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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49552954 No.49552954 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that Minecraft characters have virtual addresses that can be located in Animal Crossing and digital avatars that can lose HP numbers to zero without auto-regen if medpack items aren't consumed following a successful triple hit combos in Tekken Tag Tournament, hell they can even get urinated on in Postal 2

>> No.49552979

But does it have multiplayer?

>> No.49552994

Sadly, nobody smart enough to recognize them as the enemy has the balls to do anything

>> No.49553009
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Kill all politicians

>> No.49553016

They aren't the enemy dude. They're trying to save the country from the actual enemy.

>> No.49553022

I don't want to give them my emeralds please help.

>> No.49553035

What kind of cope is this

>> No.49553038

How do I profit from this?

>> No.49553049
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>They aren't the enemy dude. They're trying to save the country from the actual enemy.
Ourselves, the dumb goyim

>> No.49553070

I have no qualms with powell other than we probably should have started raising rates slowly in 2021 instead of 2022. I think he did a fine enough job trying to bail our economy out and honestly Europe did a way worse job (they did negative rates over ther the fucktards) but Yellen is an absolute kike bitch and needs to be fired

>> No.49553077

No, predatory lenders. Predatory asset accumulators. Use your noodle. Read between the lines.

>> No.49553080
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They're cunts indeed and are makind a bad situation worse, but it would all go down the shitter anyways. ECoE is rising and there is no stopping, that said it's not the end of the world (unless you're a third worlder). Your standard of living will go down a bit, 20-50% depending on where you live and what you do for a living.


>> No.49553084

Is this b8? Explain retard.

>> No.49553148
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>> No.49553193


>> No.49553225

Gotta be a larp, they don't care about us. They don't even care about inflation they only care about the US dollar being stronger than other world currencies.

>> No.49553284
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>But does it have multiplayer?

>> No.49553349

On one hand you're kind of right.
What would you do in this situation?
But on the other hand you have to understand the reason we are in this situation is because of their decisions.
The excuse "I was just following orders" has never been valid.
None of them have the balls to tell the government to fix the budget, tighten up lending, and start up the manufacturing jobs again.

>> No.49553496 [DELETED] 
File: 467 KB, 1300x974, 1612492624057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clarke and Dawe - European Debt Crisis

>The Money Masters Full Documentary The rise of the bankers [3h29m]

>How does the financial system work

>Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve

>Money as Debt - Full Documentary

>The Truth About the Deficit, Debt, and U.S. currency

>Prof. Werner explains how the banking system and financial sector really work

>Federal Reserve explained

>Quantitative Easing explained

>Princes of the Yen: Central Bank Truth Documentary

>The Four Horsemen

>The Secret of Oz

>The American Dream

>All Wars are Bankers’ Wars

>End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless

>The Fall Of The US Dollar: Is The Return To A Gold Standard Inevitable?

>Fed Audit Shocker: They Come from Planet Klepto

>97% Owned: How is Money Created

>All the Plenary's Men

>> No.49554813

multiplayer urination mode sounds interesting.

>> No.49554846

The penniless peons that threaten them. Yes.

>> No.49554973

There was a Forbes piece just three days ago about the world's newest billionaire - a 26 year old Chinese immigrant - being self made.

Humble beginnings and made it all on his own as Forbes says. Born to nuclear physicists, studied tech from a very young age, and met a fellow Chinese immigrant at Quora - a very wealthy, well connected socialite in silicon valley - to co-found THEIR new business and start closing contracts with prospective customers. Basically gave him the exact opportunity and key resources needed upfront to elevate himself into that status.

Total propaganda.

>> No.49554981

You're an actual retard if you believe this. Powell gets to live in the wealthiest suburb of the most powerful town in the world while the average citizen gets walked back to 2007 style asset implosion, houses and cars lost, jobs lost, and rising food and utility costs. These cretins directly caused all of this instead of going after the corporations and logistics chains

>> No.49555175

When the time comes,
you won’t have to

>> No.49555203

too late, shabbos goyim, we know. we're coming for you, and your masters.

>> No.49555236

if you didn't take the deadly bill gates vaccine they excommunicated you from society

>> No.49555310

And their enablers that sit by and not only let it happen but encourage it. They have it down to a science and abuse the government, damage its institution, and take their profits. It's all double speak.

>> No.49555347
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>> No.49555398

But they are guarded by powerful beast

>> No.49555526

Don’t forget their family, wives, children, etc. The entire lineage must be extinguished otherwise nothing is accomplished and we’ll face the same problems again within a few decades.