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49497201 No.49497201 [Reply] [Original]

how can I profit from the fitness craze?

>> No.49497250

Is she okay

>> No.49497253

Steroids laced with MRNA modification so that you can own the gullible zoomers that roid to catch the fake FOMO. They will now be your genetic property, your unique slave cattle, as they are owned by YOU.

>> No.49497264


>> No.49497273


>> No.49497274

she still had one more rep in her

>> No.49497280
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>> No.49497281

Be skinny and wait for the dip till that's trendy

>> No.49497291

Just a little dent. It'll buff out.

>> No.49497304

Become a chiropractor

>> No.49497341

i think that's her kneecap

>> No.49497369

Looks like she purchased a one way ticket

>> No.49497399

Why do women weightlift?

>> No.49497479
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>> No.49497481


>> No.49497547


>> No.49497565

Sell clomiphene and become a personal fitness faggit.

>> No.49497566

short king at gym was just a guy betting against my lifts all along

>> No.49497574

Selling a home gym for a 3x I bought several years before covid

>> No.49497582
File: 373 KB, 785x1658, 719C8154-9150-46AA-BA99-C7AC175F5DE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a manger of a fitness studio that has tons of hot bitches come in ask me anything

>> No.49497588

my man accidentally hit noclip wtf

>> No.49497610

why post gore instead of the videos where the girls piss themselves ?????????????????????????????????????

>> No.49497619

do only roided chads get girls

>> No.49497631

of course not
only tall roided chads get girls

>> No.49497655

Holy shit anon, did all of his bones leave his body???

>> No.49497658

That's why I always skip leg workouts

>> No.49497722
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He ascended to the next realm of gains (TM)

>> No.49497748
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, 289AAEC2-0FE9-45D5-85BF-BD9D31987B4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No honestly skinny fat dudes are primarily the ones dating chicks, but the 9-10/10 chicks have decent or good looking men. I doubt they roid cause none of them are big but hey there’s a lot of faggots out there that roid to get to natty levels of strength cause they are lazy.

>> No.49497752

I can't even watch snapcity videos. My hands get all sweaty and my body randomly contorts.

>> No.49497765
File: 1.70 MB, 480x608, 1649289934451.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Dudes with personalities and confidence get chicks, 100 times out of 100.

>> No.49497781

Based boomer with a seething femoid

>> No.49497790

box squats are so fucking retarded. everyone who does them deserves this injury for refusing to just learn a real squat.

>> No.49497800

I never understood the boomer "hate muh wife" until now

>> No.49497997
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>based boomerang

>> No.49498100


> He's blowing himself again!

>> No.49498132
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Youre like 20 years too late

>> No.49498148

just open a gym, hire some instructors and allow use of phones inside, pretty sure retards will pay for that

>> No.49498185


>> No.49498317


>> No.49498417

God I forgot how brutal snap webms are fuck I miss /fit/

>> No.49498428

arent they better if you have shit knees tho?

>> No.49498525
File: 58 KB, 720x720, 1613014311541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao people who don't use the safeties properly are so retarded. If he had them set up like a rung or two below where the bar is on his down position he would've been fine. Even if this didn't happen how was he going to get out from under the barbell?

>> No.49498654

Lower, faggot

>> No.49498670
File: 139 KB, 1080x1111, 1645831279895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's where i put my phone

>> No.49498710

I think it's just a monkey bump

>> No.49499088

I want to have rough brutal sex with every girl I see wearing the olive green leggings at the gym

That specific colour is horny fuel

>> No.49499608

Tons of people already profiting from that by selling whatever revolutionary mix (actually just proteins + nutrients) that will max your gains x1000.

What I don't understand is why he didn't simply give up when he felt that it was too much for him ? Unless he simply passed out.

>> No.49499893

What happened when they found him afterwards?

>> No.49499907

Omg anon you can totally buy an nft sneaker for $200 and then make $4/day walking on a totally new and not at all collapsing ponzi named Stepn!


>> No.49500082

You think the position of the safeties was the main problem here? lmao

>> No.49500149

sex or gay sex, easy

>> No.49500212

in basically nothing, for some reason rich people are fat bastards

>> No.49500221

I know weed is legal now, but these new vapes have gone too far.

>> No.49500281

better focus on something else, the dog stuff is literally skyrocketing rn

>> No.49500514

if you have shit knees don't squat

>> No.49500594
File: 74 KB, 954x608, LETS GOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be better ngl

>> No.49500727

More snapcity please.

>> No.49501471
File: 3.32 MB, 434x498, gym.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gymcels are retarded
so many of them are dying now thanks to mrna modifications and I don't feel sorry for them I call it natural selection

>> No.49501476

So based

>> No.49501541

Fake and gay

>> No.49501569

girls go after whoever has a chad face and chad proportions like men go after pretty face and ratio

>> No.49501625

it's good for old people who can barely stand, other than that it's stupid as fuck

>> No.49501658

>box squats are so fucking retarded. everyone who does them deserves this injury for refusing to just learn a real squat.

They have a lot of value for beginners, imo. Using a box as a marker of depth until you have it trained into you.

Squats and WLing in general is dumb as fuck, though, really. Been right through that world and out the other side.

Cringiest shit ever.

>> No.49501682

Sell roid. Protein powder and drugs. I don't know how difficult is it to get drug license.

>> No.49501691
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I stopped taking care of the big fitness craze long ago. Just because i stopped having fun and enjoying actually working out. I think making a difference between your investments and your lifestyle is important.
For example im holding QOM and i still visit the gym regularly, but i wouldn't enjoy using apps like stepn or fitfi just because they force me to work out to make a living, not the other way around

>> No.49501696

Those are men.

>> No.49501770

it's not real, incels

>> No.49501988

dudes that aren’t jacked and shredded don’t have any personality, or confidence. hit the gym fatty

>> No.49501993

Anon have you heard of stepn? Its a great pronect sir

>> No.49503370

i only hit the gym for uncle adolf and to be fit and strong when the time comes, weakcels aren't going to make it

>> No.49503387

Bro I feel you but if you don’t know how to box you’re going to get your shit pushed in. Like your muscles aren’t going to help you if I close in on you and upper cut the fuck out of your chin.

>> No.49503424

Why do they never understand fun?
Maybe homos were right after all.

>> No.49503674

>/biz/lets aren't just blasting roids and fucking slam pigs every other day
You will be dead by 50 but its worth it

>> No.49503708

Cringe, kys

>> No.49503868
File: 6 KB, 170x206, 1343491329650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find some basic bitch routines and diet plans
>modify them slightly and give them cool names
>put your new plans behind a paywall
>make twitter account
>use random images of muscular men while posting about how your system is life changing and gets results
>buy bulk supplement powders, repackage them and sell them on your site
>rinse and repeat
the whole fitness industry is propped up by people who just don't want to lift no heavy-ass weights looking for a shortcut to gains. milk the shit out of them

>> No.49504023

Lift some weights, invest in bitdao, eat clean. It's a nice simple life.

>> No.49504024

I mean, there are clearly other issues, but safeties set higher would have put a hard cap on how hard his dumb decisions would have fucked him, you know?

>> No.49504680

Maybe, but you shouldn't be doing like 700 lbs

Beginners can easily do light weight squats and work up while focusing on form. Full range squats with good form is really hard and you should be really strong before you can even do 3 plate, let alone >500 lbs or w/e the fuck that guy was doing.

The safeties could be really high, right below the bar when hes sitting. But its just waay to much weight. Its silly and stupid. The risk of fucking up your neck, back, knees, or ankles isn't worth it when the exercise is mostly pointless.

>> No.49504760

>box squats are so fucking retarded

It's an actual exercise? I thought it was a chair

>> No.49504999

This unironically looks like it would work

>> No.49505198

looks like cgi

>> No.49505537

my mom and cousins are constantly buying "diet pills" and taking them hoping to lose weight while doing absolutely nothing to change their eating habits or workout and they wonder why theyre still fat as fuck. recently they started driving a 6 hour round trip to some 'fat doctor' that gives them a shot that will supposedly make them lose weight while doing nothing. wtf is that guy injecting into them

>> No.49505683

Correct answer. Women’s sportswear marketed on social media. Pay dumb women a few hundred dollars max on Instagram and TikTok to wear and promote your product.

>> No.49505729

>have awful form
>increase weight

>setting the safeties so low
>using a box that's too tall
>actually resting on the box

>squatting as a CGI guy
lmao why just increase your quad slider

>> No.49505739

this is unironically what at least 50% of "fitness influencers" or whatever you want to call them do

>> No.49505770

Repent zoomer

>> No.49506050

As a former heavy weight lifter, why do you assholes lift shit that's too heavy to do a full rep?

>> No.49506103

>I married this man.
The fucking face.

>> No.49506124

Fat brown Canadian here, I pulled girls when I was in school and out of school.
Women are fucking weird bro.

>> No.49506159

Mega cringe, you never fought, no a guy taller and bigger than you that can take a beating is gonna win over your skinny crack head ass.

>> No.49506575

Fucking faggot dyels shitting on the best squat accessory

>> No.49506878


>> No.49506950


>> No.49506972

You would know that if you ever were a ’’weight lifter’’

>> No.49507146

Women like fearless—driven men, those who are willing and able to do some wild ignorant shit and be unapologetically themselves while doing it, as much as they bemoan masculinity they still want it. It’s why women like rappers, why they used to like rockstars, it’s why druggies still get girls.
The reason why you’re not getting girls is because you’re boring. Stop being boring, start doing wild shit and the women will magically appear.

>> No.49507218

I'm bearish on "working out" and lifting altogether. I can only think of a hamster running in a wheel.

>> No.49507323

There are no muscles on your chin, dipshit. Plus, have you seen Deontay Wilder? The skinny "crackhead" guys are the ones that will turn your lights out.

>> No.49507324

The only thing that will "magically" appear is the police, fag.
>Women like fearless—driven men
This is true, though. No woman likes an insecure coward

>> No.49507397

This why I dont squat without a partner. Im fucking scared of something like this ever happening to me. I just stick to the leg press most of the time because of this phobia.

>> No.49507789

Wrong. Status matters most and that goes in and out of fashion quickly in a given culture what gives a man status in a normie woman’s mind. In general most women like a slightly girly looking man with solid masculine abilities and personality when it’s needed. It satisfies their dykey side without feeling too dykey.

>> No.49508087

newfag gym rat, there's no benefit to partial reps with weights you can't handle

>This why I dont squat without a partner
you've never squatted in your life bud. Even in the webm you can see the safety bars
All you have to do is sit down and the bars will catch the weight