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49550399 No.49550399 [Reply] [Original]

>Learn technical analysis
>Become rich by trading your favorite crypto

>> No.49550421

Allow me to introduce you to my low low price course of $69,420 on how to become a billionaire trading money

>> No.49550433

My counter offer is a packet of cheetos.

>> No.49550501

Because TA is a meme and assumes perfect market efficiency and that there is no background collusion to break trend and dunk on retail in the least regulated market in the world and even outside that, there have been like 8 times this year alone in which a global macro event completely wrecked every TA trader and they never once learned what actually happened (Kazakh blackout, first Evergrande defaulted bond payment, even the second defaulted Evergrande bond payment, etc.) other than with EXTREMELY normie level events like Russia, and even then, didn't understand when crypto tanked on talks of regulations (they all expected it to be used as a war hedge) while gold swung up and then once regulations were announced to be a nothing burger the trend reversed and they all just defaulted to saying "Oh this isn't a bull run, it is a delayed extended golden bull run!" and counting triangles and having no idea what is even going on in markets. It is astrology for people who are too greedy to not participate in crypto but too stupid to know algebra or completely ignorant of macroeconomics. It is useful in some markets sometimes.

>> No.49550533

yeah stay in the 70s with your mind
every trader since the 80s is using TA over FA

>> No.49550559

When did I advocate fundamental analysis, zoomer? You watching youtube videos where a guy counts triangles and gives you the wikihow history of 2 sides of investing does not mean you tapped into the secret language of the financial universe. As mentioned, TA fags got FUCKING WRECKED multiple times in the last year alone in moments where anyone with a sense of macro could have predicted, sometimes one of them literally a month prior.

>> No.49550588

like anyone holds long enough to be rekt by macro
also my TA predicted todays dump yesterday which gave me 218% gain - so stay poor closeminded fag, while i master macro FA and TA

>> No.49550627

TA isnt a meme, it actually works but there is only 1 condition, it only works if you arent an NPC.
If doesnt work if you are an NPC.

>> No.49550644

Take for instance right now. You have NO IDEA Celsius is going insolvent. You don't know why AAVE is weighing discontinuing certain loans. You don't know why Eth is getting slaughtered relative to Btc. You don't know why 10B in marketcap left USDT the week after UST crashed and Bitfinex suddenly TOTALLY organically started hosting 30% USDT lending. When Tether is fully milked of liquid instruments you will think you are smart as your indicators tell you to pull into stables and you load what's left of your net worth into USDT and you will not know what happened when you are suddenly left hodling fractional bags of illiquid Chinese commercial paper and worthless sovereign bonds and lose everything. And then you will load up a youtube video of some faggot counting triangles saying it is a delayed bull run and you will reset and jump back in using the exact same thinking. The next market will be safer towards that but holy shit stop living in the bubble of TA

>> No.49550661

TA is the ultimate hallmark of an NPC trader. Just look at the YouTube market taylored to it. Lol It is a bunch of tards who literally couldn't solve a quadratic equation.

>> No.49550671

it works until it doesnt

>> No.49550670

Those are just NPCs who dont understand TA but still try to larp it.

It actually works if you arent an NPC. I‘m serious.

>> No.49550681

Sticking to a strategy, Winning over time and risk management? Ever heard about those?

>> No.49550688

My macro predicted today's dump literally weeks ago before it started. Enjoy the ride down and consequently losing everything by trusting shitty liquidity providers with unbacked reserves.

>> No.49550689

Kys faggot. Why lie on the internet when nobody gives a fuck?

>> No.49550698

Like I said it works and is useful sometimes in some markets but if you use only it you getting wrecked is an inevitability not a possibility.

>> No.49550709

And thats wrong, you know nothing.
Just because you cant get into it and dont understand it doesnt mean it doesnt work, it means you are a clueless NPC.

>> No.49550717

you seem to be rustled

>> No.49550727

I successfully trade based on TA and made absolute bank this year. June already on track to become most profitable month since I started trading, even surpassing the bounce off 30k mid last year or the move in dez 20. None of the events you mentioned surprised me. I do appreciate though you fudding TA and I do appreciate all the TA monkeys selling snake oil for TA. I would never share my edge for free.

>> No.49550729

I literally have a Masters of Science and have worked for the last decade in pharma product development with emphasis on statistical methods. You aren't Will Hunting. You are a 20 or so year old fucking brainlet who doesn't understand the variables of a linear equation playing astrology and projecting your own vapidness on others.

>> No.49550733

You seem to be a faggot, faggot. Less larping about profits you didn’t make and more roping is what you need to do.

>> No.49550739

post results then

>> No.49550743

keep on seething while i count the money you gave me in this zero sum game

>> No.49550753

>fudding TA
Lmfao. I wish you well man. Not really productive to keep this going iteratively.

>> No.49550754

Can someone give me a good FA guide?

>> No.49550808

You sound exactly like everyone who gets perpetually owned by market events but is too emptily hopeful to admit it or stop. It is like gambling addicts but also has a deeper portion of ideology to it. Like you stumbled on TA as a feature of culture and thought it was legitimately just a free money recipe that institutions were too old to be greedy enough to realize. And you identify with this trend setting youngness of it as well as the idea of your own ability to build financial success which pairs up in feeling with like how a Tiktoker might feel with follow count. It is really weird.

>> No.49550830

You too, see:

>> No.49550843

companys use TA aswell thats why its works, its a self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.49550853

Because it doesn't work.
I listen to a hedge fund manager who is running a technical fund. He has spent all his life studying this astrology and his returns are dog shit.

>> No.49550860

Do they rely only and totally on it or do they have entire departments dedicated to global research and risk analysis?

>> No.49550903

they use all the knowledge they can get, and thats my point, ruling TA out as a mean of trading is a bad decision
use all the information there is

>> No.49551009

So you are saying using TA in and of itself is incomplete and literally conceding the point he was originally making? Otherwise, seems like a lot of bloat and waste to fund these departments. Why do so when they can just rely on the self-fulfilling prophesy of their omniscient competitors which have them? Why sacrifice this edge instead of just putting it towards using a quantum computer to run enless redundant TA and optimize results? Big bank and fund managers must be stupid and out of touch with how to make money and didn't see the youtube video you saw about how fundamental analysis is on the way out and technical analysis is divinely metaphysically secure. Being young and participating in culture is a deeper finger on the pulse than all of it. They should dump their extraneous departments and branches asap and consolidate their everything centrally into TA and simulations run on top of market behavior.

>> No.49551022

stop beeing edgy man i gave you a friendly hand to come to a conclusion and you keep beeing like that
thats why you dont have friends

>> No.49551036

Stop projecting.

>> No.49551038

TA is very niggerlicious
>muh lines on chart
epitome of niggerdom

>> No.49551045

alkright man choose to stay poor its not my problem

>> No.49551076

You literally just admitted you agreed with the point you argued against for this entire thread and then pivoted and instead of responding to arguments (because you can't) started moping and saying to "stop being edgy" while propagating the greatest, most universal NPC saying in scam history or "stay poor then" trying to yourself be edgy because you can't be substantive and you at least semi-consciously know it.

>> No.49551084

I am doing this right now OP, finally found a system that has promise, made 50% yesterday but on paper trading. I am excited about it's potential though, with no friends, gf or career gambling on the market is the only thing I have going for me atm. to quote the great american philosopher 50 cent "Get rich or die trying"

>> No.49551146

i agreed that TA aswell as Macro and FA is a working way of analysing the market
all of the above can make you money
thats why ruling out TA is bad choice you are missing out

>> No.49551223

So you concede you were wrong and he was right this whole time?

>> No.49551750 [DELETED] 

he said TA is a meme ,
i said TA is useful tool of market manipulation
are you okay anon?

>> No.49551773

he said TA is a meme ,
i said TA is useful tool of market analysis
are you okay anon?

>> No.49551800

nice poorfag schizo ramble, can you even afford your meds?

>> No.49552845
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I sniff used panties to assess the market. If it's smelly I buy. Whoes already got the monies...

>> No.49553067

Go full Quant or get fucked, TA is a scam for suckers.

>> No.49553106
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Do you think TA can save anyone from the crypto market? It will be sarcastic seeing a TA expert have his bag liquidated, kek. I am in crypto for the fun of it atm and possible future gain so I can guard my sanity. I got some traction for sports metaverse because of my flair for sports and also the backing its got from industry veterans like Sony, Hedera, doom among others.

>> No.49553107

Anyone who use TA on lower timeframe than 1day is redarded

>> No.49553763

why not tarot or reading star signs?

>> No.49554297

I didnt ask about your NPC loser job or your worthless degree.
You are still an NPC.

>> No.49554300
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TA doesn't work in every ways but Fundamentals does which i basically based on the current market's trend. Otto blockchain has strong fundamentals and even solving security issues. Tech matters to me.

>> No.49554573


>> No.49555700
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Because I would rather dca into api3 until filthy rich. Take your meme lines and shoe them up your ass

>> No.49555713

ah, well, i've been lucky not to suffer brain damage. so far. you never know, though.

>> No.49555848

How do you learn macro? you're a rare intelligent /biz/ poster

>> No.49555878

lmao this guy thinks he can get rich by drawing lines on a chart like a toddler with crayons

>> No.49556012
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If you "can TA", you can create an algorithm to do it for you, which leads to wars between mathematicians for the best algorithms.

Hence, Goldman Sachs and such. Your competition will be the smartest mathematicians on the planet, all of whom have supercomputers.

You are a nigger with a book.

>> No.49556026

other than maybe fibs, it's all horseshit

>> No.49556041

You look for /pol's happening threads

>> No.49556185

Pretty much what I was thinking just getting into the finance game. TA is only for brightest / rich to dedicate all the time and resources for those maximal profits. The rest of us are better off doing big picture (FA) work with some proper risk management.

>> No.49556198

However, a possibly better game to play is the third way: Sentimental Analysis.

>> No.49556228

TA is literally the easiest thing in the fucking world to learn you morons

>> No.49556232

because I'm riddled with depression and can't do anything other than scroll websites and watch YouTube videos

>> No.49556260

This anon is right. When you are non npc you see shit more clearly than other normie faggots. 99% of crypto/stock traders are npc who only larp

>> No.49556279

this thread to me sounds like nothing but a bunch of faggots thinking they have even the slightest chance chance against supercomputers with equations built by much smarter men just because they have a book it's completely ridiuclous.

>> No.49556334

>"wow current events influence the market!!!! TA is not your magic solution!!!!"
No duh you fucking stemlet moron, no one claims it to be. I know nuance is lost on those with autism, but perhaps if you were tism'less you would understand.
If I learn TA, then I would have an advantage over other TA'less marker participants.

>> No.49557176

orderflow analysis, learn it. What moves markets? How do you know that wick below horizontal support is just a wick? You look for specific bid structures. Also if you stare at charts for 5 - 7 years you kinda just pick it up anyway. Youll be able to look at a chart and just know what the next 3-5 candles are going to look like.

>> No.49558317

The market has been proven to move in random directions day to day. The current price becomes less and less relevant to 30 days ago, because it’s the past. That means it can’t be traded with TA lines. Price levels don’t mean anything. It’s all garbage and you can’t make money that way. There are enough people doing it that it loses all profitability and they lose day trading. The only winner is the exchange taking your fees. If you don’t do some reading before you put your money down into it works, you’re a retard. You can make money in the long term. Trading and TA is a meme. If you do it you will lose money.

>> No.49559121

TA is kinda like poker. It's still gambling but you're your working with probabilities to maximize profit. Find the liquidity zones and you can make some money. Especially in heavily manipulated markets like crypto.

>> No.49559552

TA users are brainlets.
See how something like arbitraging and MEV has been completely taken over by programming wizards and math autists completely drying up the easy upsides.
You'd think TA (real TA which is basically QA) has been overrun by the same autists, which it has. Don't make me laugh if you're using lines on a graph to predict the market.

>> No.49559672


tell me your account is 4 months old without telling me your account is 4 months old

getting real tired of you midwit newfag gamblers

>> No.49560570

This shit is fraud i would rather focus on pure fundamentals all those lines you guys draw don't matter.

i would always focus on projects with good products like ALBT, EWT and AVA.

>> No.49560730

Focus on products and utility anon, i do think this is how to spot the best projects it really helped me in picking the right projects like i did with cometh.

>> No.49560790

This obviously you telling me you know nothing about trading without saying so.

>> No.49560915

You don't get the monopoly on TF clown, leave everyone to whatever works for them.

>> No.49561010
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>thinking you can win against 100 people running an algo with terabytes of training data, preferential trade agreements, and tens of millions invested in reducing trade latency and often STILL LOSE, by reading a book and using the same idea but manually
This is equivalent to selling a martial arts book on how to win a fist fight against a freight train. If you've spent a single minute "learning" TA you are a moron.

>> No.49561080

>Sentimental Analysis.
I'm sentimental about the times where this board wasn't flooded by illiterate morons. Some cap

>> No.49561127

It's always a game of utilities over meme lines, more reasons i got some ALBT of recent as it offers good passive income opportunities especially with the just launched DEX.

>> No.49561167

I believe you, I don't know why but I know TA is a meme. Please recommend me something to read to make lots of money, that the NPC's aren't sharing.

>> No.49561360

One good one is when going investing into P2Es focus on the ones which has good gameplay and competitive community as on the long run their tokens will do well one good one is cometh.

>> No.49561661

Who buys assets? People. What are most people plagued by which makes them make decisions and often overriding logic? Emotions. Take a look at crypto: The sentiment is ballpark 90% of the game. Just look at Dogecoin. The legit projects that people spent research night and day for best returns got outperformed all with the tweets of Musk. Combining FA with SA is a goldmine.

>> No.49562023

I'm in.

>> No.49562172

You got wrecked and are crying. Stay mad and poor.

>> No.49562203

>Because TA is a meme and assumes perfect market efficiency
It assumes the opposite, that there's cracks in the efficiency that you can take advantage of if you're a non-nigger that can notice it. Price action trading isn't magic, but with enough practice and study you can get better odds than 50/50 if you identify high probability setups and manage risk and emotions.

>> No.49562238

But it's just not good enough. Knowing what is causing the price action should be better, right?

>> No.49562294

Maybe not good enough for you but the simple fact is there's people using it to make a living or at least extra income trading futures, forex, crypto, whatever liquid ticker.
>Knowing what is causing the price action should be better, right?
I don't see any realistic way for a retail trader to know this ahead of time. Like keeping up with the news and sentiment, price action is another way to simply pay attention to what's going on and try to respond appropriately.

>> No.49562355

Also you don't even need to know why, it can be as simple as identifying a strong bull breakout or trend and buying. Regardless of what the jew media says. Obviously there's caveats of what's a legitimate buy or not, but that comes with practice and experience.

>> No.49562373

>Price action
I don't really understand that term. Are you talking about candle patterns? Or are you talking about processing a sample of recent prices like with a movie average, RSI? Or are you talking about support resistance? I've tried trading exclusively off the chart with nothing else and it seems nearly impossible. At least with adding a couple of moving averages it gives the impression that price isn't moving randomly.

>> No.49562424

Just read >>49550644 so I don't have to reiterate his points.