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49495705 No.49495705 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49495737

Yeah everythings gone wrong. I keep having panic attacks, I've had a nose job and my nose looks bigger :(

Keep self harming. Feel like self harming everytime i eat, feel hungry everytime i starve myself, had 1000 calories today and im just so ridiculously hungry.

I hate how i look. I hate my job. I hate where i live. I hate being single. I hate life right now.

>> No.49495818
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Me since November. God is an asshole. It wasn't enough to lose 210k. I also have to suffer with all other aspects in life too since then.

>> No.49495833

every fucking day man it's not even funny

>> No.49495961
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It's going pretty good actually thanks for asking

>> No.49496154
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>lost fully remote job in December due to vax mandate
>getting fucked so hard in job search
>I've had two offers rescinded for reasons totally out of my control (not mandate-related) and I told a third place to fuck off when they tried to Jew me on salary by offering 50% less than what I was told they could give me during every round of interviews
>made it to final stage of interviews with a couple other places too for really good jobs but came in second place so gg
>grandfather passed away in February after years of dementia, only positive male role model in my life and the biggest reason I'm not a total fuck up
>engine in my truck shit out and needs to be replaced
>denied for all government gibs because the safety next only exists for women and nonwhites, if you're a white male you get nothing for all those years of money stolen from each paycheck to pay for this shit
I've made it this far off savings/investments and my bills are paid through the month but I'll be totally fucked if I don't get hired soon.

>> No.49496229

Same but everyone in this thread is a fren and WAGMI

>> No.49496274

Went from making $300k/yr to $50k/yr because i work in mortgage and demand took a shit

Crypto portfolio went from 1.5MM to 400k right now

IRA is down 70% thanks to meme stocks

I found a qt columbian gf though. would probably kms if i was celibate as well on top

>> No.49496337

you need therapy, unironically. get help

>> No.49496351

yeah i feel the vax mandate shit. Totally fucking nuts. Waiting to see if I'm gonna get fucked by the end of the month or not

>> No.49496355

Maybe stop being a tranny?

>> No.49496376
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>have to be vaxxed to work in a remote job in your room in your house, with no contact with anyone
>when covid is pretty much over

Is this real?

>> No.49496440

I'm on the waiting list for mental health support, i was having it over the phone but its impossible to have a proper conversation over a phone when i want to rip my hair out and cut my wrists.

I dont know what to do, i think my work is beginning suspect i might be legit mad, because i made a joke about killing myself a few times :(

>> No.49496497

i am. the worst part is i found out my dog is dying today. i’ve never cried so hard in my life. she’s a good pooch that deserved a longer life.

>> No.49496512
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>> No.49496536

My job is doing great, actually booming. Thankful to have such a lucrative and most importantly, safe, job in this environment.

Buying cheapies for months

>> No.49496577

Life is suffering

>> No.49496679

My former employer (a massive globohomo company that has a lot of government contracts) fell for the OSHA fine fud and the executive order requiring federal contractors to have vax mandates fud. Plus the HR department was full of pinkhaired legbeards and soi chuggers.

I just checked and all their job descriptions (remote and in-office) still require vaccination but some other places are easing up on this retardation. I have interviews next week with a couple places that required vaccination for all employees a few months ago but now only require it for in-office employees. I probably got blacklisted at one place like this when they dicked me around.
>HR manager contacts me in March after seeing my resume on Indeed
>she loves it and says I'm perfect for the job, says they've had a hard time filling this position and she can pretty much guarantee I get it if I want it
>my resume disclosed I was fired over the mandate so I'm thinking "Cool she saw that and it's not a problem"
>look through job posting, nothing about mandate and it's fully remote plus the pay is good
>have a phone interview with HR manager, it's going well
>at the end she says "We require Covid vaccination as a condition of employment for all employees, is that going to be a problem? I saw you were terminated over this so I wanted to ask if you've reconsidered your stance on this issue."
>chimp out on her, I usually never get mad about anything but that bombshell after thinking vaccination wouldn't be a problem set me off
>specifically remember telling her I'll never reconsider allowing useless HR departments to make my medical decisions, they should say this in the job posting instead of wasting my fucking time and calling her a bitch then hanging up on her
>just looked them up and that job posting is still active, but now all their job postings say "Vaccination not required for remote workers"

>> No.49496781

I cursed the heavens today, like some kind of asshole from a movie.

>> No.49496957

gl friend. It's all such a crock of shit I can feel it but stories like that are why I'm debating on just faking it and moving on depending on what my company does here end of month with me. At this point it's become clear (to me, anyways) nobody is doing any real time over this HORRENDOUS FELONY and they just put the fear of god into people so they wouldn't do it. Even their examples are getting off scott free. Some woman producing fake cards just had to vow she wouldn't do it again. That's it. Total barnacles.

Don't know what to tell you though, hope you can make it. Weird times to not be employed, but maybe that's part of the plan. I mean it is in essence, squeeze everyone out who "retired" to spend their money until they can turn back on the money printer and all that jazz.

>> No.49497212
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Things are looking nothing but up.

>> No.49498821

> WWGCD What Would Giga Chad Do?
Apply again, better yet go around her, find the department head on LinkedIn and DM them, she'll be seething when a director level demands and tells her to hire you. Imagine the satisfaction you'll get.

>> No.49498912

I feel up and down, doing things outside helps.

>> No.49500246

I just turned down an ex after maintaining a year-long affair with her. She told me I had to leave my wife immediately, and move to a different state with her by a specific date. There was no way I could imagine making it work smoothly within her time frame, so I basically just told her to fuck off and that I don't accept ultimatums from anyone. The thing is, she is substantially younger and more attractive than my wife, but she is severely bipolar, and that's why the relationship didn't work years ago in the first place. I don't have kids, and my wife signed a prenup, so it wouldn't have been financially or legally difficult. The sex is far better, and happens way more frequently with her too (virtually every day vs. a couple of times a month). On the other hand, my wife does pretty much everything I ask her to do, and she doesn't ask for much in return. I feel sexually depleted from the affair, and kind of guilty. I don't know if I gave up a lifetime of great sex or escaped a lifetime of caretaking for a psychopath.

Is this getting justed, or am I just a selfish asshole who got confused for a while?

>> No.49500284

>JUSTed by markets.
>JUSTed by intense thirst.
>JUSTed by need to piss constantly.
>JUSTed by diabetes diagnosis.
>JUSTed by creeping ED that turned into total broke dick.
>JUSTed by shitty sagging mattress.

It's been a real shitty year so far.

>> No.49500343

Join a community. Easiest way is to go to church.

>> No.49500348
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me, brother.
>got fired a couple months ago
>ex gf tried to get me arrested
>calmly sat in the police vehicle and she got sent to jail instead for false report
>have a kid with said ex gf
>literally live in ex gf's parent's house because of the kid
>my folio is down like 66%
I am in fucking danger living here, I don't have full rights to take the kid out of here and don't want to ditch the kid.
>markets look like they may crab or tank for years

>> No.49500491

yeah, chimping out is never the right answer ever. You clearly had leverage and should have just calmly told them to re-contact you if they change their policy, but that you couldn't guarantee that you'll be in a position to take the job.

>> No.49500649
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it's shit, this last month especially
>got laid off last month over zoom in a mass firing, after 3 years of being a good goy
>state keeps denying me unemployment benefits
>dad had severe stroke and has been in hospital for 5 weeks
>GF is moving several states away, i was supposed to move in with her but now i must be my dads caregiver.
>26k in credit card debt
It is over before it even began, i used to have hope in cypto making me wealthy, but nah

>> No.49500691

2022 has been shitty beyond belief, hope it gets better for you anons

>> No.49500707

>link recovering
>getting back together with my wife after 5 months apart
>Got a new job
Things are getting better on my end. hang in there OP. A couple months ago I was in the shitter.

>> No.49500828
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>12 years at a hospital
>get called a hero for 2 years during covid
>entire department gets covid
>no no no sir. You need your multiple shots dont care how many times you got it. Theres the door.
>Take my retirement out put it in crypto
>market tanks immedately
>parents refuse to let me move back in
>3 and a half months of money left.

>> No.49500918
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go to any restaurant an hour or two after lunch and see if they need a dishwasher, you'll probably be hired on the spot. quit being such a whiny bitch and find a job that will take you for having a pulse in the meantime. please deposit 10 percent of your future salary as payment for my good advice here:

>> No.49501239

You realize theres 99% chance that younger thot leaves you after an episode and leaves you holding the bag, right? Plus the fact that uve been cheating for a year on ur wife with her, karma wouldnt allow you to keep her if you run off with her(shell end up cheating on you). Youre dodging a bullet

>> No.49501279

i had a complex focal seizure today but long term my teeth are crushing in on themselves
at least my crypto is doing okay and I can make rent

>> No.49501280

Stories like this fill me with rage. Fuck you anon. Fuck you

>> No.49501287


>> No.49501337

Really, really needed to hear that. Thanks man. Approaching middle age has got me stuck in a loop of analyzing all potential missed opportunities from my life, and that ex called me up like a week after one of my parents had an awful stroke, so I fooled myself into thinking it was kismet, and a chance to go back in time. Ran with that feeling until she dropped the ultimatum.

>> No.49501342


Move to China. They respect whites more and offer you jobs for just being white. Also plenty of cute chicks want white dick over there.

>> No.49501368

This year has been so fucking shit. Part of me just wants Putin to hit the nuke button already and end everything

>> No.49501394

Well, a feller has to make due with the cards that god gave to him, so who am I to complain with my lot in life? Hell, let me tell you something, when I feel down I remember that on feller I knew in school. See, father left him early, and mother didn't love him much, she whored herself around, always trying to find a richer man than the previous, so this classmate of mine had no father figure in his life, he was weak and got bullied by other kids. Eventually I switched schools and forgot about that kid until one day I randomly got the news that the kid died in a car crash while delivering food, at 18. Now why am I telling all of that, friend, the morale is that even if he didn't die in that car crash his life wasn't getting any better. He wasn't one of those people who started from filth and got far in life through effort, he was a dumb kid and all he could do is work as a serf for a very humble pay. You on the other hand can still turn things around, otherwise you wouldn't be posting here.

>> No.49501399
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I swear this is my last fucking chance at making money. Im not even kidding anymore, this fails or i end up underwater and i quit cryptos forever, fuck everyone. They had a massive pump a couple of hours ago but i was asleep, i have my coffee now, i won't make the same mistake

>> No.49501403

Good luck, listings are hard to make money off if you don't have enough of it to pay for the gas fees

>> No.49501408

good luck?

>> No.49501412

i won 30k from the bybit thingy, idk if im man enough to invest it, i will most likely take it out and stake it somewhere else

>> No.49501426

Even beyond how incredible this advice is, you realize society can't function if our smartest, best and brightest are all dishwashers right?

>> No.49501431

Every retarded anti vaxxer deserves this, hope you all get fired

>> No.49501449

uhh don't they seal you in your apartment to die if they track an outbreak to your location?

>> No.49501455

>everytime i eat, feel hungry everytime
Sounds like candida. You have to get rid of them heavy metals in your body, anon. Find an trustworthy naturopath in your area.

>> No.49501459

that shit is actually worse than coke.

>> No.49501514

Women should be treated with the utmost kindness, and sometimes that includes lying to them. They're not completely human like us. More like hyperintelligent house cats. There's a reason it was common practice for thousands of years across the globe for men to have multiple wives and concubines. Your responsibility in a relationship is to take care of and provide for the woman in whatever ways you can, and to protect her from harm. In exchange, the woman provides you with her loyalty. It's good to try and be loyal yourself, but it's not the most important responsibility for a man. You'll understand when you're married or live with a woman for a number of years. Or you can get a quick lesson by spending some time in Italy, or one of the Arab Gulf states.

>> No.49501536

sounds like you're applying for corporate globohomo jobs anon, find a small business to work for

>> No.49501539
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>Yeah everythings gone wrong. I keep having panic attacks, I've had a nose job and my nose looks bigger :(
>Keep self harming. Feel like self harming everytime i eat, feel hungry everytime i starve myself, had 1000 calories today and im just so ridiculously hungry.
>I hate how i look. I hate my job. I hate where i live. I hate being single. I hate life right now.

>> No.49501582

Reporting in
>Net worth JUSTED
>Cost of living JUSTED
>Career JUSTED
>Still too tired and poor to have kids, familial JUSTED
>Grandpa just turned 88, will likely pass away this year, is my last and closet grandparent = MORTALITY JUSTED

>> No.49501605

Go do something nice for your wife, and don't cheat again.

>> No.49501659

I love hearing about unvaxxedlets getting fired!

>> No.49501680

That's the plan bro. I've never seen the appeal in prostitutes (don't want to get ravaged by STDs), I hate strip joints, and I'm pretty sure that was the last ex left who still harbored feelings for me, so it shouldn't be too hard. Hope this early midlife crisis shit ends soon. Hate these endless bouts of violent introspection.

>> No.49501686
File: 778 KB, 900x900, bonbi crazy bitch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young wild pussy is just the damn best man. They always tell you don't stick your dick in crazy. They never tell you that crazy pussy is addictive like cigarettes and just always ends up being the best sex of your damn life.

>> No.49501699

>they respect whites
you are literally called a monkey and only get white monkey jobs

>> No.49501704
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lol another dipshit antivaxxer ruins their life. I like this thread. there's another story like this every couple posts.

>> No.49501716

everything is my life is fucking shit.
Only thing I have going is my 200k€ crypto portfolio. If I don't make it in the next run with that I will absolutely jump of this fucking building.

>> No.49501741
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>lost job a few months ago
>severance running out
>gubmint gibs ending
>no new job in sight
>crypto portfolio underwater
>all this free time, no gf or fuckbuddy
>lifts going down since I'm cutting
>feel eyesight going to shit since I sit at the computer all day
there's some good things too but that's for a feelgood thread

>> No.49501781

Painfully true. Nothing quite like it. Bipolar girls, borderline girls, daughters of really bad divorces... They have this insatiable desire to worship men. They'll literally do anything when they think they're "in love". It's fucking nuts. Other anons are right though. It's not wife material, and it's nothing you can rely on, but it sure as hell gets you hooked.

>> No.49501838


>> No.49501844
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lᵢₑf ₑₑₛ gᵤd

>> No.49501892

>200 people quit the hospital.
>No radiology department
>treatments delayed people died
>doesnt know the difference between antivax and anti-mandate
It was all worth it so some internet chud could get some lols.

>> No.49502016
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Not interested in that.
Like I said, normally I wouldn't react like that but given the situation it just really pissed me off and I took it out on her. I thought I was having an excellent job delivered right to me at a company that respected the right of their employees to make their own medical decisions only for them to pull mandate faggotry out of their sleeve. At least it felt good to cuss her out.
Fuck that, I'm not going back to that kind of shit work. Yes, I am too good for it. Yes, I am entitled to much better based on my experience and education and skills. Yes, homelessness is preferable to working a job I am grossly overqualified for and where all my coworkers are high schoolers and illegals and convicts. If I absolutely had to I could liquidate what I have left, buy some ownership in my friend's small business, start working with him and bet my future on that (an idea he brought up). He founded it a couple years ago, it's growing and he's a smart guy but I've heard so many stories about things going bad when friends get in business together I really don't want to do this.
You Big Pharma cock gobblers better hope you got the saline control group shots. Imagine willingly being a test monkey for medical experimentation and then assuming all liability for side effects because you were scared by fud from Wall Street and Democrats. And for what? Vaccination doesn't even work and unless you're 60+ or you have a shit tier immune system the coof is a nothingburger for you.
I have been mostly applying to big companies, but I'm also applying to a few small and midsized companies. The problem is my background/experience more closely aligns with positions available at huge companies than smaller companies.

>> No.49502920

Meds, take them

>> No.49503295

>lost fully remote job in December due to vax mandate
Based retard, fully deserved and kys

>> No.49503608

Another suicide thread. This makes 4 today. I'm going to take this as a sign that I need to buy more XLM, 0xMR, and ICP.

>> No.49504352
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Yeah, shit's pretty bad right now

>> No.49506417

open up your heart and let the pain go through it. or something gay like that.

>> No.49506502
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The bogpill is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be.. unnatural.

>> No.49506623
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we president now

>> No.49506659

Demoralization thread
Fuck off. I'm having a great day. This is the day to buy.

>> No.49506696



>> No.49506809

My life is pretty good, because I was born into a loving, stable, and wealthy family, who supported me my entire life. Now I work for the family business, living with my brothers in a house bought with family money, driving a company car. I don’t know how to do taxes or pay bills, it’s always been done for me. My life is a fucking Disney ride parody of the American dream and I, a pleasant mediocrity, deserve none of it. I sit here and watch the world crumble.

>> No.49506814
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It's actually pretty incredible. If I listed out everything in my life that is in shambles I would create a pretty compelling case for killing myself and I may just go through with it. Because on some paradoxical level I still want to live, I won't even list out how badly things are going. That's how bad things are going.

>> No.49506870

2022 been my worst year so far, And i had horrible years before