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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 157 KB, 774x581, 1988economistcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4943456 No.4943456 [Reply] [Original]

Nearly 30 years ago the Rothschild-owned Economist magazine published a magazine with a phoenix with a coin around its neck with the year 2018 on it. It stood rising out of a burning pile of fiat paper currencies.

If dubs then illuminati confirmed.

>> No.4943494

nah no dubs
but interesting anyway

>> No.4943532


>> No.4943534

Could have been 2017 or 2019 as well.

>> No.4943584
File: 7 KB, 155x249, 110bb3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. The fact that we don't know anything about number one is also worrying. What if this bitcoin thing become established as a preferred currency of nations and not just meme internet money and then suddenly out of the blue number one makes his appearance known and it turns out that he is a complete asshole, but since he has all the meme money he become the master of the planet.

or something.

>> No.4943614

Yes but the article was specifically mentioning Special Drawing Rights. It's basically an old fad of the anglocentric Central Bankers and bears no significance. The arrival of the Euro and MTM Gold has changed the rules forever. Bitcoin etc. don't even sit on the big boy table so far. It's a fun game but that's it.

>> No.4943673
File: 94 KB, 866x900, durr3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhnn ghhh auhhhh beicord prise up uppuhhha hngehee

>> No.4943690
File: 2.22 MB, 884x1476, illuminaticonfirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just saying - why do they keep sticking that shit in their images if they know it drives us tinfoil hat-wearers insane...

Oh wait...

>> No.4943757

We're puppets of forces we barely understand; it sucks.

>> No.4943789
File: 592 KB, 713x1657, C91EC1D7-84D2-47B2-B43F-934B1AAA5489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked and it actually is Rothschild owned. Fucking creepy.

>> No.4943818

a world currency wont work
just take the euro for example already failed people just dont realise it yet

>> No.4943831

and the infinity symbol on the other side...
bitcoin is the illuminati's way of ruling the world in perpetuity

>> No.4943845

>Some of the best economists at the time were able to make an accurate guess about the future of the economy

Color me surprised

>> No.4943934

What’s the meaning of the infinity symbol?

>> No.4943944

it means infinity derp

>> No.4943959

We always had a world currency. Yesterday. Today. And tomorrow. The currency systems in place are mere systems facilitating trade. Only a fool would hold paper for longer periods of time. Sure, all these systems are imperfect and need to be rebooted every once in a while. We're going thru one of those reboots right now, have been for a while. Bitcoin and crypto in general is a genuine new development and very fun. But it won't change much in the grand scheme of things. The original world money was always quantum resistant btw.

>> No.4943963

what do the nine stars on the coin mean?

>> No.4943998

Each star represents one time your mother has been gang banged by 5+ black bulls

>> No.4944027

The nine countries that will contest the crypto hegemony.

>> No.4944069


>off by one

r*dshields btfo

>> No.4944127

That date cannot possibly be a coincidence.

Nice drawings though, I think Bitcoin is about to go apeshit

>> No.4944138


>puts tinfoil hat on

I think they mean what does it symbolise outside of that.

I note interestingly the symbol on the phoenix coin is also a conjoining of a 1 and a 0.

>takes tinfoil hat off

>> No.4944175
File: 38 KB, 600x600, 5FEE20B9-E0E4-445A-9022-56E105BD953A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Rothschild made NEETs their chosen people and paved the way into lambo land

Based evil overlords

>> No.4944233


It'd be an interesting way of making sure only the attentive end up with wealth - they do like sticking shit in places only the attentive notice.

>> No.4944427

Ok so here is a clue, which can not be a coincidence. TPTB use gematria in their brands, dates, company names, logo's.

Gematria /ɡəˈmeJ.tri.ə/ (Hebrew: גמטריא גימטריא, plural גמטראות or גמטריאות, gematriot)[1] originated as an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code or cipher later adopted into Jewish culture that assigns numerical value to a word, name, or phrase in the belief that words or phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other or bear some relation to the number itself as it may apply to Nature, a person's age, the calendar year, or the like. A single world can yield multiple values depending on the system used.

For example, the CME is where the price of gold is settled by TPTB. Chicago has the same gematria value as gold.
Bitcoin has the same gematria value as money. Go to gematrix and check out the english gematria value for yourself.

I know this all seems farfetched and all, but this last piece can't be a coincidence. On the cover of the 1988 cover it says that the currency called Phoenix will rise from the ashes of paper currency. Phoenix has the exact gematria value as Satoshi has.

>> No.4944443

If you read the article, the parallels to bitcoin end. They talk about people all over the world using this global currency to go shopping. Bitcoin is a speculative asset, not a currency. The slow transaction speeds and high fees insure it'll never be used as a currency. Even if those could be solved, the volatility obliterates any use case

>> No.4944454

>here's something that can't be a coincidence
Oh lord

>> No.4944455

You can see Phoenix on the coin in the center

>> No.4944527

Phi is an occult symbol for the creation of the universe. Dividing a 0 to get 'oneness'. May also be used for a 'reset' of civilisation.


>> No.4944562
File: 235 KB, 779x1024, 1557x2048-the-economist-cover-779x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pure tinfoil hat territory, but we know at least the artist of economist covers has that knowledge. their cover art is FULL of occult symbolism.

>> No.4944594

Try using Lightning networks on testnet. There is your currency.

>> No.4944645
File: 18 KB, 619x163, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



F_ck me upside down how odd...

>> No.4944680

Yeah, tinfoil hat true, we do not get to see such things anywhere in the media or education systems, so then it is tinfoil. Indeed that their covers are often packed with the occult if you know how to see it. I do not know what to make of it.

It did make me entertain the thought, that if they could know this to happen in 2018, they are so many steps ahead.

These are just theories however, fun to think about not much else.

>> No.4944690

try nakamoto

>> No.4944710

It's almost as if these were intended as a parody of actual tarot cards! But no, surely he's channeling the occult instead

>> No.4944717

I mean to know this to happen in 2018 back in 1988.

>> No.4944736


Yeah I found it odd how nobody spotted the reference to Martin Luther on the collapsing (ivory) tower - polemic strife created by a new means of producing information (internet / gutenberg press) and destroying ivory towers.

>> No.4944747

of course theyre a parody, but look at the symbolism. the artist knows how tarot works.

>> No.4944783

>Technology behind Bitcoin
The writers editors and the poor fuck who sweeps the floors at The Economist own exactly zero BTC.
They love how Crypto does away with physical cash.
But there is exactly zero chance they would implement independent mining the fees to pay those a public ledger mathematical unchanging algorithm governing number of coins and a hard deflationary cap on the number of coins.
Pretty much all the tech that makes the tech even work.
Instead they will commit suicide trying to get shitcoins like IOTA to work.
Which never will.

>> No.4944785

this is perhaps the most interesting post ive ver seen on here. sifting thru a sea of shitcoin shills and fanboy infihgting over what is going to takeover bitcoin next, this actually ffers something new.
thank god my brain was literally turning to mush for a while there

>> No.4944845

What does this French lilly symbolize?

>> No.4944849
File: 48 KB, 1000x264, nakamoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Puts on tinfoil hat

Anyone fancy connecting some dots that might not?

>> No.4944867

Nice, anon. Post more often

>> No.4944903
File: 173 KB, 750x1334, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4944915

>look at tarot card
>make parody
>suddenly I'm an expert occultist

>> No.4944932



No idea...

>> No.4944943
File: 442 KB, 650x800, 108364881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be the first time.

>> No.4944947

So I should buy PhoenixCoin?

>> No.4945000

So possibly a symbolic parallel to Symbolic representation of Nakamoto as prophet outreaching to the Jewish community to convince them of cryptocurrency as the true monetary system?

>> No.4945018

Lol when printers broke fiat already.

>> No.4945033

Minus one symbolic

>> No.4945076
File: 96 KB, 2000x3200, phi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh - it's a phi

>> No.4945123
File: 116 KB, 960x795, dajjal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptocurrency is here to hasten the coming of the false one-eyed messiah for the Jewish people. He will have full control of the world and the monetary system. The jews were arrogant and did not accept Jesus as the Messiah so God will punish them by sending them a false messiah, the "dajjal" the imposter. But first everything has to be set in place for him.

>> No.4945154

the 9 horsemen of the apocalypse

>> No.4945170


>> No.4945173
File: 991 KB, 1224x1600, Ssmag.197610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If "The Economist" was named anything else, would people believe that its cover artists had powers of prophecy? OP is a pizzagate-tier delusional retard

>> No.4945212

>but we know at least the artist of economist covers has that knowledge. their cover art is FULL of occult symbolism.

ever thought about artists generally being neurotic crackpots?

>> No.4945216

>If "The Economist" was named anything else, would people believe that its cover artists had powers of prophecy?

Yes, if the magazine was still a mouthpiece for the (((elites)))

>> No.4945246
File: 65 KB, 640x426, Simpsons_911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude the illuminati hides clues in the trash culture I consume so that schizoaffective NEETs can expose their plot lmao

>> No.4945284

very good news for us coiners

praise moloch

>> No.4945305


Yeah it's stupid but if you have more money than God and all the time in the world to get acquainted with how money operates - plus they're obsessed with numerology and meet all the top academics / have head-hunters searching for people to stick in power-brokering positions.

Perhaps having so much spare time helps you spot things - fun to think about in the same way as UFOs.

Never forget we live in a world where world leaders actually do burn an effigy in front of a giant owl statue wearing monk robes and holding candles. It'd sound insane if someone hadn't snuck in and filmed it - so however tinfoil it gets just bear in mind that shit's true.

>> No.4945414

Bitcoin WAS a currency prior to Blockstream. It lives on in Bitcoin Cash

>> No.4945462


Well, fuck me. 6th result "rothchild"

What. the. fuck.

>> No.4945587

So we just going to leave it at, this mag told us crypto was coming or are we going to start researching what coin they are talking about? Cuz I've already started.

>> No.4945617

Bitcoin equals Money
Satoshi equals Phoenix
Nakamoto equals Rothchild

This is a coincidence? Chance would be extremely small

>> No.4945646

Ark has some symbolism going on. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

>> No.4945663
File: 75 KB, 600x808, efits-podesta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the pizza stuff got insane...

...however any cop seeing Tony Podesta's art collection plus where they happened to be (at known pedophile Clement Freud's house in Portugal near and on the day Madeline McCann when disappeared) - would be pretty damn negligent not to bring them in.

It's called Kompromat - you remember they brought it up when the mainstream media was trying to say the Russians had dirt on Trump?

Wasn't so insane then when they were saying it?

Plus look at this shit - would you let this creepy asshole be alone when his house is full of this type of shit:


It's always half way between the official story and the tinfoil conspiracies.

>> No.4945679

Stop pushing bcash on every thread about Bitcoin, please.

>> No.4945680

You're looking for words with the same gematrical value with any correlation. You'll find them. Nevermind all the words that don't add up. This is called selective bias

>> No.4945692

Yea, more than weird. What do we even do with this information? Let's not let this die.

>> No.4945693

since the jews are into all sorts of mystic shit is it possible that those words ara anagrams for something else? "can britain keep booming" for instance.. the word bitcoin can easily be made from that sentence.

"takeshita comes to town" Satoshi something?

>> No.4945718


>(Tinfoil hat still on).

>Nakamoto equals Rothschild


>> No.4945735

>they think (((satoshi)) 10000000 premine was lost
>they think top bitcoin miners who mine like 90% of all coins are chinks and mined coins get sold
>they think Antonopoulos shilling in parliaments was coincidence

>> No.4945769

Bitcoin equals Hitler/Money

>> No.4945779

now accepting technology from an faceless, anonymous, probably fake chink makes 0 fucking sense

>> No.4945816

bitcoin cash on xeon phi

>> No.4945818
File: 40 KB, 645x514, 24324234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4945824


Satoshi Nakamoto is an anagram for...

A Hook To Satanism

>> No.4945865


The premine cannot be moved but... It can be used as a loan collateral by escrowing private keys.

The premine is how they have secured their stake in the new world.

>> No.4945943

Ah hold on, it has the same value but in jewish gematria. All of the other gematria was plain English. Still odd but, it is a different system altogether.


The other words have their correlated meaning in english gematria. Nakamoto and Rothchild only in the jewish. So that is stretching it, still odd though.

>> No.4945974


>> No.4945979

try aether

and guys there are only two currencies in the universe. Time and Attention. Money actually translates to one eye. mon ey


>> No.4945980
File: 617 KB, 494x728, Ilinkinati-Confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Let's not let this die.

It's already meming so... mission accomplished...?


>> No.4945991
File: 198 KB, 550x535, 1503308491999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4946020

I do not know how gematria works and I know what you mean, you can not tell anything from it. But all those things add up I think.

>> No.4946040

lean the truth about what we can do

>> No.4946043


It's just some fun - breather from the shilling

>> No.4946050

haha nice

>> No.4946158
File: 224 KB, 940x530, 1415488133050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a coincidence. Furthermore you're counting the hits and ignoring the misses

Notice how no one is mentioning how Bitcoin and Rothschild do not have the same gematrical value. This is because a miss is uninteresting. So you keep looking for words that DO have the same value.

And of course you'll find them. Some related terms are BOUND to have the same value, though most won't.

>> No.4946367
File: 1.33 MB, 884x1476, illuminati_confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chill dude it's just some fun...

...I mean whoever commissions / directs the cover artists for the Economist must be at least slightly having fun including the Illuminati eye on their bitcoin cover...

>pic related

>> No.4946430


Think about it. Where did it originate? DNMs. Drugs, guns, money laundering. "Evil."

>> No.4946447
File: 115 KB, 564x720, Florence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the coin is held by a chain (blockchain)
>bills are burning and the coin is dominating them
>the phoenix represents a cycle, most likely the end of the US dollar as dominant currency
>on top of his head the phoenix has a "fleur de lys" which is the symbol of Florence (and french royalty), whose golden coin "florin" was the dominant european money through the late middle age and Renaissance (from french "rebirth")

Also the pose looks a lot like the coat of arms of Germany.

>> No.4946504

Wallstreet was going against Rothschild wishes in the past couple of years.
Rothschild will kill Wall Street next week.

>> No.4946586

Ok, if Bitcoin is evil, then which coin is good

>> No.4946654

The dollar has the all-seeing eye on it. I think it's meant to parody the dollar, not meant to be hidden symbology. It's not even remotely hidden

>> No.4946660
File: 17 KB, 480x480, 1468092703231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4946677

I have not specifically looked for them, there are only so many words that have the same value and I have found it odd that of all the words, and all of the values, that could have had the same, satoshi and phoenix hit.

It does not mean anything yeah, I am not proving anything here, relax.

>> No.4946727

Litecoin. No premine, fair launch, made by autistic chink.

>> No.4946770

lol sure

>> No.4946850
File: 135 KB, 1226x668, memetriangle50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah but it's not like people aren't aware it's got some conspiracy theory connotations in popular culture - you have to admit it's something they included at least vaguely knowingly trolling people with tinfoil hats.

>> No.4946873


Fuck if I know. But doesn't all of this crypto stuff make you worry? I'm not even religious but the whole "mark of the beast" thing is troubling. Think about it, the number of his name.

Look at the B sideways on Bitcoin. It's a face with horns...

>> No.4946911

>Btc shitfork

>> No.4946919



>> No.4946920

Why not? It's the only coin with fair launch. Charlie not used to put piramyds and eyeballs here and there on litecoin logo, massive FUD against litecoin from btc and ethereum shills just prove it looks like real problem for them.

>> No.4947019
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1512854033213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must believe everything you read that confirms your previously held biases. Authentic brainlet

>> No.4947026

hello paul
you'll need to be updating the map on your wall

>> No.4947122
File: 953 KB, 1684x1080, Macron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand how it works, occultists have deep beliefs in symbolism, that if you plant them then they exercise power on the mass by subconscious means.

Things like the pentagram and a compass traced on the Washington DC map are a good example of free mason symbolism.

Another example is with the Louvre pic related, the Louvre used to be the french royal palace until the Revolution, then in the 80s Mitterrand (who had deep tied with freemasonry) built this big pyramid of glass, you can't make a more obvious statement.

>> No.4947143

No bias at all, an open mind and some knowledge of math did it, the chances are too small for it to not occur intentionally. I could also be wrong, everyone is an idiot every now and then. At least I hold some BTC.

>> No.4947193

Do you think govt's are hodl their crypto's?

>> No.4947210

do you even realise participating in cryptos right now might be our ticket to the new coming financial elite?

>> No.4947265

God has other plans then those of man

>> No.4947278

if i make it, i'm going to commission a masterwork full canvas painting of an anon with a beard and a jaded face wading through a 'sea of shills, fuds, distractions, etc.' with a dark sky

>> No.4947326


I wouldn't have believed / understood any of the occultist / symbolism shit until all the Pepe / Cult of Kek stuff started.

Not because it isn't bullshit - but what was interesting for a while was saying stuff like "Shadilay" or frog pictures would have been a reference you could make in open view and normies (pre-Trump election and Hillary's campaign noting /pol/'s "meme magic") wouldn't have understood.

It felt for a while like a fun thing you were in which would automatically in real life be noted by only the initiated - I'm sure if there is any deep-seated cult stuff going on it feels the same - they'd find it fun showing it off in the knowledge nobody but the initiated spots it.

>> No.4947444

It's btc or possibly bancor

>> No.4947460


>> No.4947653

If im reading the coin correctly is that Tau epsilon lambda? What does that even mean? Could at be switched around form a crypto symbol? I think it translates TEL but maybe I hit a dead end. I don't know what to do with this information.

>> No.4947660
File: 50 KB, 728x556, tvs-response-to-911-had-to-come-more-swiftly-than-that-of-movies-before-911-friends-featured-an-establishing-shot-of-the-twin-towers-but-afterwards-it-was-edited-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It felt for a while like a fun thing you were in which would automatically in real life be noted by only the initiated - I'm sure if there is any deep-seated cult stuff going on it feels the same - they'd find it fun showing it off in the knowledge nobody but the initiated spots it.
9/11 references in hollywood movies etc..

>> No.4947688

also shadilay is a damn good song.

>> No.4947691

what is phoenix coin and where can i buy it

>> No.4947758

TELLURION Shows up for TEL, the website is fancy af and there is no info on it yet. hhmmm maybe the 2018 on the coin means its coming out 2018?

>> No.4947889

>Bitcoin WAS a currency prior to Blockstream. It lives on in Bitcoin Cash

False. Blockstream people do not make up the majority of Bitcoin's developers.

bcash is a centralized coin. It flies directly in the face of "Satoshi's vision". Which is a stupid metric but it's one you scam artists spam everywhere so, there you go. You're shit by your own standards.

>> No.4947895
File: 427 KB, 570x2249, NWOBitCoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man where the fuck you been i have been posting this randomly over a year

it never gets any responses

the only reason this thread is getting responses is because they want it seen and talked about

try it yourself. try making threads. see how many of them are successful and get replies like this. go on, go try.

>> No.4947905

well the "eagle" on our flags and money is actually a phoenix

>> No.4947976


watch the first 5 minutes the madman actually says the (((name)))

>> No.4947995

Your meaningless FUD is meaningless.
Now begone, shill!

>> No.4948023

The mark of the beast is paperwork. They can not chip which has no name

>> No.4948041

what name?

>> No.4948043

Cardano is actually a very interesting coin if you look into it

>> No.4948054

literally or metaphorically?

>> No.4948119

fucking watch the first 5 minutes faggot

>> No.4948182

I really don't want to watch another Nexus conference video

>> No.4948195

In Lao Tzu book, "the way" created 1, 1 created 2 , 2 created 3, and 3 created everything else. The way is everything and nothing. 3,6,9. In sacred geometry 9 is everything and nothing.

>> No.4948203

he even says "they shut it down" 'they corrupt it"

>> No.4948215


damn guys.... I am speechless

>> No.4948225

Are you mistaking Colorado for Cardano? The only thing he says is Colorado and Bitcoin

>> No.4948261
File: 42 KB, 594x396, 1413937297646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monsters on the loose
>Built to be destroyed
>For the good goys

>> No.4948284


DigitCash nvrmnd sorry anon

>> No.4948287

No i mean cardano.


>> No.4948345

TKR has the all seeing eye as a light house symbol. Light houses are one of the occult symbols. Illumination.

>> No.4948401


Redpill, none of them. They all will result in the same thing unless they are issued and minted by the state as fiat, digital cash. Or unless we just have everything ultimately resolved back into dollars. Either way, the point is they can't be accepted by the state for taxes or you're going to be an even bigger buttslave to banks.

>> No.4948402

Chain link is the chain around the coin.

>> No.4948443

There are no coincidences

>> No.4948451
File: 242 KB, 1920x1080, 1507788549421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4948454

Cardano will be the reincarnation of the Library of Alexandria. Except you wont have to go to egypt to learn

>> No.4948485
File: 85 KB, 523x468, 589073825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe satoshi is an alien of good intentions. And this is all just a quest to break humans of their need for 'money'.
Unless you think the future singularity, a.i., skynet whatever advanced system of technology we can't even begin to comprehend will need 'money'

maybe resources. not money.

my point was all coins are evil and the only good concept is the ideology humans will never be able to adopt yet, because we are still just monkeys fresh out the trees. Too greedy to know better.

>> No.4948501

Bitcons owned by Blockstream which is owned by Axa which heads the Bilderberg Group

>> No.4948556

>the vision never dies
we're all immortal
there is life after death

>> No.4948719

The B from bitcoin is a 13, I have read somewhere that it is an important number for TPTB. Also in orange, the color of inmates.

>> No.4949305

>thinks he's a monkey
Go back to Africa, you'll feel more at home there.

>> No.4949497

Never seen more collaboration on this board but now, bravo /biz/.>>4944849
Matthew could refer to the bible, and altough I haven't done this in a while, no numerological pattern can be found, although 1144 is a very significant number and the total (without searches) is 9 which is a karmic number for completion, the end of a cycle to start over and repeat itself from 1.

The only numerological significance it could have is Matthew though this is looking to find and can't be taken in any serious consideration:


The point in numerology is that you add up all digits untill you get 1 number. Master numbers such as 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 etc aren't added up and kept as they are.

1 is associated with beginning, thoughts and leadership
4 is associated with angels, being practical and determinance.

11 is a visionary number
44 is an Arch Angel number.

I can't really see the significance of it though, unless its referring to some bible passage that I'm not aware of.

>> No.4949710


I'm kind of done with this - just happy it might meme.

>> No.4949758
File: 55 KB, 1203x623, BlockchainGematria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmmm where do we know this from?

>> No.4949817

My first name : Riley
Translation : Fifty Two

>put 52 into calculator
Translation: 4chan

I can’t make this up. Try it.
I did my last name and it’s more weird.

>> No.4949965

Phi = plane angle, and the number 10 so wtf does 10 degrees have to do with anything?

>> No.4949994


nice, bought 100k

>> No.4950011

10th Degree masonry

>> No.4950014

If BTC becomes the "world reserve" money bankers can easily censor any address they don't like, including Satoshi's. You'd be retarded to think you can still "cash out" at that point.

>> No.4950058


>> No.4950489


Did anyone of you retards read the article or did you just see the cover??? It's about a statistic which says there was no world currency which persisted longer than 100 years and they prog(((nose))) either the yuan or the yen to replace the dollar.

>> No.4950685

On a side note, thought the Phoenix was from Greek mythology, it's also mentioned in the Talmud, has the same meaning. The Greek Junta had a Phoenix on its flag, they were the greatest political party that seized power from leftists and communist failed coups and meddling in Greece. They fucked up in the end though.
>In Greek mythology, and in the Talmud, a phoenix (Ancient Greek: φοῖνιξ phoînix; Latin: phoenix, phœnix, fenix) is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or born again.
The yen crashed something awful in the late 80s early 90s, it's never going to recover, the yuan is pegged to the dollar and the chinks buy up dollars to weaken their currency, funny how it all played out. The Economist always trash talks the US and makes bold claims that never pan out, it's heavily biased. The thing that spooks me is the Rothchild ownership, makes sense now.

>> No.4950733


>> No.4950845


It's the yuan. The chinks attack the petrodollar by offering a gold backed oil exchange in yuan. In the next 10 years the chinks are going to destroy the dollar and establish the yuan as world currency.

>> No.4950956



I think the more sensitive term is "chinaman" gweilo.

>> No.4951558


Or they can let the world use Bitcoin, but in order to get bitcoin you have to buy it from an exchange first, an exchange thats regulated and shares the info with the government.

Either way they get better tech and control over who's transferring the money

>> No.4951626


It says TEN PHOENIX, with a 10. I think I can make common sense play out here.

>> No.4951762


What a better way to control the youth? Waste your time on useless 'money', because your parents were fooled by their parents and never taught you how to get out of the rat race.

(it'll get you cars and homes for no effort and work though, just like as if you tried really hard and made something of worth, that would make 10x more profits than your measly fiat money)

Or you may wake up and become something else

>> No.4951921

This. Any idea guys? Maybe (((bancor)))? Say what your will about (((them))) but it's a pretty good technology. It might be /ourjewcoin/

>> No.4951953
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>> No.4952098
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I was talking about the phi not the ten you silly goose...

>> No.4952412

Monero. I'm literally paralyzed everytime I think about moving my BTC because I know tptb can trace every inch of it.

>> No.4952556

monero will x10 within the next month

>> No.4952587

Monero had a fair launch and the fud against it has been incessant. Monero is completely private, the Illuminati can't see your money or your spending. They hate it.

>> No.4952636

>coywolves: the new super predator
Much more concerned about this, Redpill me on coywolves /biz/

>> No.4952777


Donald Trump and George H W Bush also have the same number.


>> No.4952823


Coydogs are creepy enough

>> No.4953068

Tau epsilon Lambda is on the coin. When I typed in cadano Tau shows up. So I am going to type in other cryptocurrencies and see if epsilon and lambda show up.

>> No.4953319

its been said the fleur de lys is not a lily flower, but a stylised bee. napoleon took the bee as his symbol following the tradition of the merovingian french kings. napoleon was also a mason

>> No.4953377

I thought it was because it gets rid of the karmatic law repercussions.

>> No.4953395

>The earliest known Masonic reference to the beehive is found in an MS entitled A Letter from the Grand Mistress of the Female Free-Masons ... created between 1727 and 1730:

Bee Hieroglyph“A bee has in all Ages and Nations been the Grand Hierogliphick of Masonry, because it excells all other living Creatures in the Contrivance and Commodiousness of its Habitation...
“For this Reason the Kings of France both Pagans and Christians, always Eminent Free-Masons, carried three Bees for their Arms…”

>> No.4953399

Greatly concerning.

>> No.4953716

>What if this bitcoin thing become established as a preferred currency of nations and not just meme internet money
No nation would be dumb enough to prefer Bitcoin over a currency it can print.

>> No.4953836

So the free masons have something to do with crypto and they love the moon and sun stuff....oh fuck stellar lumens gonna be big?

>> No.4954451
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>> No.4954463


>> No.4954564

"If Donald Trump Wins, He Will Be 70 Years, 7 Months And 7 Days Old on His First Full Day in Office"

>> No.4954829

Well unless we can calculate a % chance on two words having the same gematria, so what % chance would be out of the ordinary for you?

>> No.4954852


The only way any big country would do that is it if was politically insane.

>> No.4954901

All of the western world basically.

>> No.4955062


>> No.4955065

>ethereum logo

>> No.4955548


LOLOLOL you're fucking retarded

>> No.4955647
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>> No.4956049

That orange surface with all the eyes, where’s that from? I’ve seen that before.

>> No.4956248
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Never mind, it’s this.

>> No.4956387

it's already big.
What most of you don't know is that IBM has trialled interbank real estate transactions in Australia.. successfully.

Stella is going to be fucking huge in 6 months

>> No.4956401

>False. Blockstream people do not make up the majority of Bitcoin's developers.

Yeah it's only 95%

>> No.4956475
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>> No.4956724

>Can't be printed at will by banking jews

Nope, won't be the world currency

>> No.4956766

mate i am LEGIT scared. can crypto really be some jewish ploy? is it even humanly possible to outsmart us this much?

>> No.4956791

Shit like this is so annoying. It takes a banal subject like masonry and tries to make it sound mysterious, scary and creepy. Yes, masons designed Washington DC. Yes, masons loved math and geometry. Yes, the city was constructed with a large amount of order. They didn't just randomly put anything anywhere. Ask an engineer how many times he makes a random choice, the answer is never.

It's like, if I looked at what you ate for breakfast today, and it was toast and eggs and cereal, and I said "BUT THESE ARE FOODS THAT HITLER ATE!" and played creepy must "du-du-doooooooooooo" as if it meant something. Just because something's a fact doesn't make it meaningful. Ask yourself: so what? You'll realize there's nothing here but meaningless coincidences that have no bearing on anything

>> No.4956908

it's da wrong number... sike

>> No.4956966

Imagine bitcoin was a legit kikeslayer. Do you think they would try and scare you away from using it? Them slapping some masonic symbols on it doesn't really tell you anything.

>> No.4957958

It is not centralized. Prove that it is.

>> No.4958062

Hello /biz/.

Its the year 2026.

BTC and ETH are the world currencies.

If you own even $1000 of either each of these you will be among st the top 0.001% wealthy in the world.

Quads confirm this. Check it.

I wasn't kidding.

Oh yeah, we have time travel in 2026, but only the people wealthy enough are allowed access.

Its quite fun.

>> No.4959118

So close yet so fair away

>> No.4959718

>Quads confirm this. Check it.

>> No.4959772


XMR is the only escape

>> No.4960545
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Buy buy buy

>> No.4960701

>tfw we are the elite of tomorow