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File: 49 KB, 666x666, 1654011105491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49510020 No.49510020 [Reply] [Original]

Even if I get a good job girls will just make fun of me. I'll never make it.

>> No.49510056

just a shit test op lmao

>> No.49510060

you must be 18 to post
also that bitch will come crawling when (you) start to earn money

>> No.49510075

learn c like a straight white man and you'd have no problem

>> No.49510121

Stop being a whiney faggot that screenshots interactions with every girl and just flirt back.

>> No.49510165

All STEM fags deserve this treatment.

>> No.49510167

>make money
>buy yacht
>fuck bitches

simple as that

>> No.49510171

>Picking up girls through social media.
Found your problem.

>> No.49510226
File: 71 KB, 660x856, disregard-females-acquire-currency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49510279

>shit test
Immediately drop women who do this sort of thing.

>> No.49510397

Get asked a simple question that implicitly defaults to "do you know any (foreign) languages. Answer autistically with programming languages. He fucking deserved it.

>> No.49510451


so... all of them?

>> No.49510463
File: 262 KB, 680x763, 66f-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immediately drop women who do this sort of thing.
in fact, immediately drop women period.

>> No.49510495

normal guy:
>haha i think my ex's and bank account would disagree :)
>gets a date
typical 4chan user
>wtf did you just say to me you whore, ill have you know ...
>literally gets ignored

>> No.49510561
File: 74 KB, 645x770, polfeis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no I meant PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES you stupid roastie whore
>you just want some bbc who speaks swahili fuck you

>> No.49510615

>Even if I get a good job girls will just make fun of me. I'll never make it.
if you're gonna act like this yeah, fucking pussy get over it, just be a little more playful and grow some balls

>> No.49510691

LOL incel btfo

>> No.49510764

Show off your bank account with said job and deny the roasties

>> No.49510777
File: 32 KB, 584x700, 1654880342284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nerd virgin and jobless
I make more money than 95% of the population why are they like this

>> No.49510820 [DELETED] 

lol, yar poor baby. It seems that u lost all your money? be wiser and use Streeth.

>Street Art NFTs by world renowned street artists.
>Fully secured personal Vault
>Doxxed KYC Team
>Team of eight with 50+ years of combined experience

>> No.49510824

instead of getting butthurt you could replied something witty back at her

>> No.49510866

>normal guy
More like autistic virgin freak pretending to be normal guy lmao...wtf is wrong with you nigger

>> No.49510900

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.49510927

lol the jealousy is palpable

>> No.49510950

Why are you talking to ugly women? Those sluts look like they hit the wall at 17.

>> No.49510970

Even elderly women will give the shit test all day long.

>> No.49511013

Just need to learn to not take them seriously. They act primarily based on emotions like a child, so just brush them off as such. Once you realize that what they say doesn't matter, then you remain unaffected.

>> No.49511032
File: 677 KB, 952x940, 1648231114821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your three languages?
Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Michael Kors?
High bodycount, insecure and fatherless?

>> No.49511093

those sluts probably suck BBC daily for weed cash and will fall off by 25. keep your head up king

>> No.49511364

Answer with this
"Not exactly
More like
Based, redpilled and i hate niggers"

>> No.49511369


The oh brother one looks cute. The other one is fat and ugly. >>49510060

>> No.49511510

who dat bih think she is to judge a man
we need the burning the witches bacc women have become too stupid and arrogant
kill jew kill women support kill jew shield kill blm women tranny and green politics retards

>> No.49511550


>> No.49511612

>immediately drop women
you could've just ended your sentence there

>> No.49511705
File: 419 KB, 500x368, love.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman flirts with me
>immediately drop the ball
>post meme on 4chan to complain "girls make fun of me" to feel better

>> No.49511757

> html, css and javascript
Poor rajesh

>> No.49511774

>listing html and css unironically
I hope you're underage, else you might want to look into $rope

>> No.49511818

Those bitches were right to make fun of you. Who states html and css as languages they know. Stay a virgin forever webdev cuck

>> No.49511831

>shit test

Yikes. Don’t play this game. If they do this shit call them cringe and drop them.

>> No.49511847

That's not flirting

>> No.49511849

This. Women get wet and have mad respect for you when you don't take their taunts seriously. Just joke back, or play it off like you don't care. For people who don't get it women like to be bitches but when they feel your strength instead they love it.

>> No.49511853

Learn to banter with normie bitches and maybe you'll actually lose your V

>> No.49511856

lmfao even your own mom shit tests you dude and you're probably too dumb to notice. It's in their nature to weed out the weak.

Stop being weak.

>> No.49511878

It depends,it's not always like that

>> No.49511888

Reply with "I make 120k a year"

>> No.49511895

Last time my mom tried that I straight up called her a cunt and she laughed.

Wtf is wrong with women unironically?

>> No.49511926

why would you waste your keystrokes on such an obvious bait bitch, there's better things to being alive

>> No.49511965

All women shit test. Problem is if you're not good at witty replies then makes you just look like seething.

>> No.49511967

Cuck nigger who wants a whore who is only with you because of beta buxx. Thread is cancer, shat up by too many non tranny, real women, of the stupid kind.

>> No.49511996

Well the best thing to do is always display your strength and not be perturbed by a woman.

>> No.49512156

>All Western women shit test.
When I make it I'm going to East Europe to wife up a big titty Slav girl like prime Yulia Nova or Jana Defi.

>> No.49512271

>Wtf is wrong with women unironically?
Men, if women are acting up, something's wrong with the men. They shit test because the "proof" of your manhood isn't already being worn on the outside (because those things are considered mean and uncivilized by society) so they have to create small moments where you can "prove" your manhood. It actually makes perfect sense why they do it, and it's hilarious because you only fail them if you truly lack self worth. I never failed a shit test when I felt highly of myself, or at least above the girl that was testing me. I didn't have to think about it, I didn't acknowledge it as a shit test, my natural response was proper and masculine because of the state of mind I was in.
I've also been a depressed fragile little bitch loser before, no surprise during that time in my life, I failed every single shit test, would fucking fall for the bait and get over emotional every time.

>> No.49512354

>mad respect for you when you don't take their taunts seriously

theyre midwits you shouldn't even associate with them just inform them they're about as valuable as your fleshlight then stop responding

>> No.49512379
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>> No.49512415

You don't have to be witty, you have to truly not give a fuck. Showing comfort with laughing at yourself and being teased is just as good. All they wanna know, is that you're not a little bitch.

>> No.49512452


then say that? Or make fun of yourself, if you're making enough money to live comfortably you're better off than 70% of the people in the US you shouldn't be insecure
ask em somethin like how many days off work they can skip before they can't pay their light bill or somethin

>> No.49512477

>html, css, javascript
>earn money

>> No.49512576

Young kids automatically know how cool and valuable dad is but mom has to bitch test to know

>> No.49512726

>crying laughing emoji
>unironically responding with programming languages when asked what you speak

If it's you in the picture OP, you deserve much worse than what you got.

>> No.49512787

You should've said English and ebonics

>> No.49512872

get fucked incel

>> No.49512912

The only thing you should be discussing with women is how much and whether you need them to be on their back or not.

>> No.49512913
File: 469 KB, 680x759, 1654154463571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lisp, bash and C

>> No.49512951

Also this. You thought programming languages would be cute and make you sound smart? You think a woman will be impressed by that?

You just tossed cold water on her pussy. You should've said something like

>I speak the only language that matters, English

Or something equivalent. Communicate to her that you don't give a shit how many languages she knows instead of playing her game.

>> No.49512986


you deserve it for flexing your entry level CS skills to thots. get rekt

>> No.49513004

>dance around like a monkey so they will like you anon!

>> No.49513078

2nd one likes you, give her shit back you whiny little faggot
> ya i built onlyfans, ur account still owes us $17.69, plz pay before the end of the month

>> No.49513093
File: 84 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I speak english and deepwater jew

>> No.49513117

>bitches die of dehydration.
Sometime you have to keep your powerlevel hidden.

>> No.49513401

those are not girls OP ...they will never have children and when they die their parents will put their birthname on the tombstone and feel relief

>> No.49513408

Women don't shit test the men they fear losing. Shit tests are a bad sign if you're chad, a good sign if you're a incel virgin loser like OP though, because "maybe"is better than a flat no. Like how sea water is better to a dying sailor than dying from dehydration.

>> No.49513459

She's shitting on you for being a web dev

>> No.49513624


>> No.49513671

Hi mates, don't let those shillers fool [ya|you}. Invest only the trusted projects! Like Chainlink.

>Buy & stake Chainlink Tokens
>Audit by CoinScope
>Verified KYC Team
>Verified random functions

>> No.49513742

sick burn, ngl

If you could say you're a fullstack with at least 10 languages under your belt you might stand a chance

>> No.49513999

Silly anon: only C++, python and ruby will please the discerning thot in current year!

>> No.49514074

The guy who screenshot that is an obvioua autist, hence the crying emoji that doesn't really fit there.
Should've said something like French, but only when we put our tongues together, thus I can call myself "bilingual that way"
>English and French, but for the latter, I need your tongue on mine so I can be bilingual, if you know what I mean

>OP's question
Just make shit up regarding your job title. Like everyone does in LinkedIn.
If you're a programmer working at Avira, then say
>Security Engineer
>Frontline Defense Scientist

>> No.49514287

Just say love language you retard lmao

>> No.49514629

He's like trying to meet them half way with the cringe emoji shit and then spergs out about something that requires too many neurons for the average emoji user to grasp. Looks hella insecure and faggy, and she immediately checked him on his gay bullshit lmao.

She'd seem pretty based if she didn't bring up the jobless thing. Makes her look like a stealth goldigger.

>> No.49514753

Hello me

>> No.49514777

They all shit test. You're not monkey dancing you are showing your strength.
Wrong. Even chad gets shit tested, just not as often. The more weakness you display the more you'll get shit tested. Stronger men who pass shit tests don't get tested as much.
>maybe is better than a flat no
"Maybe" IS no. There's no difference when a woman says maybe, maybe means no.

>> No.49515219

LMAO go fuck your computer STEMcels

>> No.49515336
File: 54 KB, 460x469, 15F9EFD4-E70E-4333-A757-5788707AFF1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a partner in a law firm, up for equity partner at almost 1 mill if that happens. Women still don’t want to date me.

Stop believing jobs, reputation, status or money help you in the dating scene.

>> No.49515433

Balance well doggo

>> No.49515556

balance well doggo

>> No.49515734

So become their bitch

Yes but she is old, old people don’t matter

Get a load of this monkey, if you are happy being a joke just say it

>> No.49515776
File: 107 KB, 700x701, reject-modernity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49515782


Clan faggot looks like a bitch on you. Queer.


Yes. He should fuck the 3 of the 4 and feed the other to the sow out back.


You text like a 50 year old used up virgin whore.

>> No.49515806

>woman makes fun of you
>Not saying you speak money, intelligence, and cybersex as a reply
Just fucking go for it lmao

>> No.49517321

imagine giving a fuck what a women thinks.

>> No.49517462

ITT redpilled, 5'5, recessed copers talking about "shit tests"

No shit tests for your face, incel. Chad hasn't gotten a "shit test" in his entire life.
Just grow a jaw, chin, maxilla, hairline, eye area and add an inch to your height lmfao. Not that hard.

>> No.49517476

Filtered from life
Git gud, scrub

>> No.49517535

Is this the oldest meme still circulating? This one predates Pepe and Wojak even.

>> No.49517693


>> No.49517892

What do you do if all those things describe you?

>> No.49517925

No retard

>> No.49517934

balance well doggo

>> No.49518092

Agree and amplify

>> No.49518184

Have you tried not being a little faggot?

>> No.49518208

>teaching anons dare vs deer
You're not gonna get through to any retards here bro