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49496697 No.49496697 [Reply] [Original]

$10k should be enough
i think it still has a chance to blow up
businesses and institutions are just starting to enter the crypto market and Hedera already has major companies like Google, IBM and UbiSoft on their council so they have a head start.

also all these companies have been funding HBAR foundation with billions of dollars all of which is being allocated by HBAR foundation to expand the Hedera ecosystem so technically Hedera still has a ton of room for growth

>> No.49496810

hbros i have $11K HBAR
AIGTMI? be honest guys

>> No.49496990

350k hbar is the absolute floor for suicide stacks
Make it stack is well above 1mil.

>> No.49497154

$1 EOY 2024
Adjust your make it price accordingly

>> No.49497275

Huh? The concensus (get it...) has always been 10k, 100k

>> No.49497287
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I deserve this pain.

>> No.49497769

this is just extreme cope from poor people, HBAR will never go high enough for you to "make it" off 100k. Even if HBAR magically hit $10 (it definitely can IF the next bullrun is utility focused.) Assuming there is another bullrun and crypto hasn't popped for the final time. That's still only $1mil. Face it, you'll always be poor unless you're still buying right now and trying to hit a sizeable stack.

>> No.49497797


SUI= 10k
MAKE IT = 9k

>> No.49497832

This shitcoin gets demolished every time btc shakes it
I know of reddit tier nonutility pow coins that didn't even flinch when hbar shits on the floor

>> No.49497971

yes. we hurt here.

>> No.49498030

So much cope. Love how every other coin, ftm algo xrp eth icp ada, has some strong opinion about Hbar, shits up all Hbar threads anywhere, and it’s like nigger, we don’t even think about you. Hbar will underpin everything, those shitcoins will never recover.

>> No.49498268
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>too pussy to say xmr

>> No.49498337
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>proves my point
Exactly. Hbarchads don’t even think about you.

To all the disingenuous shills, you have no idea what amazing things are coming. looks like Mastercard will run on Hedera. Fido alliance founder, Brett McDowell, runs Hedera’s governing council. Better stack whilst you can. Don’t even know why I’m spoon feeding you niggers.


>> No.49498355

Corpo tokens never blow up

>> No.49498447

Imagine placing a negative bet. You will rope.

>> No.49498600

>Don’t even know why I’m spoon feeding you
Silly anon, it's because nobody is buying and you are getting increasingly desperate

>> No.49498627

>lurking the Hedera thread, doesn’t hold the coin
Giga cope kek

>> No.49498644
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Does someone have Hedera frog memes?

>> No.49498676
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I am not holding either, not gonna, fuck you and your psyop. Go back to your SCP looking queer thought leader and tell him to fuck off back to the containment tank he escaped from.

>> No.49498687

You are using that word wrong, anon. What am I coping? That I didn't buy when the price was higher? Losing your own money is fine, but don't butcher the language

>> No.49498730

Hahah. Even has sage in his name fucking kek. Also false attributions are 100% cope.

>> No.49498799

Lol you realize some autistic made this as fud right?

>> No.49499867

nigga this shit is 5 cents

can you even math

>> No.49500062

with tangent finance up, any good projects I can gamble on?

>> No.49500111

I did some plumbing work on the Hedera office a few weeks ago. There was a leak on one of the angle stops in the bathroom. I go in to check out the problem and to my surprise Mance was working the front desk. I tried to introduce myself but he kept making ringing sounds with his mouth and picking up the phone and saying, “Hello future, this is Hedera, Zenobia speaking.” in a falsetto voice. This went on for about 3 more “calls.” Eventually he showed me to the bathroom which was just a homedepot bucket labeled “RETAIL” and a cheesy washbasin. Mance seemed nervous that I saw the bucket full of shit and kept glancing at it and nervously laughing. I did my work and gave him the bill. He kept trying to give me physical HBAR coins but instead of metal they were thin plastic. “WE’VE GOT 50 BILLION OF THESE BAD BOYS!” he said after I told him I can’t take them as payment. I just ended up leaving. Sold my bags at a loss after that.

>> No.49500234

Literally none one mentioned any other altcoin you dumb coping faggot, have fun holding to zero while leemon continues to dump on you

>> No.49500368

I missed those. Do you have the one with the iPhone that is used to add Apple to the GC?

>> No.49500472

A true suicide stack is 1 millionth of the network, so in Hedera's case that's 50k HBAR. (Maximum supply is 50 billion HBAR)

>> No.49500698

This. If a coin flexes any kind of corporate partnership it's dead wood.
t. XLM baggie

>> No.49500748

I looked up Hederas HQ on Google maps and decided to go there in person. I couldnt find it at first, the business at the address was a run down 7-11 that had one staff member and looked like they hadn't served a customer since 1994.

After walking around the block twice I finally went into the 7-11 and asked the cashier if he knew where the Hedera HQ was. He suddenly looked real scared but before he could say anything Leemon popped his head out of the back door and said excitedly, "Did someone say Hedera?!"

He rushed me into the storage room where he showed me his "server rack" which was basically a wire shelf for cleaning supplies. He had a MacBook which had HASHgRAPh SErVEr scribbled on it in sharpie.

At this point I was extremely weirded out, not just by the setup but also by the extremely nauseating stench of urine that permeated the room. I could only smile and nod helplessly as he showed me his collection of refurbished phones and electronics which were connected together with m2m 3.5mm jacks and splitters. He called it the aBFT network. He then asked me for my phone, and plugged it in too and was super excited because now he could say Apple was joining the council.

He then said he was working on sharding in the back room, which is where that horrible stench was coming from. I pointed at the window and shouted "Oh! There's MasterCard!" Before booking it out of the room at top speed.

I ran to my car and slammed on the gas and didn't look back. As soon as I got home I dumped all my hbar. I'm writing this on my iPad because leemon still has my phone and I'm too scared to try to get it back.

>> No.49500816
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I only hold my bag and these stories. They help with the pain

Ex-Hedera employee here. Guys, I can’t keep this in any longer. Last weekend I opened my Wallawallet where my tokens I get paid get deposited every two weeks and it was 0! The only people who have access are Leemon and Mance. I figured Mance was on another one of his “bathtub gin” benders and had ran out of money to buy prostitutes. I decided this was the final straw and it was time to confront him. I walked into his office and it had been cleared out besides some juniper, a semen and puke stained Hedera polo and a few wires that had been stripped of its copper hanging out the wall. I quickly ran to Leemons office and it was cleared out as well. There was a stack of VHS tapes labled “Townhalls” dated for future use and note left on his desk and it read, “Yeah….YEAH! It was really a pleasure to work with all of you. I guess the only gossip left to tell is Zenobia, Mance and I are moving on to the next set of suckers.” Below the note was a math equation and when worked out spelled 80085. I let the rest of the office know and we all got drunk on the gin Mance gave us for last years Christmas present. I ended up taking Zenobias office chair home. This thing will go to zero soon.

>> No.49500835

does hbar even have a stable coin? whats the point if there is no defi.

>> No.49501064

unironic retard, 80% of my portfolio is HBAR I'm just not delusional like you.

>> No.49501484

>I didn’t say what I owned so how dare you call us out even though we shit up every Hbar thread
Don’t get defensive, it’s obvious you own those pieces of shit. Kys

>> No.49501493

Buying HBAR now is absurd. VC money is flowing into near, avax, sol and Algo. If you want a globohomo coin then those 4 should be your top picks.

>> No.49501509

Nothing I said was delusional you lying sack of dogshit. Every. Singe. Time.
>here’s an a amazing usecase
>faggits fud and get btfo
>yeh but I actually hold it too h-huhuh, I’m just not delusional.
No you don’t. Kys. The guy who created Fido alliance is the chairman for Hedera. That isn’t a leap, that’s a fact you knuckle dragging retard

>> No.49501511

wait for saucerswap, should be up within 2 months is my guess

>> No.49501522

And yet, you’re here, in an Hbar thread shilling dogshit

>> No.49501523

kek, thanks anon

>> No.49501543

Funny how you attack people instead of addressing their posts when its something you can't refute. The exact same tactic used by Zenon shills on here. It's almost like it's the same people being paid to shit up this board for certain coins...

>> No.49501564

>you didn’t even refute my other coins that I’m shilling in an Hbar thread.
You didn’t even say anything. You’re shitting up an Hbar thread. Kys. Algo is resorting to bribing fifa top fucking kek.

>> No.49501565


slight sniffle

>> No.49501598

Been holding hbar since January 2021. I'm -60%. Anyone who thinks this is the coin is a delusional shit.

>> No.49501608

>I’ve been holding for x and since I haven’t made money this project is dead
Nice larp. Kys.

>> No.49501620

We can’t even have a single thread without fake fud from every angle from all manner of retards. They are truly fucking scared if they cope and seethe this hard. WAGMI hashchads.

>> No.49501626

Why would I lie about that? I fell for the same shit you did. $1 eoy etc etc... 18 months and all I've done is lost. Get real and don't be so emotional.

>> No.49501667

>because it hasn’t happened yet, it won’t happen
I’m not emotional I’ve reduced your logic exactly and it shows how retarded you are. This is plebbit tier retardation, so retarded it’s highly plausible you don’t hold the coin.

>> No.49502330

I don't hold the coin, so as as impartial outider, I tell you it's centralized shit. You're welcome

>> No.49502344

>it's the same system we have now with additional centralization and tracking, but it's (shitcoin)!

>> No.49502825

What about the one when Dr Lemon Beard visited Auschwitz for a day tour?

>> No.49503403

you're so cringe, you genuinely believe the rhetoric on a chinese knitting forum thread based around the crypto you hold will affect the market at all. look at the facts for once and stop coping so hard

>> No.49503458
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Sevo is my boy! :)
Yeah I don't even hold hbar anymore, but I have CyberShiba lol

>> No.49503692

You haven’t said a single fact. Calling someone delusion because they pointed out the fact Fido and Hedera guy is a fact. Kys you larping tranny

>> No.49503769

Shills are next level! Wagmi hbros. We must be on to something huge.

>> No.49503837

Nice projection retard
Hbar niggers are the ones who shit up all those threads
Cope harder

>> No.49503971

>he says while shitting up an Hbar thread
Nice try. Hbar is going to seize the enterprise market and dominate. You will dilate.

>> No.49505437

arent transactions on this way way down?
looks like its already failed if you ask me.

>> No.49506804
File: 117 KB, 1080x1062, F3C7B72E-3C2B-4B20-90D5-8D9BEF43A22A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last week I visited Berlin, it was a hot day so I decided to get some shade at the Holocaust memorial and pop a cold one.

While I was there I couldn't believe my eyes, I saw Dr. Leemon baird! He was surrounded by a group of people that all held their smartphone up and recorded him.
He was jumping from stone to stone, screaming and explaining how this is how the "Hashgraph" functions, and that every stone is a random computer, and that his jumping represents the gossip.

He proceeded to do this this for the entirety of the time I was there. Here is a picture I took, it was beautiful.

>> No.49506941
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Hedera is a force in the blockchain technology and its utility of protecting decentalised networks and applications from malicious actors is very crucial in the crypto space. Hedera is also one of the backers of the sports metaverse project which is the first of its kind that will create a digital platform where athletes can relate with their fans in the metaverse.

>> No.49507236

Anybody got the Hedera crash graph / hedera pink graph / pink wojak for me real quick?

>> No.49507244
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>also all these companies have been funding HBAR foundation with billions of dollars
Send source. Otherwise this is a lie. The governing council certainly didn't fund anything, they work on their own projects and herlp govenr the project. That's it.

>> No.49507301

Transactions are down because adsdax or whatever figured out how to bundle transactions, you're correct. Once atma and the coupon bureau go online it'll go up again

>> No.49507682

Nigga moon boi, this shit has always been a 5 year min hold for me.

Go buy a shitcoin if you wanna get rich in 5 min. I can math, hence why I invest the majority of my money in hbar rsther than other iso coins.

Nigga can you even think further than your ass?

The tokenization of the world isnt magic you nonce...

>> No.49507762

Nobody is buying because theyre either fearful, loat everything or too dumb to forego a few hours and a few dozen neurons to understand hedera ands its inplications...

>> No.49507804
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This is all I have,

>> No.49507934

Usdc is being railed onto Hedera thanks to Circle...

Hedera isnt a stablecoin, its the foundation for everything. Rather than USDC on erc, we now have USDC on hedera... once the jews come in to regulate, the USDT ponzi will wither away and remain relevant to only degens, whilst every reputable institution will be using USDC.

Watch the Json relay showing Hedera on metamask for a glimpse into a future without gasfees or wait times... you wanna send 5$ to Djobambe in Nigeria? No problem he will receive it in under 3 seconds and it wont cost you 10$ to send 5$.

>> No.49507965

Usdc is being railed onto Hedera thanks to Circle...

Hedera isnt a stablecoin, its the foundation for everything. Rather than USDC on erc, we now have USDC on hedera... once the jews come in to regulate, the USDT ponzi will wither away and remain relevant to only degens, whilst every reputable institution will be using USDC.

Watch the Json relay showing Hedera on metamask for a glimpse into a future without gasfees or wait times... you wanna send 5$ to Djobambe in Nigeria? No problem he will receive it in under 3 seconds and it wont cost you 10$ to send 5$.

Niggas here be straight up doubting the Doc whos already onto the next venture 10 years before the competition aka XR metaverse aka Swirlds fr fr no cap.

And now i multiposted like a retard but wtv,

>> No.49508349
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I only stack hashies.

>> No.49509199
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Last weekend I took my family to Peter Piper Pizza. The kids get to play around and I get to eat pizza, drink a beer and converse with my wife. Usually it’s a good time had by all. This time was a bit different. As I was finishing my 3rd slice of pepperoni pizza, my daughter comes running up to me bawling her eyes out. “Daddy, daddy! The grinch stole my skee-balls!” It was July so there shouldn’t be any Christmas things going on. I asked her to show me where the grinch was at. She took me over to one of the skee-ball machines and to my surprise she pointed at Leemon! He was standing on top of the skee-ball game, throwing in balls into the “100 point” holes and kept saying, “There’s another transaction for Hedera!” I asked him to come down and explain himself. Every time I tried to get a word out he just covered his ears and yelled “LALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU.” Eventually I got him to talk. He explained she was using the incorrect tokens for the game. He dug around in his pocket for an inordinate amount of time and produced a handful of HBAR tokens made of wood. He presented them to me and with his other hand pointed at a raspberry-Pi plugged into the skee-ball game and said, “She needs these to help run our node here at Peter Piper.” I slowly backed away, got my other kid and wife and we left. I can’t believe I fell for this scam.

>> No.49509246

Profit with Streeth? EZ!

> Mints & auctions iconic Street Art NFTs
> Team of eight with 50+ years of combined experience
> Completely secured personal Vault
> Audit by CoinScope

>> No.49509848

Delusion. Any network can do this shit.

>> No.49511035

How can one bet against this man I can’t comprehend.
He is a genius, it is so painfully obvious to me…
Am I going to make it?

>> No.49512145
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Aside from this, is the AllianceDEX still releasing on the Hedera network as said before

>> No.49513815

Never heard of it.

>> No.49513923
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Been saving this one for a while

>> No.49514086

I would hold her bags any day

>> No.49514126

I think that, after my wife divorces me from my crypto losses, the only other woman I will accept is a war-bride or battlefield trophy wife, which I have captured myself, like a Viking. I am going to shed all of the modern ways and return to the ancient roots of manhood.

>> No.49514144

Ethereum can't.

>> No.49514199

So tell us what you hold nigger

>> No.49514950

Who gives a fuckin about metaverse sports. So many better use cases you fuckin retard