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File: 435 KB, 4096x2253, usebitcoin-4096x2253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4948745 No.4948745 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is going to continue going up, keeping your money on bitcoin is the smartest thing to do, for some reason all you jealous retards at pol have so much hate for crypto currencies and would rather have your money controlled by a (((bank))), its not too late to invest, just stop hating, its not a bubble and it will never burst because each fucking week 10 million wallets are created, keeping your money on other investments like gold is stupid, because gold does not increase in value, it has the same value but the dollar is going down in value which is why it is worth more dollars, so stop fucking hating, join the crypto revolution, its not too late

>> No.4948746
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>> No.4948747
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Jews are on suicide watch.

>> No.4948748

Normal fags are going to destroy our best chance at shitting on the fed, taxes, and regulation because they are too worried about short term monetary gain.

>> No.4948749

Bitcoin will be replaced by other cryptocurrencies

>> No.4948750

Bitcoins = tulips

>> No.4948751

Moar like bawww coin

>> No.4948752

No 20 dollar transaction fees when it doesn't even have a single use case is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.4948753

that is why i bought me some litecoin yesterday and i will invest in bitcoin cash too

>> No.4948754
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>being jealous of a highly unstable currency.

>> No.4948755

You're being either a dishonest shill or are really ignorant. I hope for your case it's the former.

>> No.4948756

This, bitcoin value is based on never selling it. Please don't sell, only buy. I've been trying to unload btc for weeks you fucking normies need to buy

>> No.4948757

>Being so jealous he responds this way

>> No.4948758
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>not buying illumianti coin
enjoy the fiat crash plebs

>> No.4948759

>Bitcoin becomes stronger the more it os adopted
>normalfags get out REEEEEEE
WTF do you really expect btc to thrive without adoption from the mainstream costumer market?

>> No.4948760

I'll buy on the next dip.

>> No.4948761

Other currencies for common transactions, but Bitcoin will remain the gold standard in crypto for a long time.

>> No.4948762

theres no saying if the next dip wont be higher than its current value

>> No.4948763

Litecoin is probably a good alternative.

Bitcoin cash seems to sit there doing nothing.

>> No.4948764

> t. Pajeet bagholder

>> No.4948765

>I've been trying to unload btc for weeks
Are you retarded? I'm assuming you mean unload for USD. Use it like it's meant to be and buy something that retains or will gain value.

>> No.4948766


Can I buy anything other than useless fiat with bitcoin?

>> No.4948767
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this, (((MSM))) is doing all they can to discredit crypto currency because they are simply told to do so by their masters.

>> No.4948768

Nah, the smart thing is to spread the risk of losing your property.
Putting everything in bitcoin is a mug's game.

>> No.4948769

man those Chinese sure can mine crypto!

>> No.4948770
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>> No.4948771

This is the dip...

>> No.4948772

Yes. What do you want to buy?

>> No.4948773

This is the biggest problem with buttcoins. The valuation is completely bogus speculation and it's very hard for someone with hundreds of BTC to pay for real world needs.

$1000 on Monday though.

>> No.4948774
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>coin is highly unstable

> people have to shill for others to buy it high

> tfw no one wants to use your coin as tender

> tfw when even Steam dumps it

It might have been worth it if I bought it back in the day for cheap, but buying now is complete idiocy. It is NEVER a good idea to buy high.

>> No.4948775

I am Jelly. I had the chance to buy in or mine way back in the beginning. Probably could've put about 20k into the venture. But instead I blew the money on nonsense, and never got to mining. But I don't hate on Bitcoin.

>> No.4948776

That's it? You're trying to exchange btc for $1,000 USD? You can easily do that through plebbase.

>> No.4948777
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Of course anyone is jealous of those that invested early, or just a year ago. But I'm not jealous of those that sold early and are now psychologically ill because of their mistake, or the ones who will buy too late and pay for the bubble and will ruin their assets.

I'll stick to index funds, thanks.

>> No.4948778

honestly, someone explain how this poorly scalable shot can be so valuable?

>> No.4948779

I bought litecoin yesterday too. Charlie Lee seems like a genius and a good dude that's not driven by greed.

>> No.4948780

Unfortunately, I'm cursed. Every time I invest or really think of investing in something, it crashes. Every time I divest or dismiss something, it goes up. Logic does not seem to apply, just always how it works when I get my money outside of hard work. With this knowledge, I dismissed bitcoin and made some very 'anti-trump' investments. My power of curse amplifies his own and paves the way for the future. Although solely to my detriment, it must be done. I'm human though. I've recently caught myself in the thought, "I should have got some bitcoin back in 2012". You can tell when these thoughts were strongest by the dips.

>> No.4948781

nocoiners are literally suicidal

>> No.4948782

BHC is on the top 5 right now, bitcoin is by far the most versatile, litecoin is doing really well and its good for minor investment, the trick i do is every time BTC hits an all time high is cash out and buy LTC, because for some reason LTC and ETH dip when ever BTC hits high, something i notices, BTC is up 2000% this year but LTC is 5000$.

>> No.4948783

I don't have crypto.
There's nothing I want/need to buy that accepts it, or is only available with crypto.

>> No.4948784

anything on silkroad

>> No.4948785

Yeah they sperg out in rage, yet they're too stupid to see that this is only just beginning

>> No.4948786
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>> No.4948787

the jews fucking hate it, because it will fucking destroy their beloved banks dafuq are you talking about ? bitcoin was made by a jap

>> No.4948788

The blockchain is the Internet. Bitcoin is Google, Amazon and Microsoft combined. The year is 1996.

>> No.4948789

it wont thrive for one reason, now that the normies are in it'll start to flatline. it could double a couple more times at most, but unless enough infrastructure is built around the useability of crypto before that point, the bigtime investers will dump and kill the whole market.

>> No.4948790

please grow up

>> No.4948791


>> No.4948792
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Satoshi Nakamoto is an anagram for...

A Hook To Satanism

>> No.4948793

>everyone is saying bitcoin will flatline
>bitcoin cucks keep saying that it wont and that only retards dont buy bitcoin
>multiple reports and statements that its becoming harder to cash out/multiple places stopped accepting bitcoin
>bitcoin cucks keep screaming for people to buy bitcoin

Idk sounds like some ponzi scheme/pyramid scheme shit at this point where the fag ringing your doorbell is trying to recruit you into amway just so you can dump a bunch of money so he can finally ditch this failed venture of his

>> No.4948794

All it takes for bitcoin to make it, is for people to be able to do their groceries, fuel up and make impulse purchases IRL wherever they go, using bitcoin.

>> No.4948795

Everything grows except the weight of my cyber wallet and my tolerance for leftists, ahmed.

Really, I could move to the desert, invest in drinking water and still lose out. Jokes aside though, I hope you have some bitcoin and it's treating you well.

>> No.4948796

Daily reminder bitcoin has already suffered multiple 51% attacks, which have been relabeled “hard forks”. It is a shit technology and control of it can literally be purchased, especially as mining becomes so useless the “currency” becomes untradable

Reminder you actually don’t know fuck all about bitcoin; you just agree with whatever you are told in an authoritative manner as trained by your public school.

Reminder all the exchanges have no legal responsibility to you, as you agreed to their TOS which waived your right to civil suit and acknowledged that they don’t owe you fuck all if they decide to turn the site off (or for any other reason).

Reminder this is the future you chose

>> No.4948797

That's why flatlining is a good thing. The high transaction fees are not.

>> No.4948798

Ignorance is a renewable resource.

>> No.4948799

bitcoin devalues countries economies by avoiding tax and unregulated international transactions.
Only reason you faggots defend it is because you don't want your precious ponzi pyramid to come crashing down.

Can't wait till the governments of every country put in regulations and see anons crying about the amount of tax they owe (assuming the pyramid doesn't implode before)

>> No.4948800

the cashout/transaction fees are so high because Bitcoin is not yet believed to be stable. it is somewhat true. bitcoin is not really worth what it is advertised.
>listed bitcoin price is 16k
>sell said bitcoin and end up with 13.5k after taxes and fees if you are lucky.

>> No.4948801

It won't be stable until it the market cap plateaus and os large enough that no individual/group whale can afford to manipulate the market by much.

>> No.4949055

>takes an entire day to process a transaction
>transaction costs $15
>i-its a currency! I swear!

I dont think pol is mad. I think they are exasperated that this ponzi scheme is being marketed as something it is not. Pol would love bitcoin, if bitcoin actually did what was advertised. But it doesnt, so they mock it for being what it actually is: a money making scheme.