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49528944 No.49528944 [Reply] [Original]

>joined Chainlink Labs because his pajeeta gf told him to
Kek, and Linkies were hyping this up for MONTHS. Can you retards even describe what exactly is his job at Chainlink Labs? Now he will give some 10 minute speech at Smart Con and receive another fat paycheck from Chainlink Labs tresury. Meanwhile the token is dumping because the market is very disappointed with same sildes at conference yesterday.

>> No.49528972

Kek, 50th wealthiest guy on the planet fell for the scam because he's pussy whipped to a roastie with smaller bags than the average biz tard

>> No.49529019

They are massive simps. Read Elon's conversations with Heard

>> No.49529020

Now that the Schmidt gf fud is here, I’m starting to be more hopeful than ever.

Chainlink is an opportunity to do what he wasn’t able to at Google, which is help develop a truth machine.
He’s been talking about interoperability a lot lately too- ever since he’s been palling around with Henry Kissinger.

>> No.49529033
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"Every child needs a good fucking every now and then"

-Eric Schmidt (Consensus, 2022)

>> No.49529073


>> No.49529236

>Nazarov heard through mutual friend that Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, was interested in oracles, and viewed them as a potential “truth machine”— a way to provide definitive guarantees about an event

>> No.49529252

OP is a giga faggot

>> No.49529254
File: 792 KB, 1170x1884, 1D3A73F0-23C7-4A8C-B6D9-56E03C0B2D33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mutual friend

>> No.49529272

Steel perlot was chainlink parter long before this

>> No.49529288

Big assumption there. If anything eric probably knew about it first

>> No.49529355

can't stop thinking about link can't stop thinking about link can't stop thinking about link can't stop thinking about link can't stop thinking about link

>> No.49529645

Fucking retard

>> No.49529871

>Implying Google CEO gives a shit about your irrelevant erc20 shittoken

>> No.49529905


>> No.49529924

His job is coaching Sergey and pulling the necessary levers to meet with the Rothschild's and the aliens

>> No.49529938

wtf is happening marines? the steak is on the menu and we are dumping

>> No.49529951

Explain how that’s retarded.

>> No.49529962
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>> No.49529968

Consensus happening dump. Steak wasn't enough for escape velocity.
It's over

>> No.49529988

Same thing that happened immediately after Sergey announced "staking this year" on Jan 1; global financial market meltdown.

>> No.49530005

Prove that he isn’t some pussywhipped retard

>> No.49530007

Not an argument

>> No.49530018

Fuck off

>> No.49530044

Just hold, it'll be around $8 by 2025

>> No.49530061

You can’t prove that Sergey is friends with Michelle Ritter and that she was the one who told Eric about chainlink. End of story. Cope and seethe

>> No.49530073

sorry Pradeep, but she's German American.

>> No.49530239
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Ah yes, pure aryan ancestry

>> No.49530253

Are you retarded?

>> No.49530274

You got scammed by some brown bitch. Cope Linkie

>> No.49530843

>They are massive simps. Read Elon's conversations with Heard

the tech billionaire class is basically the nerdiest guy you could think of, semi autistic, who can also pull super hot girls whenever they want. its an interesting kind of simp. so of course they will sound pretty cringy when talking to women, it's like a clueless 14 year old that can actually get pussy.

>> No.49530898

sergey gives him tokens to sell in exchange for networking. basically he is a gate keeper.