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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 748x455, ydbwEwR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4945830 No.4945830 [Reply] [Original]

Shame on you /biz/!

>> No.4945840


>> No.4945847

good fuck these subhumans and their jewish consumer culture

>> No.4945853
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>> No.4945875

Nobody takes bitcoin seriously anymore, even r*ddit has moved on.

>> No.4945878
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>> No.4945883

>Bitcoin, the hacker-project-cum-digital-currency
I did cum a couple of time from my mad gainz tbqh.

>> No.4945919


>> No.4945922
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bitcoin protocol has become unequal to use

>> No.4945924
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And the last part

>> No.4945944

what does this have to do with judaism?

>> No.4946126

>being this new

>> No.4946133

>Written by Annie-Rose Strasser
>Strasser surname: German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) topographic name for someone living by a main street or highway

>> No.4946171

>some brainlet nocoiner spewing bullshit
move along nothing to see here
OP is a faggot and probably the author himself

>> No.4946195

>Satoshi invents bitcoin (as the story goes)
>blames Whitey for people not having equal wealth
Why did we keep these nation-wreckers out of the ovens again?

>> No.4946199
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>> No.4946249

i like how they admit white men are the only self sufficient group in the world and that all others are subhumans that need the gov to hold their hand

>> No.4946279

kek. Also,

>> No.4946297

>people who want freedom are bad!
>some of us want to be reliant on others
>some of us need da giversment to feed our kids
>white people keepin us down with dey freedoms!

>> No.4946312
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>mfw black berniecrat with 24.3btc

>> No.4946317

oy vey!

>> No.4946385
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>Those who use Bitcoin are relatively wealthy white men

>> No.4946408

>waa white people are making it hard for us to be state-reliant pieces of shit

I hate niggers, women, and poor people. At least the majority of them. Grow up and start acting like accountable, responsible beings. Why did we fuck up and allow them access to voting?

>> No.4946436

Read The Culture of Critique

>> No.4946442

>about to repeal net neutrality
>new world currency will require over 100 dollars just to use it
who else comfy af here

>> No.4946446

white people are fucking awesome

>> No.4946468

Punjabi Canadian here 40 mined BTC.
It is pretty scary that the people here are going to be the new wealthy elite.

>> No.4946473

We need eugenics t.b.h. All poor people have to do is live within their fucking means.

>> No.4946513

>trying to make people feel guilty for holding BTC

These SJWs really do flip out over everything

>> No.4946516

worldwide genocide 2020

>> No.4946624

>Bitcoin @ $280

Brehs... Imagine being able to buy and hodl at that price.

>> No.4946649
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>those men are mostly white

I think like 40% of people in Crypto are white

>> No.4946683

Yeah I've seen this before doing research about bitcoin. It's an opinion piece.
Because white + man = evil.

>white men use bitcoin
>therefore they are oppressing everyone who doesn't

As if you need to be white and wealthy to buy bitcoin. As if you can't get in with $5 like many people on this board do.
The author fails to realize that the system they're supporting (banking) is actually discriminating right now though. Like for example.
Basically the argument is not against crypto. It's literally against white men.
>denied mortgages based on their sexual orientation
Would not happen with crypto because I'd never know who you were. I'd just know we have a mathematically enforced contract to make payments. I don't need to know or care about who you are.
The author would rather these issues go to court and become long, drawn out cases than just use a system that doesn't allow the possibility of discrimination.

Gotta love that last bit too that the users of a currency are responsible for fixing criminal damages, not the exchange of course, no, white men need to fix it (surprise surprise).

>> No.4946713

Good idea we will start with people holding under 21 BTC

>> No.4946717
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>SJWs can't into crypto

>> No.4946746

Everything, friendo.

>> No.4946777

they spent 100 grand on their womhyns studies degree, they need to complain about things or it's all gone to waste.

>> No.4946784

white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men,

>> No.4946846
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>the less advantaged desperately need a larger government role in the banking system
Good luck with that one pham.
I am quickly running out of fucks to give.

>> No.4946884

You're retarded

>> No.4946970

Wow, so it's a Jewish or German surname - just as I said? The bitch in OP is probably Jewish given her bitching about ebil whitey

>> No.4946989

I see an and statement not an or

>> No.4947016
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>Annie-Rose Strasser

ha ha fuck you socialist cunt

>> No.4947028

Jews aren't German so they're separate groups you mong.

>> No.4947031

Why don't they just stop complaining and buy some?

>> No.4947058
File: 367 KB, 698x400, white men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that white men are genetically flawed and inherently evil.
Being white is wrong, being male is wrong, but being both is fucking unacceptable and morally reprehensible.

>> No.4947066
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>be born in Germany
>live in Germany
>speak German
>participate in German culture
>not German

>> No.4947071

because they couldnt be bothered to watch free courses explaining crypto on youtube when it was cheap and now they can't afford it so they have to make us feel bad for not being lazy

>> No.4947098

>snake born in a barn is a horse

>> No.4947114

a dog born in a stable isn't a horse

>> No.4947138

Then the site would've said German-Jewish, not German and Jewish. Stop being a pedant. Jews are still separate from all other groups though e.g. French, English, German etc

>> No.4947151

Excellent observation, I assume you guys think dogs and snakes by default act like and are able to communicate efficiently with horses

>> No.4947155

Does the bitching about white people ever stop?
What are whites to do? Never, ever win at anything ever again?

>> No.4947190
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>> No.4947194

>implying I can understand ebonics

>> No.4947211
File: 1.86 MB, 2399x1784, Race has no biological basis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-whites have the same social value and ability to advance civilization as whites or asians

Up next
>whites are just so mean these disadvantaged HAVE to commit more crimes

Instead of just admitting your pets are the reason your cities are becoming mumbai-tier hellholes.

>> No.4947229

fuck niggers

>> No.4947240
File: 545 KB, 701x854, 1510786900082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump wins president
>roasties btfo
>right wing neets become wealthy ruling class
what a time to be alive

>> No.4947249
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Not good enough, white men don't need to just stop winning. They oppress others by merely existing. The only solution is get rid of them all and terminate white babies.

It's covert racism at heart. But remember anon, only whites can be racist.


>> No.4947323

You see I already know you're BSing me with that second graph
North Africans are mostly Arabs, meaning there is a continuum
Also I'd love to see those genetic tests for those SAT and IQ scores, and how they genetically define black, white, and mixed

>> No.4947358

Also such intelligence testing leaves out a few other societal factors, for instance:

>> No.4947375
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>> No.4947390

>muh lead poisoning is why niggers in africa haven't build a civilization despite isolation for thousands of years

Reported go to reddit with your bullshit

>> No.4947407

because then they will have to sign up to websites owned by white men, and buy coins from white men.

>> No.4947422

Nothing wrong with inequality.


>> No.4947423

No, it's more likely because they had literally 0 (zero) beasts of burden in sub-Saharan Africa

>> No.4947471

huh i never knew chinamen are white too

>> No.4947484

>You can't run a civilization without horses

Niggers literally can't not come up with excuses for their own inadequacy.

>> No.4947502

Name a civilization built without beasts of burden
I'll wait

>> No.4947509

>what are camels
are you stupid?

>> No.4947515


>> No.4947540

I didn't read shit.

>> No.4947560

literally everything

>> No.4947568

isnt not having beasts of burden at least somehwat cancelled out by living in a climate where you can farm all year?

>> No.4947575


Oh my sides these are pure gold.

>> No.4947579
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>camels in sub-Saharan Africa
Anon I...
We imported horses
Also the Incas had alpacas if that's what you're getting at

>> No.4947584

Aztecs, Olmecs, Maya.

>> No.4947606

this is what you get when women write about crypto

>> No.4947610

They don't do any of those things except speak german so they can go about their day swindling the goys. They don't """"participate""" in any goyish activities. You don't have any idea what you're talking about.

t. german with jewish family

>> No.4947626

>there are no horses in America because they're not native
I won't even ask if you're stupid.

>> No.4947646


>> No.4947669

What Jewish family? I'm part-Jew too although I don't consider myself one

>> No.4947670

>elephants aren't beasts of burden
>goats aren't beasts of burden


>> No.4947735

You do know that the elephants Hannibal used were a different species from sub-Saharan elephants right

>> No.4947764

We had niggers though.

>> No.4947782

>horse-sized elephants aren't usable!

Rollodex of excuses continues.

>> No.4947783

>0 (ZERO)
>names 3 that could have been domesticated or imported
your average 4chan converstation right here

>> No.4947850

>>the '''less advantaged''' desperately need a larger government role in the banking system
Unironically why we need reimmigration.

Also thanks OP, just bought another $3,000.

>> No.4947855

so did the africans

>> No.4947858

>every animal is equally tamable
This is a 5th grade understanding of the world
They weren't imported because the Saharan desert is a bit big

>> No.4947901

But I'm black and I like crypto. The fuck is this shit?

>> No.4947936
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Yeah there was nothing which could have served as a horse in Sub Saharan Africa...

>> No.4947941

MAYBE just MAYBE the northern african countries made so much money in gold and other minerals because they could cross the desert

being literally retarded, condolences to your family

>> No.4947949

Why didn't you stupid niggers just use other niggers as beasts of burden then since you're such worthless animals you can't even utilize what god gave you?

>> No.4947973

Why people. Don't you realize that its other white people that are your enemy? Most non-white liberal brainwashed blacks feel like say..how Patrice O'neil feels about issues.

Liberal white SJWs are the worst and no one's friend.

>> No.4947997

They did

>> No.4947999

Racing Stripes was a work of fiction for a reason anon
With what incentive would you cross a barren wasteland without even being sure if what you stumble upon will be anything of value

>> No.4948006
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>> No.4948038



>> No.4948049

Then we're going in circles. He said they've never had a civilization because they didn't have beasts of burden, when presented with various fauna of the area he claims they're unusable. I then ask why not just use other niggers. The thinking goes, these subhumans claim america was founded by jewish slavers tilling cotton fields. So why didn't they, in their thousands of years of isolation, utilize their nigger beast burden power to power a kang civilization?

>> No.4948055

she literally has makeup on in this

>> No.4948080
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>> No.4948081

Is she the one who had plastic surgery to straighten her hooked nose? Pretty hypocritical for someone who bashes "European beauty standards".

>> No.4948084

>every animal isn't equally tamable
>blacks are exactly like every other race

>> No.4948086


>With what incentive would you cross a barren wasteland without even being sure if what you stumble upon will be anything of value

Or an ocean for that matter - you can't even walk on that shit...

>> No.4948087

>gold and diamonds have intrinsic value
*breathes in*

>> No.4948090

Note if you're too stupid to understand: No matter how many beasts of burden the niggers had (they did) they wouldn't be able to use them effectively since they're subhumans.

>> No.4948113

because blacks put their voting power behind the Liberal white SJW's (democrats)

>> No.4948130

The Europeans' incentive for that was the fact that the Ottomans blocked them off from the rest of Asia
Did you even finish the 1st grade anon?

>> No.4948136

He may have said that they never had a civilization because they didn't have beasts of burden, but this is false. They never had one because they aren't mentally capable of it.

>> No.4948156

thanks for reinforcing my claim about your mental retardation

>> No.4948161

>With what incentive would you cross a barren wasteland without even being sure if what you stumble upon will be anything of value

This is the risk-averse mindset of the subhuman that causes them to never experience boundary-pushing risks. The same mindset that convinces them it's safer and easier to spend all their money on entertainment and food. The same mindset that is coddled by the jewish welfare state that in turn massages your envy into jealousy and then rage against whites and like-minded people to entrepreneurial whites.

Really. This line is a nexus of the nocoiner mindeset
>why take a risk if I'm not guaranteed a return?

>> No.4948167

Wonderful. Let the brown and black animals starve, they only take up space and resources.

>> No.4948178


She looks like she had very successful reconstructive post-chimp-attack surgery...


Speaking of chimps...

I KID I kiiiid... jk

>> No.4948188

hyphenated names are almost always jews.

>> No.4948222

>thinks gold has no intrinsic value
>uses device containing gold to broadcast his stupidity

>> No.4948236


Oh okay so incentives only matter when you say so - how about the Tahitians did they cover that in your first grade history class anon?

>> No.4948255
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>all those kikebook white knights

>> No.4948278

domesticated animals don't just fall from the sky. people have to be smart enough to domesticate them in the first place. all you are saying is that niggers aren't smart enough, therefore they are at an unfair disadvantage

>> No.4948310

>the exception is the rule
>if Africans are so smart why didn't they invent processors before the colonial era
So tell me why they still have yet to be tamed

>> No.4948325

Punjabs literally tamed elephants 2000 years ago
>niggers are stupider than street shitting pajeets

>> No.4948354

Indian elephants aren't the same species you fucking retard
Next you're going to tell me that a housecat and a tiger are equally tamable

>> No.4948356

If beasts of burden didn't exist for Africans then surely the incentive to become more intelligent wouldn't be there either. Increases in technology necessitate IQ increases in the general population and vice versa, no?

>> No.4948359

stopped reading right there

>> No.4948362

Fancy lies.

If race didn't exist all races would behave the same way, accomplish the same, and race wouldn't be identifiable on a DNA test.

>> No.4948381

someone use the makeup app on her in this photo and send it to her

>> No.4948428

>housecats and tigers are hugely variant species of the same race
>whites and blacks are the exact equal

>> No.4948473


Go back to India where you should be and you'll be fine.

>> No.4948482
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>> No.4948498

Perhaps this "Beasts of Burden" theory can be used to show why niggers never invented a written language or the wheel, too.

>> No.4948521

That implies that there are situation where you can be >tfw to intelligent
housecats and tigers are the same genus not the same race though

>> No.4948560

sorry meant family

>> No.4948566
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Oh no there are myriad cultures which seem to have worked up the ingenuity and boldness to cross vast expanses.

The exception to the rule is Sub Saharan Africans who stayed where humanity started.

>> No.4948572
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>> No.4948592

Nature itself creates inequality. So if Bitcoin promotes inequality, then Bitcoin is perfectly adapted to the world we live in.

>> No.4948619


Yea zebras are racist as fuck

>> No.4948639

Are you actually retarded anon? Is this bait?

>> No.4948669
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Jared Diamond, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.4948697

"When I was a child my father used to take me to visit the Brereton family who farmed in a place called Tengwe in Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia). They had a zebra that used to live with the dairy cattle. It was just as tame as the cows and very relaxed, unless they tried to prevent her from walking through the dairy with the cows when they went to be milked. If that happened she would go completely crazy, trying to bite anyone she could through the gate and kicking at anyone or anything."
Wow an animal that goes absolutely nuts if you don't cater to its autistic needs, sound wonderful for domestication

>> No.4948711

I don't understand what you're saying

>> No.4948730

forgot link

>> No.4948825

>They never tried to domesticate zebras so it's impossible
Every time.

>> No.4948834

>autistic horse with a stupid color pattern
fits right in on 4chin

>> No.4948841
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Winner right here.

>> No.4948873
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>if the animal hasn't been domesticated, it's because they didn't try

>> No.4948896


Of few gens of selective breeding would fix that.

>> No.4948918

Exactly. Jared Diamond is a fucking hack. You know why Africans lacked domesticated animals? Because they didn't fucking breed them.

You think already the ancestors of the rest of humanity just happily stumbled upon already tamed horses, sheep, cattle, dogs etc? Presumably the rest of humanity also happily stumbled upon already invented concepts like 'the wheel' and 'seafaring' and other sheeit that Sub Saharans never quite managed to invent.

But yeah SJW cucks gonna pretend that humanity is somehow completely exempt from biological and evolutionary reality and that we are all completely the same despite different populations being separated for millenia and evolving within radically different environments during that time.

There's absolutely no rational reason to think that an Australian Abbo or Sub-Saharan African - with a history of more or less stone age living pre colonization - might have evolved under slightly different selection pressures to someone of Chinese or European/Mediterrannean/Indian descent with millenia of literate and sophisticated high population density urban civilization behind them.

>> No.4949015
File: 2.47 MB, 640x360, 1461703207736.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally the reason though. Blacks were too stupid to persevere, they came to the same idiotic conclusion you did >>4948697 here. You think the original horses were like the ones you find in modern stables? They were as wild as every other beats out there. Blacks simply were too lazy to try.

>> No.4949031

>But yeah SJW cucks gonna pretend that humanity is somehow completely exempt from biological and evolutionary reality and that we are all completely the same despite different populations being separated for millenia and evolving within radically different environments during that time.
You're strawmanning, name an SJW that doesn't acknowledge the evolutionary trait of sickle cell or lactose tolerance

>> No.4949060


No, you dumb ass faggot, it's showing the beginning process of Europeans attempting to domesticate the zebra, with through selective breeding they would have eventually succeeded at, like however many generations it took for them to form the dog from the wolf, and so on.

I hope we some day have a way to selective breed your ilk out of existence, or at least fill you bullets.

>> No.4949075

Looks like a pink Wojak.

>> No.4949098
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Anything can be domesticated.

One of these was bred from a species of wild, dangerous animals into a comical, well-tamed novelty - the other is Snoop Dogg his music is shit.

>> No.4949110

oy vey!!

>> No.4949114

>that wojak

>> No.4949130

Try googling: lactose tolerance racist.
No seriously, do it.

>> No.4949143


>> No.4949157

That implies that we know how the first horses were domesticated
Now if you ask me, the hypothesis that the entirety of Africa just never got around to it in the thousands of years zebras lived there seems only a tad unlikely
>altright makes it a meme
hmmmm I wonder why a clickbait headline would say that

>> No.4949173

Don't link them Korean ex volumes

>> No.4949199


Get off, you're just being dishonest. You know full-well the current dispensation says by and large that race stops at skin color alone, and they just begrudgingly and rarely mention the various genetic disorders certain races are predisposed to, such as Ashkenazi kikes having a predisposition to schizophrenia and lying, you being a good example of that.

>> No.4949213

sickle cell fights off malaria = beneficial
lactose tolerance costs energy and no one drinks milk = beneficial
brains cost more energy, and in a land of plenty low iq = beneficial

it's all 'bout energy conservation, and it all makes sense

>> No.4949233

>Now if you ask me, the hypothesis that the entirety of Africa just never got around to it in the thousands of years zebras lived there seems only a tad unlikely

Well, we actually have records of european and asian stablekeepers. You use the word "unlikely" incorrectly lel

>> No.4949236

a snake and a horse are different species you fuckwit

>> No.4949255

>That implies that we know how the first horses were domesticated
put a gentle male with a gentle female
it's not fucking rocket science

>> No.4949269

So are Germans and jews

>> No.4949290

Go easy on him with the husbandry dude, he's probably black.

>> No.4949307


Well, go fucking volunteer in the Peace Corps for some Sub-Saharan African country and see for yourself how they live. People don't realize blacks are the OLDEST part of humanity, meaning the rest of us evolved further than them.

>> No.4949328
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They should go make their own commie coin that spreads coins around to everyone's wallet. They can stay the hell out of ancapistan.

>> No.4949358

>you can't evolve within Africa you need to leave first
I didn't know everything in the ocean was that way since the beginning of time...
And yet we still haven't done it

>> No.4949388

I'm actually a 31 year old black male

>> No.4949467
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Yes but you sound upwardly mobile sir - we have no issues.

>> No.4949476


You don't have to stay in Africa per say, but it's the cold and surviving the brutal conditions that made the Europeans and Asians superior when it comes to THINKING and using the mind. Blacks had it relatively easy, apart from predators, which every other group also had to contend with.

What race are you? Face it, life ain't fair, nature ain't fair, and evolution is real. Get over it and stop being such a faggot.

>> No.4949486
File: 214 KB, 583x641, ThisIsReal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4949493


oh fuck the SJWs have arrived.

>> No.4949525

What the fuck are you talking about
Europe has and had barely any predators, is extremely temperate, and has plenty of arable land

>> No.4949597

>Europe has and had barely any predators, is extremely temperate, and has plenty of arable land
Lol. It barely has any predators because they got hunted to death by humans. Also places like Spain are absolute wastelands. Meanwhile places in subsaharan Africa like the former Rhodesia are the best farmland in the world.

>> No.4949649

Should we kill all black and brown bears and only leave polar bears alive because they're white?
Pandas are half white so they're mutts and must die right?

>> No.4949694

this projecting, tho

>> No.4949696

>dose EVIL EVIL WITE DEMONS are the only ones that can afford to invest in Bitcoin

Daily reminder that if you're a leftist, you're basically one big humanoid looking mound of cancer.

Literally anyone could buy Bitcoin in the first few years when it was new and worth nothing. Now that all the early risk has paid off for the early investors, the leftlings want to reap all the rewards without actually doing anything

>> No.4949720

And that's why several successful civilizations were located in Zimbabwe throughout history
>inb4 your knowledge of African history only goes as far back as the colonial period

>> No.4949755

>no longer exist and never left a mark on history

>> No.4949775
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>> No.4949793

>never left a mark on history
>in mentioned in history
Okay anon

>> No.4949803


>> No.4949837

Germanistan you mean?

>> No.4949845
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>> No.4949877

>Non-hispanic white
Only kind of white

>> No.4949880

ypipo confirmed degenerate and of need of purging

>> No.4949893


fucking die you fucking commie faggot cunt!

>> No.4950013
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Bless you Anon that gave me a nice chuckle

>> No.4950192


Is this nutbag afrocenterist still at it?

>And that's why several successful civilizations were located in Zimbabwe throughout history

Just get over it dude - catharsis will come when you stop identifying with the idea of being "black".

>> No.4950381

>per say
Thank you common core

>> No.4950424
File: 133 KB, 560x577, Smug asuka patriots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck br*wn "people"

>> No.4950452

The article isnt wrong. Do you expect Laquisha and Tyrone from the projects to be able to invest in btc?

No chance. Not like they had one to begin with.

>> No.4950741

let me ask you this...what do you think the outcome would be if you went to an inner city housing project, set up a table with a laptop, and offered to help people invest into crypto, without charging for your services.
A) some people are interested, and you help them to invest
B) nobody looks twice at you
C) a couple of people are interested, but then a few urban youths walk up and crack your skull, steal your laptop, and whatever else you have and leave you bleeding on the sidewalk.
My point is, that black culture in general, lacks any semblance of forward thinking, an emphasis is placed on instant gratification, with little thought given to future consequences. I truly believe that is one of the fundamental reasons blacks find themselves in the state they are today. Both in developed nations, and historically across Africa, where they have basically stagnated for generations.

>> No.4950789


>> No.4950861

If whitey does it I have to whine and cry like a little bitch waaay.

>> No.4950953


Slavery, Jim Crow laws, and distribution of crack cocaine in black neighborhoods has absolutely 0 to do with the majority of where American blacks are today.

You realize Jim Crow was only abolished 60 years ago right?

>> No.4950967

But science says it started in the Mediterranean now.

>> No.4950997

> urban youths
Identify yourself, miscer

>> No.4951088
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>> No.4951166
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>only 60 years ago
60 years ago, my father's family were basically subsistence farmers, and my mother's family were poor beaner laborers. I'm an engineer making $80k from work and more off of crypto.

Why? Because I'm not a nigger. I have enough self-control to suffer a little in the present for the sake of future gains, something that the negroid mind is lacking.

>> No.4951196

Feels bateman

Btw, you're a cumskin and you're the type of person that gave me the reason why I left the misc.

>> No.4951242
File: 39 KB, 590x350, Sputnik-695836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Slavery, Jim Crow laws, and distribution of crack cocaine

Try being Russian dickhead - slavery (Slavic), serfdom, starvation, meat-grinding warfare, genocide, communist dictatorship, social collapse and rebuilt largely by organised crime networks and secret police.

Hundreds of millions of people dead, unimaginable suffering - whilst you were whining about your pussy Jim Crow laws they were launching Sputnik.

Face it - the reason you place so much social capital on victimhood at this point as a racially self-identified sub-culture is because you know you're not able to do better than leaching off of "white guilt" -- which is fast fading and what fun that shall be.

>> No.4951253

>Shame on you /biz/!

Always bet on white

>> No.4951263

uwotm8? OG misc crew. before it was complete shit. back in the days of malodrax and ybd. youre probly a no avi red phaggot.

>> No.4951295

>mathmatically enforced contracts

expain this meme, what if i loan 2 buttcoins and just stop working and dont pay back. Will bitcoin ring me?

>> No.4951300

where are their parents from ? blood > passport

>> No.4951337

how come rhodesia and s. AFRICA were so much better under whites you fucking nigger?

>> No.4951374

Brah, you know about the sex section? You know why people left the sex section and went to the misc? If you know why it was rebranded as "Relationship Advice" then you are an OG og. If you were aware that my mother has a severe medical condition, you're somewhat OG. If you know why the thread of some dudes asian girlfriend posing in front of a miata had to be closed, you're og.

YBD era was is still new in my eyes. Still a small fry in relation to me kid

>> No.4951569
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Honestly, that's what I call a cool story bro. Such a riveting tale, I honestly copy and pasted it to word, saved on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age, and ask what it is I'm showing them), when I will pick it up, put it in an old USB drive reader and relay this cool story to them and tell them, "kids, this is what a cool story should look and sound like...not like the stories your generation tells.

>> No.4951768

If they were so much better than why aren't they re-electing white leaders?
Rly gets my noggin a joggin

>> No.4951785
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Lets just admit we're both OGs. And that's funny, because u are 1 ****ing cheeky **** mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u i swear on my mums life
and i no u are scared lil bitch gettin your mates to send me messages saying dont meet up coz u r sum big bastard with muscles lol ****in sad mate really sad jus shows what a scared lil gay boy u are and whats all this crap ur mates sendin me about sum bodybuildin website that 1 of your faverite places to look at men u lil ****in gay boy fone me if u got da balls cheeky prick see if u can step up lil queer

>> No.4951945
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, malodrax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sam08 hhhhhhnnnnggggghhhhhhhhhhh
repped OG Misc Crew

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.4952062


Aaand I'm out. Malodrax was the lost /b/tard that found his way to the misc

>> No.4952278

Severely underated. Borders wall-o-text, but still, underated

>> No.4952688

I know, right?

I one told a liberal at a bar that My job when I wake up every morning is to grow the wealth inequality between me and the average person as much as I can.

The REEEE was so loud that it shattered my eardrums.

Good thing I have private insurance for that kind of thing.

>> No.4952875
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>bitcoin users need to be wealthy

>> No.4952917

Is this the peak of nocoiner butthurt?

>> No.4953111

TLDR slavery and africa, world economics, etc
If you watch the entirety of these, consider yourself informed




some recent tidbits on various topics, destruction of the family and black communities, etc