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49504331 No.49504331 [Reply] [Original]

Prepere your anus

>> No.49504548

I was expecting (hoping for) worse
they are fudging the numbers but there is a limit to how far they can go, then everything implodes

>> No.49504643

Anyone with half a brain would know that 8.3 or whatever it is they want us to believe is actually complete bullshit

>> No.49504985


I love how "economists expected...".

>> No.49505033
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why aren't people escaping inflation by putting their money into my magic internet tokens?

>> No.49505082

Reminder that everyone with any decision-making authority at the Fed has a PhD in economics, yet they're still consistently wrong by huge margins

>> No.49505125

That's what I'm doing. I hope to feed a whole village before the end of the year.

>> No.49505149

>escaping inflation
anonymous poster...

>> No.49505158

They are doing it intentionally anon.

>> No.49505894

they arent wrong anon, they are just saying bullshit to the public
they know how bad shit is but have to keep a clear face about it to the outside world
at that level it isn't about being technically right in economic matters but all about the politics
its all kabuki theater fren

>> No.49505949

Cattle are not allowed to question what their Master says

>> No.49505993

this but unironically

>> No.49506049

Having an university tittle just means you are a midwit.

>> No.49506108

I vaguely remember reading here that the US changed how they measure inflation in 1984, so the real number is likely far higher. Same with my country, they say it went up 9%, but they keep changing it all the time to hide the real number is is at least double that.

>> No.49506245

i don't even know anymore anon, we just increased solar cell efficacy by 8 percent, up to a whopping 32%, vertical wind farms are a thing, along with all kinds of really cheap and efficient ways to overhaul our modern system. Then you read the new and it's like we'll all be eating out of the one dumpster they roll into town every week, filled with old McDonalds and burger king. That's the life they want to push us into. When the time comes i know i'll probably just have to leave everything behind and go settle with farmers. Let them know i'm a machinist, good with my hands, hope they take me in.

>> No.49506295

Inflation over the pass two years is probably 20% per year for things that actually matter.

>> No.49506376
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At least those retards expected it this time
At least, but they hide it will bullshit luxuries and things people rarely buy.

>> No.49506555

Because they lie.
On top of that, education in economics is bogus.

>> No.49506660
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the scariest part is that the real inflation number is much higher than 8.6%. in america they report on inflation with the CPI (consumer price index) which is a basket of goods. they rebalance the basket by claiming that people tend to drive less for leisure, or substitute prime rib for chicken, or some other bullshit. this allows them to swap out more expensive products for cheaper products and manipulate the CPI basket downward.

but even the prices of individual products are manipulated. they perform quality or hedonic adjustments for proclaimed improvements of quality. a good example is cars. cars are getting more and more expensive but they adjust the price downward because a car from today has, for example, a touch screen infotainment system and an 8 speed automatic transmission. a car from yesterday might have a dumb radio and a 5 speed automatic transmission. they claim that the newer version of the car is a massive quality improvement, and so they can rightfully adjust the price downward to make it comparable on a $ to $ basis to the old car. in reality this is ridiculous. see pic related. the only measure of inflation that matters to the consumer is how much they pay at the cash register/sales counter for identical goods.

this sounds like schizophrenia but it's true. the BLS (bureau of labor statistics) talks about quality and hedonic adjustments on their own website. and they also talk about product substitutions within the basket. this is how you reconcile a 10% reported food inflation for april 2021 to april 2022 with witnessing firsthand, with proof of store receipts, the price of food going up 50% minimum in the same period of time.

>> No.49506664 [DELETED] 

> PhD in economics
Dude Economics is social policy, it's not some sort of science, and we all know the state of social policy in West and who is behind it.

>> No.49506706

>good with my hands
you ever mounted a bull boi?!

>> No.49506749

> PhD in economics
Dude Economics is social policy, it's not some sort of science, and we all know the state of social policy in West and the people behind it.

>> No.49506759

This might come as a surprise to you, but you being an altright incel getting rugged on shitcoins doesn’t mean you know better than the fed.

>> No.49506821

Yeah shits fucked mate

>> No.49506851

>close down most of the economy
>pay people [museum social media engagement team tm] £30k to sit at home for a year twiddling their thumbs even more
>war starts involving russia and US regarding giant gas pipeline
like.... gee barse.... it toe ally gadzooked us!

>> No.49506863

And you being a pleb dhs agent who goes online to monitor people makes you objectively dumber than the average biz/poltard. What did you study poli sci? Anthropology? Lmaoo. Get out of here you ridiculous pleb.

>> No.49506978

Economics is the ultimate Jew science. I have an MA in Econ, let me speak
>when you’re wrong it’s because of an unexpected unexplainable change
>predictions are always wrong, yet the predictions of economists are somehow better than the predictions of the uninitiated
>circlejerk when economists are right; wrong predictions memoryholed
>if a model is proven wrong, the critique is just incorporated into a new, better model
>zero predictive power
It’s just modern Jewry, folks.

>> No.49507066

>PhD in economics
not a real job. not a real degree.

>> No.49507076

Being low iq isn’t a badge you wear, it’s a mark of shame, subhuman. Know your place. all of your fellow retards tell you how „based“ you are for being just as dumb as them in your little echo chambers, but you stay a low iq subhuman no matter how many ways you spin it. Now kys. That’s the only good thing you could possibly do with the worthless excuse you call your „life“.

>> No.49507193

exactly. It does sound schizo until you actual are able to explain it to people with real numbers at the store.

Its like coffee almost all 2019 and 2020 a 12oz bag of almost any brand of ground or unground coffee (dunkin/starbucks/peets/store brand) were 5-6$ a bag in 2021 it shot up to around 7-8 and now its closer to 10-12 depending on which store has a sale that week... thats a 100% increase in 2 years but they will use the cheapest coffee brand vs the cheapest increase brand to show coffee only went up by 20% or whatever lower number they use currently.

>> No.49507245

Those numbers are bullshit. I'm willing to bet they're a lot higher than that.
Feds trying to play us like fools.

>> No.49507261

How can "economists" be so wrong about something this easy to track? Nigs just send your people to shops and track data. You're dealing with billion dollar funds and you can't send people to look at prices in a fucking wallshart

>> No.49507276


>CPI prediction off by 0.3%
>wrong by huge margins

Pick one

>> No.49507305

Hahaha dude you work for the govt you are a midwit. Who are you to think you’re high iq. You’re the subhuman lol

>> No.49507328

0.3% in CPI means you were off in a huge way in annualized MONTHLY inflation for THIS MONTH. Which is what's being released. It's 12% this month, they expected it to be like 4%. Yeah they're hugely wrong

>> No.49507367

>off by huge margins

No anon they know exactly what they’re doing. They’re playing the classic “pretending to be retarded”. Classic jar jar binks Sith Lord esque type play.

>> No.49507406

You mistake malice with ignorance. The fed and most economists are fully aware of what’s going on. It’s just that the media only ever interviews economists who are willing to tell the Feds lie, while the guys who tell the truth don’t get to be on CNBC

>> No.49507435 [DELETED] 

Friends, let's join Streeth! This project is worthy and extra profitable!

> Street Art NFTs by world recognized street artists.
> Fully secured personal Vault
> Audit by CoinScope

>> No.49507525
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Zis is ok you VILL have other choices for food goyim

>> No.49508038

>along with all kinds of really cheap and efficient ways to overhaul our modern system
Anon, have you actually done any research at all on how electrical grids work? Or do you just regurgitate headlines you scrolled past on l****t? Solar panels and wind farms ARE NOT adequate replacements/modernizations for aging power-grids with growing demand.

>> No.49508041


You're right, I'm an idiot :/

>> No.49509641

economics is not a hard science. it's a field based on theories of human nature and the nature of currency, and it's subject to significant error in judgment. "economists" are essentially sociologists. despite all the seethe it causes, economics has NEVER been a science