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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49490171 No.49490171 [Reply] [Original]

People can not afford to drive.
People can not afford to go out to eat
People can not afford to do anything
> Gas is $5+

It will be similar to the lockdown days, except this time its due to THE GREAT DEPRESSION.

Businesses will close due to lack of customers. This will spiral out of control rapidly unless there is massive bailouts.

>> No.49490191
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of course the bailouts will lead to hyperinflation.

>> No.49490224

Fucking based
Bitcoin orange id too

>> No.49490231


TG @gginubsc


>> No.49490277
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avg rent just hit $2,000 across the USA

>> No.49490379
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soon nobody will buy food. the grocery stores will be unable to sell food. 100% of the food will end up out back in the dumpster where people will get it for free.

>> No.49490406

when you hear about the high inventory at Target and Walmart this is next

>> No.49490484

I enjoy time in nature. Lockdows are for low IQ people. Catch me if you can

>> No.49490539

i work in the film industry and got an offer for a 3 day short film; i will lose money if i try to attend my job, so i have to reject it
>cost of living too high, can't get a hotel
>cost of travel is too high, will lose money travelling

>> No.49490732

>People can not afford to drive.
>People can not afford to go out to eat
>People can not afford to do anything
I drive, I go out to eat, and I do things.
What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.49490756

>incel that lives in his bedroom with his mom thinks the world is ending because gas is more expensive

>> No.49490769

all because of the flu. well done humanity

>> No.49490775

how much longer can you afford to do things. Gas prices are doubling every few months. Can you afford $100/gallon gas soon

>> No.49490786

>pay like $30/mo more in gas
>entire life apparently ruined
Imagine being this brainwashed

>> No.49490796

Try working on something that isn't a short film

>> No.49490799

clearly you don't pay rent. People are broke af

>> No.49490804

Good time to buy a sports car and drive on empty roads

>> No.49490838

> 64% of americans live paycheck to paycheck.
> increase in rent, gas, groceries by +30%
> = increase credit card debt by 30%
> credit cards finally start to max out

>> No.49490850

you in Vancouver or LA?

>> No.49490874

daily salary is 300 anon

>> No.49490954

curious how you got into the film biz. Are you jewish? honest question, cause the only person I know is jewish and not because of some /pol/ meme but because she has mad connections because of said early life section

>> No.49491090

a combination of stumbling into it and connections; bro in law is a grandchild of a former screenwriter from LA/NYC

i got onto a short film shoot through him without knowing anything; i was made a "spark" which is basically the guy that sets up lights on set

learned a ton of shit and put in a stupid amount of effort for that shoot and the producers liked me enough to invite me to the screening and keep providing more work; funnily that job i have to decline is for those very same producers
>some guy from sherlock in it
>some girl from black mirror in it
>some documentary composer that did some big stuff
kinda annoying that i have to turn it down since it would've been fun, but i can't work at a fucking loss, this country is fucked, the train alone would cost £40 a day, driving would be more, hotels are suddenly 200 - 400 a night

often enough productions will cover cost of travel and shit but up to a certain point, we've definitely broken the cost limit with recent fuel costs and hotel prices; there's a good chance the production company would cover SOME of the money spent but i'd still most likely come out barely even

>> No.49491144

This is what humanity gets for being so servile to lockdowns, a greatest depression.

>> No.49491209

>a sacrifice we must take to end covid
Are you ready for the headlines anon?

>> No.49491364
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>kinda annoying that i have to turn it down since it would've been fun, but i can't work at a fucking loss, this country is fucked, the train alone would cost £40 a day, driving would be more, hotels are suddenly 200 - 400 a night
yeah man, it's so fucked. It makes me mad that the people who are in positions of power are the least effected by it and look at you weird for being stressed out about this shit and not acting in pocket. Food went up like 60-100% where I live. I hope it works out with and you get to somehow make more films. I'm such a huge fan of movies.

One more question if you dont mind asking: I'd love to do some scoring for a movie or doc but I cannot into classical composing yet ( with classical arrangements etc.) but would be more interested in experimental stuff anyway. How would I go about contacting people without any connections? Just send some of my work to local tv stations? I have a day job and am doing my best to learn music theory to also be able to do classical shit too. I'm fantasizing about living off of creative work like you but for most people it's a pipe dream I'm realizing. Anxiety and stress is also a creativity killer so I'm wondering how you do it.

>> No.49491507

but we saved grandma
it was worth it

>> No.49491547

if you have no connections then it'll be extremely difficult and a very long process to try to make it, but if you truly enjoy creating things then that'll be a major strength in every other aspect of turning it into a profitable venture

while i don't have any experience on the music side of things, i can say that the best course of action would be to create anything and everything you possibly can and just release it on youtube AND ESPECIALLY vimeo (all the real talent and the money is on vimeo, youtube just helps for pleb traction)

learn to make music, maybe even get a camera to compose videos that could fit alongside the music and upload it everywhere; in terms of something like youtube: use your real name in the channel, upload the compositions as "copyright free" in the title and just manipulate SEO to ensure viewership chances

this will approach not just hobbyists but professionals looking for music on a tight budget, getting eyes on your work will be very important as it means credits when your work is used, you can create a website etc etc but make sure you say the music is copyright free providing you're given a credit

also ensure there's contact details on all your social medias that you create to again increase chances of people not just finding you, but being able to contact you for any reason that could be either shitty free work or actually paid

i can say for sure that even for the stuff i create for fun, finding music is insanely difficult because it's either expensive or requires a sub service to some trash like pond5; which brings me to another point: you can list your work on sites like pond5 where you'll get paid when it's used, the filmmakers with a little more cash do use things like epidemicsound or pond5, even netflix shows and docs rely on pond5 for sound effects and music

main thing though: keep creating things and keep finding ways to market it across everything you can, the first step is getting your name and work seen

>> No.49491569

also accept that making money from music in film will be difficult as fuck even if you "make it", so try to find ways to branch out to gain as much money as you can from it elsewhere, even if it means uploading to spotify or uploading to bandcamp and selling; ads on youtube if you get that far, etc etc

when i mean exhaust all options, really exhaust all options

>> No.49491595

Until she took the jab

>> No.49491598

Because of inflation I have to live with 3 roommates. I live in bumfuck Midwest not some high cost of living place. Granted I work a really shit job, for those of us at the bottom working some manual labor or retail it’s impossible to live without 3-4 roommates.

>> No.49491726


Thank you, man. Super helpful.
> copyright free providing you're given a credit

What does this mean exactly? Are you saying you're relinquishing any monetary gains you would get from your music being used just to build a following and get your name out there? I haven't looked much into the business side of things because there are lots of different laws for each country.

>> No.49491782

precisely that, the first step is building a portfolio, that will be useful for if you ever do want to send some production companies, radio stations, or others your work in chances of being hired, if you reach a point where you can build an audience and a folio, you can find ways to monetise it

your youtube channel for example can just be lots of different styles of music, ones around different emotions: fear, happiness, ambience, etc, anything someone would need for a production, and then if that gains traction you can monetise with ads, maybe create profesional packs for sounds/music which are paid with some free demo ones, etc etc

basically try literally everything

>> No.49491840

some rich guy not has 3 vacant homes hoarded to preseve his wealth

>> No.49491878

This nigga tryna find a job with a media studies gcse lmao!

>> No.49491914

get a room you two. this thread is about inflation and great depression. NOT ABOUT CAMERA JOBS. FUCK OFF

deadbeat hippies cant even afford a room i bet

>> No.49491933

anon i make more than most people do, this country is just so fucking expensive that i have to reject work because i barely break even or would work having LOST money that day
>thread about inflation and how it impacts people
>people discuss how it impacts people

>> No.49491947
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>precisely that, the first step is building a portfolio, that will be useful for if you ever do want to send some production companies, radio stations, or others your work in chances of being hired, if you reach a point where you can build an audience and a folio, you can find ways to monetise it

Ok I see what you mean. Thanks for the reply.
I wish you the best, man. Honestly I do not envy britbongs right now. The last time I visited my sisters in London about 10 years ago it already felt like America in that it was just as stressful minus the actual interesting cultural landscape surrounding it. Us and UK are always at the spear head of new neoliberal hellscapes.

Godspeed, fren. WAGMI somehow

I thought this was already the norm in the US. I visited Cali in 2019 and from what I heard from friends of friends it was normal to live with room mates in your 20s. No one who doesnt come from money can afford their own place, let alone a house.

>> No.49491955

>This will spiral out of control rapidly unless there is massive bailouts.
kek print some more

>> No.49491964

Jesus christ.
And here i was complaining while paying $800 for 2 bed room apart.


>> No.49491983

Most shorts pay bugger all. 300/day is very unusual. You supplying a load of kit that's included in that or something?

>> No.49492035

i don't work for students or fun films-from-home indie types, these shorts i work on have 40k~ budgets typically with crews of near 30, which is actually about right in terms of true film industry budgets for shorts of about 15 minutes in length

music videos are about the same, either budget is shit or it's stupidly high, i've done a few for friends on shoestring budgets and fucking hated it, here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qz4cAAwtv0

30~ people, shot in one day with a microscopic budget, still got paid a few hundred for it

>> No.49492253

Why is there such a massive disconnect between posts like OP and the real world

>HomeDepot and Lowes are completely full every single day
>Every local grocery store is packed all day long
>Walmart is completely full every single day
>Chain restaurants are busier than precovid and are only bottlenecked by lack of wagies
>Plumbers, electricians, and home renovators are book well into next year
>Rolex watches, Hondas, Teslas, and other major luxury brand have massive waiting lists that keep growing
>More iphone sales than precovid
>Video game sales are breaking records
>Mall is packed every single day
>Even shit stores like Macys and Sears are seeing sales increases
>More and more new restaurants and shitty hipster coffee bars opening every month

Even though there's a supply shortage, there's no spending shortage. I simply don't believe that everyone is living paycheck to paycheck. There's more money being thrown around than ever before. This obviously isn't all poorfags using just credit

>> No.49492308

>>Walmart is completely full every single day

walmart said their inventory is up 60%
Target too

so thats what this post is abouit. people stopped buying shit cus they are broke

>> No.49492323

>i'm the center of the universe and people who I don't see in my immediate vicinity do not exist!

Have you ever wondered why there was such a hysterical outcry from libs about these "whacky conspiracy" theories originating during covid lockdowns?
Cause deep down they were scared that these schizos were right and it was all a scam to consolidate power and money further. ( Pro tip: it was)

I'm noticing even more and more pretty well off upper middle class people getting uneasy around certain topics and fleeing into more mindless consumption that serves only as a bandaid for this bubbling, underlying anxiety that our living standards are steadily in decline.
Tl;dr: just because people are poorer it doesn't mean they spend less. You are not seeing the poorfags shopping like crazy but those middle class libs who shop not despite becoming collectively poorer, but BECAUSE they are collectively becoming poorer

>> No.49492376

People should start buying horses, investing in stabling, and oats.

>> No.49492400


unironically extremely bullish for stock market and crypto

normies will be inside, be saving money and have nothing to do. retail went crazy back during lockdowns and started investing like wild, its gonna be that again x5

>> No.49492421

hmm yeah good point

>> No.49492454

If you've been paying attention to the spending habits of people frequenting these places you will see they have changed even if they're still going frequently. People are starting to act real squirrely at these stores.

>> No.49492459

Lmao, have u leave ur basement yet?

>> No.49492514

dont forget, these globofags causing all this suffering on the world have adresses

>> No.49492525

Unless there is a bail out, no they will not buy ur dog coin because they need foods to live

>> No.49492550

dumpster diving has become trendy lately

>> No.49492603

I simply do not care.

>> No.49492623

I own a house and everyone I know that also owns a house and doesn't work at mcdonalds is doing fine, seethe and cope poor children

>> No.49492676


That's kind of their point, my dude. A full generation of zoomers and half the Millenials are priced out. The people at the bottom of the economy are still participants and their purchasing power contributes to the economies of scale that make mass production more efficient.

Some shit costs more, and because that shit costs more people can't buy as much other shit. This is a mathematical certainty, yet some how you deny it.

>> No.49492765

The desperate ones will

>> No.49493401

>he lives for the Hustle N' Bustle lifestyle
i just moved "innavoods" 9km to the shop. dirt road, granit and mud mixture from the vodka nigger engineer times.
>he doesnt know how it feels to drive a shit box that could kill you 160km/h
>he didnt take time to understand why this is in fact the optimal travel speed at those kind of roads
fuck all city bug men, you fucking suck ass. live on in your pod and eat ze bugs. dont like it? vote them out, sweaty. :)
>"Anon, dont you want a big milker virgin gf?"
>"Ah btw.. here Virgin means sucked dick drunk in a barn at 12"
either you love people who live truly their own lives or you dont see yet what awaits you.
anyway city faggets, eat my shit and pay my gibs while i farm by non - fluroide laced veggies, get my brotein from the neighboor, cut some trees for the winter etc. if you are in doubt, give it a try. everything is remote at this point and your life will improve when you meet real humans, not fucking bugs and cockroaches with their shit sitting in their head.
gnight sweaties, they say tomorrow you might not have smog kek

>> No.49493587

I think OP is British and the situation in the UK isn't fantastic for a number of reasons. Not apocalyptic by any means though

>> No.49494855
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>orange bitcoin bad

>> No.49495165
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I'll afford walking to get my Walken digital coupons.

>> No.49495231

>I enjoy time in nature.
>Catch me if you can.
Tonight, we hunt long pork.

>> No.49495957
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>dogs coins
weird shit, there are things like qom that literally call themselves "the shiba predator"

>> No.49496407

How come the old world looks so much better than what we're building today?

>> No.49497025

Fags BTFO. Please let me get my bite of burger, Uncle Klaus

>> No.49497052

Literally projection.

>> No.49497060

>get my brotein from the neighbour