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49534163 No.49534163 [Reply] [Original]

will coinmetro survive the inevitable price floor removal?

>> No.49534193
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First for anime.

>> No.49534324

>Approaching one million euros in buy orders between current price and sell wall, AFTER almost five million euros sell-off
Let it go anon. It's not your fault you fell for the LCX scam - Gilbert did too. Just let go, buy some XCM, stake it, and enjoy your life

>> No.49535570

probably the best hedge against downturns is buying XCM
Kevin is a genius quite frankly
And Coinmetro survived 2-3 years during 2018 bear

>> No.49536053

they need to inject some fresh fomo like with the earlier overhyped tokenomics and discord mystery offer bs which led to the 80c pump

>> No.49536609

Coin metro just started a 10 year bullrun. Should be no issue.

>> No.49538013

xcm saved my portfolio
unsure if I should sell some to buy cheapies tokens with actual utility or if we'll continue bleeding for another year

>> No.49538148

You mean.. below 0.60 ?

>> No.49538177

He means alts dropping even further

>> No.49538498

when will we get a decent mars bonus bros
for a bit I was getting $4 a day off of kda but not anymore
I want shit I can sell to buy more xcm

>> No.49538908

How could you possibly think this is a good idea right now?!

>> No.49538974

>24h Trading Volume
how the fuck is it not dead already?

>> No.49538986
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name a better exchange?

>> No.49539006

because kevin wills it
coinmetro used to have a thousand dollars of daily volume in 2019 and he kept it alive that whole time

>> No.49539152
File: 578 KB, 1080x1656, Screenshot_20220612-000554_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesnt this retard get a hair transplant? Does he not realize how fucking ridiculous he looks?

>> No.49539202

the balder kevin gets the more successful he becomes
a hair transplant would make him homeless

>> No.49539287

How does the tram work when there's no liquidity?

>> No.49539337
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the same reason I bought btc at 5k last bear and eth at 200
xcm is essentially a stablecoin at this point and gives 4% free yield or 2% if you cancel it at any time
btc might go below 20k but i doubt much further, anytime now and then is a good time to invest imo whilst your shidding your pant

>> No.49539339

ok what if I dump my 490k xcm on the usd/eur market?
it's just one of my hundreds of positions, however I could need some more cash

>> No.49539362

do it, you would be selling near the floor thus giving lots of people the opportunity to buy before we to go +5

>> No.49539507

the price would go down, it's not like cm will go belly up because people sell xcm

>> No.49539522

Is this dude's head real? Kek

>> No.49539758

>How does the tram work
basically you give the resident "cheese pizza enjoyer" your money and he opens leveraged longs

>> No.49540505

>before we to go +5
where? when? in the deep recession that is coming?
>number only go up

>> No.49540532
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Did you sell yet

>> No.49540554
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He has a big brain

>> No.49540572
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>> No.49541041

ummm thtbros wtf was that?

>> No.49541051

The tram is sitting out the bear. Everyone on the tram lost 150%, to exit the tram, you have to pay coinmetro 50% of your original investment.

>> No.49541141

How the hell does THT stay alive is beyond me
I hold 15k of them but I highly doubt this will get anywhere
thoughts ?

>> No.49541207

this shit is saving my portfolio during this bear but it feels off having a price floor so high which rose the price by 60% instantly

>> No.49541291
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Market sentiment is changing. People are starting to understand how retarded the idea that Coinmetro are cheating them by giving them liquidity to exit during a market downturn is. These threads scared stupid people when the 60c price floor was new but now people have had a chance to exit and didn't do so. More importantly Coinmetro is the best exchange.

>> No.49541307

I just completed The Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED, that was fun and there weren't even any cute girls in there.

>> No.49541446

I hold about 20k but only because other exchanges haven't listed it yet and it's a low mcap coin, other than that I don't know much about it but most people in CM threads seem to think it's a meme

>> No.49541500

of course it's a meme
Google, IBM, amazon and a handful other big conglomerates have multi-billion dollar facilities, most powerful computers on earth to power an AI, what makes this one any special?

>> No.49541603
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I'm watching FLCL now, why can't they make modern shows with the same feel

>> No.49541630

>le wrong generation
Modern anime is great.

>> No.49541807

>wrong generation
never said that, clearly I like watching modern more, It's just that most modern ones don't put effort into the vibe of whatever it is they are trying to show, compare the effort that black lagoon makes into making it's setting feel real to The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody, are they even the same medium anymore? Sure maybe there are always shows which don't even back then so it's not really a discussion of old vs new, but, what's currently doing a good job of doing that, I'd say spy x family, yet somehow it feels like nothing more than a backdrop compared to other ones.
Maybe I'm talking nonsense but I just really want to be immersed in a cool world

>> No.49541867

But even the people who like isekai admit it is mass produced trash so that is not a fair comparison. If you compare the best anime of the 90s (Cardcaptor Sakura) to an isekai of course the latter will feel shallow. It is supposed to be shallow. How can I self insert into a generic fantasy world if the fantasy world isn't generic?

>> No.49541956
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Maybe I confused quality and world building with what I'm actually trying to figure out a word for. Vibe does put it best maybe.
Something you watch and the feeling of watching it lingers around, much like one of those incest sticks.
I actually had this happen with redo of healer, so maybe you are right in the end.
I want more stuff like that and most of that seems to be older stuff. I havent watched much of those which is a good thing if my hypothesis turns out to be true.

>> No.49541983

but how that feeling is achieved is of course through good world building , cinematography, characters etc
so my point does circle back in the end at least

>> No.49542472

So you are looking for good anime? Got it.

>> No.49542544
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ah shoot you're right I'm retarded - do you often feel like you're talking to a child when talking to me.
on the other hand, redo of healer was neither good nor had any of the things I listed. I guess if you self insert hard enough you can feel anything.

>> No.49542643

You are right about redo of healer not being good. It was great.

>> No.49542803

Now that Kevin made it impossible to accumulate XCM during the bear market + recession that is looming, what coins are you looking to accumulate?
KDA, PRQ and DNA are my picks.

>> No.49542819



>> No.49542869

0.1% of the circulating supplyvof PRQ and DNA will only cost you 22k and 1700 dollars respectively. And it is irresponsible to own significantly more than that. Only poorfags are accumulating such low caps.

>> No.49542892

Sex is a normal thing anon. Sorry you are grossed out by a normal part of life to the point you can't enjoy shows that feature it.

>> No.49543999
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>it is irresponsible to own significantly more than that.
Why tho?

>> No.49544067

Because he is a dumb phonepostet

>> No.49544357

Let me just buy 1% of all the DNA in existence for 17k. I will surely have no problems exiting my positions. And I am not phone posting I just have fat fingers and hit multiple keys while typing.

>> No.49544965

Dunno. Owning 1% of an asset sounds pretty comfy to me. A lot of whales own more than that on many other coins/tokens