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49505067 No.49505067 [Reply] [Original]

>americans messing with the markets again
Say something nice about them

>> No.49505197

riding scooters with no protection gear in 3rd world with a fattie.
>another gore video candidate.

>> No.49505294

America is the greatest nation on Earth, never before no again will such a great nation and beacon to freedom exist. For her enemies are many, infiltrated from within, you are witnessing a coming darkness this planet will not recover from for a thousand thousand years. Prepare, be mindful, love life, love god.

>> No.49505326

Why is the fat woman thin man such a common couple type

>> No.49505486

Women unironically put on weight way faster. It's a feature.

>> No.49505517

bacon to freedom

>> No.49505632

>noooo you need a helmet
Stop being such a faggot. ATGAT is extremely cringe.

>> No.49506421

unless HRE 2.0

>> No.49507937

women can be the largest ugliest creatures alive and some idiot will still take care of her. Imagine living life in easy mode

>> No.49509338

Yes, it was so free it got taken over by gangsters in a matter of decades. What an empire. Build on greed and corruption and snuffed out like a candle by itself. I suppose it was an interesting experiment.

>> No.49509489

America is the greatest nation on earth. whether u get hurt or lose ur job u will always have support to get through it. if u don't have protection u can get it. this is freedom. if you are hungry you always have food and education for the kids of the future. if u have no money you get credit for cars and clothes or a nice suit. the only country where there is always something on tv

>> No.49509576

Freedom to become a slave to Mr. Sheckelberg? It always amuses me when mutt goblins portray their superiority complex even though their country is worse and has even less freedom than real 3rd world countries kek.

>> No.49509581

cope shitskin

>> No.49509727

average man has never been closer to inceldom
normalfags will literally date anything

>> No.49509891
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>> No.49509974
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holy shit

>> No.49510042
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>he bought the dip
He's betting on what a hot piece of ass she'd be if she were to return to a normal BMI range.

>> No.49510112

poor Wave

>> No.49510161

lmao anyone who thinks america is shit must be a nigger or worse off. I got bad news for you americunt you're the laughing stock of the world. name 1 white nation on earth that actually idolizes the us aahahhahahahah

>> No.49510201
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>> No.49510251
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>> No.49510337

Women are walking hedonism that doesn’t know when to say no. They literally all become fat whales if there’s no men/society telling them not to do it

>> No.49510362

Where did he find a trash bag that big?

>> No.49510646

t. future meat crayon

>> No.49510746
File: 2.63 MB, 720x576, 1628751582212.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49511530

That's one mean hog

>> No.49511646


>> No.49511954


Nah bro, being permaveg is cringe and burden on family/society

>> No.49512046

Finally found the wicked motherfucker who's spamming xhamster with landwhales.
You can't ride without a helmet here.