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49539100 No.49539100 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit off of capitalism filling the void left by God in the American conscience?


>> No.49539160
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even before looking at the author's name i just knew

>> No.49539263

Capitalism is not the new American religion. Democracy is. Don't believe me? Try criticizing both and see what happens. If you criticize capitalism, half of Americans will agree with you another quarter won't care, and the remaining will quietly disagree. Criticize democracy and EVERYONE will shriek at you and make the most irrational, dogmatic defenses. Like Christianity 200 years ago in America and Europe, Americans today just assume that any civilized person supports democracy. To do otherwise is heresy not even meriting a rational argument. You are the fucking devil if you call democracy shit. In fact they believe so strongly in it that even though it is pretty obviously a crappy system of government, they will use extreme violence to push it on other around the world - much like Christian missionaries did. And just like Christian missionaries, "civilizing" other nations with democracy is used as a cover for all kinds of corruption.

Democracy is the modern American religion - "The pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance". And someday humanity will look back on this era and shake its head.

>> No.49539330

Kek I still had to check it

>> No.49539391

Kek every single fucking time

>> No.49539428

1 in 3 Americans didn't vote in the 2020 general election: the election with the highest voter turnout in U.S. history. Don't even get me started on other elections with less publicity. Only 28% of eligible voters showed up at the polls in California's 2018 midterm election. This isn't remotely comparable to church attendance in ye olden days. Meanwhile I guarantee you that every Amerilard and xer mother(s) has seen the latest cinematic log of shit Disney pushed out in the capeshit lightsaber multiverse.

>> No.49539493
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>> No.49539508
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>> No.49539516

She looks like a witch with tits...

>> No.49539545
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Ok Mr. Technical,
Well another huge (majority) percentage of the American population hasn't seen a Disney movie in years
It's clear that the God-hole is filled by many things by different people

Democracy is a huge guiding principle of America though, it underpins the idea that everyone should be equal, and it frustrates nationalist movements even among elites and people who should know better

Democracy is an idea that only naive revolutionaries and people born under its indoctrination for hundreds of years could possibly believe

>> No.49539614

Which is usually filled with muh progressivism and anti-capitalist rethoric.

Personally it's just entertaining watching the market system taking every dumb shit narrative people come up with and resell it back for cheap.

>> No.49539620

>It seems a new article or post about a Disney adult goes viral every few weeks, and the comments are always the same, telling them to "grow up," get a real life or use their money to travel abroad instead. They're a beloved subject of hate online — the hashtag #disneyadultsaretheworst has almost 7 million views on TikTok.

Normalfag wagies are seething so hard holy shit
Not that I love Disney that much, but you can feel the raw hatred coming from these people who are priced out of living the consumerist dream. kek

>> No.49539649
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>> No.49539716

cry about it harder

>> No.49539728

Disney is nothing compared to the power the church used to have post Investiture. Popes used to be able to just call on randos to go to war against whoever he wanted. Disney doesn't exactly have a military to challenge a decent sized country, even economically.

>> No.49539745

goddam imagine this barefish jewish sloot serving you some bagels and giving you her kisses

>> No.49539765

Every single time man, every single time.

>> No.49539766
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>consumerist dream

>> No.49539992

You people keep overplaying your hand and more and more normies are waking up to the JQ
The Night of Long Knives 2 is just around the corner and I will relish it.

>> No.49540496

What are you talking about you retard? Is that what fox told you? The last spiderman movie made 2 billion dollars in box office sales. The Encanto movie was streamed millions of times. Just because people in your town think disney is faggy(it is) doesn't mean people don't treat it like a religion now

>> No.49540866

>self help books
>life coach

>> No.49540907

lmao this is fucking retarded. Go read an actually historical document and not just what some numale on youtube told you. Many kings openly ignored the Pope or pretended to be busy.

>> No.49541008

>tfw no slam pig dressed as snow white