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File: 13 KB, 400x300, donald-trump-looking-smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49526443 No.49526443 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah he wasn't perfect, but at least I could afford food and gas

>> No.49526466

Hes the reason you no longer can brainlet,

>> No.49526477
File: 114 KB, 1200x876, biden oil prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49526494

nice projection

>> No.49526502

Both Trump and Biden are retards. One forced Fed to print fuckload of helicopter money and the other fucked up with the oil. That's why you should never vote for a retard billionaire that went bankrupt six times and senile boomer, that drives a fucking 60s Corvette.

>> No.49526561

This, but at least Trump was funny. It would be honestly hilarious if we could see his reaction to Ukraine right now

>> No.49526586

>trump did it
>putin did it
makes sense, now go suck a tranny nigger dick!

>> No.49526589

trump handed out more money to normal people than biden, biden did a means test for stim money. lmao

>> No.49526624
File: 493 KB, 1080x1036, 1650955571197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to mention their fucking terrible foreign policies

>> retard 1 falls for ((2 more weeks)) Afghanistan meme, rips up the Iran nuclear deal, and allows his retarded stepson to embezzle billions from the Saudis

>>retard 2 sends billions in resources away because muh Cold War while inflation wrecks the dollar, pokes the Russian and Chinese nuclear bears knowing he'll be dead soon anyways, and allows his retarded son to embezzle millions from the Ukranians

and best of all we are all but guaranteed to get one of these two senile, corrupt, narcissistic brainlets next election. we're so totally fucked

>> No.49527647
File: 177 KB, 670x533, apu smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care
Still voting for Trump

>> No.49527700
File: 157 KB, 1200x800, trump_feast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump drones an Iranian general
>Iran vows revenge
>their "revenge" is shooting down their own civilian passenger plane, everyone onboard is Iranian or Canadian
>Iran is too embarassed to keep pressing the issue
Name one foreign policy move Biden made that is even half as based as that

>> No.49527753

He was right about ANYTHING

>> No.49528833

There was precisely one incident on that graph that had a direct, notable effect on global oil prices

>> No.49528854
File: 125 KB, 500x382, 1624662258233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moderation fallacy

One is objectively worse than the other and claiming they're both bad doesn't make you look smart.

>> No.49528869
File: 38 KB, 470x545, #shad0wprez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden is a puppet.

Donald J Trump is the greatest leader we have ever had. Without his selflessness in service to the nation, his love of the USA and his business acumen, Operation Shadowprez would never have worked.

All the things Biden is doing are for show. DJT never actually handed over power. Biden's inauguration was a farce. His EOs will never actually go into effect. Haven't you heard? WE HAVE NOT LOST. IN FACT, WE HAVE WON.

Donald J. Trump is STILL PRESIDENT.


The plan was enacted over the weekend… Only you never saw it.

Biden, his cabinet, and tons of both Dem and Republican senators and other officials were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes was shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the American people to accept. Overturning the election and showing the crimes of these politicians could lead to Civil War.
So an agreement was reached: Biden and other deep state elements will be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. President Trump would "concede" and leave office. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, Donald J. Trump is still President.

This plan, known as Shadowprez, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happens in the next 4 years is actually President Trumps doing.


>> No.49528908


>> No.49528910

Drone strike the guys who hate the kikes the most. Bravo

>> No.49528940

At least trump built a wall and kept the violent shit skins away.

>> No.49528961

>At least trump built a wall

>> No.49529024

Trump was based as fuck when it comes to immigration which is literally the only thing that matters. Stop white genocide

>> No.49529443

This so much this, i heckin love science too bro have an upvote my dude!

>> No.49529465

Traitor, insurrectionist, draft dodger, tax evader. I hate him with every fiber of my American being.

>> No.49530522

Liberals really live in a different universe

>> No.49531253
File: 23 KB, 600x600, 1632159025893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49532360
File: 155 KB, 794x1280, photo_2022-05-18_21-28-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49532387
File: 588 KB, 2048x1436, 1653907511204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally had a dream he was sweeping the primaries and majority vote in 2024. Joe biden was around and silent as a mouse and Trump kept bullying him and egging him on to say something. was the comfiest dream i had in awhile

>> No.49532443

watch this video and tell me jan 6th was a violent attempt to overthrow the government

>> No.49532479

you'd better get the fuck out then when he wins. you're not a real american

>> No.49532490

He's spending his life in jail for that LMFAO what a loser

>> No.49532523

Let's see if you'll be laughing when your side is the one abused by the government

>> No.49532525

>le both sides are bad

this is how bloodsuckers like Biden get elected. More people need to really suffer before these types of midwits "get it". Things will get a lot worse.

>> No.49532526

The people going in to get AOC and Pelosi and Pence and kill them were the problem. Do you think if the mob got their hands on AOC they'd just stand there and look at her?

>> No.49532546

I dont miss none of em, printer has been going brrrr since 2000. Theyre all bastards

>> No.49532555

I am laughing at your dumbass who's supporting the dumbass who's spending his life in jail cuz he wanted to walk in the capitol LMFAO

>> No.49532587

So you're afraid that they were going to kill a person who wasn't there with weapons they didn't bring?

>> No.49532594


>> No.49532662

Youre a weakling who would rather have confort and watch his race die slowly than have extreme disconfort and force extreme measures that could invert the situation white people are in right now. Trash weak clowns like you are going to get flushed in the upcoming years and thats a great thing. Only the strong will survive. Fuck you weak cunt piece of garbage and your zion don copium. Eat shit

>> No.49532705

Seething wallfag. Imagine giving sheckles to the guy who made the fed print 4 trillion dollars

>> No.49532712

>voted for trump
>works from home
>friends with local farmers/ranchers
>doesn't mindlessly soisoooooome
Yeah I'm pretty comfy. Have fun, bidets.

>> No.49532789

actually they fired a drone at an US Iraqi base and Trump backed off

>> No.49534191

>made the fed
The stimulus packages were voted on by congress

>> No.49534246

>Trump did....

more than you can say about biden. Even the liberal retards are starting to see now Biden is literally not even doing anything except reading a teleprompter writing by the puppet masters