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49503476 No.49503476 [Reply] [Original]

Say something nice.

>made it in last year
>ordered my BMW i4
>the car probably arrives in july
>today I failed my driver exam


>> No.49503491

Only Turks and Arab-looking drug dealers drive those here (Denmark)

>> No.49503493

If you had truly made it you would have had a driver

>> No.49503540

If you had truly made it you would have had a driver to drive your driver

>> No.49503558

>Say something nice.

Something nice

>> No.49503583

Yeah those mind controlling parasite, the one feds have but billionaires can get it because they have made it.
If you had made it you would have that parasite to drive your driver

>> No.49503607

The opened wine bottle on my table says you are a petrolhead.

Okay, I'm already in half-drunk state but you both are smart.

I love you.

>> No.49503614

Evidence you don't need an ounce of intelligence to own expensive things, drivers tests are way below midwit tier

>> No.49503706

I've never been on highways in practice hours with my teacher. On the exam they wanted to go there. The main reason of the failure was the overtaking of trucks with slow speed (only 110 km/h) instead of 120-130 km/h. Another reason was parking with too slow speed. (front left)

Sorry if you don't understand. The wine has some effect.

>> No.49503782

Still though, it never crossed your mind to get highway experience?

>> No.49503851

I've said this to my teacher. (45 yo woman with second divorce, 2 children and tattoos) She said it isn't necessary and we can try it maybe at last practice hours. Never went there.

>> No.49503900

Big yikes getting a female instructor

>> No.49503949
File: 303 KB, 719x935, 906232B5-C7BC-4963-B021-D0528E2AD5A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bribe the motherfuckers.

>> No.49504009
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You d have a helicopter to get your car to your driver driven by the other driver.

>> No.49504112

I was forced. I don't know the reason for this but in my country there are shortages for everything. Shortage for people or materials, doesn't matter. I started this shit in 21' fall. My 'code exam' (I don't know the correct expression was back in 21' november. I've got a teacher in late january.

This milf is a really greedy, bitchy person who stopped the training 2 or 3 times with "who is the leader???" questions.

I'm thinking about changing school because I dont want to spend another half year.

Oh and this bitch is the first wife of the school owner....

>> No.49504207

Already talked about this with the school owner. He said this isn't a solution because the authorities in this year are watching this. For example I've got 2 examiner (correct word?) back in the car. Money isn't a problem btw but I think I should listen to the school owner.

>> No.49504300

If you can switch, switch, she sounds like a witch

>> No.49504441

She is and I think I'll switch. I've called another school and the guy said he can help me. He wanted to know the whole story and said he agrees with me and help me to get a succesful exam. (This was the third school I've called and the first and second said the switch is a possibility because of shortage of teachers.)

So yes, I'll probably change.

>> No.49504462

> the switch is a possibility

isn't a possibility
fuck you wine

>> No.49504676

i4 cuck.

>> No.49504792
File: 984 KB, 809x864, You_have_to_go_back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Offer more money to the school owner then.

>> No.49504958

I'm here for the tech. You know...
I4 is the future.

Wouldn't buy the whole school.

>> No.49505503

>Arab-looking drug dealers

Haha you have those in Denmark? Its the most common dealer here in England.

>> No.49505574

breh..... driver chads barely even concentrate when they're driving. ive been driving down the highway without even touching the wheel, the car just follows the contour of the road

>> No.49507186

>Not going to Romania to buy a driver's license for $100 as a Europoorian
literally ngmi

>> No.49507510

is driving school mandatory in cope-nhagen? the only benefit to going to driving school is that you pay slightly lower insurance

>> No.49507576
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OK cool now register for another exam and try again I don't see a problem? I passed after 3 my friend after 9 haha just don't give up since you have money just spam em until you pass