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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49487402 No.49487402 [Reply] [Original]

after getting btfo by the surprise staking blogpost, the era of the discord trannies has come to a swift end. please join me in a moment of silence.

>> No.49487421
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>> No.49487424

They don’t deserve a moment of silence

>> No.49487443

Press S to spit on their graves

>> No.49487448

None of those are true

>> No.49487451

Replace CCIP with On Demand Liquidity and it makes much more sense.

>> No.49487462

quiet please, it's time to pay our respects

>> No.49487473
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>> No.49487517
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>> No.49487535

It’s like the token not needed fud evaporated the second the token became needed more than we anticipated.

>> No.49487557

They have failed utterly. All that effort for absolutely zero results. Fud'ing to their last dying breath. We always knew their ignominious end was inevitable. They scurry away like rats at the dawn of a new day.

>> No.49487564

The token still isn’t needed, only ogs stack are needed then it will get slashed making it not needed

>> No.49487585
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I'm not a "discord tranny", I just wanted to accumulate cheap LINK like the OGs. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.49487586
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>> No.49487645
File: 2.41 MB, 1228x1649, HEVVYsml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their final shrieks of pain and confusion were music to my ears. Delusional, narcissistic retards of the highest order, they will not be missed.

>> No.49487649
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love this meme

>> No.49487709

QRD who actually listened to the token not needed fud? Aren’t you giving these preschoolers more attention than they deserve or am I missing something?

>> No.49489388

Everyone look at this seething discord tranny. You can almost hear it screech with its insectoid voice.