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49551237 No.49551237 [Reply] [Original]

I went against my instincts 10 years ago and didn’t buy bitcoin despite having an random urge to buy, and now im poor

I went against my instincts about getting not getting vaccinated, I even assumed new variants would make the current vaccines worthless, and that it wasn’t a good idea to take a vaccine made in such short period of time, but I ended up getting 2 dosages of the Pfizer vaccine and within a few weeks I started suffering an immune condition that’s still effecting me 6 months later.

I am never going against my instincts ever again.

>> No.49551271
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But thank you for playing

>> No.49551875
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my instincts tell me to rape.
wat do?

>> No.49551967

Counter the affects of the vax, go all out in taking natural supplements like vitamin E to improve circulation

>> No.49552069

I feel the same, going against my instincts with bruteforce thinking is not really working and it makes existance so painful and makes you get indesicion

>> No.49552095

Its not a vacccine. Stop calling it that chud.

>> No.49552111

I ended up getting 2 dosages of the Pfizer vaccine and within a few weeks I started suffering an immune condition that’s still effecting me 6 months later.
It's not related, it's just a coincidence.

>> No.49552115

I followed my instinct not selling Ethereum at $4900. Sold yesterday at $1470 to avoid liquidation.

>> No.49552121

My instinct told me not to sell link at $50. Do with this information as you will

>> No.49552137

I'd recommend everyone to read Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. It lays out how we use intuition and deeper thinking to make decisions. Intuition is really good at making fast decisions but is often wrong. If you first listen to your inution, then check your biases and rethink something you will most often be right.
I used to just go with my instincts and it worked really well until I made one fatal mistake that made the last two years awful. So reading the book was illuminating. Anyone have any good books on how to think?

>> No.49552148

I follow my instincts and they work perfectly to find out where the bottom is because that's when I always sell. Same with the top. I'm starting to believe that fate is real and that being rich isn't mine.

>> No.49552220

That's greed, not instinct.

>> No.49552257

Too late, you failed the test. You didn't Love God when He told you to buy. You didn't Love God when he said you were made perfect. That was your second chance, now that you're vaxxed you won't be able to hear His Voice.

>> No.49552309

That is plain greed
Fast decisions are often made by the existing neural pathways. Is not exactly the same as intuition, as it is often a recurring thought or feeling lasting from a few seconds to many months. It's hard to tell the difference but intuition definitely is on another level.
My life would be at least more interesting if I followed my instincts more than my rational thinking. But it is hard to follow it, as the instinctive decisions feel stupid or problematic at that precise moment

>> No.49552372
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>Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

nice try kike

>Daniel Kahneman (/ˈkɑːnəmən/; Hebrew: דניאל כהנמן) is an Israeli-American psychologist and economist

>> No.49552420

based, that's true. listen to yourself