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49531328 No.49531328 [Reply] [Original]

>purchased lambo
>started to live
>had seizure
>diagnosed with terminal brain cancer

Live your lives anons. It can end at any time. Money isn't everything.... Spend time with your family and friends, enjoy nature, find jesus.

>> No.49531355

oooo really
so you have lets say 50 years to live
would you spend them with idiots ?

>> No.49531366

Proof or fuck off you filthy glow

>> No.49531372

Not if your family are idiots no. I mean spend your days with people who make you happy

>> No.49531385

sounds great
and where would you find those people ?

>> No.49531427
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I'm so sorry to hear that fren, how longer have they diagnosed? I just want to let you know that Jesus Christ loves you and wants you to be saved. Death in this earth is not the end only the beginning.

John 3

12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

>> No.49531442
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Cropped my details out

>> No.49531457

gear, but you conclusion is invalid
your advice is no good

>> No.49531466
File: 357 KB, 1200x1600, 27D8C0FD-D4B5-44B3-93FF-1744EC772F1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terminal brain cancer

That’s what doctors always say. I have been diagnosed with that shit for years, never even died once.

>> No.49531491

yeah and if you fast and all, you will live to 95+

>> No.49531551

Thanks fren. I don't know yet until they can do a biopsy but I am hopeful I may have a few years yet.

>> No.49531552
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>> No.49531569


>> No.49531587

Stay strong greekbro

>> No.49531606

I'm a bong, it's just a Greek doctor, thanks though anon

>> No.49531607

Just get brain surgery. You can survive this

>> No.49531611

Get a Ninja blender, and juice hardcore. Wage an all out war to bear it!

>> No.49531612


My sympathies. I had a bad cancer a couple years ago, thankfully things turned out okay. The way medicine is these days, you are better off not giving up hope. Prepare for the worst but hope for the best anon, my apologies for the hand you have to work with.

>> No.49531638

stfu you pajeet FUD piece of shit fudder literally pajeet tier wtf

>> No.49531652

My condolences bro. I wish you the best outcome out of this. And yes, that is sound advice.

>> No.49531664

I am sorry anon, i am in a similar position (but not terminal)

>made it from btc & eth
>have all mone i ever wanted
>could not get out of bed
>test for hormones
>cortisol 3 times below the minimum
>testosterone 3 times below the minimum
>something also causing inflamation

Just fuck my shit up, i had everything i ever wanted but not the health to enjoy it, i feel this is a big joke, the worse thing is that now i am treating this i no longer have the money, i am really sad.

>> No.49531693

btw i will pray you get better anon, if not it was an honor to spend the last years with you, i would post a crying apu but gookmoot banned me from uploading images.

>> No.49531726

Thanks for the well wishes anons. I hope you all make it too

>> No.49531735

you might as well try those fasting memes and starve the tumor of calories. you have nothing to lose

anyway godspeed

>> No.49531746

It was an honor shitposting with you anon. I hope you make it

>> No.49531758
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Absolutely man, I just retired a couple weeks ago and I'm pedal to the metal trying to get my bucket list knocked out and spend time with family. Sorry to hear about your cancer but keep your spirits up, cancer treatments have come a LONG way from 20 years ago when it was a death sentence guaranteed. There's all kinds of targetted treatments and they don't just blast you with chemo unless there's no other option.

If you're in America I highly recommend getting treatment outside the USA. The USA has absolutely fraudulent billing practices, so unless you have really good health insurance that will cover all this no problem, it's better to go pay out of pocket in Europe or Asia.

>> No.49531768
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Another day indoors then

>> No.49531775
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good luck anon.

>> No.49531978

>primary brain tumour
>no evidence of metastasis on staging imaging
Like this anon said >>49531612 don't give up hope anon. It's not a death sentence yet.