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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 1400x1050, coinbase card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49488777 No.49488777 [Reply] [Original]

It looks like Coinbase will no longer be offering 4% back on their card. The maximum will now be 2% which makes it mostly worthless in comparison to other options.

They must be doing pretty bad if they can no longer offer 4%.

>> No.49488846

>They must be doing pretty bad
like bitcoin
like every other shitcoin
like the entire fake fucking economy
like you when you realize nobody's maintaining the reactors and stocked shelves are a distant memory

>> No.49488884

No need to get upset. I'm just giving some information.

>> No.49489022

what? they just sent me my month 'pick a new rewards' email but i planned to continue stellar for 4%, are you telling me this is no longer possible, anon?

>> No.49489077
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Yes. There is no 4% XLM anymore after yours expires. For me it expires tomorrow and my highest choice is 2% AMP.

I canceled my recurring USDC purchase which I used to pay for nearly everything.

>> No.49489392

wow im gonna check right now that would be pretty weak. i don't use it very often but on occasion. luckily my credit union has issued me their 'black' credit card which gets me 3% back every other month.

>> No.49489510
File: 62 KB, 850x612, wtfisthisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit, so you just like cannot pick stellar again?? i don't like this. it does offer me 4% on the graph shitcoin which i would be swapping out anyway. i also hold a lot of ATOM so tempted to go that route.

>> No.49489545

any crypto card that is available in south america

>> No.49489570

4% on GRT until tomorrow. That also expires June 10th.

>> No.49489585

>bought XLM on CB so I can move it somewhere else for what I want to trade
>CB now makes me wait four days to move instead of instantly like all the time before

Yeah, I think it's over for them.

>> No.49489606

Those expire like tomorrow.

>> No.49489714
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>> No.49489772

Last time the 4% rewards didnt show again until after expiration iirc

>> No.49489848

I don't give a fuck about cashback. I just want an easy way to pay with crypto

>> No.49489907

For what purpose? It seems like a terrible deal to pay with anything that is not USDC.

>> No.49489962

Usdc is crypto anon. If I were to cash out I'd have to wait a week and risk my bank accounts getting locked. Why bother?

>> No.49490004


At least until mid July when they renew the rewards. Hopefully the 4% comes back in some form, ideally XLM, but we'll see. I only got the Coinbase card about a month back, but not really much reason to use it now if the 2% back matches my Double Cash.

>> No.49490006

Ah gotcha.

>> No.49492251

cash out from an atm, you retard

>> No.49492277
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>> No.49492449
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>The maximum will now be 2%
I took the 4% GRT and held, ended up with 2000+ GRT which halved in value during the time I held so I basically have 2% rewards anyway. I switched to BTC 1.5% today as the bull run is starting today so that will most likely be 4-5% by year end anyway. My GRT will also appreciate so maybe that will end up being more like 10%. Idk, I trust the staff at CB to treat me with great rewards and good advice, and I know for a fact that my GRT and AMP stacks haven't lost 90% of their value due to the constant sell pressure from all these rewards. I'm happy since I'm closer to owning nothing. Oh, I have to run, my bug sandwich just finished microwaving and made a small mess of the whole thing.

>> No.49492469

Don't forget that the 2% is in AMP a super shitcoin.
So it's really 1.5% back in BTC...

Atleast the XLM has its own chain with super cheap fees. I'll still keep using the coinbase card since I can pay my credit card with it. But yea there doesn't seem to be anything better.

>> No.49492487


Possibly, or possibly GRT is about to take the fuck off BOOOOIS

t. accumulated like 7k GRT by just paying rent, car payments, and insurance with the cuckbase card since last year

>> No.49492509

Nope. Pick your new cashback tomorrow

>> No.49492544

Lmao GRT


>> No.49492559

when will you retards stop falling for these crypto cashback cards? All of them end up reducing it to pointless levels.

>> No.49492571


na man more like



>> No.49492573

Coinbase about to lose a bunch of users for this.
I'm waiting patiently for CryptoXpress to roll out their crypto cards next quarter which is expected to have a much higher cashback percent.

>> No.49492658

It's not like it costs money. People did get their 4%.

>> No.49492692

What's the point of using a crypto credit card in burgerland when it must be a royale pain in the ass to file taxes on that shit?

>> No.49492748

Yeah Coinbase will lose users for sure, same thing happened with Cryptocom and they felt it hard.

Would be nice to see new projects giving them a run for their money.

>> No.49492750

Still seems like the best crypto card.
Has anyone found anything better? Gemini gives you 3% on dining but I never eat out

It's a debit card.
You only have to deal with taxes if you sell the crypto.

>burger who loves the coinbase card

>> No.49492775

idk I just linked coinbase to turbotax and it did everything automatically
there's no capital gains or anything for USDC

>> No.49492817

Credit card rewards are irrelevant to taxes. You don't file non-crypto cards rewards on your taxes. It's not any different.

>> No.49492849

That's how new credit cards always work. They make special offers when the new card launches, then lower it to mediocre levels once the hype dies to cash in on the userbase they've built.
This is really just a common business model for almost everything nowadays.

>> No.49492862

Would agree, the idea of monopolizing things in that aspect wouldn't sit right with me. It's good news for Xpress in that case.

>> No.49492878

I've gotten $2k cashback since it launched. Oh no, guess I really fell for it huh

>> No.49492931

meh, bullshit:

capitol one savor - 3% on groceries, 4% on restaurants
citibank double cash - 1% on everything, 1% when you pay it off
discover - revolving useful 5% (gas, groceries, etc.)
bank of america - your choice 3% categories (can swap whenever you want)
so many cards out there give you a nice teaser, if you have good credit you never have to pay full price for normal shit ever again.
you must be a financial retard not to know this shit, dumb nig

>> No.49492960

Damn I hope the gravy train isn't over. I easily make over $60 a month on the 4% on spending I have to do anyway.

I've been looking at Voyager and Uphold as alternatives but I'm probably just stuck with the 2% unless they sneak the 4%'s back in there. That being said I've only ever had positive experiences with Coinbase and Coinbase Pro so I'll probably just deal with it unless a superior debit card comes out for US customers.

>> No.49493005

https://blog.metalpay.com/metalpay/the-new-metal-pay-credit-card-crypto-cash-back/ Keep a eye out on this one, might be pretty good at launch.

>> No.49493072

I'm checking them out, any substitute with better cashback percentage now is worth considering.

>> No.49494289

Voyager card chads it’s almost our time

>> No.49494477

bull SHIT, proof?

>> No.49494575

I just got approved for my first credit card. All because the old woman at Kohl's pressured me into getting a Kohl's card when I was buying some slacks for work. I paid the pants off right there, my credit score jumped 80 points now I can get an actual card. This credit stuff is easier than I thought.

>> No.49495303

I've been using their direct deposit feature to convert my paycheck to USDC and have been living off the Coinbase card for almost a year now...And as much as this cashback rate reduction sucks, I'd still much rather have 100% of my money in the crypto ecosystem instead of some gay bank. Coinbase has become my "checking account" and Freeway my "savings account"

>> No.49495351

Well at least someone trusts the crypto ecosystem unconditionally...

>> No.49495846

Coinbase card is still a card that can be used as debt and you can receive cash back like credit. I pay my housing costs on it (does not accept credit; debit is free with no tx costs) and I get $ back w/ no strings. So still some value... Though I agree 4% is obviously a ton better

>> No.49495981

>You only have to deal with taxes if you sell the crypto.
What do you think you're doing when you spend crypto?

>You don't file non-crypto cards rewards on your taxes. It's not any different.
Regular card rewards don't change in value. If the coins went up in value since you got them, then you made gains when you spent them.

>> No.49496153

Do they have any referral bonuses?

>> No.49496385

Me and the wife were paying our $3k per month rent with it because we can't use credit card.

The 2% is okay for rent, but everything else i can do with a card. Maybe they roll the 4% back in next month with stellar again?

Also, has anyone figured out a way to absolutely abuse this shit? Spend the 2500 per day spending limit. Recoup the money and put it back on the card while keeping the rewards?

>> No.49496508

Kek bet most of you laughed at CRO card holders. Get fucked.

cro is better

>> No.49496576

How long does it take for CDC cashback to come in after a successful payment? Did I miss out or is this just their version of the day long "Pending" status for Coinbase card transactions?

>> No.49496663

Only taxable if you spend anything except for usd or usdc

>> No.49496688

>Just lock up $40k for 6 months bro!

>> No.49496708
File: 598 KB, 663x530, peakbubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the shitcoin bubble is collapsing who would have thought
Get in when BTC is at 2k, yes 2k, not 20k.

>> No.49496870

How does any of that refute my point?
All of those returns are limited to specific categories or have some kind of cap. There's no single card that perpetually gives 4% off on ALL spend.

Personally I sign up for a new card every 3 months and rotate bonuses for ~10% off everything I buy, but in the context of someone too lazy to do that the rewards landscape is different. For someone too lazy to even run more than one single main card, the best they can get is generally 2% back cards like citi doublecash, with the exception of a few niche things like bank of america's 2.6% return when you deposit 100k in their bank.
Tying up 100k for an extra 0.6% probably isn't worth doing with inflation near 10% and bank accounts yielding near 0%.

>> No.49496954

>Personally I sign up for a new card every 3 months and rotate bonuses for ~10% off everything I buy

Can you tell me how you are hitting 10%? That is substantial. 5% on a specific category plus something else?

>> No.49497155

not out yet, so cannot say.

>> No.49498420

I don't know anything about their card and 4% incentive, but the reality check is that all startups are cutting costs to prepare for bad economic times.
Many are postponing their IPOs because the market are dried up. Some are laying off people. And Coinbase happens to think that their 4% incentive isn't worth the cost.
There's no reason to believe they can ignore their operating costs if they're successful, and likewise measures to reduce their costs do not imply that they're unsuccessful.

>> No.49498497

>2% to give them exit liquidity
goybase is cancer, i only begrudgingly use coinbase pro to deposit from my bank.

>> No.49498637

whoooaa guys we got a big player here