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4947645 No.4947645 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4947787

Why gold is valuable is pretty weird though.

>> No.4947830
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>Female logic

>> No.4947924

If gold is valuable because of jewelry, then doesn't that mean that gold is valuable because people want it to show off? Wonder if we could somehow show off our BTC to give them more value by making the normies jealous.

>> No.4947959

desu I only value gold because others still do.

with how everyone is addicted to their phones these days I think you really can show off your bitcoins.. it just hasnt caught on with normies yet

>> No.4947966

Have a hat with a QR code to your wallet for everyone to see

>> No.4948003

hat with led panel that shows your crypto wallet's value in real time

>> No.4948026

>desu I only value gold because others still do.
this is gold and btc in a nutshell
the ultimate ponzis
if gold was actually valued based on its use cases, i.e. looks and functions in modern electronics it would not be worth so much. but it is worth that much because of the memes

same with bitcoin
if it was valued based on its actual use, it would be worth a lot less. they are both the ultimate ponzis

>> No.4948042

>non reactive rare metal
>used in electronics
>used in jewellery
>malleable and divisible
>low melting temperature
Yeah really tingles my nogging

>> No.4948046

same with all of those others, they also only value it because everyone else does, that's the point

>> No.4948095

muh digital gold. Plebs dont realise gold has some utility ...bitcoin doesnt.

>> No.4948162
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This is true. Gold's "intrinsic" value is minuscule without its monetary value. The jewelry/art value would be almost nothing without monetary value, it would be a mere material among others; gold would no longer be the focal aspect of the piece. No aura of wealth, rarity, and value. Just a material among others.

Looks like Satoshi is right again! He's also right about Blockstream being based and that bigblockers are moronic faggots.

>> No.4948202

Being non reactive and malleable is the only things that "add" to the value of gold, and that's because it's easy to recycle and it will mantain it's mass for very long periods of time. The value if gold is artificially given by humans, there's nothing intrisic about it like a fucking computer. There's a why it was currency some time ago you retard.

>> No.4948244

That's the reason why*

>> No.4948254

It's valued based on rarity, together with fungibility and long-term conservation.

Once upon a time aluminium was also rare and people made jewellery and fancy cutlery from it.

>> No.4948262

It's true he came back from the dead only once to say adam back is the real satoshi

>> No.4948305
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>arguing with normie about bitcoin
>it is a STORE OF VALUE, you wouldn't understand filthy nocoiner
>uh, anon, your store of value just lost 15% since the start of your sentence

>> No.4948540

THINK for just one moment.
Why is it called JEWelry?
and why are every one of these fucks called

>Red pilled bro.

>> No.4949066

Got me thinking, what if we make some sort of challenge that encourages normies to buy BTC and show their wallet in their normie media? It would have to be something subtle that appears to only casually relate to BTC.

>> No.4949126

It also looks nice. My 18k Cartier wedding band looks fucking beautiful

>> No.4949129

and gold is valuable because it's rare
same for BTC

>> No.4949302
File: 3 KB, 640x400, rareandthereforevaluablepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pepe I just made is rarer than Bitcoin. You are now a millionaire anon.

>> No.4949411

>people speculate so much on it that it can't be used for something useful
>it's so valuable using it in products makes them more likely subject to tampering and theft

>> No.4949492

nsa is accumulating

>> No.4949698
File: 4 KB, 637x400, rarepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon, I just inflated your rare pepe by 100%.

>> No.4949729

Still rarer than Bitcoin. Sell NOW before it goes into hyperinflation.

>> No.4949761
File: 5 KB, 637x400, pepecounterfeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just counterfeited your rare pepe

Can you counterfeit bitcoin?

>> No.4949773

Gold is valuable because the Annunaki say it is.

>> No.4949862
File: 8 KB, 197x256, kinghenry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>King of England
>medieval society is only slightly more organized than anarchy
>I am the king and I can have anything I want
>I want gold
>If people bring me gold their lives will be less miserable
>Fuckers kill each other over the stuff
>Hundreds of years later the plebs still haven't forgotten

>> No.4949900

nice concise history of gold

>> No.4949904

I imagine a world where King Henry demanded human shit instead of gold.

>> No.4949909

You can't counterfeit (you)s coming from my ID, I'll give you ONE YOU, just please stop stealing my money!

>> No.4949911
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>> No.4949928


>> No.4949936
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>> No.4949941
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Now please stop stealing my money I can't afford to pay rent without it!

>> No.4949951

Gold is legitimately beautiful though.

>> No.4949966

that shit too deep for me my bros

>> No.4949980
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>> No.4950023
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Now this is a rare pepe!

>> No.4950041
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I recently bought my first gold coin. I can't describe it, but there's something primal about it. Like staring into fire. Or maybe I'm just a jew.

>> No.4950061

Are you sure it's real gold? Try to take a bite.

>> No.4950072

You like it because other people like it so it feels good to have, like a rare trading card. It's also shiny.

>> No.4950151
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>> No.4950214

yes, I am positive.

probably the shininess. I genuinely like playing with it and looking at it.

>> No.4950274

its rare, stays pure, doesnt rust and can be quite easily checked to make sure its gold.
its the perfect material for a physical currency that holds its own value.

>> No.4950300

im pretty sure there was one king who used notched sticks as currency and it worked

>> No.4950901

it's 'cause the fucking annunaki need to eat it to stay immortal