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49523764 No.49523764 [Reply] [Original]

Why did btc fail as an inflation hedge and store of value

>> No.49523797

Friends, throw away your thoughts. They're scam. Join Streeth.

> Street Art NFTs by world recognized street artists.
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> Bullish $STREETH with high % of yield staking

>> No.49523807

Because jews dont like it

>> No.49523821

I concur with the jeet >>49523797
this is a terrible thread

>> No.49523827

Thanks just bought all of them

>> No.49524070
File: 40 KB, 1024x576, BTC_number_of_transactions_per_month.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was captured by hostile parties and artificially constrained. A "store of value" without any actual inherent value or utility is just a worthless collectible.
If a cryptocurrency came out today with one 1 MB block every 10 minutes, it'd be worth less than a dollar. All Bitcoin BTC has going for it is its name.

>> No.49524339

It was designed to be digital gold, but instead its treated as a penny stock that SEC niggers haven't limited day trades on

>> No.49524456

>inherent value
dunning kruger concept
also, bitcoin never "shifted" to anything
the code is the same as it was before, only better and cleaner
>It was designed to be digital gold
>Why did btc fail as an inflation hedge
it's not designed as a hedge to anything
it did however go from 9k to what we have now because of how much money has been poured into the economy, so I don't really see how it has "failed" anything
you are just some gold fish memory faggot

>> No.49524482

>If a cryptocurrency came out today with one 1 MB block every 10 minutes, it'd be worth less than a dollar
dunning kruger
you are brainless faggot who doesn't understand why the limitations are in place
retarded nigger brain, apologize of your mother dies in her sleep tonight

>> No.49524483

Taming your bitcorns and regulating your markets etc etc

>> No.49524518

its under attack by the WEF

>> No.49524543

because it's not a commodity, only commodities can become complete currencies.

monero is the only useful crypto but still not a complete currency, all others are just there for speculation.

>> No.49524681

Bitcoin's main advantage over gold was that it can be transferred digitally without a central party. Once you take that away, it's just worthless bits. At least gold has industrial/chemical uses. Gold's value doesn't come from the difficulty in moving it, so artificially introducing friction to Bitcoin transfers isn't going to make it valuable. It's in the title of the whitepaper: "A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System." Nowhere in the whitepaper does it mention "store of value."
As for the limitations, Satoshi never intended for them to stay forever. Capping the blocksize limit was to prevent spammers from filling up the blocks with nonsense transactions at a time when fees were basically free. He even suggested how a blocksize increase would be implemented.
>It can be phased in, like: if (blocknumber > 115000) maxblocksize = largerlimit It can start being in versions way ahead, so by the time it reaches that block number and goes into effect, the older versions that don’t have it are already obsolete.

>> No.49524769
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I guess because they are fucking gigantic? I don't know, too retarded to understand, my investments are only in memecoins.
I don't need to think much to get rich, qom has already given me enough to pay for my apartment for at least 2 months

>> No.49524837


Bitcoin is not needed. Monero is the only crypto that matters.

>> No.49524845

>Once you take that away
Uh, how? Ive done cellphone wallet to cellphone wallet transactions more times than I can count.

>> No.49524984

It became a center for gambling and cringe