-food, churchex and offices.

>> No.49556311

Relax, mosche

>> No.49556331

>alter the zoning laws to allow walkable communities to be built again
>maybe so people have the option of walking or riding a bike short distances
>it's "all cars or all legs" with absolutely no nuance or middle ground, typical american
so can you give me an example of any american city or town where you cannot walk? ANY EXAMPLE? anything will do
because at this point i am 99% sure that you are either not an american (so you have no idea how things are over here), or you are a paid biden shill (so you lie and copy/paste from a script)

believe it or not, we can actually walk in our cities. there's no mechanism that forces you to always drive a car or use public transport even for short distances