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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49495888 No.49495888 [Reply] [Original]

>Link released the blogpost bc they aren't talking about staking and didn't want people to be disappointed. Instead they are making a big announcement, or maybe some huge news on CCIP or partnerships

>> No.49495906

Checked. Jpmorgan incoming.

>> No.49495913 [DELETED] 
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what a waste

>> No.49495928

Staking. CCIP. Enterprise Abstraction layer. FSS.

All coming this year.

>> No.49495975

Half of the year gone.
Nothing delivered.
Such is the masochism of the LINK baggy.

>> No.49495978
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>Jpmorgan incoming
JPMorgan is already here

>> No.49496024 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1652673085064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big things at Consensus. Blood and Fire.

>> No.49496042

based king thank you zachie

>> No.49496044
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>> No.49496050

Indirectly. The market hasn’t figured that out yet though.

>> No.49496065

tho I waddle in the shadow of Sergey I take no gains from my LINK holdings. Praise Zach, Incel King, deliver us from evil unto Truth aman

>> No.49496067

Remember Zack: What we do in life echoes in eternity. Your sacrifice tomorrow will not be forgotten.

>> No.49496248

Truth and Justice have come to Austin Texas finally, thank you based king Zach

>> No.49496281

They were going to announce staking but decided to frontrun everyone

>> No.49496307
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insider trading confirmed. the scandal that shocked crypto

>> No.49496787

Can someone explain this to me. I’ve been absent from social media and here for a bit and this seems to be popping up everywhere. Wtf did he do now?

>> No.49496811
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>> No.49496963
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I think I've figured out what the announcements are - DTCC and SWIFT integration. $1000 eoy (fud).

>> No.49497613
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it's the newest evolution of the tranny fud campaign after getting shit on by the staking announcement. linkies were right about everything, all of it, and so now the trannies' last line of defense is to fud the community and associate us with shootings/violence. bizarre

>> No.49497636

also it will fail, just like it always hass

>> No.49497867

based zach dont let me down bro

>> No.49497919

thanks king

>> No.49498669

thank you king based zach

>> No.49498706

You obviously haven't been around many projects and how they hype things. If this is bad then Oasis Protocol should be taken to the ICC.

>> No.49498911

one of you faggots better stream this or give us updates

>> No.49499163

Until a crypto is legally a security or a commodity, what law is he violating?

>> No.49499192
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Delete me again and you'll die tranny

>> No.49499198

thank you based king glad you're back