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49500680 No.49500680 [Reply] [Original]

And now I think I have worms. How do I fix this bros?

>> No.49500765

Take 5 pyrvin pills

>> No.49500798

Drink pine tar sap and you'll no longer be gay and all worms will climb out of your asshole

>> No.49500819
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these ingredients are kino

>> No.49500853

thinking it's rubber bands
open pic
closes pic

now I need to poop

>> No.49500889

ive done about 60 oxygen enemas so far in an attempt to clear the intestinal worms everyone has

not sure if im even close to flushing them out fully. i expect ill have to do 100. and im sure i'll still have liver and blood parasites

anyone that tells you some pills will fix it is just clueless. it's like thinking you'll lose 100lbs from diet pills.

just take your pills and pretend they're gone, because theres very few people with the mental fortitude to do necessary enemas. shitting out a mountain of worms isnt pleasant, people cant handle it

>> No.49500987

Imagine the stench

>> No.49500995

How do you know if you have them? How do they form in you?

>> No.49500997

How do I get worms?
They should be great for not gaining weight.
I wanna eat a like a slob.

>> No.49501011

do you actually see a bunch of worms in the toilet? like OP's pic?

>> No.49501035

no i have no idea whats going on in OP's pic, i assume some homeless crackhead thats been living in a dumpster for 20 years

they're microscopic. imagine if you shredded up a handful of red yarn and ate it what your poop would like it. its like that

>> No.49501073

Parasites are natural bro.
If you've ever gone hunting or fishing, you'd know the majority of wild animals have parasites of some kind. Most very common parasites have little effect on your body.
Of course, there are some that are more serious but I wouldn't worry about the common ones.

>> No.49501082

eat garlic and onions until its all gone

>> No.49501118

Ivermectin kills practically all invertebrates in your system. Good luck getting it when the medical industry is built to milk you like cancer patients in almost every case you dont have a personal physician.

>> No.49501144

What is that bean sprouts? inside a stomach?

>> No.49501245

Why do you think that you have worms?

>> No.49501262

humans have parasites on their hands, impossible to clean away forever. what are you gonna do, chop off your hands?

>> No.49501283


Very interesting. I always read about doing organic coffee enemas but never got the courage to do it. I did a Scram parasite cleanse for 17 days wyrmwood, cloves, and some other stuff that is supposed to kill them. Needless I felt amazing by day 5. I had bentonite clay to take with it but I didn't. I've never heard of oxygen enema so I'll look into that. I did see a weird white stringyness sort of but nothing that I could confirm was a worm but I didn't and don't inspect my shit often so Idk kek

It makes sense though we are the only mammal that doesn't go on a routine parasite regiment. Sure we have modern sanitation procedures and don't live like animals but even still it doesn't make sense.

>> No.49501365

Hands controlled by parasites typed this

>> No.49501391

>How do you know if you have them?
by shitting worms
>How do they form in you?
by being a pajeet who eats his own shit

>> No.49501895

Or eating McDonald’s

>> No.49501922
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im lovin it

>> No.49501936

bacteria is natural parasites are fucking disgusting and problematic to your health

>> No.49501951

I was going to post this. I had worms as a kid I ate garlic for a couple of days and I was fine after that. Idk what I ate to get them

>> No.49501969
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>all natural

>> No.49502003
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>> No.49502009
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>Good luck getting it
It is easy to get in any pet store along with a number of deworming drugs. Reality is in the western world getting worms is rare. Then again if you are prepping for WW3 maybe deworming meds might be smart to have.

>> No.49502033

>Reality is in the western world getting worms is rare.
Anyone in the west with kids, dogs or cats almost certainly has parasitic infections

>> No.49502042

Wormwood tea

>> No.49502065

Basic pinworms stick out of the anus to lay eggs, which causes itching. This prompts people to scratch their butt, which gets the eggs on the fingers. Then the eggs are inhaled or consumed when touching the mouth or food.
Eggs are also so tiny, that even if you don't scratch our ass, they easily get into the environment and float in the air with dust and are inhaled.

Early pinworm development occurs in the lungs. Then they crawl up the trachea and down the esophagus and into the intestines to feed, mate and lay their eggs at the anus to continue the cycle.

Then there are different parasites that people get by consuming uncooked meat such as pork that live in the muscles, or as multiple metre long tapeworms that span the whole intestinal tract.

No, garlic, onions or vodka, either eaten or as enemas won't get rid of them. There are pills like pyrantelum that kill them off. Hell, ivermectin is a dewormer. Most of these things are available over the counter because this issue is very common.

>> No.49502069
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They spread to different parts of the body of you don’t get to them early. They can reach your brain too.

>> No.49502116

i thought the last worm boy said to take black seed oil or someting to get rid of them

>> No.49502166

im not racist or homophobic but you’re nasty that you would even consider that

>> No.49502194

Anybody else suddenly feel like eating spaghetti?

>> No.49502225

Worms make great noodles

>> No.49502302

>everyone who eats raw meat

>> No.49502328

ill do anything to get rid of these worms