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49541154 No.49541154 [Reply] [Original]

If on-demand delivery services don't pay a living wage, then how do these people live?

>> No.49541166 [DELETED] 

They don't. They're stupid cattle slaves serving the COMMUNIST AI COMPUTER GOD.

>> No.49541165

like that webm

>> No.49541190

kek I remember doing door dash when the pandemic started and would help myself to people's food if I was hungry.
it's really easy to remove the seal they put on the bag and then put it back.
if the customer complained I'd just say it was the restaurant.
never got in trouble btw

>> No.49541204

Probably have another job. The smart ones anyway. These services are not and were never meant to be a replacement for a real job. They're for extra spending money on top of your regular income. However some retarded millennials fell for the "be your own boss" meme and live in poverty because they don't want to get a regular job.

>> No.49541213

I had a roommate who was an uber eats driver, and also an illegal immigrant. He worked 60+ hours a week, was supported by his wife (my other roommate, who was a citizen and worked as a bartender), and lived paycheck to paycheck in a not very nice apartment in a not very nice part of NYC.

>> No.49541241

If they are married then isn't he a citizen now?

How much was the rent there?

>> No.49541297

Food delivery anons, do you or anyone you know do this in OP's webm?

>> No.49541497

I'm pretty sure it's recognized as a pretty big problem which is why restaurants started sealing bags with various tamper resistant methods.

>> No.49541539

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.49541598

I'm not surprised in the slightest. This gig economy bullshit shilled by mouthbreathers was never going to work out. They're physically biking on a meagre wage of course they're going to steal your food. Chefs steal ingredients from restaurants all the time and even prepare their own meals for free, should be the same shit for uber delivery. One dumpling place near my house give drivers massive discounts on good just to stop them from stealing, should be the same everywhere. Why the fuck do dumbass seppos tip waiters instead of giving them fair wages and then not do the same thing for delivery?

>> No.49541616
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kek based wagie

>> No.49541634

did you see the way he just poured soup over it even though that makes it soggy and less enjoyable? he isn't doing that out of hunger, he's seeing how much he can get away with.

there should be a name for this particular type of malicious NPC with zero sense of shame.
I wouldn't do it, even to an asshole customer. Fucking with people's food is a different type of depraved. If you're willing to do that, you'd definitely hurt someone if you could get away with it. There's wires that aren't connecting in people like this. They're numb to their own humanity.

>> No.49541641

>various tamper resistant methods.
Such as what? Now I'm super paranoid. I've only used uber eats once and it was fine but now I may never order ever again unless I'm picking it up myself

>> No.49541677

This shit is exactly why I have never once used these retarded services.

>> No.49541706

I saw this and 10 min later my Uber eats got dropped off- Completely wrong order

>> No.49541723

Check the jewfro

>> No.49541747

I had a cold burger and chips last night. Took the retard 30 minutes to get to mine. Now I'm suss and just left a complaint.

>> No.49541766
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Had to order from Jewhub lunch at least a couple of times because my Jew boss wouldn't let me leave the premise to go eat until all the customers have been served and by the time you get done with the last one there's always at least one or two more who trail behind making my Jew boss rub his hands in anticipation of more Shekels. Almost all the Uber drivers are minorities and I always left a tip to hopefully prevent them from stop spitting on my food or touching it with their bare hands, starting to wonder if Shaniqqua slobbered all over my food how fucked am I bros?

>> No.49541780

>Such as what?

Depends on the place. Some staple the bag. Some use a special sticker on the bag so you can't switch bags as easily. Some put tape all over everything to make it more difficult.

I've also heard that sometimes they scam the restaurant by taking the food outside, eating some of it, then coming in and complaining there was a missing item.

>> No.49541847

if you're so lazy that you order from uber eats or doordash instead of going to get your own goddamn food, you deserve to have this happen to you

>> No.49541862

The money I paid was hard-earned.

>> No.49541890
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>tfw ruralcel and there’s like two delivery services that aren’t shit (one for Italian and one for burgers) and they both require 25+ eurobucks minimum order to drive out to me

It’s actually astonishing how many places serve dogshit food when that is their entire business model. There also used to be a decent gyros place nearby but the success from being the one acceptable place in town made them complacent and shit as well.

>> No.49541907

My earning are high enough that it is actually more profitable for me to continue working rather than get food myself.

>> No.49541921
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>> No.49541929

"According to US Foods, 72% of food deliverers have admitted to taking food from an order. In response, 85% of diners would like to see restaurants use tamper-evident methods to prevent this and ensure peace of mind. The new law – an addition to the Health and Safety Code – creates a standard for third-party food delivery platforms that will change how restaurants package their food before handing it off."

>> No.49541948

Never touched any gig slaver industry services and never will

>> No.49541954
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>you vill vlike ze ezztra proteins

>> No.49541969

Pretty open and closed case. Rich peoplemorder food and poor people deliver it. Rich people will get what they want/need. Street shitters will have to comply.
This is a giant blindspot in food health and safety regulations. Restraunts world wide need to adhere to all sorts of codes. Soon drivers will too.

>> No.49541982
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>> No.49541993

Most places I order from staple the bag shut

>> No.49542005


"A standard plastic grocery bag costs about a penny to produce, according to the plastics industry, compared with 4 cents to 5 cents for a paper bag."

>> No.49542023

Waiters and delivery people are niggers

>> No.49542027

Who are you quoting retard? Oh fuck your some zogbot shill. Kys. Abandon thread.

>> No.49542052

are those profits worth this happening to you?

>> No.49542059

how are you enjoying having your sperm count cut in half thanks to pesticides?

>> No.49542076

Just look it up yourself you moron. Paper bags are cheap.

>> No.49542094

I avoid these services. Instead I try to use restaurants that deliver themselves, but they're starting to disappear in favor of these shitty services.

>> No.49542113

You're paying for a service you worthless skidmark.
I unironically can't wait until robots take over fast food and put all these amoral retards that do this kind of shit out of work.

>> No.49542114

Considering my permavirginity that’s not exactly high on my list of problems. Also most farms have disappeared in the last 20 years as it’s more profitable to sell the fields for housing developments. Among the last holdouts was my neighbour who after settling his cattle land years before finally have up his last patch of sunflower growing land.

>> No.49542156
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if you use any of these services you are just as bad. happy to see these lazy niggers overpay for less food.

>> No.49542160
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I was too busy making money to give a fuck. It is better for everyone if you just pick up the food, rush it to the destination, and go to the next one. The thing I sometimes fucked up on was letting people's food/drinks get smashed/messy on a bumpy ride. Not my problem, fast bad service makes more money than slow good service.

>> No.49542163

Idgaf how expensive paper bags are?? You are a Jewish golem getting erections over people's grievances with food delivery services. You shoot loads to the missery of others. You're a parasitic spawn of Satan. That is my issue, not the price of bags.

>> No.49542191

I get that, I hope you'll always have a good restaurant available anon.

>> No.49542230

Accept delivery
Grab order from restaurant
Unassigned delivery

>> No.49542265
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>Bon apple tits faggot

>> No.49542286

How much of a fucking failure do you have to be to work a 'gig job'?

>> No.49542312

If they can't work you'll be paying them to sit around getting high through unemployment or UBI. Either that or they will just rob you.

>> No.49542346


You had one job.

>> No.49542355
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I'm hollerin.
> Either that or they will just rob you.
live in an conceal carry state. You won't do shit pussy.

>> No.49542378

i hope you burn in hell you stupid asshole

>> No.49542394

I usually did quite a good job and got people their orders within 15 minutes, via bike. Occasionally the restaurant fucks up the packaging on a drink, or someone orders something stupid like a fucking charcuterie board with loose crackers, across several busy intersections. In those cases, quite literally not my problem, kek.

>> No.49542399


>> No.49542437

Not surprised at all.
The people that work these kinds of jobs are walking garbage. Worthless, low quality people with no morals or integrity.

>> No.49542439

Doing deliveries for supplemental income to add to investments
Doing deliveries for exercise and side money
Doing deliveries and working on an entrepreneurial project full time
Doing deliveries cause you're a dead end wagie with no job opportunities

Simple as.

>> No.49542442

You don't become a citizen automatically just because you get married. There's a shit ton of paperwork, fees and hoops you have to jump through if you want to do it the right way.

>> No.49542474

kek if some faggot had the nerve to hand me an beverage he clearly tampered with and expect me to pay for it he would get knocked the fuck out. May as well be biological terrorism.

>> No.49542565

I don't tamper with shit, I just hand you the soggy bag if starbucks fucked up the seal on your frappe.

>> No.49542648

Kill yourself faggot
I used to tip like $10 to every driver but I'll refrain from doing so. Worthless trash

>> No.49542723

lol you ate nigger spit

>> No.49542774
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hope youve never eaten fast food

>> No.49542923

newsflash, all high earners are currently robbed by the poor. it's called taxes
>haha you'll pay 55% instead of 50%
big deal. i'd happily pay 5% more to be safe from losers fucking with my stuff

>> No.49542950
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>for exercise and side money
Wait a minute, I ride my bike for exercise for free.

>> No.49542951

This is why I only eat fresh whole foods cooked at home.

>> No.49542989
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i stopped using delivery services. a friend of mine did a test a few months ago and found that tips of $10 or more resulted in the fastest service. unless the total for the meal was $50 or more, then if the tip was less than $20, he had to wait forever.
Also deliveries with no tip had an almost 100% rate of the food being fucked up.
remember, your driver likely hasnt washed their hands that day.

>> No.49543035

>if i flip the pizzas mr aziz will flip out

>> No.49543054

I used Door Dash once because I had a promo code and the guy who delivered my food had track marks up and down his arm and started nodding off as he handed me my food.

>> No.49543109

unpriced externalities

>> No.49543248
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when i use the jewber eats app I am also ordering a SLAVE in addition to my food. NO you're not getting a tip.
YES I'm giving you a bad review anyway
why? Because you're a fucking slave anyawy

>> No.49543332

If they allowed you to demean your delivery slave would you pay for for the service?

>> No.49543442
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no need its already demeaning

>> No.49543520

They live with their parents.

>> No.49543561

I really fucking hate niggers so much.

>> No.49543711

Extremely based.

>> No.49543751

Tipping culture is pure cancer, japs are right

>> No.49543823
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I like ur hustle.

>> No.49543968

shit like this makes me laugh
its worth checking in your local redditor ubereats chapter to see if they can see tips ahead of time or not
they can't see them in my area. so they just roll the dice.
serves them right. uber was fucking founded on not tipping as a damn feature.

>> No.49544035

You can't see tips, but you can see estimated pay, which includes some of the tip. If the estimated pay is bad, you just avoid the order.

>> No.49544037


>> No.49544569

assuming this is true, I couldnt imagine being some wagie delivery guy and having some retards barrage you with their phones for some dumb tiktok vid where they wait for you ring the doorbell then jump out from behind a bush or some dumb shit

>> No.49544621

Kek, get mad boomer

>> No.49544804

Food delivery is the ultimate whitey wagie job, so many whiteys in this gig, this fag is wearing airpods too, what a piece of shit.

>> No.49544871

did it for the first half of 2021. could have been worse. stayed on the white side of town as much as possible.

>> No.49545519

I did Door Dash for a few months after I was laid off in 2020. If the restaurant seals up the pickup good I left it alone. But if they left it open or badly sealed then it's fair game.

Most places just put scotch tape on each container which you can take off rally easily. Fried stuff is a no brainer.

After a while you get to know which places serve food that is easier to uh sample. The best places are those which just put out all the pickup orders in an unmonitored location. I'd grab my pickup and then just grab another random pickup order or two and keep it for myself. That's actually the best way since there is no obvious trail back to you.

>> No.49545595

Stfu, pickup your own damn food if you’re so afraid of getting a few fries stolen you lazy fuck.

>> No.49545781

Ever just try making your own food at home and packing it for work like people used to do before all these delivery services? It's not that hard to grill chicken or throw some beef in a slow cooker than portion it out for lunches. It's cheaper and you get to control what you put in your body.

>> No.49545808

>his job is to literally bring food to people from point A to point B
>somehow it's the customers fault because he hates his job or gets called out for being a thief
What an embarrassing post. You and every other delivery driver are literal subhumans.

>> No.49545821
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Absolute nigger behavior

>> No.49545898

You keep on tipping like a good faggot.

>> No.49545933

They have full time jobs like teaching or restaurant work. They do delivery on the off hours for extra money but carefully choose routes that fit with other side hustles.

>> No.49545934

Or you know, people can have both.

These services are a convenience and have persisted for a reason. If you pay for a service, you shouldn't be punished just because the employee is a lazy shithead.

>> No.49546006

>He does it for free

>> No.49546005

there's no reason to do it, you must just be a stupid nigger / any non white

>> No.49546098
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No system can work good enough to not at the very least slowly break unless it is 100% white

>> No.49546109

Seethe harder fat fuck, give better tips then if you want us not to eat the food

>> No.49546154

one of the main reason i stopped using uber eats is because people deliver it on bikes,
i refuse to pay for cold food after being charged 150% in fees
i was always sketchy about the muslims and blacks bringing me my food but now i guess white people are just as nasty as the rest! i main do curbside now and pick it up, too expensive to order anyway

>> No.49546183

i once jizzed on a pizza that i was delivering because i was horny
they had tipped well

>> No.49546192

>one of the main reason i stopped using uber eats is because people deliver it on bikes,
The bike is faster than the car in the city because I can ride down one-ways, weave through traffic, use pedestrian ways, use bike trails, run red lights, run pedestrian signals, and park anywhere.

>> No.49546643

Ironic cuz it sounds like you're the fat fuck, eating and stealing other people's food lol.

How about you get a real job, retard. if you need to rely on tips to make a living then you're a retard. End of.
it's not the customers responsibility to pay you a living wage.

>> No.49546969

>If they are married then isn't he a citizen now?
This. Might be some simple paperwork to fill out proving they're married should they have been married in another country.

If I was like them I'd be able to easily get away with it unlike the one on the webm that is garbage tier at even hiding it. However I'm not like those type of people. Never ordered uber cause i dont trust it. Same reason i dont order delivery either, i don't trust the wagie who usually take those types of jobs.

>> No.49547060

I do that right now, gig work is an escape from wagery. I haven't worked a salary in 8 years. Literally quit my full time job.

>> No.49547083

>An anon on the infamous 4chan website is reprehensible, thus I am justified to stop tipping strangers!!
You fucking retard you never tipped, no one here does including me. We are on 4chan. Of course we don't fucking tip.

>> No.49547092

I've been cutting back eating out for two reasons. The first reason is that it's gotten too expensive. The second is that service has gone downhill. Giving shitty service to teach customers a lesson or because you just resentful for not getting paid enough will quickly destroy your business.

>> No.49547218

One thing I never understood when I visited NYC was all these retarded 3rd world immigrants driving Uber and delivering for DoorDash. Do you moved to America to make 10 dollars an hour in a city that the middle class cannot even afford? Never made sense to me at all.

>> No.49547337

I wonder how long before uber and that other company start hiding the tipped amount.

>> No.49547466

Disgusting animal. Should be thrown into the middle of the sahara. Even the average blacks in Africa dont act this savage.

>> No.49547549

Oh yeah im sure they do that but at this point i just assume most delivery drivers mess with your order. Makes me wonder if that girl on the rollerskates messed with my order at sonics. I am not paying for a freaking tip to have a chick roll on skates.
>the go inside and grab the food
They don't allow customers in. Only ordering from the car and waiting for them to skate it to you. Knowing these places they know how kuch you tipped.

>> No.49547597

They move to NYC because they already have family there, usually in section 8 housing, and they get access to services and free shit that they wouldn't get in other cities.

>> No.49547611

Thats why i dont use that shit for food. They will also be the first companies to bankrupt in the recession.

>> No.49547628

when i was in high school one of the niggers at my school worked at sonic with one of my friends and he was known for spitting on people's orders and said his co workers called him spitty. my bro said the manager there thought it was funny af and he was a guy who had graduated a few years earlier and was into doing jackass type stuff. one time my friend showed me a video of the manager there pulling his balls out on shift and shocking them with a taser

>> No.49548092

I'm cool with this. Doordash customers are spoiled retards and deserve whatever they get

>> No.49548158


Turns out if you want your shit to come as expected, then there is a price. Market solves everything. Tip the driver $100, and it will be worth their time to make sure everything gets their right as they can. Dont want to pay that much or cant afford to? Enjoy eating second hand aids.

>> No.49548309

There have been times I went to pickup my order from a restaurant and it wasn't there. Now I guess I know what happens.

>> No.49548423

Can't you just buy an order of fries at the restaurant or something
Anyway soon this companies won't even exist.

>> No.49548484

I do it all the time...I also doordash to get gate codes for gated neighborhoods so I have a safe place to park and sleep. I dump my shit in the gutter when I leave.

>> No.49548921

Today I ordered ice cream from a local take-away delivery company and this happened. The seal was broken, and ice cream was missing from the top. I'm not even mad about the ice cream, it just makes me think how pathetic these people are, and how much in scarcity they live

>> No.49548994

Yep that does it, I am NEVER eating out ever again. Just the thought of TOUCHING nigger period blood is disgusting enough, but INGESTING IT?! Your bodily fluids will be completely and utterly corrupted and you will be barred from the gates of heaven.

>> No.49549029
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i don't tip waiters either

>> No.49549061
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>delivery drivers get paid decent wage so they can at least survive the week
>no need to tip
>food arrives always high quality

>> No.49549175

UBI will be subject to inflation. next year it will by 56% then 57%.

>> No.49549195

>how do these people live?
hand to mouth

>> No.49549199

Newsflash, high “earners” are robbing the poor of what they’re entitled to

>> No.49549243

Niggers are disgusting.

>> No.49549432

No amount of tipping will prevent degens from acting like >>49547628. At that price point you are better served getting actual gourmet cusine.

>> No.49549570
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>they’re entitled to
yes, they're entitled to poverty and destitution. left to their own devices, they would gradually regress to subsistence farming, fail at that, then regress even further back to foraging. high earners are robbing them of their true destiny.

>> No.49549838

It's a jungle out there pal, I'll take every single fucking advantage I can get, even the smallest most petty ones, everyone around me have their knife at my throat, around everyone else 24/7. I'll do the same.

>> No.49550196

>abbos start delivering food
then what?

>> No.49550783

I would never use some slave app to purchase goyslop, but if I did I would accept that I deserved to have my food fucked with

>> No.49550974

do your job and shut the fuck up or you get fired and a fucking nigger gets the job. enjoy living under a bridge you ugly troll thief.

>> No.49551559

take a shit in the walk in freezer and quit

>> No.49551563

In spain you tip after the delivery not before, lmao

>> No.49551912

>gourmet cuisine
You need to add a digit there.

>> No.49552087

imagine both ingesting food made by unknown subhumans you've never met AND delivered by unknown subhumans you've never met.
it could have been pissed, cummed and menstruated on twice.

>> No.49552135

>staple the bag shut
Yeh it's really hard for drivers to get hold of a bag and a stapler. You solved it right there

>> No.49552189

I use these but I have a method down that lets me refund the order 100% of the time. The driver isn't effected, and neither is the restaurant, but the delivery service gets to foot the bill. I'm ordering tonight, too lol

>> No.49552433

What if you could ride your bike and get paid?

>> No.49552566

Consumerism entitles you to nothing

>> No.49552754

it's only a "jungle" because dumb monkeys like you exist, and that mentality, laziness and dishonesty is why you're poor. you can't even manage to do the most basic job ever, taking something from one place to another, without stealing. one day we'll have to bring back the good old hand-chopping. good thing i always pick up my food so i don't have to pay dumbasses like you who think they're entitled to 15% as a tip for biking 10 minutes.

>> No.49553006
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Never even heard of this but when restaurants started applying sealing stickers I suspected some negritude like this was afoot.
>had pretty good ratings
>quick deliveries
>algorithm eventually assigns me to exclusively delivering $45 orders to well tipping rich people up in the hills 2020-2021.

>> No.49553034

they should have put the deadly vax inside uber eats orders in order to cull those who deserved it most

>> No.49553183

Staple covered by a strip of anti-tamper tape. 2 seconds and a couple of cents.
You've successfully made it more hassle than it's worth for your delivery nigger to tax the order.

>> No.49553255

The two of them went to Guatemala together to arrange for him to get a green card. They were able to do it during the trump administration but didn't out of fear of getting rugpulled. Even so it ended up taking 3 months, and they spent all of their savings there. Apparently they stayed in a house with his extended family, and were expected to pay for the groceries for a dozen people because they're "the rich Americans".

>> No.49553298

This is exclusively an American thing. I've been to places across Europe and South America that have this same kind of services and never had I had my food either smashed around or tampered with.
The South Americans in particular are very careful with all of it and never expect to be tipped because they've been indoctrinated by their shit lifestyle and economy like the good slaves they are. America seriously needs to rot.

>> No.49554268

if you're here, married, working and not comitting crimes, immigration will likely never come knocking because they're too busy looking for the actual criminal illegal immigrants. But yes, you need to have paperwork with that marriage for it to be official, it doesn't just magically happen because you got married.

>> No.49554469

>wait hours after order
>wtf why don't customers tip?
these people are truly deranged

>> No.49554544
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haters gonna hate.

>> No.49554550

I worked in food service in multiple settings over 6 years (fast food, delivery guy, bar, hotel kitchen, meat cutter) and one thing has become apparent to me. (especially the past few years since I got a better paying job)

Businesses tend to be cheap cunts, so incentivizing food service wagies to do their jobs well usually boils down to "do it well or you're fired"
but when the job itself is trash, you receive no benefits or sick time, you slave away doing the work of 3 people for 10 hours a day and still only take home $400 a week, $80 of which goes to paying for the gas just to get to/from work, even the threat of losing your job is not enough incentive to give a shit.

If people want better service, restaurants need to raise prices and pass on that gain to employees. Hurts to hear, but they've been bleeding these fuckers dry for decades now and there's really not much left to bleed.

>> No.49554579

You are not white

>> No.49554663

I have never tampered with the customer's food and I never will.

>> No.49554695

I'm actually fucking cracking up at these posts
You are an absolute MADMAN

>> No.49554771

Subsidized by living with mommy and daddy or 5 roommates, and trading in value of your vehicle for immediate* cash

>> No.49554815

Based I did this too because I was homeless for a time and nobody ever suspected anything. Nobody can ever recognize a functioning person living out of their car.

>> No.49554948

What goes around comes around, nigger. Just remember you deserve whatever bad shit is coming your way.

>> No.49555010

Based. We should all do this.

>> No.49555042

I order uber eats only after a big swing trade as a reward. Plus uber is constantly sending me 40% of promo codes.

>> No.49555117

>so many whiteys in this gig
Depends where you live
>t. Canadian
I get east indians bringing me my food all the time and I make sure they come all the way up to my apartment every time for a no-tip delivery
Unlike OPs webm I make sure to order from places that can't be tampered

>> No.49555125

Also I tip 0. Lower class wagies are scum as indicated my this thread.

>> No.49555165

I literally watched two deliveroo drivers eating KFC then delivering it to an office. I wanted to record it and confront them/ report them but i was worried about being accused of racism. So i just kept walking.

>> No.49555188

>how are you enjoying having your sperm count cut in half thanks to pesticides?
lmao peak citycuck cope
how are you enjoying your life in the pod, surrounded by niggers on your daily 2 hour commute?

>> No.49555257

>I have a method down that lets me refund the order 100% of the time

How? Im really poor, id appreciate the info

>> No.49555330

Could have done better as a legal resident in their own country. Thanks for making the case on why illegal immigration is retarded.
But they are the real American Ninja Warriors so idk

>> No.49555338

doordash propaganda

>> No.49555343

lmao this is why I never ordered delivery food.
You lazy ass retards move your ass and go get it unless letting these subhumans steal your food with their dirty hands.

>> No.49555349

>there should be a name for this particular type of malicious NPC with zero sense of shame.

>> No.49555416

Fucking Based
Hope you remembered to spit in the goyfeed.

>> No.49555493

fucking based. People who can't cook for themselves don't deserve to make it.

>> No.49555513

Almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me

>> No.49555735

During the first Corona wave a local restaurant did deliveries on its own.
The children of the house would load the orders into their cars and drive them to the customers.
They were doing fine due to that. Why would a restaurant ever make third parties do it?
Simply hire a delivery guy. That's most likely cheaper in the end.

>> No.49555826

>ordering delivery service
this is the first mistake

>> No.49556038

Yes, but then the restaurant has to pay for the delivery instead of an external service with a better app.

>> No.49556153

Delicately peel away tape, pry staple straight and remove it. When you're done eating the food, put the same staple back in and bend it back into place, and replace the tape. Oh wow such an inconvenience, that definitely isn't worth a free meal.

>> No.49556155

Do you know phone-order?
You'd call the restaurant you want to order at and they'd deliver it to your doorstep using a regular employee.
That's been a thing since at least after WW2.
No need for a fucking app, which is but an additional middleman, that takes a cut from your profit.

>> No.49556218

>All the seething fatties in this thread that can't even work an 8 hour shift without eating

>> No.49556230

> Call
> ESL person answers
> Can barely understand each other
> Order arrives fucked up
> Delivery guy holds out hand for tip

>> No.49556303

That wasn't my experience at the time, but the reason might be that I'm neither English nor American.
Uber Eats was apparently a "solution" to an American problem, that is completely out of place in the rest of the world.
That explains a whole lot.

>> No.49556378

anon this is pretty pathetic

>> No.49556443

Service in America is generally terrible. Tipping culture doesn't help either. It's no surprise that the country where some fat cunt will interrupt your meal to ask "How are y'all doing? Enjoying the meal?" and take forever to bring the bill and still demand 20%. Unless the culture and social standards around the industry change dining and take out experiences will only get worse.

>> No.49556451
File: 74 KB, 409x409, 1633491674527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. My friend and I both work multiple food delivery apps and we skim 10-15% of every order we do. Dumb fat fucks never even notice, I don't see how you could ever get in trouble.

I don't feel guilty at all btw. Any fatass well off enough to live a slovenly lifestyle where servants bring food to them deserve it as far as I'm concerned. I save so much on my grocery bill :)

>> No.49556508

the thing is , you might never know if the customer will tip in person rather than through the app

>> No.49556873

I bet it's about 90% through the app. Why risk it if you can just avoid a potentially low delivery all together?

>> No.49557216

Go pick it up yourselves. You'd think /biz/ of all boards would be against
>delivery fee
>service fee
Imagine paying $30 for a single item?

>> No.49557430

Very based post. The weak slob too lazy to pick their own food deserve this. Fuck them

>> No.49557477

>subtotal: $17.40
>doordash fee: $4.48
>service fee: $1.99
>delivery fee: $2.99
>taxes: $1.84
>dasher tip: $5
>grand total: $33.70 just to have a wagie eat half of it and spit into the other half and drop it off at your door cold
people are not gonna put up with this forever as money gets tighter.
doordash failed to turn a profit during the height of covid. literally their wet dream business condition. They are going bankrupt.Short $DASH

>> No.49557491

amount of seethe generated by this post confirms it as based

>> No.49557509

>call the grill/barbecue place and order what I want
>15 minutes later
>call the taxi dispatcher and order one taxi driver to deliver my grilled meat and buns and what I ordered
>if anything is tempered with I can find out the drivers show size and mothers maiden name by the end of the hour
>if the store didnt package it all correctly and was messed with in shop I can know that as well
Its just a matter of living with humans and them knowing there are consequences for shitting up the fountain/pissing in the well.

>> No.49557550
File: 133 KB, 483x442, CAE46E43-B963-4CF0-B193-EF4B2FB5CA9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always tip $3-$5 and the restaurants are less than a mile away.

They’re getting 10 dollars for 20 minutes of work. They better not be fuckin with my shit

>> No.49557568

Dont even need one to dump bleach in the rivers

>> No.49557570


Web 3.0 solves this.

Someone should create uber on ICP so that drivers can get paid more

>> No.49557586

like 6 months ago i paid $40 for a doordash'd papa johns pizza with a side of garlic knots. last time i ever do that.

>> No.49557656


>> No.49557741

I deliver for a living in Stamford CT. Make about 1500 week working lunch 11-2 and dinner 5-8 every day. I don't work too hard, just listen to audiobooks to pass the time. I never fuck with food or customers because I only accep high tip trips from Uber Eats or Grub Hub. Fairfield County is in of the wealthiest in the nation, maybe wealthiest suburb on the East Coast so people love to order expensive food to their mansions in Greenwich and love to virtue signal by tipping big. It's legit great way to get by and even with higher gas prices I'm only out about 100 less per week. The problem is poor fags in poor places do this and it makes no sense. They get angry because you can't make $ delivering McDonald's value meal to the ghetto or trailer park for $1 or something after gas and taxes. But that's not the app fault. The problem is food delivery is a luxury service, like a massage or a spa treatment but it's marketed to lazy retards who think someone will deliver their fast food to their double wide for .25 an hour and that is frankly why so much hate goes back and forth between chucked drivers and the trash customers.

>> No.49557782
File: 96 KB, 794x1024, 67FA3B07-8D00-4721-80D6-988A6278C30A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude that’s so based! I’m glad my dogshit Inu coin profits can go to a good cause. Now hurry up wagie my coffee is getting cold

>> No.49558059
File: 215 KB, 1024x683, 1650903525084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does any restaurant put up with this shit? They must be pissed with how much food they end up throwing away and not getting paid for.

>> No.49558420

This kek

>> No.49558480

>restaurants need to raise prices and pass on that gain to employees.
>everybody else does this too
>Putin did it.