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49551779 No.49551779 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from this?

>> No.49551815

Use your anger to go to a gym and learn mix martial arts then use those learnt skill to join UFC. Then you can have the money to go anywhere and randomly assault women

>> No.49551824

My gf was giving me silent treatment and then we had a fight because I am not decisive. How do I become more decisive in my life ?

>> No.49551832

Dump her for one

>> No.49551840


>> No.49551842
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No you dont; you either hate the societal factors that make women act retarded and you're redirecting your blame.

>> No.49551845

find a woman you dont hate
learn that men are just as shitty as women
both are ultimately vapid and have limited enjoyment to the ages of 20-40
find a semi-trad woman that likes anal every once in a while and likes cooking
a woman that supports you through thick and thin because she believes in you BECAUSE YOU HAVE EVIDENCE TO SHOW YOURE PRODUCTIVE
so many incels want a bangin' tiktok hottie but are pencil dicked angerboys that dont read books and can't fill the role of a strong male role model for her and future children

>> No.49551849

I'm not angry I'm just tired of them. Every time I interact with a woman I just want them to shut up and go away. I can't believe I used to worship pussy before I actually got some.

>> No.49551855

She wants you to "be the man" and make decisions.

Tell her that you are feminist and that in this day and age it is appropriate for women to be decisive and you trust her judgement. Lol.

>> No.49551861

the only people worth your worship are yourself and family

>> No.49551863

make a youtube channel and cater to other angry incels

>> No.49551880

you might be gay unironically

>> No.49551902


You might be an ugly, autistic, incel 4channer that does the world a favour by staying inside all day

>> No.49551926

I mean sex is fun but it's not hard to get once you've learned how and it's very overrated. It's simply not worth the energy chasing after it. Anytime I hear a woman talk I just want to tell them to shut up. They are almost universally conceited and smug for no reason. I say almost but I've never met a woman who wasn't.

>> No.49551999

I want to be more decisive but I derail to bad habits of being too flexible in my wants and actions.

>> No.49552190
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>> No.49552208
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>> No.49552218


>> No.49552280
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>find a woman you dont hate

Lot of writers through history have dedicated their life to this, and most of them failed.
But thanks for the reddit-tier advice tho, upvoted.

>> No.49552466

having no money at 60 is terrible. I dont want to be homeless at 60. joints hurt to walk everywhere, need healthcare and cant afford it. fuck off with that. if u dont csrr for money give me everything in your bank account, cuck

>> No.49552484

I was like this too when I was younger and almost lost my now wife over it. I had been bullied by my parents from a young age and my mom had me at 16 and was single so inserted me as her male companion in her life until my step dad married her. I would bend over backwards at any request my family gave me because I became the outsider after they had two more kids much younger than me. I never drove a car because they didn’t want me to. I didn’t get a job so I could babysit my siblings even when my step dad had time off from red lobster and he wanted to play video games.

My wife just sorta adopted me in high school and told me to go with her to lunch and skip some classes with her (totally fine it was senior year and I passed easily). After awhile she became tired of me just listening to her and after she met my family she was disgusted I didn’t say much to defend her when my mom (who is an obese midget) made fun of her being a normal weight and white.

Final straw came when my mom wore a dress to our prom night and demanded she take pictures of just me and her. My wife walked away and said she couldn’t be with a momma’s boy and I was angry because I wouldn’t want to be either.

I basically divorced myself from the idea of pleasing anyone and looked at myself and what man I really wanted to be. After I got a license, car, and job my wife and I started dating again because she never stopped talking to me through the tough times. It was embarrassing as shit but we’re ten years later and I’m the sole provider and she’s pregnant and doing my laundry and making me coffee every morning before work.

Be who you actually want to be, the ones you actually want will come to you then.

>> No.49552514
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Start a MGTOW youtube channel and rant about the same topic with slight variations every video

>> No.49552554

>muh UFC
>muh street fighting skills
>muh nobody carries a gun or anything
you must be 18+ to post here champ. MMA is for faggots.

>> No.49552635

can't believe no one has said it yet. you need to get topped anon.

>> No.49552676
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Brown person here. I'm going to say the quiet part out loud, we're just waiting for your women to make your race extinct. There's no point in fighting, your women are doing the job by keeping their wombs empty and we are counting on you not having the balls to simply make them property.

>> No.49552756

Pick one subhuman

>> No.49552807

Fag ID
That post
You only responded because you know I'm right you fragile little bitch.

>> No.49553197

>implying I don’t have two white kids and more on the way
The only whites going extinct are your lefty “allies”

>> No.49553371

Thanks for telling your story and your honest advice, fren. I'll take it to heart.

>> No.49553805

Go hug your Mom and forgive her for whatever you think she did.